Dig to the Stars

Dig to the Stars

You can complete the game, i.e. get to the end of the story but there is a broken achievement - to bypass radiation levels without the Robot Radiation upgrade

! basically blindly obliterate the block (see Strafing Cubes below).

Dig to the Stars is … a thing that exists. The game is very rough around the edges, sometimes annoyingly so, you’d think it is a first game. The game offers barely any story and almost no explanation on how anything works which applies to controls as well as upgrades. Controls would feel almost intuitive if the game was a mobile game.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Futuristic Indie Games.

I was half enjoying cutting rocks up with a laser, then my progress was halted by an insurmountable, game-breaking design flaw.

There is no way to upgrade your robot to be able to mine radiated caverns without GOING BELOW THOSE CAVERNS.

So yeah, don’t buy this.

Also, the dev changed names to distance themselves from their other games but left the bundle of those games on their store? I don’t get it either.


Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Dig to the Stars on Steam

Star Mine

Star Mine

I’m from the old school. I love games like the first versions of doom, quake in the old versions and this game I loved for bringing that style of game I like and mixing 3D space combat elements in the dungeons. I keep looking and collecting resources and managing energy and this is a lot of fun because it gets harder and brings more challenges as I progress through the game.

I recommend this game. Enjoy !

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Futuristic Fighting Games.

Star Mine on Steam

Gold Rush In The Oort Cloud

Gold Rush In The Oort Cloud

a strange game i’m not sure i’ve ever played something similar to it.

on one hand - a typical platformer, where you jump and shoot; but on the other hand - its space with asteroids, and their gravity where you can jump from one asteroid to another, and this gravity influences how fly your bullets - and it really makes the game special, not similar to others.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Futuristic Space Games.


Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Gold Rush In The Oort Cloud on Steam

Utopia Colony

Utopia Colony

First of all it’s a game you play once and never again. Simply because once you complete your mission you win and game ends. It can be done in a w/end.

Game is interesting, it has a huge map you can walk or drive but going from one place to another takes time!

Graphics are not great but decent, there are several bases you can explore and complete some task for credits.

Your main source of credits are minerals can find around, collect and sell for credits. You upgrade your suit with more oxygen capacity, and as you progress you buy rovers, you expand your base and build several buildings like greenhouse which provides food.

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Loving this game so far. Love the desolate atmospheric surroundings, and very impressed with my base as it grows. Currently hitting a bit of a brick wall as I need credits to complete the research tasks, but can’t find enough resources to collect, and haven’t figured out how to get my water extractor to work, so having to buy lots of water, cancelling out the credits I earn for any ore do I find on my trips out. I’ve built my greenhouses, and looking forward to when things start go grow. I’ve lost 8 hours straight on my first play, so I really need to go and make my lunch now. Thanks, great game.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Utopia Colony on Steam

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity

this game has potential but in its current state its basically unplayable on an end game scale. massive game breaking bugs are a regular thing. there are no in game moderators what so ever so aside from automated suspensions for too many accounts there is virtually no check on the toxic behavior of the player base. pvp is drastically slanted to the defender and taking over a full system for a single person can take weeks and the defender can just instantly populate other planets. players can run full pvp fleets from a protected set of starter systems so there is no way to really cripple your opponents and the end game combat is lacking in any sort of diversity. maybe in a decade it will be playable but after over a thousand hours playing this game i must say that i am truly disappoint.

Real player with 1544.5 hrs in game

This is like some 4x meets a kind of dwarf fortress in outer space.

While the game shows a lot of promise the wildly unpredictable nature of the interface and random bugs will have you scratching your nuts off. A convoluted, ad-hoc asymmetrical click fest to do simple tasks, a distinct lack of basic search facilities or even fundamental next/prev selection, walls of worthless text thrown up in modal dialogs, it is arcane, yet strangely addictive.

If you are a diehard basement dwelling mutant grognard with nothing better to do than lament the fact that the Dwarves of Dwarf Fortress never made spaceships, then I highly recommend this game for you, provided you have some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder or like sitting on sharp nails and can’t be bothered getting up off it.

Real player with 491.3 hrs in game

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity on Steam

Helixteus 3

Helixteus 3

Ever wondered how it feels like to manage and exploit entire universes? Start small with only one planet. Construct and upgrade buildings to produce resources. Explore caves to find treasure. Send ships to other planets to fight enemies and get more building space. Conquer other star systems and start building Dyson spheres and other megastructures. Do research to unlock innovative ways to expand your megafactory.

Done conquering the universe? Send probes that look for other universes and get ready to uncover all sorts of new, exciting and weird things in them, where the speed of light can be 35c, and the gravitational constant such that it affects how galaxies and planets form.


  • Procedurally generated planets, caves, star systems, galaxies, clusters, superclusters and universes for replayability

  • 50+ types of resources to juggle with, divided into many categories: materials, metals, atoms, particles etc.

  • 16 types of infinitely upgradable buildings with varied functionalities: resource generation, resource conversion, vehicle construction etc.

  • 6 types of megastructures where their costs and power can depend on the star or the planet they are on

  • 40+ researchable technologies that unlock features and boost gameplay

  • Incremental gameplay. Almost anything you do (including not doing anything) helps make numbers go up even faster. Offline progress. No or very little penalties when losing a battle.

  • 2 skill-based minigames that help accelerate things a bit

Helixteus 3 on Steam

Mines of Volantis

Mines of Volantis

3 hours disappeared; I’m not sure how. But now I need to sleep before work.

If you liked ‘Motherload’ for the zen mining; you’ll probably like this.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Ohhh this games takes me back to the time of Motherload. (the flash version, not the steam version)

I just love the ambiance and the music is very good!

Every time you go down it is the question of will I be back before my fuel runs out? Every dive is a hunt for riches that you don’t want to interrupt to get fuel, but you have to. And in time as well because else your haul will be lost forever!

Upgrading this makes it easier to get huge hauls. Content wise I think the price is a bit steep but the game is very fun to play nontheless.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Mines of Volantis on Steam



This is a niche game intended for a small group of people that enjoy the concept of turning DOS into a game, and manually handling every aspect of base building and logistics through text commands - in lieu of having situational action buttons that figure what you are trying to do when you aim at x thing.

I am not one of those people. I don’t know any of those people.

But I do hope the devs find their audience.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Structura on Steam



Surprised this doesn’t have a higher rating. Maybe people are disappointed because they are comparing it to the first game and this game is very different. The first game was great because it has these crunchy controls with old school arcade-paced levels. This game is not like that. Unlike Milk Mine Defender, where you can only go left and right in an infinite loop, these are open maps where you have to hunt around and collect specific things. Also unlike Milk Mine, the powerups are not temporary but are items which can be collected and upgraded. Personally, I love it. It’s like if Star Fox was a 16-bit rpg with all the little side-quests and boss battles. But if you were expecting a continuation of Milk Mine, I can see why it would be disappointing.

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

Now I have finished it, I can say it worst its price. It is a very lovely sequel and a quality product for an indy title.

ASTRO AQUA KITTY is such an improvement compared to the previous one.

Now it is an Action RPG shoot-em-up with classes and multiples weapons. An immersive and even more cute artistic direction, a minded and polished level design that increase in size level after level and give you various tasks, all served by very good musics.

Devs made it with great care and you can feel it.

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game


Engineer Alpha

Engineer Alpha

I hesitate to say ‘yes’ with this one, BUT, I think it has a lot to offer in the future. Getting started is rough, you’re thrown into what appears to be a near-desert world and left to fend for yourself. Intriguing, I know. Five hours and two restarts later I have - through trial and error -learned the very basics of getting started. There is no tutorials and no quick start guides (may try and start one). The game itself is rough around the edges, gooey in the middle, and the top might be a little burnt … Bakers reference :) but it has a concept of world building, planet exploration, and automation – Think Satisfactory + Minecraft + Most Mechanic Games – There is a lot to unfold on the potential lying around in this. There is survival aspects, building, automation, the works that can and a lot most likely will be done. I recommend this game based on it’s future development. I think the developer has an idea that has been on the minds of many players for a while now and it could easily take off.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

This game has a lot of potential to be something epic. I really really hope the developers stick with it!

As for the game in its current state:

  • UI is very limited, kind of a press every key until something happens so you know what to do

  • Running the timbers to connect power is a little odd at first. Main concept; if you’re not going from one building to another, you must connect to a stand. (ie no free hanging timbers)

  • Starting grind is very heavy, no automation for parts needed to advance the tech tree, at least so far for me, I just unlocked copper.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Engineer Alpha on Steam