Rainy City: Pandemic

Rainy City: Pandemic

Rainy City: Pandemic

DISCLAIMER: I received this product for no cost for the purpose of reviewing. However, this does not affect my views and opinions of the game.

Short Review

Rainy City Pandemic is a story driven title where the player drives around the city delivering pizza, trying to save up enough money to pay for their sister’s medical treatment. The bulk of the gameplay focuses on conversations with other characters and interactions with them. The game takes place in a dystopian future where the the pandemic (the covid-19 pandemic, assumingly) is still rampant.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Futuristic Conversation Games.

Crim’s Humble Opinion Curator


This is a revisited review. Check out the original review here .

Rainy Days

Rainy City Pandemic is a game about a delivery boy in a city that is swept up in the wave of a pandemic. You are attempting to raise money for your sister to get her the medical attention she needs. This game had started out as a seven dollar game and has gone through some patches and a price drop to raise the quality of life. I played through the game again after a wave of updates and admittedly I have yet to play the newest additions to the game. What I can say is that one of the weaker points of the games has been significantly improved. The weakest point before was the dialogue. When playing the game through again I was no longer running into dialogue that was repeated nor were there as many open ended short conversations.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Rainy City: Pandemic on Steam

Hanoi Puzzles: Solid Match

Hanoi Puzzles: Solid Match

Titles based on some old physical game are almost always a good choice, as long as the developer does not stumble along the way! Fortunately, Hanoi Puzzles: Solid Match is no exception. The implementation of this version is impeccable, and the fun from the original game is undoubtedly present here.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Futuristic Hex Grid Games.

Solving all puzzle levels is easy. But finishing them within the sugested number of moves is not so easy.

Solving 5 levels in less moves then sugested, is a real challenge.

Recommended game for puzzle lovers and achievements hunters.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Hanoi Puzzles: Solid Match on Steam

Omikron: The Nomad Soul

Omikron: The Nomad Soul

Omikron: The Nomad Soul has a very in-depth plot and constantly tries to break the fourth wall (whether it works or not) in order to convince you that your soul has been trapped inside the world of Omikron and that your soul and very existence outside the game is at stake in regards to the antagonist, the demon known as Astaroth. The characters you interact with in the main story are fleshed out in their own rights, some more than others. The player is able to interact with certain people at certain parts of the game and depending on what you say will determine what the character will reply with.

Real player with 71.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Futuristic Fighting Games.

English Version

(Sorry, nie będzie polskiej wersji, nie mieści się. Chciałem umieścić w komentarzach ale jest limit 1000 znaków)

Omikron: The Nomad Soul is the first game of the Quantic Dream studio. It might as well be considered three games in one. For the major part of the gameplay it remains a TPP adventure game relying on the usual stuff: talking with NPCs and using items. Occasionally it switches to FPP shooter or hand to hand 1 on 1 brawler kind of similar to early instalments of the Tekken or Virtua Fighter series. It is worth mentioning that all of these are made pretty solid and none of them feels like it was forced into the gameplay without a reason (well, maybe with the exception of swimming, but it occurs 2 or 3 times in the entire game, which is acceptable).

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Omikron: The Nomad Soul on Steam



Redirect, reflect, and split your signal to reach the target in well over 100 levels, plus an ever-expanding collection of user-created challenges, all while enjoying a rich, unique soundtrack.


Craft your own level packs in the fully featured, Workshop-integrated level editor!




Note: Havent beaten the game yet at all. this is an overview.

I could describe this game as something like the first shadow warrior reboot (Singleplayer Arena FPS)+ something like Devil May Cry (Character action). The first because you go from room to room shooting enemies and dodging them through a dash move (shift) and circlestrafing. The second because of a focus on varying up attacks to score and rank higher in the leaderboards.

It’s nothing like the original doom which is full of corridors and hitscan enemies causing you to need to use your enviorment as cover and full of exploration and secrets to uncover. More like the Doom Reboot, you’ll be going from wide open arena to wide open arena truly dodging enemies with just melee and projectile attacks, with weapons that are also only projectiles. You’ll need situational awareness and prediction skills to not suddenly get caught off guard by the various enemy types off screen. A big difference is that there’s much more of a focus on enviormental kills compared to any other fps I’ve played.

Real player with 29.7 hrs in game

Contrary to what all the reviews about this game said (style over substance, only the music being worth -I got the OSTs oh yep-, that it was unfairly hard and frustrating, with a lot of questionable mechanics, etc., etc.), I found it to actually be pretty good and challenging! Yes, you are going to DIE. A LOT. Like a b!tch. The first boss is going to make you cry out in frustration until you realize melee attacks can be dashed with some slight invincibility frames.

Truth to be told it’s clear this game has been patched out a lot since its original release in 2017, showing some commendable care and dedication from the devs. The graphical effects and glitches aren’t as noticeable as the things I saw in old videos now, everything plays smooth and silky and each enemy tends to have its distinct movement and attack patterns. The melee ones are a bit on the unpredictable side due to how fast they are so you can see them telegraphing attacks like you would in a third person action game (say, most Platinum games) and, indeed, that’s what this game reminded me of. A Platinum game in FPS form with a layer of REZ (not just Tron, people, jeez, learn to digital world) type of ambience full of geometrical figures and odd techno-babble akin to invading a system.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

DESYNC on Steam



My playtime: 40.8h (based on steam, 100% achievement, 2x playthrough)

Grindy Achievement(s): Yes (1 achievement).

Optional Achievement(s): Yes (10 achievements).

Difficult Achievement(s): No.


Resolutiion is a fast-paced action-adventure game with exploration as its focus. The game has a lot of vast maps and secret areas that you have to find.


  • You can tackle most areas in any order that you want

  • Secret areas and optional collectibles to find

Real player with 40.8 hrs in game

There are a lot of games that were inspired by ‘Hyper Light Drifter’ and they mostly failed as individual games for various reasons, but out of those that I played I liked this one the most. Despite the visual similarities to HLD that many people are calling a ripoff, Resolutiion clearly had a talented artist and I don’t want to take anything away from him; the games might look similar but it’s not a clone of HLD. Surprisingly the best part of this game was the story, the writing was just excellent and absorbed me into the universe, although the delivery of that story was somewhat questionable, mainly because I felt like the characters came and went too quickly. Still, I thought the lore for the universe was very compelling, from what I understand the humanity was taken over by technological advances and those few that remained isolated started a war against the ‘progress’, although It was kinda vague and confusing.

Real player with 34.9 hrs in game

Resolutiion on Steam



This is a very good puzzler with a great OST .

Sadly this one goes in the buried gems category, it is always sad to see a quality game like this not getting more attention.

The game has some very smartly designed and tricky levels, more then enough content, most of the game is medium difficulty but there are harder levels and for me they are a highlight of this game.

This game is pure quality in every aspect and worth every cent.

Real player with 28.9 hrs in game

The movement is intuitive enough for you to work backwards - so you can get ideas as to what needs to be done without the entire puzzle being spoiled. I’d recommend it if you’re looking for a ~10 hour ish puzzle game.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Limiter! on Steam

Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade

Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade

Great port with one glaring omission: the lack of 4:3 resolution support. Running the game in full screen on my 4:3 monitor results in letterboxed 16:9, which causes two significant issues:

  1. Darius Gaiden cannot be played in true fullscreen at its native aspect ratio. You can either play in stretched letterboxed 16:9, or in letterboxed-and-pillarboxed 4:3. No matter what, it won’t fill the screen.

  2. Multi-monitor mode for the games that support it cannot be correctly lined up and scaled, because the “seams” of the screens don’t correspond with the monitor resolutions. Stretching the game past the internal boundaries of the game resolution just results in the image being cropped, even though there is screen space there; said screen space is just black. I presume this is also an issue on multi-monitor 16:9 displays.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

EDIT: It’s been almost a week and nothing regarding possible issues is coming, kinda scared they aren’t saying anything about it, not recommending until they at least give words for the issues on the port (That is, if M2 stops reposting Senjin Aleste Fanart in their goddamn Twitter…)

The price is quite excessive if they don’t fix these issues (It’s 2021, these issues shouldn’t be there in the first place, no, “M2 is not experienced with PC, that’s why BASIC stuff happened” is not an excuse).

Not a perfect port, but it’s been less than 2 days since it was released.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade on Steam

Inquisitor’s Heart and Soul

Inquisitor’s Heart and Soul

Pros: interesting design, good cutscenes. Cons: these cutscenes cannot be skipped, it is not clear what the main character’s goal is

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

The idea is well thought out. There are several bugs related to the player’s respawn after death. I got to the second episode, but I can’t figure out what happens after the dialogue ends. The screen turns off and the game ends.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Inquisitor’s Heart and Soul on Steam

Redout: Space Assault

Redout: Space Assault


Many of the severe bugs were patched within a week of launch and I now have 100% completion in the game. The game is merely fine still but it is no longer broken beyond completion.

The Good

The game looks alright and occasionally fulfills its space sim fantasy.

The Bad

1: There are a bevy of bugs and glitches in the game. There are currently objectives that are impossible to complete and an achievement that will not unlock. (I am a completionist and this is a big knock.)

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Things I liked:

*Graphics - It’s a very pretty game! Great environments and models. The 2D character portraits are well drawn, too.

*Music - The soundtrack is fantastic! The previous game also had a top notch soundtrack, so I’m not surprised that quality continues

*Gameplay - It’s not terribly complex, but it’s fun. Reminds me a lot of Starfox, but smoother and faster. I’ve played through 5 missions so far, getting all the optional objectives for the first 4. There’s a good variety of mission types so far and I like that it’s not all just run in and blast everything. There’s moments of intensity broken up by moments of rest. It’s these later that give you a chance to look around and admire the vastness of space, before you once again shove missiles into bad guys.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

Redout: Space Assault on Steam