Dota 2

Dota 2

A game that truly grasps the idea of helping those in dire need to escape their reality.

After allowing peru to play on our servers, and bought accounts in 4-6k. This game has truly made a better place to find friends of South America, and help people fully understand the hardships and struggles these people go through by having feeding South Americans only play Pos 1-2 or jungle. It opened up a world of hard working, can collecting children to gather change and be fortunate enough to play at their internet cafe’s and flood US West/East. God Bless them.

Real player with 14673.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play eSports Games.

This game was fun but everyday big updates for fucking items and treasures make this game worst ..

imagine if u wana enjoy ur time playng dota and u start steam and fuckng bunch of workshop and other updates on regular basis appears and u hav to wait for it to download if u r poor and have slow internet of 4 mbs…

if u have fast internet and good pc thn this game is Gold otherwise dnt waste ur time.

Real player with 7056.0 hrs in game

Dota 2 on Steam



### Lore ★★☆☆☆

| Tales of the Gods |


| Each god has their own lore, which explores into their background on how they became gods and their roles they played throughout history |

| ♡ | There is no story mode for the gods |

### Variety of Roles ★★★★☆

| Guardian |

| Acting as pillar of team, job is to initate engages and retreats, peel (take blows) for teammates and assist in securing kills |

Real player with 5130.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Team-Based Games.

I absolutely LOVE this game and have for a very long time obviously since I’ve played it a lot as is evident from my hours (there is also even more hours besides whats shown on just Steam alone). I put a lot of my time, money, effort and care into this game for many years and I don’t regret it even with the crazy amount of time and money I put into it.

If we are going to judge the game solely on game-play alone then it’s awesome and a really fun and great game but it does have some issues with bugs (not too many but still they exist especially old bugs that should’ve been fixed a long time ago), servers suck too, unbalances within the game-play like gods (usually the newly released gods tho) and matchmaking oh god the MATCHMAKING like don’t even start me.. However no game is perfect and so regardless of those I’d almost recommend it just for the fact alone that it is a good game and for how much I love it, however I cannot look past the MYRIAD of other problems it has beyond just game-play and namely things like the greedy+useless Devs and the toxic community.

Real player with 4756.1 hrs in game

SMITE® on Steam

Isekai Eternal Alpha

Isekai Eternal Alpha

The game is very enjoyable. Admittedly, it takes a lot of inspiration from League of Legends and DOTA 2, but that isn’t actually a bad thing. This makes the game very easy to pick up if you have experience with the previously stated 2, and easily allows you to move between them. Isekai Eternal feels a lot like legacy League of Legends, which is at least for me a massive plus. The visuals aren’t amazing, but that is to be expected from a game this young, and doesn’t affect gameplay. The Unity engine makes the game very stabile. The game setup is kinda wonky, but keeps it simple to set up matches for you and your friends. Would be nice to have a match maker, though. Gold generation needs to be pulled back a tad to slow down gameplay and the controls are pretty much impossible without quick cast (which does NOT carry over between matches.) Jungling feels too easy at the moment, but once again THE GAME IS VERY YOUNG. The game quality will increase with time, and it is very fun, unlike the awful communities and power creeped League of Legends and DOTA 2.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Magic Games.

Champions look good and the map seems unique. If the lore is well relevant to the concept of the game it’d be a plus like I see there are about ten champions and it’d be good if each champion respectively has their own story and details. Given that a MOBA is super hard to be made and the dev team seems small, I think it’s a pretty fun game to play

Want to play 5v5 match some time tho!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Isekai Eternal Alpha on Steam



Predecessor is a third person MOBA currently in Development.

You and four allies join arms in battle as you fight for glory on the battlefield against enemy heroes on a traditional 3 lane map featuring an interactive jungle, epic monsters and more!

In a match 10 players are divided into two teams with each player controlling their chosen hero. No two heroes are the same. Each hero has their own unique abilities and design, meaning there’s a hero to match everyone’s style of play. Heroes complete objectives to collect gold like killing minions, towers or enemy heroes. As a hero collects more gold they can buy items from the shop that influence their heroes in interesting ways - allowing them to teleport to new locations, go invisible, freeze time and more. Items also allow a hero to get more powerful by giving their hero better attributes such as power, attack speed, health and various other stats.

Unlike most MOBAs, Predecessor puts you into the heart of the action. The Third-Person perspective fully immerses you into the game as enemies appear from shadow walls, over ledges or from behind you.

Predecessor on Steam

Bloodline Champions

Bloodline Champions

This game is simply unique. A Multiplayer Online Battle Arena in its most strict sense (if not the most traditional), you and your team have one and only objective: surviving the enemy team and slaughtering it.

Bloodline Champions bears a nearly infinite competitive potential that is often sadly overlooked because of the mistakes of its publisher and developer team, which do not seem to invest enough in the stability of this shiny, hidden gem. The community is mostly unusually nice (compared to your average MOBA - you can’t expect everybody to be nice on the internet, can you?) if somewhat sparse in numbers.

Real player with 1368.6 hrs in game

Sadly dead. Battlerite will probably never be able to take your place in my heart 3. If only the devs actually tried to make a Bloodline Champions 2 instead of whatever they’re doing now with Battlerite.


Bloodline Champions used to be my bread and butter, I played the game hundreds if not thousands of hours outside of steam too. Battlerite is not a bad game, but you just can’t compare it to Bloodline Champions. In Bloodline Champions everything felt more consequential, I can still imagine the combo’s in my head and the general flow of the games, all the bloodlines had a specific feel to them due to their skillsets (and AESTHETHIC) and it just feels lost in Battlerite. Though it was also less accessible than Battlerite due to it’s unforgiving nature. It catered to a smaller group of players that really really loved the game.

Real player with 486.6 hrs in game

Bloodline Champions on Steam

Crush Online

Crush Online

Crush Online is now live for about 3 months and i can still recommend it to all who are interested in a MOBA/RPG crossover to test it out.

It still doesnt have p2w features at all. The things u can buy with jewels doesnt give u any benefits for the pvp (so the fights are fair) but money can be spend to get some stuff a little faster or for some costumes. Also there are a many Achievements, Arena Rankings and Quests where u can get alot (really alot) free jewels again and again. Yes, no limitation, u just need to play active to earn it.Very friendly monetization.

Real player with 839.7 hrs in game

These are some negative comments by other people, not all of them I agree with.

  1. There is no PVP level-syncing. - Um, Ok. But why would want that? I mean really, if you could only fight in maps with players of a similar lvl you wouldn’t have anyone to play with at all until you max out your lvl. Then the game would be no different for you then it is now. -.-'

  2. This game is way too grindy. - It’s an mmo isn’t it? IT’S MEANT TO BE!

  3. The World PvP is incredibly imbalanced - This is true, one nation seams to have all the online players (10-20 or more) while the other two only have a couple. The only thing balancing this out is point 1, those few players on the other nations are often quite powerful compared to the “many of weaklings” on the other

Real player with 711.6 hrs in game

Crush Online on Steam

Dragons and Titans

Dragons and Titans

Dragons and Titans. Let’s talk.

I saw this game, saw dragons, and thought “Well, why not try it out. It’s free so let’s see what it’s about.” And thus learned this is what a MOBA is called. For what it is, if you have no experience with any MOBAs it really is good. It’s a great “Get your feet wet” kinda game. Hell, I spent over 850 hours playing it so it must be good right? Right?! Well, frankly, if there was a “neutral” button, I’d put it. If I had made my review a year ago, it’d be an absolute thumbs up reccomendation. As of now, I can’t. It pains me to say it because this game is boat loads of fun. Was, I should say…

Real player with 967.5 hrs in game

wow it has been like 8 years since i first played this game…back then when it was only available in facebook, if it didn’t move to steam, i might have more playing hours than that lol…i didn’t even knew it got shut down ever since the servers got bugged and everyone lost their data (i lost all my skins and runes, submitted a ticket but nobody replied so i decided to drop it forever).

when it was in facebook, we have 800+ up to 1k players per day. it might sound too little compared to other MOBAs but no long queue time and could actually get into a game without bots was a miracle. when facebook no longer supports the game, slowly, our player base dropped to 100+, everyday i came online, all i see is just the few same people in my rank. the longest queue time was 2 hours and i didn’t get to play that day. then, i took a long hiatus, and when i re-logged in, d&t announced their servers got bugged, i can’t get into a game and can’t retrieve all my lost purchases. i didn’t log in ever since.

Real player with 319.3 hrs in game

Dragons and Titans on Steam

Eternal Return

Eternal Return

If LOL is wine, Eternal Return is coffee.

Even if you swear and press “Not recommended,” you will eventually play the game again.

Real player with 519.1 hrs in game

fun game challenging and overall good community so far.

Real player with 407.7 hrs in game

Eternal Return on Steam

Heavy Metal Machines

Heavy Metal Machines

Don’t know how did it happen but I played 650+ hours in this game.

With that been said I decided to write my first ever review. For starters, I have to say that I haven’t played much for the last half of the year, but several rounds I played yesterday reminded me why I don’t really want to continue.

I played on European server, so all I say is related to that. Because I belive situation on South American server is very different.

The first good, then bad impressions. The gameplay is very good, machines are well balanced and have distinct features. Even after mastering your skill with a certain machine, you have dozen of other machines which will give you totally different game experiences. It’s interesting to play solo (those games when you play with bots in your team :) ) and in the team. Team play is very important and brings the most fun. So there is so much to learn to become a good player and it seems that you could have spend a very long time with this game, but it doesn’t happen and below I continue why…

Real player with 665.2 hrs in game

the devs make heavy metal machines

people actuallly like the game

youtube video of someone actually enjoying the game

the player base starts growing

community driven championships

the devs make a change on gameplay or removes some content

a few players get salty


the devs make a different version of heavy metal machines

Real player with 565.3 hrs in game

Heavy Metal Machines on Steam

Royal Crown

Royal Crown

ITS RELEASE DAY. GIVE IT A GO. Seriously, just try at least. It’s a free, top-down, 2.5d battle royale with MOBA-like mechanics and characters, and character design reminiscent of Ragnarok Online. You can tailor your character’s build and pathing, there’s around 20 champs to try, one game lasts around 10 min. It’s cute, and easy to pick up. Population is low atm, but expect more at official launch (hopefully). If you tried before and left when they removed crafting, it’s mostly back but now a lot more like Black Survival.

Real player with 843.8 hrs in game

Ok I dont’t really write reviews too often but i feel like i need to for this game since i put so many hours into it, I used to play back in the days when it was early access like pretty pretty early on, i probably joined the game 1 month after it was put on steam, and by no means was the game that popular at that stage also, now the game is completely different then it used to be back when it first released, the game pretty much just stole everything from Eternal Return: black survival and put it into their game.

Real player with 534.5 hrs in game

Royal Crown on Steam