Dark Roll: Free Kick Challenge

Dark Roll: Free Kick Challenge

Very fun game, downloaded it completely out of interest and have spent a decent amount of time playing it since.

Single player challenges start simple and ramp up in difficulty, and are a good way to learn different ways to hit the ball, ranked singleplayer modes are also enjoyable, and the leaderboards are competitive, with people consistently one-upping each other to be the best. The dev also actively deletes cheaters from the leaderboards to keep them legit

Multiplayer is a ton of fun, and a great way to play a nice quick game and climb the ladder. I’ve enjoyed ranking up through the ladder, and it’s nice queuing into the same high ranked people and adapting from their playstyles (HarryCane is in my head rent free, steals my rank everytime)

Real player with 78.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play eSports Games.

This game is very fun, whether you are bored or you’re actually in a mood to play a game like this. Lots of single player challenges that get reasonably more difficult, and ability to get all orbs is possible, though tedious. Only thing I would consider is making the ranking system a bit better (like how I deranked after just one match as a new rank, and even after being on a TWELVE game winning streak and then losing once again, I’m now an even lower rank), maybe some type of visible MMR or point system, and add more various challenges and modes (if possible)

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Dark Roll: Free Kick Challenge on Steam

Food Drive: Race against Hunger

Food Drive: Race against Hunger

The driving mechanics/controls are very good, making it fun to just drive and mess around. The gameplay is easy to get into but there is also a high skill cap. The achievements offer a bit of a challenge you can go for if you want to, and the leaderboards can give you a lot of grind on top of that. Very good job on the devs to make the driving mechanics so fun yet simple and release this well put together package for free. If you’re like me and always on the lookout for good and interesting free/cheap games this is a must play. I plan on coming back every once in a while to enjoy driving around a bit and see if I can beat some high scores. :)

Real player with 17.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Indie Games.

If you like crazy taxi (and I love me some) then this game will tickle that itch thats been left unscratched for a long time! Food Drive is different in that you must pick up packages of food and deliver them to positions around the map, you must race against the clock to deliver as many parcels as possible by either parking in the designated delivery zone or by launching the food packages from your cannon! You then earn hearts which you can use to unlock new vehicles with different stats such as speed and carry capacity. This game is also a charitble endevour by the awesome developers!

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Food Drive: Race against Hunger on Steam

Nonogram - Master’s Legacy

Nonogram - Master’s Legacy

The game itself is rather short so how did i manage to spend over 100 hours in it? The base game has not many puzzles, but there’s also a community integration. Players can make their own puzzles and upload them. My review is mostly on the community feature then the base game, since I spend most of my time there.


As the community puzzles are provided by the playerbase, the quality of the puzzles varies immensely. Some puzzles are impressive while others are just basic lines. It doesn’t help that there’s a achievement for uploading a puzzle. So a lot of puzzles are people just uploading lines to get the achievement.

Real player with 525.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Casual Games.

I was on the fence on this one. I’m not a fan of scrappy demos that advertise being free, then quickly try to gnaw at your wallet. However, I have to give props where it is due.

1. Level Editor gives community puzzles if you need more persuasion. It’s not as little content as mashing buttons on the main page would make you think.

2. The hint mechanism is amazing. At first I couldn’t even tell what it was doing, honestly was a little annoying, changing the colors of clues seemingly at a whim. However, I finally figured out that it basically highlights rows/columns that can be whittled in some fashion without help of other rows/columns, even if by more advanced methods. This helped make the Nonogram puzzle a new game altogether, for me anyways, by allowing me to see where the puzzle needed the most help, and made it easier to see the steps ahead.

Real player with 58.1 hrs in game

Nonogram - Master's Legacy on Steam



Very clunky. would probably be better as a top-down game, as character gets stuck in walls, walks EXTREMELY slowly, NPCs block you character, and makes it difficult to chase down the other characters to interact with. tutorial does not explain much either, having to walk frustratingly slowly around to figure out what needs to be done. eventually figured out that you needed to enter to top left room to assess a dresser to equip costumes - if this was not to be covered in tutorial prompts, at the very least, the rooms should be labelled clearly.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

This game is obviously still in early access because there are some obvious areas that need some TLC, but looking at the rest of the game… I have no concerns that the team will fix these. It looks absolutely fantastic!! It’s worth playing this just to walk around the theatre, even if you don’t want to play the rest of the game lol. The art is so gorgeous.

The main thing you’re doing is just talking to your actors and sending them around to do things, which is fun because they all have their own personality. Some actors like some things more than others. But where it really shines (and what I want to spend hours on) is everything else leading up to the show. THERE IS CUSTOMISATION!!!! You get to dress up your actors which automatically makes this a good game. You get to craft stages for the shows you’re putting on. And watching the actual shows is ALSO super rewarding. Lots of really fun “small” things to do that lead up to the big performance.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Melodramatica on Steam



Steam page is currently WIP post rebranding. Please visit http://discord.gg/Edenbrawl to become an Alpha Tester and receive a key to play!

Edenbrawl on Steam

Hell To Raze

Hell To Raze

Once you get the controls down, it’s pretty fun and has plenty of potential. However, It has it’s fair amount of bugs.

1. Game Breaker Bug : If you get pulled into dialogue while falling off a ledge. You get a weird camera angle, and you lose control of your character. You have to force close the game and restart.

2. Beneficial Bug : If you do the uppercut and jump during the uppercut you’ll get a super jump. It helps get a better view of the map, and see things out of view of the camera.

3. Enemy Bug : During the Mother boss fight, the cannons do not act the same from the Greed stage. Greed cannon enemies turn left and right with the left and right trigger attacks. In the Mother boss fight, the cannon enemies turn right with attacks, act as anchors to be pulled to with the right trigger, and fire with the left trigger. Not sure if this is intentional or not.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Game mechanics are super satisfying when they work. The Boss Fights are challenging yet, rewarding when you beat them.


  • Some sort of progress display so I know how many keys I still need.

  • The “pull” button often pulls me towards something, especially lanterns.

  • The green flying enemies can’t be pulled so I just had to spam the pull chain until they died.

  • I still have no idea how any of the specials work, but I seem to be fine without them haha. Would love an explanation on how they work though because they seem like they might be cool!!

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Hell To Raze on Steam

Temple of Rust

Temple of Rust

Nice work in progress. I think, besides the obvious improvements that will sure come in the audio & graphics departments, there are some other options that should be available.

  • MOUSE CONTROLS. I cannot emphasized enough how much more fun and solid the gameplay would be if the attack controls were binded to the mouse keys and you could aim with the mouse as well. (Like the Alien and Zombie Shooter games)

  • A zoom option that is between the regular top-down view and the one in the already instated zoom would be perfect to play more comfortably while still enjoy the bit art.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

I don’t write too many reviews, but I felt the need to for this one.

For a while now, I have been searching for a game that fit into a certain category. One that had SMOOTH retro graphics, had at least somewhat of an RPG feel to it (i.e, leveling, skills, weapons/armor, etc), dungeon crawling, decent amount of enemy types and a feel of depth to it.

While this game DOESN’T have all of these, it does have enough to make me want to play it, and it helps that the dev that is creating this is listening, and is actually planning on making something of it. There are things missing from it, but I really believe in this dev. Heck, he was able to make me come out of my couple of year hiatus of not playing games, because I couldn’t find one that topped my constant happiness that I get from learning the Linux Kernel.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Temple of Rust on Steam

Fantasy Strike

Fantasy Strike

“Fantasy Strike is an easy-to-learn fighting game that you will not be remotely good at.”

What if you could always flawlessly execute every special move input, when you wanted to, every time? Would you dominate your opponent? What if they were similarly skilled? What happens when all the excuses evaporate?

Fantasy Strike is not an easy game. It is incredibly accessible in terms of execution and information given to both players; different coloured hit-sparks conveying frame advantage or disadvantage, flashing warnings when a throw could have been jumped out of and auras conveying a moves invincibility or armour. But every advantage is enjoyed by your opponent also.

Real player with 983.2 hrs in game

There are many, many reasons why you, whether a fighting game expert or a complete newcomer like me, should play Fantasy Strike, but here’s a couple of my favourites.

The game was designed from the ground up with accessible depth in mind. Fighting games are notorious for having a steep learning curve, where you have to spend hours upon hours learning combos in the training room before you can get to the “real game”. This game does away with that execution barrier so you can start actually having fun pretty much immediately. You open up the game, play the tutorial explaining the basic mechanics, watch one of the in-game videos explaining how your character works and how to play them, and you’re good to start playing with other people. There are no complicated button combos to learn, all special moves are a single button press away at any time, so you can focus less on getting your hands to do complex motions quickly and more on trying to read and predict your opponent.

Real player with 959.1 hrs in game

Fantasy Strike on Steam

Homeland: Lay to Rest

Homeland: Lay to Rest

⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡠⣴⣶⣶⣶⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄it’s good

⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Good looks is all it has. I really like this cartoony graphic style. It is pain to play, however. Unresponsive controls, clunky physics, awful combat mechanics. Everything you do has delay to it, including running and moving camera with your mouse. When you keep punching, you will stay in place forever and you can’t change direction, regardless of any movement input. There’s also plenty of minor visual glitches, like holes in the enviorment.

I know this is student project, but it just wasn’t fun to play. If you’re interested about this game, I would recommend watching some gameplay video (if there is one) instead of playing it.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Homeland: Lay to Rest on Steam

Pocket Plants

Pocket Plants

It’s a pretty simple game but I see how it could appeal to some people. Find a plant, water it with multiple trips to the water source, level the plant up to the required tier, place the plant in its new home to lift the fog, do this until the vine is all healthy, win the level. The game is easy to break if you press random buttons, check the video for gameplay and said breakage.



It’s very relaxing and simple with no fear of failing as long as you read the tutorial the first time because there is no going back. It’s free and if you like caring for pants, you should try it. The level design is my favorite part of this game because it looks like an artist made it- there are some pretty cool visuals and even the forest is aesthetically pleasing. The music fits the relaxing theme, too.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Unfortunately, I could only get the game to run once. Every other time requires a combination of pressing the escape key and opening task manager to see anything beyond a black screen, which immediately goes back to black when trying to play. Hopefully this is just a bug, but I could find no way to report it. From what I’ve seen, the music and graphics are wonderful and I’d love to play more, but… shrug

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Pocket Plants on Steam