Dark Future: Blood Red States

Dark Future: Blood Red States


Overall, it’s a decent game with great visuals and works well as a “play for a couple hours at a sitting” arcade game. If you pay attention to the developing story, it gets a lot more interesting. Take the time to read everything; it’s worth it, and begs you to stick around for the next chapter. Some of the mission types are a little ugly and grinding, some are great, but in general it’s more fun than not.

Full Review:

I have about 28 hours of playtime during the Beta weekend in addition to the hours playing the release version, so this review takes some of that into account as well.

Real player with 59.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Automobile Sim Games.

Based on a board game from the 80s, Dark Future: Blood Red States is a tactical car combat strategy game set in the near future in an American wasteland ruled by a number of warring factions with armoured cars with big guns. The game consists of multiple seasons, with each season seeing you assume a new role fighting for or against these factions. With each season, you have a choice of missions to undertake, be it Escort missions, where you have to escort a vehicle a certain distance, or to just kill as many opponents as you can.

Real player with 53.6 hrs in game

Dark Future: Blood Red States on Steam

Train Frontier Classic

Train Frontier Classic

This is a completely awesome release of a former xbox 360 game. If you played it on there, you should definitely play it on PC. Reasons? Multiplayer is doubled; Now eight players can share a layout. There appears to be NO MEMORY LIMIT for placing of tracks and objects - I am guessing that this is entirely dependent upon your system memory. The only limit seems to be the soze of the ‘world’, and that seems t be about the same size as it always was.

If you haven’t played this befoe and like fun train games, then give this a go. Its not a serious sim, but it is tremendous fun, and some truly awesome ‘layouts’ can be created amd shared with those that ‘visit’ your layout. Loads of locos and rolling stock included, but you must make your consist before you take to the track, and you cannot currently uncouple your consist, and can only one one train in solo mode - however, the playing fun of this is definitely in the Multiplayer Mode, and in teh hours you can spend building your layouts, which is both fun and easy. Five stars out of five!

Real player with 269.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Indie Games.

EDIT: This game has been abandoned, buy at your own risk.

[This Games 3rd Review]

As Somone Who Has A Love for City Builders and Trains, This is great, and The Best Train Builder/Ridder So Far I can tell, Also Looks Great, Good Assets, Good Trains (Could Be More), No Lag i7/8gb-ram, Fun and Adictive, Im Building a World Where Trains Go Thru Cities, Another Great Thing is The Building, And Easy!


Trains/Assets and All that: 8.5/10 - Could Be More, But Its Early Acsess so It Doesn’t Bother Me :)

Real player with 56.9 hrs in game

Train Frontier Classic on Steam