Mordheim: City of the Damned

Mordheim: City of the Damned

Hi all,

I will present this review in different segments depending on if you are:

  1. a GW fanatic and preferably familiar with the Mordheim Tabletop game. (GWF)

  2. A general fantasy/tactics lover (GFTL)

  3. everyone else (EE)

First the TL:DR version:

  1. a GW fanatic and preferably familiar with the Mordheim Tabletop game. (GWF)

You have been waiting for this game since the first time you critted the Ogre mercenary. It’s here. Go buy it. Oh wait, its not a straight conversion like BB? Hmmm. Well then have a look below to see if this adaptation is for you. Yes there are some bugs and yes the AI is not great, but this is meant to be played vs friends anyway right?

Real player with 874.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Turn-Based Games.

I know the feelings about this game are very mixed but as far as I am concerned it is perfect. The difficulty is the kind of unfair that requires you to think about every move you make, even one attempt to cut a corner and you’re punished severely.

I’ve played a fair bit now and from the negative reviews I’ve read alot of people seem to dislike the hardcore nature of the game. I can appreciate why but I don’t think anyone was ever mislead about how difficult this game would be or the penalties your units face for going out of action in a mission. This is almost a roguelike RTS, the best thing about this game is that you use the environment as part of your strategy to out manouvre the far superior enemy, lock them down and beat them into nothing.

Real player with 749.8 hrs in game

Mordheim: City of the Damned on Steam

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

I earned myself a Vermintide steam key after winning a review contest for a local gaming community with my written work on the classic grand strategy of Rome: Total War. I played Vermintide for the first time in the winter break of 2017, thinking that it will offer a few hours of good fun with friends over the holidays.

This game changed my life. To say that the developers at Fatshark have poured their souls into this title would be an understatement. For me it rightfully has a place in the hall of timeless gems such as Quake, Thief: The Dark Project or SOMA. It has not only provided me with great value for my time and a sense of accomplishment as I learned its various facets and overcome all of its challenges, but at a human level it has allowed me to connect with people who have become some of my best friends. For this alone I could offer nothing but praise to this game.

Real player with 1727.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Co-op Games.


Left 4 Warhammer.

A hectic fast paced hack and slash action game intended to be played co-op with friends. You play one of five characters each with slightly different play styles and each with a variety of possible weapon choices unique to them. You play through missions with simple objectives and recurring crescendo events against a horde of rat men, finding supplies on the way. You get a random piece of loot after each mission. Weapons can be upgraded/broken down/crafted with the Shrine and Anvil in the inn lobby.

Real player with 883.3 hrs in game

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide on Steam

Warhammer Quest

Warhammer Quest

It’s an OK game but sadly when I play this I can only see the wasted potential of what could have been and the way it could have expose to others the warhammer fantasy universe like the Warhammer Quest (which this game is based on), Warhammer Fantesy Battles wargame or the Warhammer Roleplaying Game.

This game is a basic dungeon crawler where you explore the dungeon and kill monsters in order to reach to the final room and receive some rewards like items, gold, items and experience.

The game fall short in the amount of the random events you may encounter while dungeons crawling and sadly most of those events have negative outcomes so you will most likely try to avoid them if you can.

Real player with 182.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Board Game Games.


A poor implementation of a great board game.

It’s fun at first, but the developers have managed to take a great board game and turn it into a grindfest. It’s as if they were trying to make a free-to-play money pit game. To pile insult onto injury, the PC version is a crappy port of the mobile version, with clunky, painful keyboard controls, no option for remapping keys, and a ton of unnecessary clicking.

Ways the Board Game is Superior

  • You don’t have the absurd equipment restrictions of only being able to equip/ready 12 items, and, even more stupidly, only four of each tier (there are no item tiers in the board game). Access to bandages and provisions is critical to surviving the board game early on, but access to them is artificially (and absurdly) limited in the video game.

Real player with 87.6 hrs in game

Warhammer Quest on Steam



I’ve played total war games since Rome and I have to say that yes, it’s BS that you have to pay another 60 bucks (easy) to get the “full experience” and even MORE SO to pay 4 flippin dollars for BLOOD EFFECTS in a TOTAL WAR game; yet with that being said, this is probably the most epic, amazing, awesome game that I have in my library thus far- can’t tell you how many times I banged my head against inanimate objects before taking a step back and appreciating the algorithmic-type cunning that the AI uses against you; as well as the deep and engaging gameplay aspects- morale has always been a thing but steamrolling an entire Orc Waaaaagh by concentrating fire and having nearby units re-charge the lines, close to routing, themselves- is fantastic.

Real player with 408.1 hrs in game

It’s worth the money and a little more

Real player with 289.8 hrs in game

Total War: WARHAMMER on Steam

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

I’ve stumbled upon this game back when it was in the beta times from 2018 while watching a twitch streamer try it out and at that time I would never even have guessed that it had this much to offer and how much it means to me now.

From a game that was originally meant to be played for approx. 80-100 hours, this game has more creativity, beauty, lore, depth, personality, care and charm than any other live service games I’ve seen over the past years. It is so much more than meets the eye at first glance, this honestly is a piece of art hidden in plain sight, and all it needs.. is your attention towards it. The time you can spend with it is already insane and while you are getting used to it’s flow of mechanics such as mastering a high skill ceiling combat, movesets, movement, item management, becoming a team player, taking in the enviroment and what’s around you is going to test your patience. But that’s a good thing. Learning is afterall more.. effective and rewarding that way. Times when you turn philosophical and ask “why is this the way it is?" , “what’s the reason behind this?" , “what is happening exactly?" becomes more frequent. That of course, is if you are curious enough. Once you start going down the rabbit hole of exploring and unraveling the many secrets, depth and insane detailing of the game you start to realise that this is a psychological mental trip with details so tiny, that some may never even be mentioned.

Real player with 1495.7 hrs in game

Great coop-focused game that’s set in the Warhammer Fantasy universe.

But even for people who’re complete strangers to this world it’s a satisfying game to play.

If you’re in for some tense firstperson hack & slash action, while at the same time you develop your character(s) and make them entirely fitting your playstyle(s), then this game is definitely for you.

Thanks to the addition of the Chaos Wastes mode, which packs another 40 Gigs (?) of action in an entirely different gamemode, it’s pretty much two games in one.

Real player with 713.6 hrs in game

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 on Steam



As you can see I have a TON of hours in this game. Absolutely fantastic, best 4X game I’ve ever played with unparalleled battles in a setting that can’t be beat. Simply the best strategy game out there bar none.

Real player with 2201.7 hrs in game

Graphics/animations: 9/10 (zoom in for awesome animations)

Fidelity to the franchise: 9/10

Replayability: 8/10

AI: 3/10

Depth: 10/10

There are only four negatives. One you feel nickel and dimed for all the expansions, but it’s worth it. Two the AI and seige battles are very problematic. The AI…is…well…stupid…compare the AI to games like Starcraft 2 and you’ll quickly find yourself wanting human opponents. Online ladder needs a rework and the loading time for the campaign map is long. But other than that it’s a fantastic game. 7.6/10 Over 1300 hours played.

Real player with 1414.4 hrs in game

Total War: WARHAMMER II on Steam

Aeronautica Imperialis: Flight Command

Aeronautica Imperialis: Flight Command

First off: It’s important for prospective purchasers to understand that this is a digital interpretation of a turn-based tabletop miniatures game - it’s not an arcade shooter like War Thunder or a flight sim like IL-2 Sturmovik. Instead, it’s a turn based tactical game with a flight theme using virtual dice to determine the outcome of shooting and other actions, and IMHO it’s very well implemented and a lot of fun to play.

Aeronautica has a “WEGO” format: both opponents plan maneuvers for all of their aircraft, commit their orders, and then all the aircraft automatically move and shoot at the same time. Shooting is resolved with dice rolls (and yes, you can see the actual dice results for each shot), and you have the ability to instruct your units to focus fire specific targets, and/or expend extra ammunition (which itself is a rule from the tabletop game). Virtually everything you can do in the tabletop game, you can do here in this game.

Real player with 76.4 hrs in game

Not bad, I felt it might be a bad decision to buy this after reading some reviews but I wanted to try it anyway (being Warhammer 40k videogames fan in general) and I am not disappointed.

There are 3 modes within the game (excluding Tutorial): Scenarios, Campaign and Skirmishes.

Skirmishes can be cool if you have a long Steam Friends list to invite them to play this (but I guess you have also to “sell” them the game first), you can customize your planes and equipment here - can be good but in practise this is used by minumum players for sure, I didn´t try it yet.

Real player with 30.8 hrs in game

Aeronautica Imperialis: Flight Command on Steam



**Pre-purchase to get an additional free Race Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER III.

More details coming soon.**

Far beyond the world and its petty wars there exists a dimension of pure, malevolent magic: The Realm of Chaos. It is a terrible place, incomprehensible to the mortal mind. It whispers promises of power, but to behold it is to be seduced by it. To relinquish your soul to it. To become it.

The four Ruinous Powers rule over this place, ever seeking to slip their bonds and engulf the world in a tide of daemonic corruption. Nurgle, the plague god; Slaanesh, the lord of excess; Tzeentch, the changer of ways; and Khorne, the god of blood and slaughter.

On the border between the worlds, two mighty kingdoms stand sentinel: the stern warriors of Kislev and the vast empire of Grand Cathay. But each is beset by its own trials, and now both have cause to cross the threshold and send their armies into the Realm of Chaos.

The world stands on a precipice. A single push will plunge it into cataclysm.

And there is one who schemes to achieve just that, an ancient figure who desires nothing less than to wield supreme power. But to succeed, he will need a champion…

The coming conflict will engulf all. Will you conquer your daemons? Or command them?

Total War: WARHAMMER III on Steam