Warplanes: WW2 Dogfight

Warplanes: WW2 Dogfight

Attualmente sto giocando questo titolo nella modalità semplificata, e devo dire che lo trovo molto divertente. Certo, non c’è da aspettarsi un simulatore di volo realistico, ma per essere un arcade, e per di più gratuito, merita veramente di essere giocato. Certo, le missioni sono piuttosto ripetitive, e gli scenari di gioco non troppo vari, ma la possibilità di ottenere in poco tempo tanti aerei, potenziabili nelle caratteristiche, equipaggiabili con diversi set up di bombe, razzi, siluri, addirittura personalizzabili nei colori, adesivi eccetera, e la possibilità di poter decidere per ogni missione quali e quanti aerei utilizzare, assicurano molte ore di divertimento.

Real player with 268.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Flight Games.

Well, it’s an arcade warplane shooter, this is not a sim. So there’s no fancy acrobatics or deep tectical or strategic way to play this. In addition to the aerial combat, You get to fly planes from the US, Germany, UK, USSR and Japan, and are somewhat historically correct. There is a simple system of economy, and you have to buy more planes, upgrade them, train airmen, which will come in handy when you deploy multiple planes in missions. There are also some base building fun which you can select.

Real player with 114.5 hrs in game

Warplanes: WW2 Dogfight on Steam

War Thunder

War Thunder

Oh how I wish i could call an arty strike on Gaijin’s head office.

Let me list the most frustrating aspects of this game:

A bit of a lengthy review but if you are really interested in this game then you should at least skim this review to get an idea of what you’re signing up for. Also the first serious review I’ve done of a game but I have been playing this for 4 years now and it’s about time I told (warned) people about it.

The devs:

Has never listened to it’s community’s suggestions or bug reports. The closest we ever got was when everyone, including the largest Youtuber Phlydaily was pushing to have parts and fire extinguishers to come for free with every vehicle, instead of making it a module to research (or spend money on). So if you get shot in the transmission, yup you cant move the rest of the match, or get shot in the barrel? Yup, you are completely useless unless you can make it to a cap point which sometimes there is only 1. Guess what… they said “no” and have since never acknowledged community suggestions since then due to the horrible PR fallout. They balance the game based off players stats in that particular vehicle. Leaving some vehicles completely broken or overpowered for months while data comes in for them to actually do something about it. Easily the most frustrating of these cases was the fact that the battle rating spread is so compressed from power creep that they couldn’t figure out what level to put the Maus at to make it competitive and balanced so they just removed it from the game. LOL yeah they barred new players from being able to research it cause they were too lazy to fix their game. They also will gladly make up stats or armor values about tanks to fit their view of what they think it should be capable of.

Real player with 2618.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Flight Games.

Okay listen.

I’ve got 2,222 hours in this game while I’m writing this. I get that it’s confusing that I’m making a negative review.

Tl;dr: This is a good game, but one of the worst, most scummy products I’ve ever seen. One that preys on people with addictive personalities in a wide spectrum of ways.

All I really need to do is explain the monetization tbh:

-Silver Lions: Silver lions are the non-premium currency for War Thunder. They are achieved passively just by played, and playing well gives a nice bonus. Winning matches massively multiplies silver lion gains (ie, if you kill 1 person in a match you lose in the planes mode you’ll get a small amount of silver lions, but even just one kill in a match you win is worth a fair amount, and to a degree this gets better the better you play). But here’s the… well… “but”. Silver lions are precisely designed so that when you first start playing the game, no matter what (ie, whether you are completely free to play, just have a premium vehicle, or have premium vehicles and a premium account) you will be getting enough silver lions to more than cover the silver lion costs of the vehicles you will have access too. Low tier vehicles cost basically nothing to repair, as do almost all premiums (and premium accounts and vehicles both massively boost silver lion income while using them). You might be seeing the problem already, but if not stick with me here. As you progress through the game, if you’re free to play you will at first quickly unlock cheap vehicles before reaching more expensive ones, then things will be slower and slower to unlock and more expensive. To be clear, all of this so far isn’t a big deal. The issue comes when you reach about 7.0 (battle rating, which is basically just a “level” for matchmaking balance) for ground forces or about 8.0 for air forces, in my experience. At this point vehicles are sluggish to unlock and extremely expensive. Buying them, training a crew slot to play them, and every modification all costs SL, but also repairing and rearming the aircraft after the battle. At the lower tiers you might not even notice this. By about 6.0 you’ll almost certainly notice this but unless you play very poorly it won’t be a major issue. You might have to take it easy right after buying a newly unlocked vehicle, but other than that you’re fine. But beyond that, certain vehicles (seemingly arbitrarily, though there’s always a long winded explanation that boils down to “balance”) cost bafflingly, ridiculously, hilariously high amounts of silver lions. If you have about 2-3 million silver lions at lower tiers, you’re golden. You can lose some of it if you have some rough matches, but you’ll be fine. At the higher tiers, you could burn through that in a day just by being unlucky. Half the time you unlock a new jet or main battle tank it’s so expensive you either can’t buy it, or can but then can’t play it because if you die before getting a kill you lose massive amounts.

Real player with 2313.7 hrs in game

War Thunder on Steam

Heroes & Generals

Heroes & Generals

UPDATE: Continued play of the game has changed my impressions. Reto has continued to ignore cries for proper resolutions to bugs, completely broken the audio system for the game, and is now actively encouraging hackers so long as they are willing to pay for gold within the game. Give the game a pass and go to something from a AAA developer. At this point, they care more than Reto does.

TL;DR: While there’s a lot of bad to the game, it’s still an entertaining experience and worth checking out.

Real player with 2718.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play FPS Games.

I ve been playing this game for about 2 years and i have mixed feelings about it. It’s free, the FPS-RTS combination makes it very interesting and addictive because each battle is meaningful and has an impact on the war, it is fun to play with friends but at the same time it has some issues that haven’t been fixed yet that are really annoying.

For the new players this game is just brutal. You choose 1 soldier for 1 of the 3 factions and you get thrown into an encounter battle. ‘Capture and hold the objective’ glhf. No tutorial, no training session to give you the basic idea of the game mechanics and gunplay. There used to be a quick training mission, where you could at least shoot some of the guns, bazooka, scoped rifle and Anti-Air but it’s now removed. Anyways, after a few encounters, 2 skirmishes, 1 town, 1 factory and 1 airfield battle (matchmaker keeps throwing you back to the encounter map for some reason) you get player rank VII which means you will be matched against any player from now on, either it’s another newbie or a veteran (experienced player). So for a while (since the grind is quite a lot) you ll probably find yourself in a disadvantage having to fight against better geared players, tanks and planes. A few encounter battles later you can join the war, extra xp/ribbon boost + underdog bonus, ‘yes please!’. Except now you go against hardcore players/clans and uneven resources. And that’s when most new players give up and go spam forums with ‘everyone is cheating-op guns/tanks/planes’ threads. My point is, I think the new players are not given enough time to learn the game before they reach the endgame (war battles) and they end up leaving when they get stomped by vets over and over again.

Real player with 2240.7 hrs in game

Heroes & Generals on Steam

Fog Of War - Free Edition

Fog Of War - Free Edition

Fog of war has an interesting battlefield type of view for the free play player to enjoy.

it has a variety of vehicles and weapons for a player to chose between the red army and the german army.

it has some potential to become a great steam game but as it stands right now I cannot recommend this game to a user if they are looking for a game to invest alot of time into.

the game suffers from the following below.

No true how-to-play:

players who jion this game are force to learn the controls on the fly while in battle this is very unpopular with new players who often rage quit due to not being able to do simple things like throwing a grenade or looking down the sights of a gun, switching ammo types in a tank .etc

Real player with 37.8 hrs in game

–second review–

Clearly this game is offering some more now that the kids left for new games and you can now play with occasional players on a free to play fps.

Cleary the game development is still dead since the first days, but at least this game still give some fun.

City maps in this game are what games like heroes&generals and other free to plays should have been. True city combat scenarios, where it’s no more ranging and camouflage on a 2d plain terrain, but in a 3d environment, where a sniper could come out of a terrace from a 5th floor of a 7 storeys building while you are running on the streets.

Real player with 36.9 hrs in game

Fog Of War - Free Edition on Steam



This game is not the kind of game you jump into. Most people jump in thinking it’s just a shooter, not noticing the loot system or how it works. Since there is no real tutorial, I can help with one. The starting guns are mediocre, go look for semi auto rifles and smg’s in nearby buildings. Observe the different ammo types and make sure to only carry ammo for your weapons. You start off with an axe, go chop down some trees, you get 50 xp for every tree you chop down. Wood is an important resource, but not the most important. After you have aquired enough wood for a tent and a box, find a nice out of the way spot to put it in, look on the map and avoid locations of importance (marked with white icons on the map). After finding a good spot to camp, make the tent (mobile repawn point) and box, put all of your important items like gas, oil, spare parts, and metal in the box, the tent can store objects but can be opened by anyone, friend and foe alike. The box is locked and can only be opened by you. If you have leveled up, go and hunt the enemy. If you die, you can now spawn as the assault class. Go take that pickaxe to a rock or 5 and get the next 2 most valuable resouces. Stone and mineral are extremely valuable. Stone can be turned into metal, you can turn metal into spare parts if you didn’t find any. Wood can be turned into oil, and mineral to ammo. You’ve almost got it. Now with your metal, spare parts and oil, you can make a tank! Tanks need lots of fuel and ammo. Ammo is made from mineral and metal, so start picking away. Pay attention to the ammo type of the tank you wish to make in the tab menu. Make the right ammo or you’ll be regretful. Make sure to never unlock your vehicles. NEVER. Take your tank over to the nearest gas station (white jerry can on map) and all you have to do is stay in the tank next to the pumps. You take your tank to the enemy base, have taken damage, and are low on ammo. Don’t die yet, drive back to your camp or the factory. A malet (“molot”) and repair box can fix the damage. And you already know how to get ammo. Now you are ready to die an national hero. Get out there and win!

Real player with 99.0 hrs in game

Love the game so far ive played for around a week now. slowly got the hang of the building which now i know how to do. few bugs that need to be sorted including:

GUI Mistakes : (Your Team)- You have spelt (yuor team) and (allies) - you have spelt (allieds)

Biome bugs: stone and trees these do not vanish when other people cut or mine. so when you go to mine or cut you do not get recources.

Buildings: you are easy trapped in by your team mates ive seen this on countless occassions.

lag: is understandable 100 players in a big map will cause this so is no the devs fault. its not to bad.

Real player with 47.5 hrs in game

BattleRush on Steam

Call of War: World War 2

Call of War: World War 2

Call of War had a lot of potential and can really be a lot of fun at first. It is very competitive ad interesting for the most part in early games where momst people playing are beginners. Then as you advance you find out just how crazy people can become with games that allow you to “pay to win”, players pump in a lot of money to buy a win and think nothing of how it ruins the game. To be fair, it does not always happen, but there is no way of determining if a “map” or game instance will have one or a few of these types of players. In these maps the games become a drain n either ones wallet or ones senses, I for one keep thinking, “why would anynone spend that kind of moeny to win a game”, yet people do over and over. I do not deny the developer and publisher their fair profit as they do deserve a return on their creation, but there needs to be a better method, like a cost throttle, the more you spend the more things cost, or some upper limit on what you can spend on an instance. I don’t know the fix, but almost every online game has the same issue, play for free, pay to win. Bytro and its games are in this arena, I say avoid them or proceed with caution unless you are mega wealthy and want to show people jsut how much money you can spend to win a game. I will continue to play, at least as long as Bytro will allow as they threaten to ban me for calling heavy spenders out, which is apparently against their rules. I say if it aint true then ban me, if it is fix the game! For the record, I have participated in 35 games to date, won 18, 3 are still undecided and almost all fo the other games were one by someone that spent a lot of money, so expect someone to be a big spender in 40% to 50% of the games. Due to this issue, I cannot recommend the game. There are also some fundamental issues with the game that were not fully thought out by the developer, some do not make sense, like allowing CAP to go out beyond the max range of a air strike, there are no differences in nationality for troops - which for a game based on WWII it makes little sense, which means there are no nationalistic capabilities or differences in troops, no quantity over quality, and upgrades that jsut happen, even when aircraft in in flight or a ship at sea. Most of these can be overlooked, but I cannot allow a game to call it a strategy game and allow people to win with paying an accessive amount of money.

Real player with 2636.8 hrs in game

In a nutshell: Do not waste your time here.

EDIT: https://gyazo.com/c84c1dc3e1be2e5c33b08d55870637b8


I have just played a game where after so many weeks of painstaking planning in a discord server, I sent an invasion force across the water and the gold user knew the exact positions of my invasion force, bought an army using $$$, and sunk my entire army. This is not a strategy game… It’s a moneymaking scam.

Horrifyingly pay to win.

  • Pay to speed up production.

  • Pay to speed up research.

Real player with 862.5 hrs in game

Call of War: World War 2 on Steam

Aces High III

Aces High III

As much as I love this game and have put many hours into it (mostly the non-steam version) i just cannot justify the monthly fee’s and would not recommend the title for others unless they are into hardcore flight sims, have plenty of excess income, and are willing to invest in VR and flight-sim equipment.

My personal experience with the game is largely positive, i really enjoy pretty much all aspects of the game from high-altitude bombing runs to using rocket strikes to disable naval carriers. The world is open, the teams are mostly friendly, and things feel more or less balanced ( a few questionable planes [jets] aside and a single negative interaction with the support staff which was likely a fluke ). Anyone can hop into a fighter and take down a wing of bombers as they enter friendly radar range, which is great!

Real player with 52.9 hrs in game

Read my full review here: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamereviews/comments/9ql5p5/aces_high_3_game_review/


Synopsis: Despite having some good gameplay mechanics that set it apart from other flight sims of its type, I cannot recommend this game. In fact, I strongly discourage anyone from trying it, unless they fit a very narrow column of criteria. I’ll do my best to be objective and unbiased and explain why.

My qualifications: I’m one of the top-ranked fighter pilots in this game. I have just shy of 5,000 hours in this game over the last 4 years. I’m a extremely competitive power-gamer and this genre is my niche. I’ve been ranked #1 numerous times in the monthly leaderboard rankings and have consistently beaten the pilots considered to be good in structured 1v1 “duels.” For transparency, I’ve played but not pursued the ground game very far - that’s for a specific reason (which I’ll explain later on). I can speak to the flight model and air-to-air gameplay at a level most players can’t. I also have similar experience in other sims and can compare the high-end gameplay in Aces High against high-end gameplay in other games across the genre.

Real player with 52.5 hrs in game

Aces High III on Steam

Card Blitz: WWII

Card Blitz: WWII

I have to say first, there are a lot of bots in this game, and they ignore visibility system. And at the end of the match, they leave alone and pretend to be human. The developers were silent on this issue. I don’t lose to bots, but uncomfortable.

So what about against human?

It depends on how you can buff the self-propelled artillery, a unit that can attack unilaterally. Cause of too few cards and too few number of cards in deck, there is no other viable strategy.

It’s an extremely DUMB game and NOT worth playing.

Real player with 173.9 hrs in game

It is great card game, but I have to say it is not for every player. It is like a chess. Well if you do not like chess or other similar type of games, this game is not for you.

UI will be reworked soon, tutorial is not strong side of the game, but once you understood basic go to PVP. it is worth to play, although you will need some grinding at the beginning, but it is quite comfortable if you are F2P player.

If you have questions of complaints - visit Discord channel. I am pretty sure admins will help you.

Real player with 34.8 hrs in game

Card Blitz: WWII on Steam

Order of Battle: World War II

Order of Battle: World War II

I would like to start off with saying I a form of dyslexia from a head back tramua I received in 2004 so excuse the grammer and spelling ,with this being said I want give this game a fair honest review . I am the person when reading reviews I look at how long the player played the game , amount of games as well as how many reviews .

I have been wanting this game for 6 months or more but could not afford the full price . I pay for my games do not get them in exchange for a 30 minute play and possitive review.

Real player with 3926.0 hrs in game

I own all the current dlc for this game. In general I would reccomend this game for most strategy players. At first this game came with both sides playable. In the Pacific you could play as the Allies or the Japanese. Then the Devs decided to narrow the focus.

You then got some nice little dlc’s that were under appreciated areas of the war. The early Japanese vs Chinese conflict. This was great, but would have loved to play the Chinese, both Communist and Nationalist vs the Japanese. But due to the Devs choice to give less for the dollar and narrow the focus of the games to only one side. It was sad. But the campaign is lots of fun.

Real player with 1128.3 hrs in game

Order of Battle: World War II on Steam

Steel Ocean

Steel Ocean

After over 1200 hours this game needs a proper review. I started this by accident one day when I was bored around a year ago. Now because of this I can’t play other games cause I have no time left for them. I will give you some facts, good and bad, all mixed up as I go so hang on with me. This will be a long review, very very long. (I even hit the max character amount so had to shorten it)

When you start the game, it will be hard. You will be playing against bots at first and even they will slaughter you. If by luck you get matched against a long time player you will be shouting CHEATER!! No, he is not cheating he just understands the game mechanics. When I first saw another player play like that I wanted to be him. Now after all this time people who seemed like gods at the time are cannon fodder, at least some :-)

Real player with 2465.4 hrs in game

What are the differences between WoWS and SO?

That is a huge question… So a Huge Comparison wall of text is Incoming. But hey, at least it is better than “Oh mah gawd __ is obviously better!” without anything else? And there is a TL;DR.

To open: I was a part of the first wave of WoWS CBT (Prior to the buy-your-way-in) and had been a part of the Closed Alphas for WoT and WoWP. I played until SO came out in November of last year and have been playing SO more than WoWS since then other the odd WoWS match now and again or the the occasional “Lets do Warships to get an event ship” sort of thing (ARP Haruna, Kirishima, etc.). Since then, I now have 1,355.2 Hours in SO. So I’ve a bit of experience playing both games for some time, and am familiar with the business practices/trends that WG has shown since Tanks came out.

Real player with 1882.0 hrs in game

Steel Ocean on Steam