RTS Creator

RTS Creator

Update March 2021: So I decided I may as well try make something because I paid money for it. I gave Dune 2 another crack and put an additional 95 hours into this thing. So what have I learned. Its buggy as hell and will crash a lot. If there is one thing missing, such as an image it will crash. There are some totally broken features, for example the traditional RTS harvester functions are totally broken, you can not select “Drop off” with your harvester function or the game will crash. There are multiple things missing such as unit sounds, all 3d model files are flipped. Adding any sort of feature is a long and frustrating task. After the almost 100 extra hours I have put into this engine my recommendation is, do not buy this, use something else like the spring engine.

Real player with 309.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Game Development Utilities Games.

Please note I do no longer think about the engine this way, I currently think this is a piece of shit.

You can see why below.

I have used this engine for 60 (including time spended with demo) hours now, and after this time I can say, that it had potential and still has. I bought this engine for 10 euros which is about 12 dollars I think it is way worth it. Let me begin with some pros and cons,


-Easy to use

-Scripting support

-some nice free to use models

-Particle creator

-Lots of customization

Real player with 78.9 hrs in game

RTS Creator on Steam

Screeps: Arena

Screeps: Arena

Screeps: Arena is an online RTS PvP-only game. Your script fights other players' script autonomously in a match-based arena environment.


  • All aspects of an RTS game: gathering resources, base building, creating and upgrading units.

  • You don’t control your units directly, you play by writing full-fledged JavaScript that runs on game servers.

  • Other languages are supported via WebAssembly : C/C++, Rust, TypeScript, Go, C#, F#, Kotlin, Swift, D, Pascal, Zig, the list is growing.

  • Your code is executed autonomously while fighting other players' code during series of short fast-paced 1x1 matchups.

  • The system will match equal opponents based on your arena rating that changes with every rating game.

  • Different “arenas” (multiplayer game modes) each with its own rules set and goals covering many aspects of a strategy game.

  • Only basic programming skills are required. However, if you are a pro developer, now is the chance to put your skills to the limit!

  • We will introduce new arenas every season so that you always have to write new code for different challenges.

  • Play with friends and design your own challenges and arenas.

Read More: Best Game Development Programming Games.

Screeps: Arena on Steam