You Doesn’t Exist

You Doesn’t Exist

I can appreciate the artistic vision of the thing, really… but it just gets too strange for my taste. It’s like if you find an anime show that you really like… and then the final episode (or two episodes) they try to get all existential and flip the universe on its head and it just ends up being a terrible thing to watch. I enjoyed the first half of this game. I played up to META level 10, I liked it up until about META 6 I think. (META is the point where you change to another scenario.) Then it just got… stupid, for lack of a better word. I might go back and finish it someday, but probably not anytime soon.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play RPG Games.

If the game didn’t close itself, you aren’t done, and maybe that’s not even the end. I may have only got one potential ending. The dev thinks he is hilarious and clever, not sure if I have the patience to find out if that’s true or not. Yes it takes time to get to the point, yes everything is really generic at first, yes you get made fun of by the characters near the end. That’s the point. That’s probably the only point. Maybe….I don’t know. I may have to try again at some point, see if the first few (…chapters?) affect the rest or if it’s even worth finding out

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

You Doesn't Exist on Steam

BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity

BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity

Wow. That word sums up the feeling, the experience, the game…and though it may not be for everyone, I have the feeling of ‘where have you been all my life’, when enjoying Brainpipe. The premise is simple enough…go through ths first-person-perpective obstacle course, avoid all objects other than these heiroglyph symbols…yet it is challenging, and each playthrough feels different. The thing, though, is the visuals and the audio, as it is almost psychotropic, and even when you screw up you can feel the huge grin on your face, because the experience itself is like nothing I’ve seen(or heard, for that matter). I generally like runners or casual obstacle games, like ‘The Collider’ which is newer than this, or the runners like Race the Sun, TEC 3001 or FOTONICA, which are also newer. and all of those have somewhat ‘trippy’ visuals to add to the visceral feel in the games, but this has to be the king of trippy…sights and sounds dazzle you as you try to get through level 10 here and grab that heiroglyph if you can…and it certainly works for me. It probably is the kind of game to play in short spurts, as it can overwhelm the senses after a while, yet I find myself craving this game on occasion, and would caution against epileptics or folks seizure-prone playing this game. If ever there’s a Brainpipe 2, however, count me in…and for two bucks you can find more potential thrills, huge grins and giddy laughter from the sensation, and reasons to play again, than for many top-dollar titles out there.

Real player with 50.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Casual Games.

Okay, this game is fucking awesome.

It’s the kind of game you play once every few weeks, but for the rest of your life. Great if you randomly feel like immersing yourself in a richly aurally-textured half-axon half-multiverse tunnel with a pace ranging from narcoleptic to highly spasmodic.

The actual goal is collecting glyphes embodying tiered concepts, with a final one marking a progression we’ll get back to; all while avoiding obstacles as your speed slowly increases with each level.

For instance, level 1 is the nasal ganglia, with concepts such as “peculiar insight” or “nervous laugh” and the final glyph being Awareness.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity on Steam

Sacred Siren

Sacred Siren

It’s Free- Worth Viewing up to the Blurry Part

It starts out with great visuals and pleasant music. I really enjoyed the beginning. I’d recommend going through it until the blurry stuff starts and then exiting. The first part of the video is a worthwhile VR experience. As for the blurry “underwater” effect, I was afraid something was wrong with my system until I saw the other reviews describing the same thing. I’ve experienced several enjoyable underwater experiences in VR; this was not one of them. That portion was poorly executed and was a real letdown after an excellent start to the video.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Indie Games.

Dudes are out here like “waah waah it’s blurry waah” but it’s nowhere near as bad as they make it out to be, if anything it adds to the experience rather than taking away from it. This is well made tribute to the art style seen throughout the vaporwave scene, like it literally felt like I was walking through the album covers of some of my favorite artists. A must play for anyone that’s into vaporwave.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Sacred Siren on Steam



It’s not that this is bad, per se. It’s just that it’s a point and click game with no point (hah, hah).

It plays like a bad game but a good art project.

It’s super buggy, and I’ve had to relaunch the game even with the patch that was uploaded a few days ago.

The patch that, by the way, broke 5 of the achievements. They can still be achieved through depots, though, so there’s that.

At the time of this review, it’s free. But it’s not really good… as a game. Again, plays like a good art project. I’d recommend against it.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

very short game If i had actually paid for this i would have been a bit disappointed . As some of the negative reviewers have pointed out its more visual art than game . There is no save feature but then again the thing is so short its not really necessary you click on certain areas of the screen to trigger the next animation if your stuck you can click on the right mouse button and the areas of the screen you need to click on will light up may purchase some of the authors other work but i think i am going to wait till i have some magic mushroom edibles or some cannabis before i play them. don’t expect anything long and complicated . I hope if i do purchase the other games they are a bit longer .

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Wurroom on Steam



It’s a great “game” to use as white noise when I take naps. Also good background and visuals for when I’m knitting. Oh, and makes a great screensaver too. If you’re looking to actually do something then look elsewhere because the only thing you control in this “game” is your view from your boat. Use the mouse to look around 360 degrees, up and down all around. But your boat never arrives anywhere. See some mountains in the distance and think you’ll get there, sorry to tell you you’ll never arrive! It’s like this boat is stuck and the scenery is on a track that passes you by to make you think that you’re moving. On the plus side there are different places your boat can be. And the trees and stuff are wildly colored, even the sky is strange. Sometimes you’re floating towards a mountain with land on one side, then sometimes you’re in the arctic floating through icebergs (hope you brought something warm to wear!), or you’re surrounded by tall cattails and other water plants and they are very tall.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Okay my dude, so we(three) have been “playing” for about an hour now. We LOVE this game! However, we are a few “game developers” and have some design “suggestion(s)”.

Firstly, you know those worm like particle effects that are uniquely shaped and colored to each realm(island realm had rounded and brown, iceberg realm had pointy and white, and grass realm had wispy and white)? Okay, good! So, on the iceberg realm we feel that the wispy nature of the grass realms “worm(s)” would fit much more nicely.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Becalm on Steam

Twitchoos RUN: Socks & Stream

Twitchoos RUN: Socks & Stream

An audience interactive platform game.

I’m always on the lookout for more ways to interact with Twitch viewers and so I decided to try this game out when the dev approached me for a review. I gave it a spin and concluded that is a great idea for a game, but ultimately it lacks content. There is one level. The different modes of play are basically the same. The game mechanics aren’t explained even though they are basic, there isn’t an option to custom the controls if you wanted. There is a bit of a hiccup when it comes to fully translating languages. I chose to play in English and some of the text still came up in French. There was quite a bit of game delay between chat input and my game play. There was a lot of standing around doing nothing. And finally, the way the character is designed to run is very stereotypical “effeminate gay man” run and feels like a jab at the LGBTQ+ Community.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

It’s a lot of fun including the twitch audience to the game. I just would love to have more levels or even maybe procedural maps to get through! Also, i would recommend to put a choice of skins maybe ?

Can’t wait for more to come! Keep it up! Great work!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Twitchoos RUN: Socks & Stream on Steam



This game is so revolutionary for its time. It had brought me so much joy in playing it, my humanity and sense of thought is only barely gone. Man do i love ball split. I highly recommend people to play this if you have epilepsy, don’t sue me when you die tho. In this game it often references the fact that weebs are literal human garbage, and I agree….. 5 stars, 10/10 game, would recommend. Farmor is a good touch. join the discord if you would like to talk and discuss the glory and amazement of this game. If the dev reads this, please reply and I would love to talk about this game with you… Join my discord aswell . There is so much content packed in this amazing arcade style shooter. In the tutorial there are so many opportunities to have funnn!!!!!!!! I still haven’t found the hidden acheiments, or unlocked the 100k door, but i am so gosh darn close. If you know anything that i don’t please feel free to let me know. Again if this is the dev reading this, please contact me. please………………… plz :3… The sense of humour in this game humours me quite impeccably. Only 5 hours in and still goin strong. not to brag or anything but my juggling record is 152. Dev please hit me up fam, i need to know everything about this game, and what you were on when making it. BTW Best played at the late am’s. One more time, Contact me so I can tell you what I have found, because I would love to know how much is left, because I am determined to find it all :)………. Have a nice day, -sincerely Me

Real player with 30.7 hrs in game

Half of the game is actually the tutorial. There are many secrets in there and it’s really fun to figure them out. The levels alone are pretty hard, so you can’t really play through it in 20 min. Really fun would recommend.

Real player with 29.3 hrs in game

LOEK on Steam



Exactly what I was looking for.

I’m currently using this in conjunction with an exercise bike. Hop on, put on your music, and workout to a selection of beautiful and immersive atmospheres that react to your music.

I only wish there were more scenes. A way to connect a bluetooth cadence sensor for a workout machine would also be an incredible addition to this. Imagine your stationary bike actually allowing you to pedal forward and move through these environments all while listening to your music. Turning this into a fully fledged fitness app + standalone music visualizer would be a worthwhile investment IMO.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

SUMMARY: A great way to turn any music (or sound) on your computer into various patterns and displays. If you have a media system or want to run a nice sureeal background and some music on a TV, it’s perfect. Plus there’s downloadable expansions!

MIRAGE is essentially “music screensaver plus,” but the words don’t quite do it justice. It takes ANY sound on your computer and turns it into one of many abstract, colorful, or psychedelic displays. You can also choose a vareity of settings to switch it up, rotate it, or stay with one display you like.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

MIRAGE on Steam



Get your Stroop on!

_Creability developed, published and released OLDTV in 2017, which is a simple, yet fast-paced decision game based on the psychological “Stroop Effect”.

Fight against the clock in a battle of the reflexes and their successful suppression where a slip in vigilance can make all the difference._

| Category | Rating | Detailed Breakdown |


Design & Graphics

| Good | Simple concept - beautiful execution, maximum effect for minimum effort, pushes you to try harder, intriguing thematic backdrop, slightly annoying distortion effects |

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

You got mail!

How to differentiate a bad Free to Play singleplayer game from a good one? Well, a good one definitely was made to be enjoyable and it also doesn’t have this hogwash microtransactions. Furthermore, it’s even better if this kind of game is rewarding and gives players a reason to play it again. OLDTV fits in this image of a perfect free game very well. In my opinion it’s one of the best indie games in a zero-budget class that are available on Steam.

Heroes = couch potatoes

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

OLDTV on Steam

OUBEY VR – Cosmic Voyage

OUBEY VR – Cosmic Voyage

⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡠⣴⣶⣶⣶⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄it’s good

⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

This is the least interesting of the three Oubey VR experiences. You just fly above a world real quick and it repeats. The other two had tinges of interactivity that made them much better.

! II’m eating Wasabi flavored Edamame right now. Usually Wasabi flavour is just horse radish, but not here. I think I prefer the horse radish.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

OUBEY VR – Cosmic Voyage on Steam