Errand Boy

Errand Boy

Follow an adventurous little creature throughout the lands of Ashure with the hopes of helping everyone in his path, and maybe even, save the world from an imminent disaster. Errand Boy is a fantastical action adventure game told through 5 interweaving adventures and heroes with one overall purpose: Save the town from the imminent disaster.

Help others by:

  • Delivering errands

  • Using magical powers to help the townsfolk

  • Exploring the lands and defeating mythical creatures

Errand Boy is still under development. More to come soon!

Read More: Best Funny Adventure Games.

Errand Boy on Steam

Color War

Color War

Long ago the rainbow relic was shattered, taking away all of the worlds colors with it. The shards of color found it’s way into some lucky hands and color factions were formed. And for some reason, it’s your job to help fix it. You play as a cat dude and fight your way through extremely difficult bullet hell style boss battles in an attempt to get back home and out of this strange world. In the process, you’ll make many friends and enemies.

The game switches between a lively top-down overworld to a straight on bullet-hell boss rush type game. You’ll fight many different bosses while attempting to bring together the color shards. There is different modes for varying levels of difficulty, so if you just want some casual play there are options, as well as a very difficult mode for those seeking a challenge.

Read More: Best Funny Arcade Games.

Color War on Steam

Secrets of Grindea

Secrets of Grindea

I’ve never made a review for a game on Steam, but with the new arcade update, I was so moved that I just had to make one for this game.

The Pros:

-Simple, charming, cartoon-esque designs on the monsters. I’ve seen a lot of games that go overboard with their monster design, and often times the designs just look flat-out ugly; not this game.

-Arcade mode. This is the meat of the game, as it is still in early access. Honestly, if this were the entire game, I would be completely fine with it. In arcade mode, you fight through numerous floors, each getting exponentially harder, once you die, your levels, equipment, and skills reset, and you can try again. Playing this mode with friends is honestly such a blast. Each run is almost completely unique, as the rooms of the floors are randomized with shops, nurses, challenge rooms, puzzle rooms, and fishing rooms. With the new update, they’ve added even more stuff to this list such as Loods.

Real player with 176.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Funny Pixel Graphics Games.

It seems that a lot of the top reviews have forgotten something important from the devs: “Please read all the Early Access info before buying!” So, before you read any reviews, please read that EA description.

Back? Alright.

The Concerns

The main concerns I’ve seen from top commenters are amount of content and update frequency. Interestingly enough, the devs address both. First, content. Many complaints tend to stem from the fact that, if you skip cutscenes and side missions, there’s about four hours of content, and their disappointment at its limited playtime, etc. However, the developers noted this in the EA info: “it takes about 4 hours to complete if you skip most of the side content. If you want to do everything currently in Story Mode, expect to invest at least 10 hours.” Does this mean you should buy the game immediately? No. It just makes those complaints about content seem a little less grounded when they were given warning. Next, update frequency. This seems to be the major complaint with most Not Recommended reviews. Surprise surprise, the devs were prepared again. “If frequent updates and/or a determinable release date is very important to you, we advise you to wait for the finished product!” Again, those complaints lose a little luster once it’s clear that there was a warning. With a large development team, big and detailed games can take years. This game is being made by three people. It’s going to take a long time. However, as of today on day of writing, March 27, 2017, the devs posted an update that ends the area that will be the largest until the game’s very end, which means the update frequency should increase. (Sidenote: I don’t blame reviewers for not knowing that. I only learned it existed twenty minutes ago. But, it is important to note.) In any case, the update frequency is pretty good for three people on this intensive of a game. With that out of the way, let’s move to:

Real player with 102.4 hrs in game

Secrets of Grindea on Steam

Wo Yao Da  我要大

Wo Yao Da 我要大

I dunno. This game is really silly but yet tries to take itself seriously. The English is broken due to some copy paste google translate. The graphics are basic unity graphics. All assets are bought and the fighting mechanics are like a really janky version of dynasty warriors.

The most irritating part of the game is the fact you cannot get rid of the default windows cursor and it does not centre while playing. To do a 180 you have to drag your mouse a couple times to over steer and then pull it back to the centre so it in the middle while running forward.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

If you want a game with beautiful graphics, a dynamic and interesting story, and excellent gameplay mechanics please go visit another game because this one is not meant for you. If you’re not playing this game to play a game and just enjoy yourself with all the ridiculousness that it has to offer it’s a work of art. I was hardly ever not entertained because everything from weird gameplay mechanics to speaking and text popping up was always so ridiculous that there was some fun to be found in them.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Wo Yao Da 我要大 on Steam

Braveland Knights

Braveland Knights

Join the Heroes Guild and travel the path from a rookie to the hero of the kingdom. Head on a hunt for the vicious boss solo or with your friends. Your adventure will be randomly generated from hundreds of different events.

Once you sign up a contract to catch the villain, you’ll head into an adventure. Each quest is created from hundreds of particular events, melding into a unique story. The Elves will reveal secret paths to you and the ordinary pub owner might very well turn out to be a werewolf.

  • Become a knight

    Energetic slasher in the best traditions of the old school.

  • 4 player co-op

    Destroy villains solo or have up to 4 players on the same screen or online.

  • An endless adventure

    More than a hundred events will make each adventure one of a kind.

  • Choose a fighting style

    A heap of various weapons and equipment from ordinary axes to runic staffs made of dragon’s teeth.

  • Rebuild the castle

    Upgrade your guild castle to get bonuses before new adventure.

Braveland Knights on Steam

Half Blood RPG

Half Blood RPG

I need to know something about this game… when you enter the Desert Temple and go through the spike traps and make it into the next area with the moving boulders. I got reset to the beginning of the dungeon with no ways to reactivate the boulders to move i cant get passed one of the boulders to go where i left off. I’m concerned there is a bug im dealing with or is there something I’m missing?

Real player with 27.4 hrs in game

Half Blood RPG on Steam



This is an excellent game for all those who love the RPG genre and are too tired of the same old dragons and goblins setting.

What looks to be initially a fairly simple game, manifests itself into a variety of play-styles depending on which tool you favour you can be a powerful hulk or a rogue style assassin or a swashbuckling Indiana Jones type or a Sword and Board sentinel. After the first playthrough, you realise the enormous number of options that were available to you. I started my 2nd and 3rd playthroughs as soon as I was done with the previous.

Real player with 82.8 hrs in game

If i had to use a single word to describe this game, that word would be: charming.

The game has its qualities and has its fair share of shortcomings, but it does manage to stand out of the crowd through its unique mix of a story inspired from Russian folktales, and a music inspired from archaic Romanian folklore.

The general idea of this game is to take various elements from Slavic folklore and bring them together as game mechanics in a light-hearted action-rpg.

The idea itself is pure genius, the execution….not so much.

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Yaga on Steam

Cat Gets Medieval

Cat Gets Medieval

wow, this is really not a standard game, a cat as a character) is not very standard. The physics of the cat’s movement is not bad at all and is truthful, with the exception of some points. I was glad that you can play not only alone but also with friends over the network. We are waiting for the second part where the character will be a dog, or another pet, I would look at it and play))

Real player with 340.7 hrs in game

So having “Completed” this game here is what you need to know. When you boot up the game you can pick a cat to play as, pick tiger, then just go at it. There is no real order to how to go about doing things. However you need to get the Force Collar to be able to beat the game. So after you talk to the king cat head down to the castle dungeon and kill some rats. Then proceed to DIE, ALOT, don’t worry though just keep throwing yourself at the big rat and he will die.

Then grab your new Force Collar and head on down to the crypt in the farm area and grab the only spell worth getting, Rageblade. This spell is a monster at destroying enemies foolish enough to try and stop you. Able to kill just about anything within seconds. You will also notice you can upgrade it any would recommend doing so when ever you have enough candy (the games currency) to do so. Best way to use it is jumping in circles around the enemy.

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Cat Gets Medieval on Steam

Hats Are Not Allowed

Hats Are Not Allowed

“Hats are forbidden. Any Bot found wearing a hat will be destroyed on sight. Any bot found not destroying a Bot found wearing a hat will be destroyed on sight.” - RulerBot

The illegal hat in your possession has an unprecedented level of style which will inspire others to join your rebellion. Fight with sword, spear and shield to survive against those who would destroy you. As your power grows you must determine where your true ambitions lie.

  • DUEL

    The dueling system is easy to learn but hard to master. There is no need to memorize long combos. Instead the focus is on quick reflexes, timing and tactics. Beware feints, be strategic with your distance and don’t run out of steam.


    Bot combat modules restrict fighting to duels only. This means battles are conducted via 1v1 duels until one squad has been completely defeated. Strategically select your fighters and either simulate, spectate or take control of the duels yourself!


    Discover and equip new bot parts and items to increase your attributes that best suit your fighting style.


    As “The Hat Wearer” you will lead the Hat Rebellion. Do you seek to start a political revolution aiming for total hat freedom? Do you want to claim power for yourself? Or do you seek to discover the truth behind this world and the authoritarian Genu Corp?

Hats Are Not Allowed on Steam

Paw Paw Paw

Paw Paw Paw

Disclaimer: A copy of this game was provided by the publisher.

Paw Paw Paw is a beat em up about the Antipants revolution inspired by Castle Crashers.

Most of the combat revolves around staggering, both the player and the enemies can repetitively attack to keep their enemy from taking action. Early in the game, the enemies take a lot of hits until the damage is upgraded. Surprisingly destroying chests/trees and other destructibles that drop items take too many hits. Some later enemies and bosses can’t be staggered which makes them challenging.

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Personally enjoyed this game A TON! If you enjoyed Castle Crashers back in the day, this game will give you a decent reminder of all the excitement that came within that game! Not only are there multiple characters to play as, but also classes to choose from that each have their own benefits. Each class has a few characters that “match” that class in which these said characters will have the same abilities. This game is great for those who like to play Local Multiplayer! Got some friends to play over Remote Play? This game is compatible with that too! The game doesn’t get any easier with more people, but it does become more enjoyable as a group! Personal favorite class is Barbarian (Slow hitter, but HEAVY DAMAGE!!!). Classes reach a certain point and get an “Upgrade” to make the abilities is even BETTER! I say it many times, and I’ll say it again, this game reminds me a TON of Castle Crashers, but I feel like the concept was even BETTER than before!

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Paw Paw Paw on Steam