Blind Boris

Blind Boris

This game has alot of potential, but i don’t think this should be presented as a finished product.


Theme is awesome and creepy.

Loved the pixel graphics.

Minimal but effective sound design.

And the rest…

Some typos in dialogue.

Hard to tell what you are supposed to do at any given point.

Level design is pretty awkward.

Sometimes you cant use things in your inventory when you need to.

Some guy on youtube already posted a video of a ‘walk up a wall’ bug.

Im on the fence about getting a refund tho because theres a ton of promise here. Hope to see a patch from the devs!

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Game Development Indie Games.

Very interesting!

I wouldn’t really “recommend” this game to everyone as it doesn’t have a typical appeal like story (I didn’t understand a single thing about the plot), graphics (standard pixel art) or gameplay (incredibly buggy and unpolished).

The only appeal that I can find is its weirdness.

I personally quite like figuring stuff out for myself instead of being told and trust me, this game is happy to hide as many details as possible from the player.

I spent 2/3 of my time restarting various times trying to understand the mechanics of this game and once it all “clicked” I breezed through the game from start to finish with no problems in one attempt, I even skipped a lot of items (optional ones like health and traps that help agaist hazards) since I already figured out how to reach the end.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Blind Boris on Steam

Screeps: Arena

Screeps: Arena

Screeps: Arena is an online RTS PvP-only game. Your script fights other players' script autonomously in a match-based arena environment.


  • All aspects of an RTS game: gathering resources, base building, creating and upgrading units.

  • You don’t control your units directly, you play by writing full-fledged JavaScript that runs on game servers.

  • Other languages are supported via WebAssembly : C/C++, Rust, TypeScript, Go, C#, F#, Kotlin, Swift, D, Pascal, Zig, the list is growing.

  • Your code is executed autonomously while fighting other players' code during series of short fast-paced 1x1 matchups.

  • The system will match equal opponents based on your arena rating that changes with every rating game.

  • Different “arenas” (multiplayer game modes) each with its own rules set and goals covering many aspects of a strategy game.

  • Only basic programming skills are required. However, if you are a pro developer, now is the chance to put your skills to the limit!

  • We will introduce new arenas every season so that you always have to write new code for different challenges.

  • Play with friends and design your own challenges and arenas.

Read More: Best Game Development Programming Games.

Screeps: Arena on Steam