

Sick, twisted and politically incorrect, the animated series features the adventures of the Griffin family. Endearingly ignorant Peter and his stay-at-home wife Lois reside in Quahog, R.I., and have three kids. Meg, the eldest child, is a social outcast, and teenage Chris is awkward and clueless when it comes to the opposite sex. The youngest, Stewie, is a genius baby bent on killing his mother and destroying the world. The talking dog, Brian, keeps Stewie in check while sipping martinis and sorting through his own life issues.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

This is a game where some random psycho (who can take 30 bullets to the chest and not die) kidnaps you and your daddy. You, a young child with diabetes, are your daddy’s only hope of rescue. Although…why weren’t you caged up as well?

Once I figured out what I had to do and where I had to go, it was a super easy game. There are some glitching that had made me restart the game, such as when I couldn’t pick up food anymore. Other glitches were just graphics, such as fuzzy items after you are caught, so nothing really game breaking that I experienced. I did think the fake daddy dancing was pretty funny. I didn’t like how easy it was for him to capture me at times.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Daddy on Steam

RB: Axolotl

RB: Axolotl


Like most visual novels, RB: Axolotl is narrative-heavy. That being said, it’s difficult to discuss the story without just spoiling things. I will preface with this: the game starts out at a bright, cheery tone that it does not keep up with. The characters are colourful, cute axolotl, and we spend our first few hours getting to know them differently coloured amphibians. Axy, Enc, Nio, Liam, and Lanna are all residents of the tank, and you quickly learn that things there are a tad bit strange. The axolotl doesn’t need to eat and require very little sleep, for starters, and also don’t seem to age.

Real player with 69.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Funny Adventure Games.

There is a certain extremely non-specific type of games, which are usually grouped together,—not for the reason they are similar enough to warrant such categorization but rather because they are that dissimilar from anything else and share some characteristics, like fourth wall breaking, meta-narrative shenanigans, plot twists of ultimate proportion and general mindf++kery. So, precisely this way RB: Axolotl can be compared with other visual novels like Hatoful Boyfriend that is mentioned in other reviews quite a few times. However, frankly, I don’t believe that such comparison does RB: Axolotl enough justice. RB:A excels in doing its own thing and I find this thing pretty much unique.

Real player with 35.0 hrs in game

RB: Axolotl on Steam

A Moustache in the House

A Moustache in the House

It’s a simple idea, and it’s fun. The art style of this game is original and it makes for a perfect eerie feel to the game. I enjoyed it.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Funny Cartoon Games.

I very much enjoy this game. It is very simple, but it is done right. My only complaint is that there are a few bugs that need to be ironed out. Sometimes the buttons don’t make sounds and the doors are a little finicky. However, there is a bug that really needs to be fixed. I cannot get to Level 3 because every time I grab the fuel for the minecart in level 2 and put fuel in it, I get teleported back to the minecart before it started moving. I redid the level like 3 times and the same bug continued to happen. Besides this one major bug I found the game to be amazing. It is a great combination of silliness and horror and I cannot wait to play Level 3. Definitely a hidden gem.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

A Moustache in the House on Steam

Suspicious Downpour

Suspicious Downpour

It’s a very short and relatively straightforward game, for the most part. There is very little actual gameplay involved and most of what you need to do is hinted at through either on-screen tips or the titles of the books in your tent. However, the key things you need to do, as well as how to do them, are not always obvious, so some players may find it a little frustrating to get to the game’s ending.

The developer has written a guide to tell how to earn all of the achievements, which is great as it gives you a bit more information on what you need to do in the game. Earning the achievements is very easy and you can gain them all in a single play-through.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Firstly, the game is incredibly short. Most of my game time is due to idle. There honestly isn’t even much to do in the game, you basically just look around and shine a flashlight in the dark (and throw sandwiches). There are a few items that you can mouse over and read their descriptions. You can’t walk around in the game (the keys instead play music, which was both nice and out of place). The rain noise was pretty relaxing and the graphics were decent enough.

Overall, I suppose it was a good enough short game that felt kind of like a walking simulator but without the walking. It’s also free, so there’s really nothing to lose in trying out the game. For that, I recommend this game for anyone who wants a simple game to play.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Suspicious Downpour on Steam

UFO : Brawlers from Beyond

UFO : Brawlers from Beyond

Nice game to play with friends!!!

Real player with 46.4 hrs in game

At first I wasn’t sure but once I started playing this game it was hard to put down. Definitely one to play with friends. It’s hilarious, technical, and lends itself to a lot of variety so very replayable. If you like Alien, co-op or vs fighting, and you have a good sense of humor, consider picking this game up.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

UFO : Brawlers from Beyond on Steam

Fear Surrounds

Fear Surrounds

Very fun, but if you’re an English player, use your phone for Google Translate, because global servers are empty. Only Chinese players are on the game. Even with the language barrier, this is a fun game which is always suspenseful but fun. I wish there was a better English tutorial because I am clueless about the rules of the game.

The graphics are outdated, but they work very well. I prefer them being low quality. It adds that 2000s PS1/PS2 horror feel to it. The only thing I dislike is the blinding whiteness when you look at another player with a flashlight, and the goofy animations. Other than that, this game is well worth the price and I encourage anyone to try it.

Real player with 23.1 hrs in game

so far for most of my play time is finding a match and when I do the time it takes for people to talk for 2 minutes or 120 seconds is long and I think I get the idea of why but feels like you might as well leave to do something especially on your phone. I think of games like among us with how it is not that long since if you have 13 players you will be waiting until 26 mins (2 minutes for each player to speak) to vote. So far after this I can’t seem to find any matches for global and only on arena and when I try to find a match people just level requirement to join. So far from my experience I can’t recommend this game even through it didn’t cost much to buy. Something needs to be done to encourage more player growth I am not sure what they can do. but I do see potential for this game. just doesn’t seem to be doing that well where I can recommend anyone playing this game. After playing more I got kicked out of a match that is not good for a only multiplayer anyone who has played rainbow six siege back during the vote to kick wars know this is not a good idea since out group and in groups occur and people can ruin a match the fun for you when especially your in church in the game. I can only play in foreign lobby so I can not participate in discussion during the church due to language barrier. This is not fun and good for foreigners or anyone trying to play the game neither is recommonding discord a solution since I can’t get successful for it on another game.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Fear Surrounds on Steam

Hide and Shriek

Hide and Shriek

Let me dispel some common criticisms:

-Nobody plays this game anymore

This is a halloween-themed game, so yes, for those of you complaining in June that nobody plays this game, jump in around October and you’ll get plenty of games in.

-No updates

Fuck off, this game was perfect the first time and does not need “updates”, this isn’t League of Legends

-Only one map

See above. Also, this was meant to be picked up one time a year. One map is plenty. I have a feeling the people who complain about there only being one map are the same people who only play Final Destination on Smash.

Real player with 74.7 hrs in game

tl;dr version: Is this the kind of game you’ll play for ages and have ranked tournaments with months from now? No. Is it $5 worth of Halloween entertainment for the next month or so? Absolutely!

Hide and Shriek is a very well balanced 1v1 scarematch game where you have to either outscore or outscare (or ideally both) your opponent. The fact that resources are randomly distributed - even the runes you use to craft spells are randomly chosen at the start of the match - means that there’s no one preferred location or ideal loadout you can use. Having to continually scramble about looking for resources and never quite having the right spell components in place keeps it from being too comfortable at any point. (It is admittedly true that sometimes the RNG blesses you with abundant resources of exactly the right kind for your strategy but you can never count on this being true.)

Real player with 16.5 hrs in game

Hide and Shriek on Steam

The Quivering

The Quivering

My game crashed on start up and now I magically have 40 hours on it. Never touched this game once.

Real player with 40.4 hrs in game

Franken-Elvis at a Netherworld Funpark: Brilliant Game a true Oldschool Masterpiece. Love the Dark Humour and the UK voice acting. The save system involving Imps that are also needed object puzzles gives the first chapter a survival horror feel that does not exist in most point and click adventure games. Very much reminiscent of the original Discworld, Discworld: Noir and Zack McKracken, and yet a style unto itself. This game is wholey underated on Steam and steal for $4. As one of the most challenging and enjoyable games Ive played recently, I heartily recomend this game to any serious fans of the genre.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

The Quivering on Steam



Absent doesn’t quite get off to a very convincing start, but don’t give up on this game just yet! Hang in there and things get a lot more fun pretty soon!


  • Fantastic voice acting (I loved Danielle in particular)

  • Catchy music that entirely matched the scene (near the end especially)

  • Surprising plot (be patient and you’ll see)

  • Great length (for a free game): many hours of fun and adventure puzzle-solving

  • Many acts and different scenes to explore

  • Interesting and memorable characters

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

FREE indie point’n’click about paranormal shenanigans in British college. Apply here, mate.

Something happened to Steve’s girlfriend, Crystal. Friday night he was talking on the phone with her, and Monday morning he finds out that she never came back home. As a player, however, you’re privy to a strange event – a paranormal entity taking her…somewhere. Steve doesn’t know about it and immediately considers her murdered by a jock who bullied Crystal the same night she disappeared. This could be the end of the story, but, thankfully, Steve has two good friends who possess common sense (Eve & Murray) and aren’t so sure Crystal was murdered. In fact, Murray is starting to have strange visons that only confirm this theory. Armed with Crystal’s cell phone that was dropped during kidnapping and good, old British humor they set out to unravel the mystery.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Absent on Steam

Blood and Bacon

Blood and Bacon

Just a Classic game and I really love this Holdout game ever.

Plus exploring things. (Including space moon)

Real player with 27.1 hrs in game

ODAY it seems to me providential that Fate should have chosen Braunau on the Inn as my birthplace. For this little town lies on the boundary between two German states which we of the younger generation at least have made it our life work to reunite by every means at our disposal.

German-Austria must return to the great German mother country, and not because of any economic considerations. No, and again no: even if such a union were unimportant from an economic point of view; yes, even if it were harmful, it must nevertheless take place. One blood demands one Reich. Never will the German nation possess the moral right to engage in colonial politics until, at least, it embraces its own sons within a single state. Only when the Reich borders include the very last German, but can no longer guarantee his daily bread, will the moral right to acquire foreign soil arise from the distress of our own people. Their sword will become our plow, and from the tears of war the daily bread of future generations will grow. And so this little city on the border seems to me the symbol of a great mission. And in another respect as well, it looms as an admonition to the present day. More than a hundred years ago, this insignificant place had the distinction of being immortalized in the annals at least of German history, for it was the scene of a tragic catastrophe which gripped the entire German nation. At the time of our fatherland’s deepest humiliation, Johannes Palm of Nuremberg, burgher, bookseller, uncompromising nationalist and French hater, died there for the Germany which he loved so passionately even in her misfortune. He had stubbornly refused to denounce his accomplices who were in fact his superiors. In thus he resembled Leo Schlageter. And like him, he was denounced to the French by a representative of his government An Augsburg police chief won this unenviable fame, thus furnishing an example for our modern German officials in Herr Severing’s Reich.

Real player with 20.5 hrs in game

Blood and Bacon on Steam