Dawn of War II: Retribution – The Last Stand

Dawn of War II: Retribution – The Last Stand

Strategic and chaotic 3 player co-op survival with RTS controls. You have one unit and can customize it however you want, building with strategy in mind to make the best unit for your team. You then take this unit and throw it together with your two allies, and try to survive wave after wave of enemy hordes.

Each character has a set number of slots to equip items, and each time you level up you get another item. You can pick whatever combination of items you want, but some definitely go better together than others. Just when you think you’ve got your build completely figured out, you get something new to try out, which keeps you playing (often long after you wanted to go to bed). Every character also has one or two pieces of equipment that can be unlocked by completing certain achievements.

Read More: Best Games Workshop Survival Games.

Ok so what i said before about the D.O.W 2 series still stands but releasing only the last stand mode for 10$ was a brilliant move! Take the most popular aspect of the game and say “1/3 the game 1/3 the price”

Another winner move by THQ that makes me think that this company is just doing things right. Hopefully in the near future they will be able to contend with (and eventually knock over) companies like EA and Activision that frequently spits in the face of P.C gamers.

Kudos THQ another great move!

Dawn of War II: Retribution – The Last Stand on Steam

Warhammer: Chaosbane

Warhammer: Chaosbane

Update january 7th 2020:

youre welcome to read the full review, but let me say that after 130h clocked in this game, playing god knows how many relic hunts on chaos 3-5 with max modifiers, ive yet to achieve more than 3-4 greens on a char, out of 10 possible wearables.

this game is straight up just boring. i am a huge warhammer nerd, and ive had so much hope for this game, it had the potential, might still have. but its so much reusing the same stuff, main story is basically the same story and progression four times. were talking with so little difference you hardly see it.

Real player with 149.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Loot Games.


ACHIEVEMENTS : 43 / 43 (100%)

SCORE : 6/10

This game is if Diablo 3 had no expansion, was the first game of the studio and just threw a fine and well Warhammer coat of paint on it. This is by all means a good Warhammer RPG game, but this is no true Hardcore RPG experince alikes to POE or GD

… why should I even get this?

If you’re REALLY having a diablo itch and nothings doing it for ya, this will probably be a very good time for you. This is not a hard game with really not a whole lot of setting up to do with builds or complications with how things really work. This is a great introduction to the Diablo-Like Top Down RPGS for a basic, repetitive but overall fun experience

Real player with 127.0 hrs in game

Warhammer: Chaosbane on Steam

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

I earned myself a Vermintide steam key after winning a review contest for a local gaming community with my written work on the classic grand strategy of Rome: Total War. I played Vermintide for the first time in the winter break of 2017, thinking that it will offer a few hours of good fun with friends over the holidays.

This game changed my life. To say that the developers at Fatshark have poured their souls into this title would be an understatement. For me it rightfully has a place in the hall of timeless gems such as Quake, Thief: The Dark Project or SOMA. It has not only provided me with great value for my time and a sense of accomplishment as I learned its various facets and overcome all of its challenges, but at a human level it has allowed me to connect with people who have become some of my best friends. For this alone I could offer nothing but praise to this game.

Real player with 1727.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Dark Fantasy Games.


Left 4 Warhammer.

A hectic fast paced hack and slash action game intended to be played co-op with friends. You play one of five characters each with slightly different play styles and each with a variety of possible weapon choices unique to them. You play through missions with simple objectives and recurring crescendo events against a horde of rat men, finding supplies on the way. You get a random piece of loot after each mission. Weapons can be upgraded/broken down/crafted with the Shrine and Anvil in the inn lobby.

Real player with 883.3 hrs in game

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide on Steam

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

I’ve stumbled upon this game back when it was in the beta times from 2018 while watching a twitch streamer try it out and at that time I would never even have guessed that it had this much to offer and how much it means to me now.

From a game that was originally meant to be played for approx. 80-100 hours, this game has more creativity, beauty, lore, depth, personality, care and charm than any other live service games I’ve seen over the past years. It is so much more than meets the eye at first glance, this honestly is a piece of art hidden in plain sight, and all it needs.. is your attention towards it. The time you can spend with it is already insane and while you are getting used to it’s flow of mechanics such as mastering a high skill ceiling combat, movesets, movement, item management, becoming a team player, taking in the enviroment and what’s around you is going to test your patience. But that’s a good thing. Learning is afterall more.. effective and rewarding that way. Times when you turn philosophical and ask “why is this the way it is?" , “what’s the reason behind this?" , “what is happening exactly?" becomes more frequent. That of course, is if you are curious enough. Once you start going down the rabbit hole of exploring and unraveling the many secrets, depth and insane detailing of the game you start to realise that this is a psychological mental trip with details so tiny, that some may never even be mentioned.

Real player with 1495.7 hrs in game

Great coop-focused game that’s set in the Warhammer Fantasy universe.

But even for people who’re complete strangers to this world it’s a satisfying game to play.

If you’re in for some tense firstperson hack & slash action, while at the same time you develop your character(s) and make them entirely fitting your playstyle(s), then this game is definitely for you.

Thanks to the addition of the Chaos Wastes mode, which packs another 40 Gigs (?) of action in an entirely different gamemode, it’s pretty much two games in one.

Real player with 713.6 hrs in game

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 on Steam

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® II Chaos Rising

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® II Chaos Rising

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising Review

He, who stands with me, shall be my brother! Let us go forth and purge these traitorous scums from the sight of the Imperium my brothers…

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. Continuation of the Original Story line form Warhammer 40, 000: Dawn of War II

  2. New Powerful Librarian Unit.

  3. New Multiplayer Races.

  4. New Units for all Races.

  5. New Hero’s for The Last Stand.

Gameplay & Controls:

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising continues the story from where the original left off. Our recruiting worlds still recovering from the brutal invasion by the Tyranids, and now out of nowhere the impossible has happened…

Real player with 1030.7 hrs in game

Warhammer 40K Dawn of War 2 Chaos Rising is the standalone expansion to Dawn of War 2 and it shows in quite a lot of ways that THQ is not only capable of taking criticism, they can take that criticism and turn it into game fixes and improvements.

Perhaps most notably and most importantly, the single-player campaign. No longer will you be fighting the same battles on the same maps over and over again. Now every single map is a unique entity, properly designed filled with story and gameplay triggers. Although this does mean the campaign is a good deal shorter than in Dawn of War 2 the trade-off is well worth it. Instead of getting only a couple of good missions and a ton of generic ones you now only get good quality missions. This also makes the storyline more condensed as you no longer have 5 generic missions in between every revelation and it keeps your interest up much more efficiently.

Real player with 323.6 hrs in game

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® II Chaos Rising on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II

Currently on sale: Don’t hesitate to buy, it’s worth it.

This game is excellent, looks good even a decade later, and plays very well. The story is good and keeps you interested and invested, the voice acting is very well done, the graphics are great, and sound effects + ambience + music all give it a wonderful mood. Good replay value. I’ve played through it several times since I got it when it was new.

In story mode, you control personalized special units that all stay with you through the entire game. You gain new abilities and find new armor, perks, special items and weapons as you go along, and the options for unit and squad customization are great and varied. You’ll be spending an enjoyable amount of time between missions distributing gear and choosing what skills to level up on your units (and will probably find great appreciation for Cyrus' squad over time).

Real player with 653.6 hrs in game

Seeing what’s happening with DoW 3 (I’d call it ‘necromancy’) I decided to write a few words about something, that often appeared in the discussions, and that’s the difference between DoW 1 and DoW 2, which - as some people say - ruins the game.

I’ve played DoW 1 a lot (non-steam versions) back when they came out, and I think they are amazing games, especially Soulstorm (all the races!), and I was quite used to their mechanics.

When I played DoW 2 for the first time, I was quite… suprised. Game mechanics took a bit of an overhaul, so I had to get used to it, but when I did it gave me a lot of fun.

Real player with 110.8 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II on Steam

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2

Sadly I can’t recommend this game. Battlefleet Gothic is what got me in to Warhammer 40k back in the 1990s. I have nearly two hundred hours playing this too, but it now crashes with in a few minutes every time I play, no message just crashes. The Dev abandoned it right after launch, much Like Games Workshop abandoned the tabletop version too. DO NOT BUY, IT NO LONGER WORKS

Real player with 182.2 hrs in game

God, i wish they made ships just a little more unique. Instead of x amount of points for x amount of damage, have ships be either customizable or start off with different traits. What happened to all the uniqueness of BFGA 1? Seriously, ships could be tailored so well to your personal preference in that game. Why change that?

The skalgrim mod appears to fix these problems.

Real player with 180.5 hrs in game

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution


Dawn of War II Retribution is the second expansion and third edition of the Relic Entertainment RTS Dawn of War II (2009), following its predecessor Chaos Rising (2010). It takes the setting of the 41st millenium and lets the player experience it from a tactical combat perspective, controlling resources to build a better, more refined army than your opponent in order to claim victory.

The game consists of three main elements as well as side features. These are as follows:

Real player with 1883.8 hrs in game

Honestly, this review is based almost entirely on the Last Stand, which is a multiplayer mode within the game.

The single player campaign was fun and allows you to play through with multiple races, but for me lacks the near infinite replay value of the previous DoW titles. The multiplayer I’ve never played, except Last Stand, so I cannot comment on that.

So… almost 700hrs on Steam, plus many more on GFWL before DoW2-Last Stand came to Steam… Is the Last Stand that good? By the Throne, yes!

Real player with 870.8 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution on Steam

Space Hulk: Deathwing - Enhanced Edition

Space Hulk: Deathwing - Enhanced Edition

It’s a horde game with walking tanks against aliens.

If that premise doesn’t drag you in don’t bother.

You see genestealer tyranids, you kill genestealer tyranids, you move on.

You could enjoy the incredibly detailed sections of 40k imperial spaceships but you got nids to kill.

You could appreciate the somber tones of dark ambient music, the creaking space-hulk agonizing around you, but you hear steps and alien screams so you got nids to kill.

You play a walking tank with a fat gun in one hand, a melee weapon in the other , 3 gimmicks in the skill bar and lots of nids to kill. Unless you play an Assault Terminator or are a claw user, you forgo the gun for a fancy melee weapon, you still have lots of nids to kill.

Real player with 256.9 hrs in game



“A solid love-hate relationship.”


The scenery is absolutely amazing- ‘Triple A’ quality. Very pretty, very detailed. Not sure if you will hear anyone complain about these.

The Xeno’s look and feel pretty damn threatening at first, but the feelings quickly subside for two reasons:

1. You dont ever actually get to see players/bots get brutalized by the Xenos. When they die, they quietly fall to a knee and teleport out. As petty as it sounds, this absolutely killed any sense of peril for me, as this essentially tells you nobody can actually die.

Real player with 73.4 hrs in game

Space Hulk: Deathwing - Enhanced Edition on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr

This game has evolved a lot sine it’s release, there’s still improvements to be made, but the developers turned this game in to a good direction. I look forward to replay this game each season and I dump from 60 to 100 hours each time.

There’s quite a lot of build diversity. Recently minion builds got buffed so if that’s your thing you can play that. You can play sword and shield crusader or equip it with flamethrower to give a little roast in the name of the Emperor. Maybe a tech priest with poisonous auto rifle that hits enemy and then spreads to it’s counterparts? Game offers total 4th classes.

Real player with 290.7 hrs in game

Overall a perfectly solid ARPG. Better than most, in most ways.

The idea of you playing as an Inquisitor and not, as someone put it, a discount space marine as the gameplay suggest, is actually consistently integrated into the writing, so thumbs up for that. The story is above-average for a game. The mission scripting however is laughably bad - listen to a brief exchange with mission control, go from point A to point B, encounter villain, exchange threats, kill each other, repeat. In between A and B you kill a bunch of enemies. Sometimes they are cultists, sometimes rebels, sometimes aliens. But once you have done one mission in this game, you have done them all.

Real player with 56.1 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr on Steam