Beyond DAWN

Beyond DAWN

Crashed once and lost the saves but all in all one of the best classic rpg games I’ve found in awhile. Waiting for the full game.

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Futuristic JRPG Games.

The game is good and I definitely recommend it, but one problem I encountered with the game, is that when you are in that pod thing with Dez and she asks you if you would like to watch the tutorial, say no. Saying yes will freeze the game in the sense of no buttons on the controller nor any keys on the keyboard, will make the game work anymore.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Beyond DAWN on Steam

Operation: New Earth

Operation: New Earth

Initial review" “Good game, it’s not the “free to play but pay to win” kind of game. It’s worth a try, but the servers are crapy….during pvp events it becomes impossible to play…..hope they will fix this.”

Review after 450 hours of gameplay:

After many hours of gameplay and a couple of bad updates that broke more things than they fixed, I have to change my initial review.


The people playing the game make or break a MMO game, and so far the people I’ve come across are great and make the whole game experience that mutch better.

Real player with 9321.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Futuristic Aliens Games.

This games seemed to be good. The problem is that the higer players and the guys in groups can dictate what you need to do.

I am not going to buy shards onl to get smashed about 5 times from the same guy every day. I am a new player. But I am going to quit if this hit does not stop.

Real player with 3111.5 hrs in game

Operation: New Earth on Steam



Overall the concept was pretty cool! But the handling on the car was kinda difficult to get used to. As well as it being a relatively short game, could complete in under half an hour or so. Also the music was extremely loud and unbearable!!

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Futuristic Driving Games.

Fix the controls! Thank you!

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Speedpunk on Steam

Warzone 2100

Warzone 2100

Old school RTS. Somewhat limited due to the old UI, archaic controls, and limited mission parameters (that were sometimes in place to keep the game within the performance capacity available at the time). BUT! despite all that. This is the game that kept me into RTS games during a helluva long dry spell LOL. Dune on Genesis caught me first. Then this and the Command and Conquer games. I’ve played so much Stellaris it isn’t even a game anymore. it’s an empire simulator. But i still love this game. a lot!

Real player with 31.3 hrs in game

For a game more then 20 years old it is still awesome. I first played this on Play Station 1 and after a few years I found a pirated copy online and still play it. Because it is 20 years old there are some AI issues with pathing but nothing that cant be remidied by changing your click and forget playstyle.

My biggest selling point on this game is something that ALL RTS games should have… a “seemless campane” meaning the defences AND units you build are used for ALL future missions. There are a number of customization options and stratagies you can choose from even in single player matches vs the PC.

Real player with 24.8 hrs in game

Warzone 2100 on Steam



There’s the start of a good idea in here, but it’s just the start and it’s abandoned before it ever really gets anywhere.


First of all, WTF does FLS even mean? A game won’t be memorable or popular if the name can’t even be pronounced and has no meaning. Even as an abbreviation, the audience needs to know what that abbreviation means or it’s just random letters and forgettable. Ultimately that’s what this game ends up being, forgettable.

It’s supposed to be a racing sandbox where you make your own tracks. And that’s pretty much all you are given, a tool kit for making time trial races through rings in space that you use as race-tracks.

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

It is very engaging, challenging game! I definitely recommend it to everyone to give it a try. I had a fun time playing! :)

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

FLS on Steam



TL;DR: Midair is a true successor for Tribes 1 & Tribes 2 Classic for the FPS-Z genre. Far better than Tribes: Ascend and not using the money grabbing tactics that Hi-Rez used. By purchasing Early Access, you are buying a ‘Progression Pass’ which will unlock all gameplay content FOREVER. Many folks from the Tribes communities had an issue with the price before, and now I think it is very reasonable for you to buy in as this is the price it’ll be staying at until the full free to play release.

If you’ve never played any of the above games, Midair is very friendly to newbies on the learning curve compared to past titles and great fun as soon as you manage to hit a disk in someone’s face. The movement might seem difficult at first, but in the end will the reason why you keep opening the game up.

Real player with 2072.8 hrs in game

No I won’t check the checkbox that I received this product for free! I backed this baby on kickstarter, I bought it for my brother, and I’m so proud of the game it has grown up to be! As of May 3rd, 2018 YOU can get it for free though! And you should! I can’t wait to see how this thing evolves. This is officially a part of Tribes history.

(You see, this isn’t just a game. This here is an art form, son. It’s a lifestyle choice ~ I played Tribes 2, +Construction Mod, Tribes:Vengeance, Tribes:Ascend. Sit here on my knee and let me tell you a tale. There was a game, a long long time ago, called Starsiege Tribes, and in it someone learned that by slapping his spacebar silly he could move rapidly down a hill in a mode they called skiing. Now-a-days we just hold it down and it’s a feature not a bug. Actual wooden skiis were invented soon after by a guy in the Alps with a big curly mustache who got the idea from the game. Anyway, I saw my bro playing last night and he said, “I just needed to ski” and I know that feel! Skiing is a drug. Skiing is an art form. You get better with time by relaxing and learning to feel it. It’s a dance with nature.

Real player with 103.8 hrs in game

Midair on Steam



I really enjoyed this Game, Right now There is Barely any people playing However I was able to get into a couple of games and they were honestly pretty fun! it seems like the developer will continue updating this game and I look Forward to any future updates. I really recommend this game if you you have a buddy that you can play it with then go ahead and Play it Have some fun. Help The community Grow!

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

I got this game yesterday and I’ve fallen in love with it.

Here is a few thoughts I have


Good movement mechanics

Good gun mechanics

Balanced Powerups


I have no friends to play it with

I highly recommend getting this game and playing it with friends

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Misfire on Steam



The game is more about luck eg. my opponent had 3 cards and me just one , after he kill my card my next drop was a ship card with many soldier cards so i dominated him since i had level and gems and i was able to fill up the table with cards and win:) another game i managed to buff a card from 3 to 10 and the enemy has a spell wich can capture my card and use it on his side , another game i use the spell: i captured the highest card the enemy had and after i got another spell to redraw cards from boneyard so i captured another high card again :) … it is just bs and luck in the first case didn’t win since i wasted to much on that card the enemy got a ultimate card and my next drops were shit in the second scenario i win even against the enemy who ca copy the skill of any card yet another bs card :)) , bs cards that can kill you on their first attack , additional moves that can stack :) Every faction has similar overpowered cards so it’s balanced. Artifacts are again about luck and are way to over powered , basicly you can win just by stacking artifacts and do automatic damage to the enemy , in my opinion only two artifacts at a time should be activeand if you want more you can but you got to burn mana and gems and for auto damage artifacts once you destroy the artifact the enemy should recive a procent of the damage dealt by the artifact so it’s fair and balanced .The durability gain when your constrcts die is way to overpowered , in my opinion the damage should be dealt to all the artifacts not just one , after mid game if you have more then 3 artifacts the game is just stacking contructs and wait for a better cards . The Matryoshka artifact is bs with low mana and gem cost and durability 10 lolz it removes the skill from the game , the same as many artifacts. Played against a dude with 75 cards deck and he beat me only because he was lucky and got artifacts who can attack my minions and reduce their hp/attack so with no artifact remove cards it’s a 100% lose since he spammed constructs and also my artifact didn’t drop all game so this is again about luck and unbalanced.

Real player with 504.4 hrs in game

as far as imaginary cardgames go, Mythgard hits all the right notes:

  • cards are acquired in more different ways than I have ever seen in any CCG: 3 cards/day for playing; 1+ cards for completing each of the~20ish story episodes so far; ~30 packs are available through promo codes; you can uncraft and craft cards into Essence currency, including Wild cards which can be crafted into any card of a certain set, colour, and rarity; Silver currency is awarded for playing matches and completing rerollable missions, I find I can quite easily earn 2 packs a day this way; Maat currency is awarded for GGing opponents in matches; and this technically doesn’t GIVE YOU cards, but there are several play modes where you can “borrow” cards and deck lists to check out what you might enjoy playing. Unlike other CCGs, it seems like Mythgard really wants you to play it!

Real player with 476.8 hrs in game

Mythgard on Steam

Tower Expanse

Tower Expanse

Tower Expanse is a Tower Defense PvP battle arena strategy game.

  • Free to play. Never pay to win. Fun, fair, and balanced.

  • Real time combat, inspired by classic Tower Defense games and classic RPGs, with a unique Resource Meter system and different objective victory paths.

  • Build elemental Towers and Minions in the Arena, Command your customized Hero, Launch magical missiles, and strategically acquire resources.

  • Find blueprints to craft new Heroes and equip them with different Trinkets to make your own unique Hero for the battle arena.

  • Earn XP to level up your Fire, Ice, Lighting, and Poison levels.

  • Complete achievements to unlock equippable passive enhancements. Buy and sell crafting materials at the marketplace

  • Climb the leaderboards. Challenge your friends

Tower Expanse on Steam

Anarchy Online

Anarchy Online

I would definitely recomended this game, i used to play AO back in the days when it was freshly out etc i ended up playing for a lot longer than anticipated and have recently returned.

Over the years gaming has changed an awful lot, i have played almost all of the MMOs out there both old and new, but i have to say that AO is my favourite, i like the complexity the time it takes to do things and the mathematics to working out how i’m going to get those high level imps on at low level in order to equip my new belts, ncus, armour/weapons and ofcourse imps, the thing most people don’t seem to be aware of with AO is that the twinking aspect of it is extremely complex. Unlike other MMOs most bits you will find in AO are not level locked, like in WOW for example say your twinking at level 30 you can only equip “from level 30” items, however on AO you do not have this limit so all depending how good you are at maths and how willing you are to devote time to your toons you can make extraordinary twinks (which i love!).

Real player with 97.8 hrs in game

Review Notes:

I played on the Steam client for 37.4 hrs, until I downloaded the New Engine from the Anarchy Online website. The New Engine is now my primary engine but it doesn’t count toward my steam hours. That said, I have about 100 hours in this game as of writing this review.

General Game Review:

I’ve never played an MMO that was so complex. If I had known of this game when it came out, I would have been playing it all along. However, I only learned about this game this year (2019).

Real player with 41.1 hrs in game

Anarchy Online on Steam