

600 hours of experience and very well known on the workshop, so I pretty much have seen it all.

Unturned is rather mixed. Most servers follow a pay to win format and are focused on PvP (get lucky to find a gun and kill everyone you meet) or die trying. These servers are trash. However if you join a server without plugins such as TPA and kits, it is completely different. It feels like a survival game more than a FPS. You get to build a base… only to get offline raided, fight off zombies while exploring towns, military bases, and other places. You get a chance to be the best rather than paying for a free gun kit and plane.

Real player with 3003.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Open World Survival Craft Games.

Unturned is a very easy game to judge at first glance. It doesn’t appear to have amazing graphics, it has a Roblox-looking vibe, and there are noobs everywhere. Well, some of this IS true, but this is one of those games that you have to submerge yourself in a little before the true beauty shows. It can be seen as a game where you wander around chugging glue and getting high in order to stay alive a little longer…or it can be seen as a challenging survival experience where strategy is key. With full release said to be coming soon, let’s see what early access is like in Unturned.

Real player with 762.0 hrs in game

Unturned on Steam

Immortal Soul: Black Survival

Immortal Soul: Black Survival

Update in March: This game personifies you thinking you are good and then getting beaten by someone better. But through this process you are still getting better. It’s addictingly frustrating and yet also so god damned good at giving you that pulse of adrenaline and panic and life when the fights get close. In that sense this game is stupidly good at achieving that idea every now and then while making you feel like you’re getting tossed overboard by players that are just constantly better than you - but the same people that may outpace you on your 140th hour won’t be the same as your 100th, 50th, 10th… hats off. I understand why the devs believed in their games enough to port it to PC - when I first downloaded this game when the game had been released for a couple weeks on Steam, I wasn’t expecting anything. I was expecting something pretty bad I would uninstall, and want to forget I ever played for the rest of my life. It surpassed my expectations immensely. Since I started playing the game, two characters have been released - a third is on its way - the mastery system has been reworked, area drop rates have been modified also; character balancing occurs habitually, I’ve paid money for cosmetics in this game…

Real player with 1153.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Anime Games.

Hi I’ve played this game maybe over a hundred hours by now on other platforms and although I am reccomending the game, please understand that my reccomendation is under the assumption of this game being an Early Access game, AND because the game is quite fun no matter which platform you play on IMO.

Anyway if I had to describe this game it’s like PUBG or other types of Battle Royale games out there, but with a RPG spin on the whole thing as opposed to being FPS like most of it’s counter parts.

Real player with 470.4 hrs in game

Immortal Soul: Black Survival on Steam

Dead Maze

Dead Maze

If you want a super engaging game, this probably isn’t what you’re looking for. The story line is very short and ends on the cliffhanger, and the following portion (The Dog Update) doesn’t carry the same writing style and it takes literally a month of repeating side quests to finish. If you like looting and tedious processes, go for it! Not even being sarcastic here.

The looting is simple and the crafting system is too. However, it’s difficult to actually coordinate your storage bag between looting for camp quests and actually being able to make weapons on the go with only 6 slots. So that whole hook goes out the window. A lot of the play style is based on perseverance, and if you’re not the kind of person who likes running around the same maps trying to find certain materials for multiple days, you will get very bored very fast.

Real player with 978.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Massively Multiplayer Games.

General Overview:

Mixing the genres of MMO and RPG together, this top-down third-person perspective game is a decent time consumer if you enjoy zombie surival-esk games. It focuses more toward the story missions and the build up of lore, but still allows players to easily roam and interact with NPCs (side missions or lore characters) and other players in different map locations. Weapons, items, and food are found throughout the background environment, granting different statistical benefits per object (whether it is boots from food, stats from items, or damage types from weapons). These objects help build up your character and can be salvaged for crafting or used to build up your camp area for greater benefits. Since the game is still being updated (but not updated as often as before), the current end leaves the main story at a cliff hanger end, allowing the player to free roam the maps, build up their camps and gear, and interact with other players without no real end goal (except for the final “story side mission” that can take up to 100+ days of daily work to complete).

Real player with 315.4 hrs in game

Dead Maze on Steam

ARK: Survival Of The Fittest

ARK: Survival Of The Fittest

This game saved my life.

I am 55.

My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. They are now both 4 years old.

When we were going through our separation, I found myself lost and miserable. I was self destructive. I got so mad one day from everything spiralling out of my control that I punched some concrete in a moment of overwhelming emotion. That caused me to break my 5th metacarpal in my right hand… my working hand… my games hand.. the hand that I held and carried my children to bed with.. The hand I desperately needed to make sure I could continue to provide.

Real player with 4234.2 hrs in game

Have you ever imagined what it would it would feel like to jump off one of Gandalf’s eagles, use a parachute and begin to lob some 10-15 grenades at a terrifying assortment of Giant monkeys, Stegos, and T-Rexes awaiting below? Neither had I, which is what makes this game so very fun!

But in all seriousness I’ll preface this review by saying this is an excellent game that i’ve thoroughly enjoyed and will continue to enjoy playing, but like any game, it has its pros and cons, and i’ll try to point out the aspects of the game here that i’ve found most enjoyable or sometimes a bit frustrating.

Real player with 783.9 hrs in game

ARK: Survival Of The Fittest on Steam

Wasteland Survival

Wasteland Survival

Do Not Even Consider Downloading This Dried Up Turd Of A Game!

This is nothing but a pay to win POS. You will not get far with out spending some money. after 70+ hours wasted on this junk i can tell you this is not the game for you. It’s fun at first sure. then it turns into a grind. Monsters like the Butcher have 8000hp and they will kill you in one hit. then you have to pay to revive if you want to stay on that map if not you better hope you have energy to get back to that map with in 10 minutes to recover your items. If you die again trying to recover the items you spent hours grinding for you’ll lose it all. Not to mention all those items you make break after very little use. Guess what you can’t repair melee weapons. you can repair armor 3 times it only takes 6-8hrs for it to repair plus the time grinding for the repair parts. You can reload guns if you make or find ammo. ammo is extremely rare and it takes 6 hours to make 40 9mm rounds, 8 hours to make 50 AK rounds. That’s not counting the hours it takes to make the stone you need or once you have the stone the 6 hours it takes to make gunpowder from there. so not counting the grind to get base materials it takes 13hrs to make 40 9mm rounds. AK rounds take 5 gunpowder. that means you have have to process 10 stacks of stones into 5 stacks of cut stone that alone is 2 hrs. from there you process the 5 stacks of cut stone into gun powder that takes 6hrs each, so 32hrs so far. then take all that put it together 8 hours later you got 50 AK rounds! thats 1.25 rounds per hour if you don’t count finding the copper and processing that and finding the nails and glue you also need. You’re looking at 50+ hrs just waiting for 50 rounds. You’re going to use almost if not all of those in about 2 minutes or less fighting 1 butcher. I could go on and on about the other terrible parts of this game, but this alone should be enough to steer anyone with 1/4 of a brain away from this garbage.

Real player with 73.1 hrs in game


1. Animals/Enemy too over power like Dire Wolf DAMAGE 200+ with your max health 150! so instant death!

2. too much things you can’t get it in your level (must really lvl up too much)!

3. quest, items, weapons, armor, level, etc is not compatible! it’s like your lv is 10 but you need items/quest it’s on lv 30 and must have armor or weapons from lv 30! MATERIALS in area lv 30 for armor lv10 (like harpoon is lv 10+ but materials like maple board from lv 35+)! REALLY MESS SYSTEM!

Real player with 43.6 hrs in game

Wasteland Survival on Steam



It is a huge wall of text yes but all this is comes straight from my heart.

TL:DR? - Disappointment

Survarium, a game that tried to be an “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.” successor that failed to deliver miserably.

You see I played this game a lot, it is one of my most played games, and used to be one of my favorite (the hours i have on steam do not reflect all the time i spent on the game since i was using the non-steam client most of the time).

You see i loved playing this game, especially at the beginning as i was invited to participate in closed beta. With all the features that devs announced back then what this game was supposed to become it was like dream come true because let’s be honest multiplayer aspect of “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.” games is not the best, it’s average at best. They promised so many diverse game modes back then pve, coop, pvp that would branch into multiple game modes to suit everyone’s taste.

Real player with 951.8 hrs in game

As you can see, I’ve have played quite a lot in Survarium. Even more than steam shows, as I’ve been playing it before it had been released on this platform, so u can easily add over 100 hours plus to my total.

Anyway. There’s quite a lot of things I do have to say about this game, but before I’ll go into things that motivate my final opinion - I’d like to state a few things loud and clear first.

There’s a lot of people claiming this game it’s ridden through with cheaters and haxers. It is both true and not. There are cheaters and haxers in this game, there’s no denial to that. But there also is a huge amount of veteran players that have high level characters, full orange gear with great mods and countless hours spent in this game just as I have. And believe me, there’s a huge number of them more skilled than I’m, and we all are just as paranoid about haxers and cheaters as many new players are. The problem is, we know this game through and through. We have tactics, gear and perks to make certain things work. We play (most of us I guess, btw that’s a tip for all the new players out there) on headphones and we’re sensitive to the certain sounds and that’s why we manage to turn around and shoot others in the head as they creep on us. We’ve been playing for long in our dwindling community where the skill cap was going only higher, thus we know how to play and how to play well. That’s the reality, thus not all the talk about haxers and cheaters you might see or read about it’s true. But it isn’t false either, as the .esp users are out there. And there’s even more of them now with the arrival of 0.40 than before. Which is obviously sad and upsetting even more now that the developers refuse to deliver us any kind of anti-cheat system and that cheaters are allowed to keep on playing the game with new accounts. Anyway, a lots of players you see and would want to call a haxer in the moment of rage - aren’t the ones. That’s how things are in survarium, as that’s the game where skill pays off way more than in other games.

Real player with 585.3 hrs in game

Survarium on Steam



Don’t forget to BREATHE!

BREATHE is a short walking simulator that was made in less than 40 hours for a “game jam”, which (if I recall correctly) is when game devs create a game for presentation within an incredibly short amount of time (usually being within a week or less) and advertises such at the end. Your goal (though it’s not stated in-game) is to collect 4 skulls from chests (2 under water and 2 on land) before entering a door on the island (but there’s another door behind that that requires you to activate a switch located underwater before proceeding).

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

BREATHE is an advertising game for PTBO Game Jam. However, if you put the advertisement aside and don’t expect too much of it, it can be a good experience.

You wake up on a desert Island surrounded by water (obviously), you decide to try your luck, dive and explore, watching out for your breath because you certainly don’t want to drown. Also if you go past the invisible boundaries, you die as well. That’s the only survival feature, otherwise you can swim with the sharks peacefully.

You realize very soon that your goal is to open chests and find 4 skulls in order to unlock a secret passage. Up to you to check under water and on the islands. It’s pretty much like a Walking Simulator and that’s why the game is a tease. Despite it being a short promotion, BREATHE feels like the demo of a bigger adventure, in which you can explore islands, the sea, and somehow eventually escape. Now I really want to play an underwater Walking Simulator (or should I say Swimming Simulator ?).

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

BREATHE on Steam

New Frontier

New Frontier

Don’t listen to the negative reviews. The game is fine. Take notice that nearly all the negative reviews only have a 1 or 2 hours played. They didn’t give it a fair shake. Those complaining about how hard it is to kill zombies are trying the wrong way, at the wrong level, using the wrong tactics. I often round-up 100 zombies, kill them all and farm them for resources. Another complaint is that the “story mode” needs money to play. Not really. There is an in-game way to earn the gold certificates needed to open the story mode & other aspects of the game. About the only complaint that is real, is that the servers have low population, but who can blame the game with all these nonsense negative reviews. The PVP is different that most PVP. (So far, due to the low population servers. People don’t “always” shoot other people in this game. There are safe-zone where they can’t but even outside of the safe-zones it’s not like GTA5. People seem to respect others in the game a whole lot more. The world is the world, and as in real life, people don’t (or shouldn’t) just go around killing each other and that’s the way it is … so far … in this game. That’s not to say that it never happens. There are some events that throw people together and the PVP is pressed a bit more due to proximity and because resources are being offered, so PVP sometimes erupts in those cases. There is also a specific section of the game where the PVP is similar to CS:GO - team against team & fast-paced. This game certainly has potential - if only the population of the servers would increase. The only bad thing I can say about it right now, as I type, is that for the first time the servers have been down for 2-days without notification… I don’t know if they are updating it, or what as they don’t tell you. I hope the game is still alive … Hanging in there, etc. Because I think this game war ruined mostly by the negative comments from people who don’t have a little bit of attention and effort to try it out long enough. AGAIN: The negative reviews are nonsense. Decent game.

Real player with 436.1 hrs in game

Im not going into depth here there is no point this re wrapped game full of bugs creatures with no sounds, hit boxes are way off and for a pvp game everyone just sits in the safe zones hoping someone will be stupid and 3 or 4 will rush them at once. The only thing that made the game fun was balloon drops you could buy for cheap that when used people would swarm to and pvp would actually take place. thing is they got greedy and upped the price and lowered how many you got and people started leaving out the door quick. So your response is going to be its a alpha game! No its been released before and was a shit game so they decide to re release it under a new name… Oh but the devolpers are working on what the community wants! No they stopped listing to what the community wants and only was updating stupid fixes that didnt improve gameplay and most important would not respond to good questions or have really dumb answers. Example when asked why up the price for balloon drops and lower the amount given? They responded that it was to easy to get rare guns and would increase the life of the game fro the player. When asked how so when the elite killers in the game already have the best guns and 200+ drops you are lucky to get one? They responded that a equalizer (the gun you start with and takes 5 or more shots when others can 1 shot you) is still useful in the game. When asked why would you not just tell us thew truth that you needed money for devolpment of game or just wanted more money but to respond to us like we are dumb asses that accepts every answer as truth is shameful. Even with several re posting in nice answer forms no response but when they have an answer they will respond… It is said to see a game that could be great but have the wrong people at the helm and look them up and listen to others before putting money into this game or what till it is re re released as old frontier cowboys versus clowns.

Real player with 238.7 hrs in game

New Frontier on Steam

Stay Out

Stay Out

The truth is that the game as a game is good. but the moderators and those in charge of supporting the game are irresponsible and disrespectful without professional ethics. why do I say these accusations? Well, as you can see in my profile I invested a lot of time in this game and apart from that I invested of my money that I earn working, and these cretins without arguments or proofs blocked my account for the simple fact of belonging to a clan that * according to them * used third-party software (hacks), what makes me funny is that I was one of the main members of the clan and I never found out that any member used this type of software. We never receive a prior notice of this situation, nor any warning. And if in the hypothetical case that there was someone who was playing illegally, it is not fair that they have banned the entire clan, since there are other clans that, with evidence, were banned members for using hacks, but they did not give ban massive. And the supporters are so brazen that when banned members ask for proof or explanation of the ban, they just put the same message copied and pasted.

Real player with 2163.4 hrs in game

(English) - “Free-to-play” but its not.

  • If you don’t buy Premium, then you will suffer (no loot, no normal XP, expensive travels and expensive mailing between other vaults);

  • There are many bugs (textures, random character dies, stuff missing in your vaults, high ping with good internet c. speed etc);

  • EU server means that 97% russians, 3% others;

  • If you don’t speak russian, you are dead;

  • If you speak russian, you are dead;

  • If you kill a random clan member by mistake, you will be hunted down in every minute;

Real player with 1322.0 hrs in game

Stay Out on Steam

Genesis Online

Genesis Online

My very first thing I will say for this game… If you’re trying to replace Minecraft or any sandbox adventure, this is not the game you’re looking for. You have what seems to be a good chunk of lonely floating land to build your “house” on, for the most part it’s extremely isolated for an MMO. Okay now on to crafting, if you just so happen to figure out the one machine that decides to craft everything from wooden built parts, to blocks that waste your materials…feel free. There really needs to be a more explained way of crafting, this one I just found confusing. Now even if those were still a thing, and unchanged I would still consider not playing simply because of the quest line. Right now to grow wheat it takes well over three in real life time days. .. That’s just tooo damned long. Waiting on wheat to grow has literally haulted my game play, but atleast it has given me a reason to check up every now and then and see if the wheat is done growing.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

So first off: YES I read the reviews, YES i know this is roughly two hours of my life I will never get back. But I was bored and curious. I wondered how bad the game really was. I wanted to know how my lottery chance wiht the games randomness went out there. So I installed it.

Now I originally said Two hours but it is more like one.

Like many players the game stopped at 85% and stuck there for a while. Instead of pausing i decided to make a game of this instead. How long would it stay that way? Perpetually? So I plugged in my laptop and went to the corner store to get something to eat. I came home, still there. I set the mouse arrow on the edge of the line so I could gauge how long it would take to move between jaunts and set about to do random things elsewhere while I ocassionally checked into the game.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Genesis Online on Steam