What a fun time, the writing is definitely what shines most. I had many laughs while exploring the town. I also really enjoyed the art style, especially the cut scenes. Playing Holidays brought back memories of my youth, I bet Wallace and I played some of the same games growing up. The turn based battles were never too challenging. Which felt like a good choice, since I was there for the story. Occasionally I would unlock a new spell, but the first few spells felt a little useless. Then late game spells are OP, as they should be in a RPG. I’m looking forward to future installments to the storey or whatever the Devs make next.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Funny Pixel Graphics Games.


Outcore: Desktop Adventure

Outcore: Desktop Adventure

Befriend Lumi, a lost girl who lives on your desktop. Work together to recover her memories of who she is and why she appeared on your computer.

Interact with your own computer to solve desktop puzzles and unlock memory files.

Experience a story with the worst characters ever written.

Fight the worst characters ever written.

Sure, every game on Steam has a wishlist button. But is it as good as Outcore’s wishlist button? Scientists have proved that clicking this wishlist button an uneven amount of times can increase your lifespan.

Read More: Best Funny 2D Games.

Outcore: Desktop Adventure on Steam

Epic Chef

Epic Chef

The key to comedy is timing. The simple nature of the game mechanics allows the humor to just keep rolling. Is this some new avante garde game? No.

It is fun. Pure and simple fun. Stop worrying about how hard or easy the game is and let it take you on a ride worth the price. If you only care about being some hoity toity gamer critic? Move on.

The cooking is more of a puzzle with ingredients than a mechanic. It sets the canvas for a fun story with characters you will remember and not have to wiki when you need to find them.

Real player with 126.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Funny Adventure Games.

Absolutely fantastic! The humour and story telling is amazing. I was afraid, that it was targeting a young audience, but this isn’t the case. Witty characters, great punchlines.

It is also more in depth than I thought. Not mentioning spoilers, there is a lot more going on, than just building your farm and the cooking competitions.

If you look for a great story game, combined with some farming, resource gathering and cooking, you are going to love this game! I would not recommend it, for people who don’t care about a story and are looking more for a cooking simulator.

Real player with 89.3 hrs in game

Epic Chef on Steam



Let us consult the stars.

Astrologaster was one of those games that I almost passed up on. I don’t remember exactly when I first came across Astrologaster, but it didn’t click with me at first. I was just sleepily browsing the upcoming games section around midnight, as you do, and it popped up. Finding the name interesting, I clicked, looked at the screenshots, and thought “hmm, I don’t know”. I saw it a couple more times, but when it got closer to the release date I finally watched the trailer. Why I didn’t watch it before, I can only blame it on being way too tired that night. With the combination of finding the trailer and the real life element behind Astrologaster intriguing, as well as peeking at a gameplay video, I thought “Hey, why not take the chance?”. Spoiler alert, I’m glad that I did.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this Letter of Recommendation for the General Public, as such that it is publicly displayed for All to fashion and be notified of the most excellent Occurence that has blessed our Water Vapour Storefront.

I feel obligated with great Duty to inform the good People of this Community that the very Heavens have brought down a veritable Angel of scientific Inquiry and medical Expertise. Why, I am, of course, referring to Doctor Simon Forman, an extraordinary Gentleman of grand Intellect and greater Empathy for the common Man. Through the Science of the Stars, Doctor Foreman instills a Sense of Security and Safety towards his Querents, many of which are notable Members of the higher Echelon, for good Reason! It is clear Doctor Forman’s medical Practice is of such immaculate Degree that God himself speaks directly to him via the starry Sky above!

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Astrologaster on Steam



Oh, hey. This is Giri. I run some shops in The Shade.

Welcome to GNOMONIC, the role-playing game where your role is just to play the game. You’ve gotta help your funny little friend out because they really wanna leave this place. They’re the only one that can sense your inputs though, so it’s not like you can really do things any other way. As a player, you can save the game, load it, help new folks - and I guess you could hurt them too. Think you can save your new friend and help some of us out on the way? I hope so. Let’s meet on good terms, ok?

Things you can do:

  • Move your friend around a battlefield to attack and defend against enemies in real time.

  • Negotiate with enemies to end battles without violence.

  • Solve probably too many puzzles based around lights and shadows outside of battles.

  • Experience a character-filled story with a lot of humor.

  • Enjoy traditionally drawn watercolor art combined with pixel art character sprites.

  • Listen to music that combines retro and modern sounds.

  • Become friends with most of the bosses.

  • …Are you really friends with them though, or are you just being nice to get something from them?

  • Bask in my presence every time you see me.

  • Really, just try to be nice, even if it’s just for yourself.

  • I have shops everywhere, there’s no way to not see me.

  • You’re way more powerful than all of us here, so maybe help us however you can?

  • But, I mean, who are you to take orders from a description?




Like most great RPGs, the story is the best part of NO LOVE. It’s very interesting and a good look into the mind of the game’s creator Wallace Lovecraft. The core loop of the game is to explore an area, then do a boss fight, then watch a cool cut scene. You’ll meet an interesting cast of characters with some funny quirks, that feel true to real people.

Grinding for Exp seems pretty optional if you have a good grasp of rpg mechanics, but I found myself grinding some random encounters while looking for secrets. The secret areas had additional cutscenes, definitely worth seeking out.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

NO LOVE is already in your Life

Works on MacOS !!!

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

NO LOVE on Steam



not funny and not fun. even if it was free i’d say hard pass.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

ZooSim on Steam

An Odd Tale

An Odd Tale

This is the best game ever made.! ! ! ! ! ! ! !?! !? ! ! The bugs are perfectly okay the story is amazing and dialogue is great!!!!??@?! I think that the music in the game is the best ive ever heard anywhere .!!?@! ! trhe songwriter must be sexy and his brain must be so fulll of amazing stuff !!@!#$! aanyways play da game and buy the soundtrakc its really cool

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

It took me less than 5 minutes to fall out of the map, and establish myself as a world record speedrun any% fall out of the map world champion. I love this game, when is the sequel?

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

An Odd Tale on Steam

Apopia: Prologue

Apopia: Prologue

Great game! Seen how it’s been the works for awhile, being fed bits of juicy new content on my instagram feed and now it’s finally out! SO you know when you’re reading a reaally good book and can’t put it down, or watch a great movie and walk out feeling like a new person? Well, THIS IS THE SAME, but game format.

Gameplay - Apopia’s gameplay is super fun - puzzles and mini games are a refreshing break from all the shoot-em-ups/build-your-adventure/brainless time wasters out there nowadays.

Art - the setting of Yogurt, and the Castle are gorgeous to look at with its soothing colour scheme and lighting.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Ok, so I have been advertised this game so many times on my Instagram and decided after the 5th time to actually play the game. Initially, the game seemed like it was going to follow in the footsteps of Undertale where you fall down and meet unusual characters when you fall below. However, playing further into it I can appreciate the amount of effort put into the character and level designs, and I love the point and click aspect with a simple and slightly rough art-syle. The music is absolutely banger, I would definitely listen to the soundtrack if it was put onto Spotify. Although the ending for the prologue was rushed in a way that I did not understand what was happening because too many concepts and events were happening at once, I like the route that the game took. I look very forward to playing it when it is finished. If you are interested in playing this game, I really suggest sitting back and just listening to the unique and fun songs and gander at the character designs because frankly, they’re so distinct and wonderful!

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Apopia: Prologue on Steam



The next adventure in the UNDERTALE series has appeared!

Fight (or spare) alongside new characters in UNDERTALE’s parallel story, DELTARUNE…!


  • A massive soundtrack and story written by Toby Fox!

  • Meet new and endearing main characters, as well as familiar faces like Toriel, Sans, as more. Huh? Papyrus? No, he’s busy. Sorry

  • Smooth and expressive pixel-animation by Temmie. She also has a new hat (in-game)

  • A linear, chapter-based system that you can pick up from anywhere.

  • Creative bullet-dodging based battles inspired by games like Touhou and Chrono Trigger.

  • Jevilishly difficult hidden bosses.

  • And…

  • … only 1 ending…?

    Try Chapter 1 and 2 for free now!

    Chapters 3-5 are now in development and will someday be available as a paid release.


  • Can you pet dogs in the first 2 chapters?

(crying) This FAQ is over!