Century: Age of Ashes

Century: Age of Ashes

For a dragon genre that we dont see too much of, theyve really outdone themselves the flying feels sooo amazing whether you’re playing with either mouse/keyboard, or controller. The game itself its absolutely thrilling even with 4 game modes currently present. So you’ve got 3 classes to choose from. Phantom, Windgaurd, and Marauder.

The Marauder is your hunter tracker kind of class. Focusing on enemy players and giving chase to ensure the opponent is destroyed. And good luck to you phantoms thinking the Cloaking will save you from its tenacious chase. The other ability is frost bolts which both greatly damages an oponents shield, and makes steering their dragon a bit more difficult.

Real player with 43.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Indie Games.

The gameplay of Century is quite solid. I play only on controller so I can’t speak for how KB&M feels but it’s tight. I however, in it’s current state won’t recommend this game to anyone who likes to play solo. This game is yet another case of forced Discord squad implementation. Currently there’s no way to play in a solo/duo queue so you will be facing squads more than half the time. If you do not run with a squad, especially in ranked, your chances of winning a game are practically zero. Another missing feature that was heavily requested a year ago after the beta was some form of in-game communication. You have pings but due to the extremely fast nature of the gameplay coupled with your screen constantly moving away from any focused area pings are practically useless. No in-game chat or voice chat leave you feeling totally helpless if you are with a random team against stacks.

Real player with 36.7 hrs in game

Century: Age of Ashes on Steam



I’ve been playing since closed alpha, and can say that this game just get better and better. Right now I can no longer experiance any bugs, and I am very impressed for it just being an early access game with so smooth and nice bug-free gameplay at solid FPS. The game is free, so why not give it a try?

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Fighting Games.

It is a very fun game ;)

The controls are sometimes feel clunky, but in most of the cases it works fine xD

The sword is probably the weapon to start with this game, the bow is really hard to actually hit someone.

Here is some online gameplay footage just to give you some impression:


Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Fightworld on Steam

Dota 2

Dota 2

A game that truly grasps the idea of helping those in dire need to escape their reality.

After allowing peru to play on our servers, and bought accounts in 4-6k. This game has truly made a better place to find friends of South America, and help people fully understand the hardships and struggles these people go through by having feeding South Americans only play Pos 1-2 or jungle. It opened up a world of hard working, can collecting children to gather change and be fortunate enough to play at their internet cafe’s and flood US West/East. God Bless them.

Real player with 14673.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play MOBA Games.

This game was fun but everyday big updates for fucking items and treasures make this game worst ..

imagine if u wana enjoy ur time playng dota and u start steam and fuckng bunch of workshop and other updates on regular basis appears and u hav to wait for it to download if u r poor and have slow internet of 4 mbs…

if u have fast internet and good pc thn this game is Gold otherwise dnt waste ur time.

Real player with 7056.0 hrs in game

Dota 2 on Steam



No forklift ai or campaign mode, but still tons of fun with friends, plus it’s free and pretty easy to get going right away.

  • would like to add that playing online could require the use of a VPN, as the networking service auto-selects the nearest region, which prevents people from seeing other servers. that should really be stated somewhere on the store page.

EDIT: the devs patched the networking issues c:

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Hello there, have you ever wondered what the pinnacle of human mankind would look like? Well now there´s an answer: Forkdrift!!! The moment I first installed the game and opened it for the first time, it immediately became irreplaceable. You could say it had become a modern classic from the get-go. Graphics? Immaculate. Controls? Smooth as butter. Soundtrack? Forget about Mozart, Beethoven and even Bach. Yes, even Bach- founder of the Fugue. Listening to this soundtrack made me forget about my crippling existance as a human, cured my depression and even brought two of my three pet snails back to life. This game truly is a miracle. I cannot- and I repeat- cannot stress this enough. Now, if you´re looking to continue living your pathetic, pitiful life- then go ahead and do so. Nothing is stopping you. But if you are looking for change, improvement, increase in financial riches or even restoration of your left testical from a bike accident 7 years ago…then look no further. You have got yourself a solution: FORKDRIFT

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Forkdrift on Steam



I would very much recommend this game. It is fun, fast, easy to learn but hard to master. There are lots of fun guns, a GREAT community (very very few trolls), and is growing. The developers are working hard, and only release good stuff. So besides for those reasons above here are the Pros:

Lots of Guns

Lots of replay ability

Cool skins


All grindable

Don’t push microtransactions

Great Reddit and communication between developers and players

The devs actually care about the community (its great!:)

Real player with 443.5 hrs in game

It’s no secret that the standard “free to play” model for online games as a service employs micro-transactions as the primary source of revenue. These can be implemented with varying levels of egregiousness from game to game. It’s practically unheard of for anyone on the consumer side of the gaming industry to praise the use of in-game purchases but when a f2p game can finance itself while also respecting its playerbase the gaming community is vocally reverent. A great example of this is Path of Exile, a game funded through in-game cosmetics that players would buy because they loved the game experience. On the other side you have games like Candy Crush or any number of EA or Ubisoft titles where the game is filled with artificial fun-roadblocks, such as having time limits or restricted progress, which can only be lifted with your wallet.

Real player with 107.4 hrs in game

Armajet on Steam

Drifters Loot the Galaxy

Drifters Loot the Galaxy

TLDR: Pure fun. I had over 200 hours into the beta and I was able to be a part of the evolution of the game up to this point. Having dogfights in a shooter are some of the greatest video gaming moments I’ve personally experienced. This game really has no comparison. It borrows from the team based elements of Team Fortress and the movement of Global Agenda adding grappling to the mix to make it even more intense. There is a MOBA-esque leveling style and in-game upgrades you can choose. The end result is a clean, structured chaos that allows for big plays even while solo. There are also ZERO pay to win mechanics. I highly recommend trying it out.

Real player with 264.2 hrs in game

This game is the best, the gameplay is amazing, the air animations are so fluent, and it really feels like your’e there with you’re character. Teamwork is a key essence of this game, and it is very satisfying when you pull of a brilliant play with you’re teamates. Voice chat has not been added yet, but as long as you join their official discord its not really a problem. The community in this game is the most pure and wholesome community you’ve ever seen. I promise you if you join the discord, you’ll be welcomed with open arms. At this state in the game, the devs hear you’re voice, and listen to you’re feedback, you’re opinion matters in this game, and criticism is welcomed. Just give it a try, you won’t regret it.

Real player with 90.8 hrs in game

Drifters Loot the Galaxy on Steam

Nine to Five

Nine to Five

So… i played over 100 hours and i think i’m legally allowed to tell you what i feel about this game.

First off. The current update is 2.0.0 and is still Early Access.

That said i think we can all assume that the game features that are currently here are pretty limited.

On it’s on that’s not a bad thing because there is alot that can happen.

Aside of that there’s also alot of positive and some negative aspects currently in the game.


  • Unique 3v3v3 gameplay like no other game

  • Objectives that vary from game to game

Real player with 317.4 hrs in game

TL:DR The game has a lot of potential but it’s biggest current issue is the server lag that leads to the game never feeling smooth to play. The 3v3v3 mode is quite fun but it might not matter as you end up playing against a co-ordinated team of 3 players who have been playing the game since release and you don’t even have a scope on your gun.

I initially worried that the 3v3v3 style would lead to one team always getting bullied by the other teams, but this in reality is not the case and the mode is actually quite refreshing and fun. The current two maps offer nice contrast, with one being much bigger taking place in a city landscape, where snipers reign supreme and the other one enjoys a combination of close range combat with some aspects of long distance. While there are distinct classes to choose from, there really isn’t much variety between them as you need to grind a LOT to get the components and attachments for your chosen weapon to make in any shape or form better than the default.

Real player with 92.2 hrs in game

Nine to Five on Steam



Predecessor is a third person MOBA currently in Development.

You and four allies join arms in battle as you fight for glory on the battlefield against enemy heroes on a traditional 3 lane map featuring an interactive jungle, epic monsters and more!

In a match 10 players are divided into two teams with each player controlling their chosen hero. No two heroes are the same. Each hero has their own unique abilities and design, meaning there’s a hero to match everyone’s style of play. Heroes complete objectives to collect gold like killing minions, towers or enemy heroes. As a hero collects more gold they can buy items from the shop that influence their heroes in interesting ways - allowing them to teleport to new locations, go invisible, freeze time and more. Items also allow a hero to get more powerful by giving their hero better attributes such as power, attack speed, health and various other stats.

Unlike most MOBAs, Predecessor puts you into the heart of the action. The Third-Person perspective fully immerses you into the game as enemies appear from shadow walls, over ledges or from behind you.

Predecessor on Steam



### Lore ★★☆☆☆

| Tales of the Gods |


| Each god has their own lore, which explores into their background on how they became gods and their roles they played throughout history |

| ♡ | There is no story mode for the gods |

### Variety of Roles ★★★★☆

| Guardian |

| Acting as pillar of team, job is to initate engages and retreats, peel (take blows) for teammates and assist in securing kills |

Real player with 5130.4 hrs in game

I absolutely LOVE this game and have for a very long time obviously since I’ve played it a lot as is evident from my hours (there is also even more hours besides whats shown on just Steam alone). I put a lot of my time, money, effort and care into this game for many years and I don’t regret it even with the crazy amount of time and money I put into it.

If we are going to judge the game solely on game-play alone then it’s awesome and a really fun and great game but it does have some issues with bugs (not too many but still they exist especially old bugs that should’ve been fixed a long time ago), servers suck too, unbalances within the game-play like gods (usually the newly released gods tho) and matchmaking oh god the MATCHMAKING like don’t even start me.. However no game is perfect and so regardless of those I’d almost recommend it just for the fact alone that it is a good game and for how much I love it, however I cannot look past the MYRIAD of other problems it has beyond just game-play and namely things like the greedy+useless Devs and the toxic community.

Real player with 4756.1 hrs in game

SMITE® on Steam

World of Tanks

World of Tanks

Okay, lets start with: Lot’s of good AND bad. The good? A well and long developed game with plenty of content and tons of tanks to play. A good selection of maps and plenty of nations to try out. Lots of freebies (PR’s ((personal reserves)) and even event tanks, camo and decals, etc.).

The BAD, oh the BAD… Okay, let me start off with this: I have been playing this game since release, 2011. I wasn’t part of beta, I waited till full release. I hate betas, too much changes in a full release from the testing phase. This game, as it is now, isn’t the game I started playing back then, Period. They have changed every aspect of the game many times over since then. You see, Gold tanks, now called Premium Tanks, were sub-par to the Tech Tree tanks. Which means they were WORSE than the regular tank of the same tier and same nation. Gold tanks were to train crews and make you a few extra credits (Silver) doing it, period, that’s it. They gave you NO advantage other than that. Now…now the Premium Tanks rule, extra armor, better this, better that, you name it. So now if you don’t buy the newest OP (Over Powered) Premium Tank, you are going to suffer vs them. Sound fair? Okay, that’s just the tanks. Ammo… when I started Gold Ammo (now Premium Ammo) cost real money, like real $$$. So it wasn’t thrown around often, very very rare was the person that used the Gold Ammo constantly. So in ten matches you might run into two of them that someone was slinging Gold. Then came the change, you can now buy Gold Ammo with Silver! (the normal in-game money). Now of course the Premium Ammo (Gold Ammo) cost more than normal ammo, but hey, everyone can use it now… So suddenly armor meant nothing. You could have the best armored tank on the game (back then a KV-5) but now EVERYONE is slinging Premium Ammo like no tomorrow so armor suddenly means zip (BTW, the KV-5 had some GREAT armor, but the gun was the worst of the tier 8’s in the game of any nation and would only pen the weakest of spots on any enemy tank). Now my biggest gripe, MM. (Match Making) Has changed many times over the years, and not once, ever… for the better. The whole concept of a three tier match (your tier plus 1-2 tiers above or below you) is so out of date with the newer OP tanks it isn’t funny. Just as a one off example (and there are PLENTY more) you are in your new shiny Tiger I, a tier 7 tank, near as you can get to what the Germans had as a best tank for WWII (not to mention the lesser used King Tiger, etc.) and you hit that big red “Battle” button. In your mind you are thinking “I finally got some real armor!” and the battle starts. Guess what… on that other team you are seeing tanks that were pure fantasy or didn’t even come out till the 1960’s to 1980’s (Tier 9’s). Really? A 1940’s tank is supposed to fight a 1980' tank? Guess what, it goes very poorly for the much much older tank. Sound fair? So MM has been broken from almost the start, it just has gotten more so over the years. The problem with MM isn’t just that, it also is with how often it seems to place you at the bottom as well, in 10 games you are for sure going to see at least 6-8 of them at the bottom tier. Over time that wears on you. Hard. Next is the Cars (Armored Cars). In real life the armored cars ran away from the tanks in a battle as fast as they could because a single shot would end their life. A single shot, period. Not here, you can hit a Car with a 12.8 cm gun (128 mm) full on and get that fateful message “We didn’t even scratch him!” or worse, “Critical Hit!” yet he takes no damage and just keeps driving like nothing ever touched him. And just for fun the auto-aim on the cars hits you no matter what the car is doing, turning, flying (jumping), etc. Sound fair?

Real player with 176.6 hrs in game

I’ve been playing since Closed Beta back in 2011, and still play daily outside of Steam, so don’t let these steam hours fool you.

As you can clearly see from all the other negative reviews, each of them basically say the same thing because it’s just flat out fact, instead of opinion. There’s a very big fundamental problem with this game but it will not change because we are nobody to them. The only way to have a drastic change, in a game as big and successful as this, would be to not spend any more money ever until they make the necessary changes. Unfortunately, this will never happen because not everyone has the same opinions/thoughts/preferences/etc. There’s only one thing you can do. Play the game, or find another.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

World of Tanks on Steam