

It’s a unique auto generated game. Missons tend to be often very similar but there is always different glitches. A unique touch I saw was each auto generated game has it’s own little backstory for why your playing the “game” like every video game. The only glitch I see is with the flying mission which is if you try to barrell roll it doesnt work then u cant shoot and in shooting as planes sometimes if u die u never respawn/get the restart u should. Through the ramble I would say it’s a good time killer if you just want good casual fun to kill stress tho some of the hard mode glitches uggh lol I’d wait for a discount but like $15 vs th e current $20

Real player with 17.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best GameMaker Stealth Games.

I really wanted to like and recommend this game, but I cannot.

On the surface, the idea sounds great. Mix and match pieces of different retro games/genres and play through whatever wackiness gets created.

In reality, the game overall fails to deliver. Individual mashes take at most 10 minutes to play through, but rarely did I ever spend that much time in any one “game”. Instead, some are so easy (even on a hard setting) that you’re in and out in a matter of 30 seconds or less. The game description even calls out that some mash ups easy to win, some will be impossible. That’s acceptable given the premise.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

SuperMash on Steam

Rocket Blasters

Rocket Blasters

this game is very fun :3

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best GameMaker Cartoony Games.

This game is great fun! For anyone who is into arcade style score chasers, this is a must have! At 1$, this is a total bargain. It is repetitive, but, somehow, that isn’t really a negative with this game. It really works with it. It is light-hearted from the art style, to the music. Lots of fun and a good way to just jump into a game and unwind.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Rocket Blasters on Steam

Malcom’s Day

Malcom’s Day

Malcom’s Day® is a platformer whose development was influenced by a strong passion for videogames of the ’80s and ’90s and by the beautiful experiences lived in the daily life of those years.

Developed by a guy from the ’90s.


What follows is a brief summary that describes some details of this adventure such as the presentation of the main character and some features related to the gameplay.

The truth is that a video game is difficult to explain and the best way to understand it is to play!


Who is Malcom?

He is a middle school kid whose main passion is make a mess!

Mocking the professors and pranking them fill his school mornings.

One day after coming back from the physical education lesson with his classmates, the teacher of the next hour was sitting at her desk waiting for him.

Without even giving him the time to set his backpack down, she blamed him for hiding the items contained in her pencil case.

Given his history he was immediately put in the worst of punishments…The desk to the front of the class where it was impossible to copy during the tests, at least until the items will be returned.

But what if it wasn’t him the guilty one this time?

Malcom wants to prove his innocence, a strange journey awaits him!


At the start of the game only one physical attack at close range is available but it will not be long before you can get hold of curious instruments for long-range attacks.

At this point fighting against enemies will be much more fun!


Each area in which there is a fundamental item to solve the case is protected by a strong enemy, but after defeating him you will be rewarded with a new outfit!

After being collected, the new outfit can be worn by selecting it from the menu.

The new outfits, as well as changing the look of Malcom, allow the use of more powerful attacks or the creation of objects useful for energy recovery or the recovery of points that allow special attacks to be carried out, such as (funny) attacks that cause continuous damage to enemies.


Malcom will not be alone in this adventure.

Many will be the allies able to provide valuable advice and suggestions such as where to find a hidden object, how to complete a secondary mission or even suggest a secret password to be inserted in a strange device located inside an abandoned submarine that can only be reached after finding and wearing a wetsuit…

There will be bizarre characters and creatures whose existence is considered a legend.


It will be possible to face many missions besides the main one, each of which will have a precise goal.

Some involve the discovery of hidden objects, others the destruction of many cars, still others searching for people…or growing a plant, increasing the level of some skills, collecting medicines, etc etc ect…


The main story offers a series of challenging adventures, but ending the story does not mean having finished the whole game!

In fact in the menu there is a section dedicated exclusively to the percentage of completion in which the requests to be met are shown and next to each of them the relative percentage obtained after completing that particular request.

You can complete the whole game at any time, even after completing the main story!


As mentioned earlier some outfits give Malcom the ability to craft objects that allow the recovery of energy or the recovery of other points necessary to carry out special attacks.

It is good to keep in mind, however, that these skills will be usable only if Malcolm has the basic materials necessary for the preparation, as well as having the correct outfit.


It’s up to you to discover the rest, see you soon!

Read More: Best GameMaker Family Friendly Games.

Malcom's Day on Steam



edit - pending rewrite. recommended if it is not crashing, lol.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Great little shooter with a fantastic retro soundtrack!!

I bought this ages ago, but only just played it properly.

I have heaps of games in my library that I haven’t played lol ,,, go figure.

It’s a difficult game, but definitely has that “one more try” quality about it.

The only thing is I couldn’t get my mouse to work properly.

It’s easy enough to play with keyboard controls, though.

Hope to put some more time into this one.


Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

P.3 on Steam

Rolling Bird

Rolling Bird

Yo, I’m the guy with the 1635530 score (check my “Area 51” thread in Discussions and the video description) and I recommend this game if you’re not only looking for a challenge but also a good way to learn to activate flow state.

If you rely on your ego, the waves of enemies will stomp you down with impunity. If you rely on confidence, the technicalities will trip you over. If you rely on caution, you’ll run out of ammo. You need knowledge, dead ego, confidence, and caution all at the same time or you’ll soon be overwhelmed one way or another. If you’ve entered flow state before, you know all this comes naturally. Except knowledge, of course. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the controls and AI behavior, you’ve got a fine challenge ahead of you.

Real player with 65.1 hrs in game

My oh my is this game addictive, so addictive in fact that I already have a good number of hours put into it despite downloading it not long ago. Rolling Bird is an arcade game based off of another arcade game by Bandai Namco called “Rolling Thunder”, it has the same game design and mechanics except it has a different art style and no story. This game’s art style is that of an 8 bit arcade one, it’s charming to say the least and although not as detailed as Rolling Thunder, it still has appeal, especially for those who are in love with the 80’s.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Rolling Bird on Steam




From the developer of Polygoneer comes Shapeshooter. It’s a rail shooter, you can only move forward and backward over the rail tracks. Like in Polygoneer you have colored enemies which you destroy with bullets of the same color albeit limited to two colors. You can upgrade your tank in the workshop.


You control a tank which moves over a rail, you’ll find orange and purple enemies on your way and you shoot at them with bullets of their respective color. There are also level hazards to avoid like energy gates and circular saws, I expect more hazards to encounter in later levels. You have multiple weapons you can use although at the beginning you’re stuck with a slow weapon with unlimited ammo and a rapid weapon with limited ammo. When an enemy is destroyed they leave a ring you can collect and use to purchase upgrades in the workshop. Some enemies release ammo pickups which alternate between ammo for the different weapons. To gather what you want you have to time your pick up. You can either pick them up with your tank or by shooting at them.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

I really wanted to like this game, I really did. I’ve greatly enjoyed several other games by the same developer, and had high hopes coming into this one. Sadly, after 8+ hours with it, I don’t believe I can comfortably recommend it (I really wish Steam offered star ratings akin to Yelp/Amazon/Google/etc., rather than simply a binary yes/no, as I’d probably give this something like 2-3 / 5).

Right off the bat, I had and still have a perplexing technical issue. On my previous crummy entry-level machine with like 4 GB of RAM and integrated graphics, all of Nuk Games' titles ran perfectly smoothly, with absolutely no issues. I recently acquired a new-to-me, gently used mid-level gaming PC, however, and now, suddenly, every single one of this developer’s titles that I own no longer has sound. None of the other titles in my library that I’ve tried on this “new” machine have this same issue. I’ve tried the obvious solutions, but the fact that this is the case with multiple titles from the same dev yet nothing else in my library seems suspiciously more than coincidental, and suggests the problem is not specifically my machine, per se.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Shapeshooter on Steam

Offendron Warrior

Offendron Warrior

Really nice and simple game.


1. rebind controls for better gameplay.

2. save missiles for more enemys on screen.

3. let few last enemy to steal civilian an save them to get more score ;)

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

This is an excellent Defender clone with quite a bit more added to the original game-play. You have the ability to transform your ship into a slower-moving but faster firing warrior mode. And there are whole bunch of new enemy types to contend with. one of the nicest features in the game is the ability to change the game speed to suit your level of play.

Keep up the great work Hijong!

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Offendron Warrior on Steam

Steel Alcimus

Steel Alcimus

excellent heli combat game with different weapon variations and fast paced game play. cool story mode and arcade mode.

better than most other pc games i have played and available free, although worth paying for.

like other titles on steam from the same developer, this game may appeal less to casual gamer, and more to players who want to take the time to learn the difficult to master and fast paced gameplay and options.

if you enjoy hard combat arcade games or zx spectrum era games, check this

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

A actually pretty fun game when you dont have much time. It feels like I could find it in a arcade cabinet. I dont think the tutorial tells you that you can strafe using space though.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Steel Alcimus on Steam



Excellent version of an arcade classic: Defender \ Stargate. Smooth and fast gameplay. Best played with an Xbox controller. Addictive!

Real player with 272.8 hrs in game

This is basically a brilliant fan remake of the arcade classics Defender and Stargate (aka Defender II). If you have any nostalgia or even a passing interest in those games, then this is a must own. Long live Williams Electronics and Vid Kidz!!

Real player with 43.9 hrs in game

Pentasma on Steam



This game is much more fun than many of the big budget high detail graphics AAA games. It brings the same kind of vibe as playing a game of Foosball or table tennis. Especially when playing against friends at home or online with Steam Remote Play Together. Playing against the computer is really nice too. And it’s hard enough to stay entertaining. Especially when playing the game modes that the developer created that are different than standard Pong. The simple graphics keep the game clean. In the matter that when you lose or win a point, you know exactly what happened and why. Unlike a lot of games where you sit there wondering what went wrong, or being mind boggled about what the game just did that just didnt seem right. I paid 1 euro and felt like I could easily share my love for the game by gifting the game to a couple Steam friends. One of them is TheJoyOfPuzzles on Twitch. He fell in love right away and played the game on stream for hours

Real player with 112.3 hrs in game

Exactly the face-lift that classic pong needed. I am pretty sure that I am just scratching the surface of the growing complexity of the levels. There is a tough learning curve to just get competent at basic pong if you’re not already. totally worth it to get through the initial challenge and start conquering some of the later levels. Worth at-least a dollar. No question!

Real player with 41.7 hrs in game

Project:Pong on Steam