Firebase Defence

Firebase Defence

First off, don’t listen to the people with the aiming issues, they simply don’t know how to play the game and lick heavily in gaming skills.

Great little game and if you watch the trailer you know what to expect. Price is right.

Blood gore from battles is great.

Menu music is dominating.

Sound of goats alone makes the game that much better.

Take it from someone who has actually played the game for longer than it takes to get a refund…Recommended.

Don’t forget to check my guide, it will increase the hours.

Real player with 122.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best GameMaker RTS Games.

Missions were pretty easy, but fun, and when turning on hard mode it became more challenging. Nice defense game, and all units have their uses and are unique, and that goes for both the enemy and yourself. Strategy comes from where you put your fire superiority, as well as your defenses. Shooting is RNG ridden, meaning your men or the enemy will miss sometimes, which makes for interesting gameplay.

Survival mode gave a pretty good challenge, and I’ve only beaten round 25 so far. Because of RNG, you can get screwed in the later levels of the survival mode when they concentrate all their vehicles on one side of your base. Regardless, it’s a fun mode to play with a video in the background. Similar to the missions, strategy comes from unit placement and where a majority of your units are facing, but as the levels progresses, it gets hard to concentrate your fire power, so you have to think of other ways of overcoming this.

Real player with 25.0 hrs in game

Firebase Defence on Steam