Dad’s Coming

Dad’s Coming

After a whole afternoon at home with your sibling, the kitchen’s a mess, your room’s in disarray, you haven’t hung the laundry: a normal day. SUDDENLY… you see on that phone notification that your dad will be coming home early - you hear the garage screeching and opening and… RUN!! DAD’S COMING!!

Meet Bob, the goofy brother who’s scared and clumsy because he can’t contain the anxiety of thinking about the horrible consequences of his actions - not playing video games for the rest of the night. It’s chilling!

Kate, on the other hand, was born for this. It’s been years of intensive training of putting everything away and pretending she’s asleep while her mother’s on the way from the hallway to her bedroom, never once being discovered! And this time’s not going to be different.

To be able to clean up this mess and pretend that nothing happened you will need to:

  • Cooperate by throwing items between rooms until you place them in their respective places

  • Be careful not to break windows or fragile items like grandma’s urn - your mom won’t be too happy if your grandma breaks twice!

  • Keep an eye on Jack, the siblings’ cat! He is always messing around and knocking things over.

  • Use the means in each house to be even quicker, such as service elevators!

  • Watch out for blackouts when it’s raining! Sometimes you will have to reactivate the circuit breaker!

  • And much more!

Read More: Best Funny Pixel Graphics Games.

Dad's Coming on Steam

Supermarket Shriek

Supermarket Shriek

hilarious game

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Funny Adventure Games.

A silly and humourous game where you ride a shopping cart with a goat. The premise and gimmick is that you are both screaming while in the cart and this is helps you move and maneuver around. So basically the whole game is filled with shrieking and screaming, which can get annoying after a long time of playing for some after the novelty wears off. But it is still quite funny for the most part. There are plenty of stages and obstacles to go through where you earn stars depending on the course, whether it be on speed or collecting objects etc. Some replayability along with it because of the 3 star rating system for the levels so at times you may come back to gain all 3 within the levels that was unable to achieve prior. The difficulty of the game is also good with the stages becoming more elaborate and complicated as it progress. More various and difficult obstacles that come up. Moving around in the cart is also quite fun as you jump over gaps, drift and zig zag around. There are also collectables to be had, for example you can gain headwear that can be equipped as you pass through levels and gain them, which is neat. Along with the singleplayer mode, there is also a co op mode as well as a party pvp mode where you can vs other friends in various events. So these do add some extra element of fun where you can play this rowdy game with others.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Supermarket Shriek on Steam

Duo Defenders - Tower Defense

Duo Defenders - Tower Defense

It’s amazing. It’s beautiful. It’s hilarious. This game was made for Steam Remote Play, but I can’t wait to play it on a TV with a friend! #TeamKoko

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Funny Isometric Games.

Duo Defenders mixes fun co-op gameplay with one of my favorite game genres, tower defense. The tower defense gameplay is delightfully simple, and it feels more focused on team work - you can quickly get overwhelmed if you don’t work together and communicate, but that’s also the fun of it! Levels are pretty well-designed such that each level is a new teamwork challenge. The later levels are daunting for non-gamers, almost wish there was another faster/better character to select if one of the players is struggling, which would make it more casual.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Duo Defenders - Tower Defense on Steam

Death Squared

Death Squared

I freaking love this game. Writing a review partially because this game deserves an “overwhelmingly positive” and I’d like to help take it there. I’ve played with 4-5 people in the party mode for a dozen or so levels, and done half the main levels so far playin' with my dad. In terms of a puzzle game, yes, does the job, makes you think, then makes you think in a completely different way, very satisfying.

I think what most makes this game stand out for me is the fun in the actual death and failure, especially playing with someone else. Sometimes you get some deaths in just for fun and to see the animation and dialogue…and to annoy your partner, of course….

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

A simple idea well executed, a funny co-op puzzle experience.

Co-op puzzle

In Death Squared you must cooperatively solve puzzles. Each player has a cube-character that can only move, there is no other function. Each player has to move to their respective endpoint to solve the puzzle. Along the way you have to stand on switches to change the level, dodge lasers tied to one character, stand on each other’s head to serve as bridge, not die, and most importantly not kill the other! This is a typical game to just start playing! Play only co-op though. You can control two characters with a keyboard, so a perfect snuggle game! Although… it will most probably start a fight…

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

Death Squared on Steam



Whether you love designing levels or just love platformers in general this game is an instant buy! With a robust level editor, a system to get your level played, tight platforming, and endless content, this is the best Maker game ever made!

I originally purchased this game to help pass the time until Mario Maker 2, but was so amazed by the level editor I never left. From creating traditional platforming levels, to complex machines, the editor has almost unlimited potential. The editor is easy to learn, but extremely deep and robust to the allow for creating even the most complex contraptions.

Real player with 1953.5 hrs in game

Levelhead is the best level maker experience on the market.


Some describe it as a precision platformer, but it does not have to be. Even running around the most basic levels is enjoyable because the controls, character animations and sound design are spot on.

The main distinguishing gameplay feature is the grab/throw mechanic, which adds a ton of depth to the platforming and sets it apart from established franchises. The array of carry items can be used for platforming, puzzles, combat or even currency.

Real player with 1424.9 hrs in game

Levelhead on Steam



The final boss that people have been calling buggy and rage inducing is being reworked sometime in the next week to make it much “less random and less punishing” [EDIT: It is fixed now]. You can chat with the devs and other players on the Struggling discord, and they’re really responsive to player criticism.

Literally every part of the game apart from that boss is incredible: the gameplay, the visuals, the music, the hats, the other bosses, everything. You can play singleplayer or local multiplayer (remote multiplayer with Parsec), and the controls are weirdly intuitive. It takes about 6-8 hours to complete for the first time, but there are so many great bossfights and paradigm shifts that you’ll wanna play again. The game is very replayable since are about 50 hats to collect in secret areas, and each challenge has many ways to be beaten.

Real player with 104.6 hrs in game

Man this game is a BLAST.

The humour in this game is the best, me and my friend were laughing our asses of till the very end. The controls are a bit like the controls of games like getting over it where it doesnt feel unpolished or shitty, you just suck.

All the negative reviews are either from people complaining about there not being online coöp even though there’s apps like parsec that work amazingly with this game (or you just use steams own remote play tho that’s a little buggy if ya ask me), or from people that say the game gets boring after a while even tho the humour and small parts where you gotta actually use your brain and skills keep it fun and hella entertaining.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Struggling on Steam

Animal Rivals

Animal Rivals

Animal Rivals is a collection of local split screen multiplayer only party minigames where you control a funny/toy animal. Games are things like obstacle courses, action/box destroying games and so on.

The quality here is very poor unfortunately, and there’s no network play, which isn’t really right for 2017 when this was launched. The game doesn’t work right off the bat and loads into a black screen, so you have to press “R” then hope you can tweak the game resolution such that it will work and not just crash out.

Real player with 65.4 hrs in game

Black Screen of Death.

Actually, I got past the black screen by hitting R which reset the settings. Unfortunately, that also means you can only play at the base settings.

Once you get past all that, you are confronted with a completely bland and dead game.

Skip this one unless you have a group who wants to play this together for whatever reason.

If you found this review helpful and would be interested in supporting my Curator group, it would be appreciated. Cheers.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Animal Rivals on Steam

Escape from Life Inc

Escape from Life Inc

Heard about this game a while back and have had it on my wishlist. Was super excited to try it today and I’m happy to say that I couldn’t stop playing! It was quite a lot of content too! Really good puzzles, a nice compelling story with funny dialogue and lots of little hidden things. Great work! :)

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game


1. Had to rebind my controls twice when I first started (bound them, scene changed and they’d reverted to default), but once I’d quit and started the game back the controls stayed. Probably just an issue with when the gave saves your controls?

2. Walljumps frustrated me. (You have to hold toward the wall until you jump, and then immediately hold away; I believe most games cancel or delay your “toward” press as soon as you walljump which makes it easier to perform? Not sure, but something about the walljumps gave me trouble.)

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Escape from Life Inc on Steam

Streets of Fury EX

Streets of Fury EX

This is the most fun I’ve ever had with a beat ‘em up.

Streets of Fury EX certainly doesn’t have the ambiance of Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara, or the soundtrack of Streets of Rage, or the visuals of Capcom’s Alien vs Predator.

But what the game lacks in artistic and technical prowess, it makes up for with its zany humour, large cast of playable characters, and awesome gameplay depth.

Each character feels very unique, and though a few can feel underpowered, they’re still interesting in their own right. The combo system is super flexible - way more than I ever expected! Chain combos, special moves, dash and jump cancels, juggles, OTGs, and the coming update even adds parries to the mix. Hell we’re still finding new ways to do amazing, super damaging combos!

Real player with 333.0 hrs in game

I sunk a huge amount of time into the original Xbox 360 version of the game, and Streets of Fury is one of my favourite indie games from last gen. I was pretty amped to discover that they were planning on doing a PC version of this, so I’ve been patiently waiting…

Streets of Fury is a throwback to late 80’s - early 90’s arcade style beat-em ups done in the style of games like old-skool Mortal Kombat using digitized sprites. Streets of Fury sports a very competent and deep combo system that is simple and pick-up-and-playable for beginners, while more experienced players can string together ridiculously long combos that look like something out of a high level MvC2 or Skullgirls match…

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Streets of Fury EX on Steam

Tinker Racers

Tinker Racers

This game far exceeded my expectations!!

I agree with someone who wrote a review saying “it’s almost like stealing from the developers”. It is very cheap for what it delivers (in fact I still don’t get the price so low, maybe because it is in Early Access …).

After unlocking all the tracks, we spent a lot of time having so much fun at Free For All Mode! 4 people playing it is insane!

The lack of an online multiplayer would be a serious problem for a game like this if it weren’t for Steam’s Remote Play Together. Luckily because of this steam feature we were able to have a lot of fun playing online, so maybe that can be disregarded. If you are playing on the keyboard, just remember to previously agree on which keys each player of the remote play together will play (after all you are supposed to be playing on the same keyboard via stream … it took us a while to realize this).

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

It’s extremely difficult to speak ill of this game considering the price it charges. It’s dirt cheap, it’s almost like stealing from the developers. And what’s in it for you?

As the game itself says in its description, it is essentially a clone of MicroMachines. It is essentially the same game, with the same principles: you use small (toy) cars, running on tracks that seem to have been assembled by children in their rooms, to play against other cars. If the distance between the first place and the other cars is too great, the cars that touch the edges of the screen are defeated and disappear, until there is only one car left on the track. Then, you win the round, and repeat this for 5 more times.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Tinker Racers on Steam