

I need to know why I jumped into a game, our team won the CTF game and it shot me into another right away. We won that game and then I jumped to main menu, only to see that I had gained no exp at all. I thought it might be just a little glitch so I played FFA and got 55 K and 7D again no exp. Look the game was entertaining but if this simple mechanic won’t work then I’m not going to put any more time into this game.

Quick question. Besides exp, do I earn anything else? I never got any microchips or parts after winning. So someone explain to me what is going on cause I just don’t know.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Indie Games.

I buy weapon module. What i got was 2x armor pieces?


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

RoboArena on Steam

Bloody Efforts

Bloody Efforts

Imagine your own mighty Heroes and make them REAL in Bloody Efforts.


_There were two Ancient Gods - Known and his older brother Unknown. The elder God created a whole world with mighty Elements and the younger one gave this world a life with all forms we know. Unfortunately, there was a conflict between the brothers, which turned into the battle. Clash of the Gods disturbed the world balance and brought many cataclysms upon all the races. The Elements began to fight each other and what is worse, a new ominous being appeared – the Hollow.

Until then, only a fraction of humanity managed to survive. Probably everyone would have been dead a long time ago, but something unexpected happened to the races. A new kind of people appeared, called Apostles. They are significantly different – stronger, faster, but the most remarkable is their ability to subdue power of the Elements. Some of the Apostles fight to restore order and peace once again. Others cooperate in achieving common goals. There are individuals who want to find remnants of the Gods or even get along with the Hollow, devoting their souls in exchange for new horrific powers. And who will you choose to be?_

Game features:

  • Free to Play

  • 2D GaaS Multiplayer Fighting Game

  • Wild fantasy world inspired by oriental culture

  • Quick and dynamic Combats + calm and mindful preparation of Heroes

    and Bands between Matches

  • Many various Team and Solo Modes (competitive as well as chill & fun)

  • Account level-based progression with lots of unlockable Content

  • Soldat + Little Fighter 2 + Soul Calibur + Super Smash Bros + MOBA + our vision = Bloody Efforts

More than just a Fighting Game:

Limitless Customization and Challenges

Comprehensive Fighter Builder allows to create awesome unique Heroes (both appearance and playstyle) or imitate already existing pop-culture characters and play them in Bloody Efforts. Playing another match may bring a completely fresh playstyle and tactics from new opponents.

Switch Fighters during the Game

Player needs to strategically choose their Band of 6 Apostles before the Match. Apostles are not equally matched and fit various roles (Warriors, Shooters, Tanks, Mages, Supporters, Assassins etc.). They get serious advantages or suffer disadvantages in different battle scenarios.

Killing is not everything (MOBA-like)

3-phased Modes with various Objectives make an opportunity to think tactically about the next move. Defending the base, setting the trap or outsmarting in Apostle choices can be the key to victory.

Read More: Best Free to Play 2D Fighter Games.

Bloody Efforts on Steam

Pixel Ninja

Pixel Ninja

A pretty fun little game where you take on a rampaging gang of thugs, ghosts and other unsavory folk. Very fun for such a simple title.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Side Scroller Games.

Pixel Ninja on Steam

Bomb Bots Arena

Bomb Bots Arena

The old school bomberman action is back, now with a twist. Skills can be deadly, give you advantage or save you depending on Your choice! All customization is completely optional, there is no Pay2Win and never will be. You can only pay for cosmetic stuff that doesn’t give you advantage on the bettle field AND if you would rather grind for cosmetics - That’s possible too!, Blast your way through friends & foes, climb the ladder and become the #1 across all platforms. If you ever played BomberMan 2 on DS (This didn’t come out in US) - this is a dream come true. Games are short, hectic and every single time you can learn something new from encountered enemies. You have never seen everything because theres always something new to discover. See you on the field!

Real player with 952.5 hrs in game

[EDIT]: With 354+ Hours played now, BBA is Officially my favourite game. With ranked play , daily tournaments (with prizes!) and battle royale out, i’m having a blast. I didn’t think this game would hold my attention but honestly if you join the discord and hang out with the community, it’s a fun, friendly and yet surprisingly competitive environment.

[Original review]: Honestly this is a decent bomberman style game. I’ve searched high and low for a good online multiplayer bomberman game and always came up empty handed. A crappy flash game here, a dumb phone game with loads of advertisements there.. (konami’s not doing anything with the franchise. it’s sad)

Real player with 672.9 hrs in game

Bomb Bots Arena on Steam



came here for the Nier collab, this is a mobile game with gacha, a single character(A2 or B2) costs 231 bucks, a whole set for a character (i.e character+her gears) costs 676 bucks, if you want 2 whole sets that’s 1352 bucks, let that sink in for a moment.

you might think oh I’m feeling lucky no sir the chance of you getting a B2 is below 1%(0.8% to be precise)

if you’re a sane person, a single copy of nier automata is 40 bucks.

if you really want that collab characters I suggest you quit it cuz ur gonna forget this thing in 2 months

Real player with 1914.8 hrs in game

first and foremost, this is a mobile game ported to steam,

if you know how the mobile gaming and gachas work, then you pretty much know what you are getting into

that said, I am only playing this as a f2p (might drop a few bucks here and there very rarely), this game is actually not bad if you play for the story and just go with the flow, if anything, this game is a great time waster.

you really don’t need to drop any money what so ever if you just casually log on, play for a bit and then come back another day, if you want to go hardcore and be at the top, then get ready to drop a crap ton of cash and pray real hard to RNGsus like all other mobile gachas.

Real player with 1650.8 hrs in game


CosmicBreak Universal

CosmicBreak Universal

Imagine a company so oblivious to the health of their game. It’s CyberStep. Save yourself the time, the money, and mental state. DO NOT SUPPORT THIS GAME OR COMPANY.

No optimization for servers/ No registration on shots/ Lagging is quite literally a mechanic in this game. It is laughable the ignorance this company and dev team has. Their is a feedback thread under discussions, but it heavily falls on deaf ears.

The prices are still unreasonable after..12+ years? Hackers & cheaters flood the game’s economy and instead of directly addressing the problem, the devs took away the only way to trade among other players. Hackers & cheaters simply come back with a new account once banned, and devs turn a blind eye.

Real player with 650.5 hrs in game

TLDR: Yes I would recommend this game to anyone who likes or is interested in this genre, but do not waste more on it than you would regret flushing down the toilet. Just enjoy it while it lasts and dont get too attached in case the devs decide to throw balance out the window and monetize like a mobile idle gacha and drive it into the ground like they did the last 2 times…

PVP/BALANCE: For now it is very much playable for f2p and the overall pvp balance is tolerable, but the developer has a proven track record of running this into the ground twice already so I wouldnt take them at their word that they learned their lesson this time, especially since the 3 times they did try balancing before concurrent players dipped to low double digits all either failed miserably (beam lasers), were blatant whale appeasement with heavy nerfs to f2p viable builds and slaps on the wrist for gacha bots (hd seraph crim and the initium duo), or ways to enforce planned obsolescence, hitting gacha bots that despite their(the dev’s) best efforts managed to remain viable in the meta for more than a few months and make way for the new wave of meta defining op (ivis and the crimson veil mechanic).

Real player with 435.4 hrs in game

CosmicBreak Universal on Steam

Go All Out: Free To Play

Go All Out: Free To Play

⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡠⣴⣶⣶⣶⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄it’s good

⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Listen, there is a lot going for this game. It has some serious potential. However, just playing the lite shows how bad this game really is. Immediately when you load the game, you get a boring loading screen and then it just cuts to a generic ui. But at-least with the UI here, you can click something. In the character and stage select screen, I need to use WASD and G And in order to pick a character I need to monover out of the roster and onto the character to press ready. This is really bad design. The roster is pretty lacking. The only character I enjoy the inclusion of is Zorro, but he’s in the public domain, making him not that special. Yandere is also pretty cool, but all these characters have the blandest move sets and it doesn’t help that the attack button is literally right next to the action button, making it super hard to control on a keyboard. The stages look nice, I guess. The only one I have a problem with is the 2D one, because while a game like Smash separated the foreground and background for their flat stages, but this is just an image for a set. The stage transitions are really cool to look at. It’s probably the only exciting part of the game. The animations for the cartoony characters are spot on, but then you look at Cole Black and see his lack of facial expressions or emotion and feel uneasy. Keep working on this, but this is unacceptable for a Steam game. 10 dollars at that. Not even the extra content can save this game.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Go All Out: Free To Play on Steam

Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator

Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator

This game ain’t for everyone.

If you like mmos that shower you with loot, xp, fast progress and stuff like that - go away.

This game is HARD man!

It still needs some polish overall, but it’s passable (at least for me). If you visit official forum and check for posts about game flaws, you will find that some of them are fixed atm.

Altough kinda inactive forum-wise, devs haven’t abandoned game. Each holiday is covered with some event, and most recent update got the new dungeon to the game.

Game has probably best action combat you will find in gaming. While in Tera / Neverwinter and many other action combat based games, certain skills root you while casting them, here in Sphere 3 you cast and run at the same time. Very welcome change indeed. It’s almost as in Wildstar, well… it kinda IS like Wildstar just more “free” in terms of mobility.

Real player with 59.2 hrs in game


I have only played the game up to lvl 14 as Necromancer on Immertel.

[Will Revisit Review at lvl 20 and 40(if I last that long)]


Large Russian community, very few English speakers.


The game isn’t tab target, and the cursor seems to lock on super easy with some skills and not so much with others, like some skills veer to the right or left when casting at time. Lucky hits and misses at times. Does feel like a step up from tab target games but not full on immersive combat, because of the skill upgrade system you tend to stick to a handful of skills–at least outside of pvp. Grinding is alright, would love to see more gear dropping(any I mean). It seems like only upgrade scrolls, junk loot, and item recipes pop up.

Real player with 35.5 hrs in game

Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator on Steam



Either you love it OR you hate it. A BIT cliche of an opener, I know, but if you don’t come into this game and it’s community with a specific mindset you’re simply not going to like it. I’ve been playing this game since it launched on steam, and before the Steam version I played the PC US version which launched in December 2013. I’ve always had a soft spot for Onigiri, as it is one of the VERY FEW surviving Anime MMORPGs! However, this game is by no means perfect. And I’ll be putting all nostalgic bias aside in this review.

Real player with 2515.6 hrs in game

The game is overly complicated with no explanations. You will spend a lot of time on wiki. There is a problem with DC’s, I mean you will get DCed probably within 10 mins of playing and it will continue through playing. The weapon system sucks u need items for every aspect of crafting… even repairs. That means if you don’t have them…. your weapon gets wrecked if fail, your 1st weapon smelt can fail which is dumb as all hell. Did I miss anything… oh right the language isn’t fully translated on some NPC’s which makes quests difficult…and also means they pretty much said screw it and stopped trying to make the game better. Bad feeling about this game like it might be dying due to the fact the creators gave up? RNG and bad weapon system with huge DC’s is it worth the nonsense? Break my weapons, waste my time…to bad for you clowns.

Real player with 189.9 hrs in game

Onigiri on Steam

Swordian Hero

Swordian Hero

This game looks and plays like fun but it needs some things to make it easier to play. First of all, there are waaaay to many enemies that spawn at times, and half the time they spawn behind you which makes you have to either stand off and fight them and take a big load of damage in the process, or cast and move back over and over and hope nothing comes from behind you as you go further into the level.

I feel that also there is not enough ways for you to get your health back. The only way you can is by smashing up barrels, which can also explode upon impact which does damage to you. This makes getting health back quite risky because you could get damaged further instead. I think this game could benefit with some kind of inventory system, it doesn’t even need to be that sophisticated. Just somewhere that you can store food/health potions that you can drop off enemies would be quite nice to see. Simple RPG stuff you know?

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

First impression review:

I went into this game after buying a dozen of this developer’s games. I assumed they were all going to be nothing more than sprite swaps. I was definitely wrong – mostly.

This developer seems to use the same engine and general design for all of their games. All of their games seem to be on-rails in a limited space. This game definitely has more of an action RPG to it, though, unlike Magicgirl Mimi which felt more like a side-scrolling shooter.

It’s fairly short. If you can get it for less than $1, it’s definitely worth it. It’s a decent amount of fun.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Swordian Hero on Steam