Fog Factory - Game Maker

Fog Factory - Game Maker

I expected much more. This Game-Maker sadly suffers from a lack of ambition and creative thought. The UI design is lacking, the audio rarely works and the game is incredibly imbalanced. Hopefully in the future this can be improved, although that may take a lot of work.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best GameMaker Choose Your Own Adventure Games.

Fog Factory - Game Maker on Steam

Plaguepunk Justice

Plaguepunk Justice

Great mix of roguelike and squad based strategy. Unique setting and mechanics for a zombie game. Love the art style and the music is very enjoyable and gives a nice tone. Very polished with no crashes or issues so far. Has that addictive “one more turn/mission”. Glad I found this hidden gem.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best GameMaker Stealth Games.

recently got this game on sale, got completely hooked within the first three missions

the style, dialogue, combat, and crafting system are all top notch, 10/10

some of the things that hold the game back in my eyes is the movement, often times passing through another person (or vice versa) can mess up my placement, but to be fair thats just a learning curve

the combat enforces high mobility because of the healing combat, and i think thats really interesting. It makes positioning, resource management, exploration, and map awareness very important. Also requires a little bit of tracking which “patients” you have already treated, etc

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Plaguepunk Justice on Steam