Armored Warfare

Armored Warfare

I really had high hopes for this game, not because I thought it was better than World of Tanks or War Thunder, but because it had a mode that those other two games does not, that is, PvE. When you grow tired of the 15 vs. 15 idiot-fest that the other games become, you can play Armored Warfare and fight computer controlled opponents. Sure, you still have to deal with 4 other humans, but usually one or two of them go link-dead during the battle or stay along the edge of the map and out of your way.

Real player with 1026.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Tanks Games.

A good idea run into the ground by greed, incompetence, and toxicity.

This game was originally made by Obsidian and despite meddling by to make it more like World of Gold Shells, a lot of the old Obsidian magic still does shine through in the PVE content.

Unfortunately, this game is currently in the hands of which is an incredibly cynical, lazy, and just generally unethical company.

Pay-to-Win Matchmaking

In addition to the usual pay-to-win upgrades and OP premium weapons which exist in many such “live-service” games, the devs now even sell pay-to-win matchmaking to “allow for more comfortable gameplay” for people who use premium currency to purchase “Battle Hardened status” for their vehicles.

Real player with 1024.8 hrs in game

Armored Warfare on Steam

Die Again: Prologue

Die Again: Prologue

Die Again brings us a post-Apocalyptic setting where anyone who dies near another human being will possess their body killing the original “soul” that was in that body.

I simply love this concept. I don’t want to spoil the game but the creator has achieved to introduce a very interesting plot and some cool side events around the day to day of the characters that makes you think about the problems of it’s world. For example: How do you know this person near to you is still your partner and not someone who has possessed it’s body and wants to kill you? or other things like the fact that every sick or old person should live alone to not possess another body if they die, but do that person wants to die?

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Violent Games.

Game was pretty good.

The music was good, the gameplay was nice, but sometimes a bit repetitive. There were a few bugs as well, but they weren’t bad enough to list in detail. As I said, some of the levels were a bit repetitive, but I think that mainly is because the whole concept needs some work. I feel like the circle could be a bit smaller, and maybe some new things could be added to the mix, such as a bigger variety of enemies with different abilities and properties, like with armor or maybe even an occasional mini boss. Otherwise it’s a pretty solid game. I hope the developer continues to work on this idea and refine it.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Die Again: Prologue on Steam

Call of War: World War 2

Call of War: World War 2

Call of War had a lot of potential and can really be a lot of fun at first. It is very competitive ad interesting for the most part in early games where momst people playing are beginners. Then as you advance you find out just how crazy people can become with games that allow you to “pay to win”, players pump in a lot of money to buy a win and think nothing of how it ruins the game. To be fair, it does not always happen, but there is no way of determining if a “map” or game instance will have one or a few of these types of players. In these maps the games become a drain n either ones wallet or ones senses, I for one keep thinking, “why would anynone spend that kind of moeny to win a game”, yet people do over and over. I do not deny the developer and publisher their fair profit as they do deserve a return on their creation, but there needs to be a better method, like a cost throttle, the more you spend the more things cost, or some upper limit on what you can spend on an instance. I don’t know the fix, but almost every online game has the same issue, play for free, pay to win. Bytro and its games are in this arena, I say avoid them or proceed with caution unless you are mega wealthy and want to show people jsut how much money you can spend to win a game. I will continue to play, at least as long as Bytro will allow as they threaten to ban me for calling heavy spenders out, which is apparently against their rules. I say if it aint true then ban me, if it is fix the game! For the record, I have participated in 35 games to date, won 18, 3 are still undecided and almost all fo the other games were one by someone that spent a lot of money, so expect someone to be a big spender in 40% to 50% of the games. Due to this issue, I cannot recommend the game. There are also some fundamental issues with the game that were not fully thought out by the developer, some do not make sense, like allowing CAP to go out beyond the max range of a air strike, there are no differences in nationality for troops - which for a game based on WWII it makes little sense, which means there are no nationalistic capabilities or differences in troops, no quantity over quality, and upgrades that jsut happen, even when aircraft in in flight or a ship at sea. Most of these can be overlooked, but I cannot allow a game to call it a strategy game and allow people to win with paying an accessive amount of money.

Real player with 2636.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play World War II Games.

In a nutshell: Do not waste your time here.



I have just played a game where after so many weeks of painstaking planning in a discord server, I sent an invasion force across the water and the gold user knew the exact positions of my invasion force, bought an army using $$$, and sunk my entire army. This is not a strategy game… It’s a moneymaking scam.

Horrifyingly pay to win.

  • Pay to speed up production.

  • Pay to speed up research.

Real player with 862.5 hrs in game

Call of War: World War 2 on Steam

Warfare Online

Warfare Online

i Decided to Write a new review, the old one will be here for anyone who cares, but do note the original words i typed was like few weeks ago or more. so updates come out and balances arrive, the game as it is today is alright, some things are still unacceptable however thats how all games are, its gonna have that one thing you do not like, but the game can be enjoyable and the dev’s have been trying hard that ive seen to make it as balanced as possible.

Pro’s and cons as of now with fresh perspectives:

Real player with 147.6 hrs in game

It’s not a good game. But it is a fun game. And that’s what’s important right?

Most of the reviews seem to cover the gameplay pretty well, so I mainly want to talk about whether or not players who spent more money or have been playing longer have an advantage. Is the game pay 2 win? Yes, definetely. But I didn’t spend any money on the game and I have no problem wiping the floor with 90% of the players I come across, whether they are paying players or not. And there is nothing that affects game balance that cannot eventually be earned for free. Some would call this more of a “pay2skip” system where you can pay to accelerate your progression.

Real player with 80.1 hrs in game

Warfare Online on Steam

Steel Ocean

Steel Ocean

After over 1200 hours this game needs a proper review. I started this by accident one day when I was bored around a year ago. Now because of this I can’t play other games cause I have no time left for them. I will give you some facts, good and bad, all mixed up as I go so hang on with me. This will be a long review, very very long. (I even hit the max character amount so had to shorten it)

When you start the game, it will be hard. You will be playing against bots at first and even they will slaughter you. If by luck you get matched against a long time player you will be shouting CHEATER!! No, he is not cheating he just understands the game mechanics. When I first saw another player play like that I wanted to be him. Now after all this time people who seemed like gods at the time are cannon fodder, at least some :-)

Real player with 2465.4 hrs in game

What are the differences between WoWS and SO?

That is a huge question… So a Huge Comparison wall of text is Incoming. But hey, at least it is better than “Oh mah gawd __ is obviously better!” without anything else? And there is a TL;DR.

To open: I was a part of the first wave of WoWS CBT (Prior to the buy-your-way-in) and had been a part of the Closed Alphas for WoT and WoWP. I played until SO came out in November of last year and have been playing SO more than WoWS since then other the odd WoWS match now and again or the the occasional “Lets do Warships to get an event ship” sort of thing (ARP Haruna, Kirishima, etc.). Since then, I now have 1,355.2 Hours in SO. So I’ve a bit of experience playing both games for some time, and am familiar with the business practices/trends that WG has shown since Tanks came out.

Real player with 1882.0 hrs in game

Steel Ocean on Steam

World of Tanks

World of Tanks

Okay, lets start with: Lot’s of good AND bad. The good? A well and long developed game with plenty of content and tons of tanks to play. A good selection of maps and plenty of nations to try out. Lots of freebies (PR’s ((personal reserves)) and even event tanks, camo and decals, etc.).

The BAD, oh the BAD… Okay, let me start off with this: I have been playing this game since release, 2011. I wasn’t part of beta, I waited till full release. I hate betas, too much changes in a full release from the testing phase. This game, as it is now, isn’t the game I started playing back then, Period. They have changed every aspect of the game many times over since then. You see, Gold tanks, now called Premium Tanks, were sub-par to the Tech Tree tanks. Which means they were WORSE than the regular tank of the same tier and same nation. Gold tanks were to train crews and make you a few extra credits (Silver) doing it, period, that’s it. They gave you NO advantage other than that. Now…now the Premium Tanks rule, extra armor, better this, better that, you name it. So now if you don’t buy the newest OP (Over Powered) Premium Tank, you are going to suffer vs them. Sound fair? Okay, that’s just the tanks. Ammo… when I started Gold Ammo (now Premium Ammo) cost real money, like real $$$. So it wasn’t thrown around often, very very rare was the person that used the Gold Ammo constantly. So in ten matches you might run into two of them that someone was slinging Gold. Then came the change, you can now buy Gold Ammo with Silver! (the normal in-game money). Now of course the Premium Ammo (Gold Ammo) cost more than normal ammo, but hey, everyone can use it now… So suddenly armor meant nothing. You could have the best armored tank on the game (back then a KV-5) but now EVERYONE is slinging Premium Ammo like no tomorrow so armor suddenly means zip (BTW, the KV-5 had some GREAT armor, but the gun was the worst of the tier 8’s in the game of any nation and would only pen the weakest of spots on any enemy tank). Now my biggest gripe, MM. (Match Making) Has changed many times over the years, and not once, ever… for the better. The whole concept of a three tier match (your tier plus 1-2 tiers above or below you) is so out of date with the newer OP tanks it isn’t funny. Just as a one off example (and there are PLENTY more) you are in your new shiny Tiger I, a tier 7 tank, near as you can get to what the Germans had as a best tank for WWII (not to mention the lesser used King Tiger, etc.) and you hit that big red “Battle” button. In your mind you are thinking “I finally got some real armor!” and the battle starts. Guess what… on that other team you are seeing tanks that were pure fantasy or didn’t even come out till the 1960’s to 1980’s (Tier 9’s). Really? A 1940’s tank is supposed to fight a 1980' tank? Guess what, it goes very poorly for the much much older tank. Sound fair? So MM has been broken from almost the start, it just has gotten more so over the years. The problem with MM isn’t just that, it also is with how often it seems to place you at the bottom as well, in 10 games you are for sure going to see at least 6-8 of them at the bottom tier. Over time that wears on you. Hard. Next is the Cars (Armored Cars). In real life the armored cars ran away from the tanks in a battle as fast as they could because a single shot would end their life. A single shot, period. Not here, you can hit a Car with a 12.8 cm gun (128 mm) full on and get that fateful message “We didn’t even scratch him!” or worse, “Critical Hit!” yet he takes no damage and just keeps driving like nothing ever touched him. And just for fun the auto-aim on the cars hits you no matter what the car is doing, turning, flying (jumping), etc. Sound fair?

Real player with 176.6 hrs in game

I’ve been playing since Closed Beta back in 2011, and still play daily outside of Steam, so don’t let these steam hours fool you.

As you can clearly see from all the other negative reviews, each of them basically say the same thing because it’s just flat out fact, instead of opinion. There’s a very big fundamental problem with this game but it will not change because we are nobody to them. The only way to have a drastic change, in a game as big and successful as this, would be to not spend any more money ever until they make the necessary changes. Unfortunately, this will never happen because not everyone has the same opinions/thoughts/preferences/etc. There’s only one thing you can do. Play the game, or find another.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

World of Tanks on Steam

Card Blitz: WWII

Card Blitz: WWII

I have to say first, there are a lot of bots in this game, and they ignore visibility system. And at the end of the match, they leave alone and pretend to be human. The developers were silent on this issue. I don’t lose to bots, but uncomfortable.

So what about against human?

It depends on how you can buff the self-propelled artillery, a unit that can attack unilaterally. Cause of too few cards and too few number of cards in deck, there is no other viable strategy.

It’s an extremely DUMB game and NOT worth playing.

Real player with 173.9 hrs in game

It is great card game, but I have to say it is not for every player. It is like a chess. Well if you do not like chess or other similar type of games, this game is not for you.

UI will be reworked soon, tutorial is not strong side of the game, but once you understood basic go to PVP. it is worth to play, although you will need some grinding at the beginning, but it is quite comfortable if you are F2P player.

If you have questions of complaints - visit Discord channel. I am pretty sure admins will help you.

Real player with 34.8 hrs in game

Card Blitz: WWII on Steam

Command Ops 2 Core Game

Command Ops 2 Core Game

Command Ops 2 is a simulation of WWII-warfare on the grand-tactical/operational scale.

On the surface this just means that everything is bigger: you’re in command of lots of troops, the maps are huge (several km²s) and scenarios span over longer periods of time (from 2 to 8 days). On closer inspection, however, you will find that the change in quantity and overall scale also adds an additional layer of quality: Command Ops 2 features several sophisticated systems (e.g. recon, supply, order-delay, nightfall/resting) to simulate all the important factors on this scale, while at the same time not missing out on the smaller aspects (e.g. front/flank/rear armour values for tanks, penetration of weapons at different ranges, etc.). This additional layer enhances the complexity of the simulation and turns Command Ops into one of the very few truly tactical games out there: It’s not about quick reactions and clicking fast enough, but rather, it’s about thinking, handling information, anticipating and developing plans.

Real player with 320.4 hrs in game

en español abajo

A very interesting approach to operational level strategy in ww2. Instead of the traditional hex/turn gameplay, this one is rts, but plays as if it were turn based as you can pause and assess the situation and review your troops leisurely. Lots of fun pressing the play button and watching your colonels interpreting your orders.

The order of battle and equipment and crew info is detailed and feels like historically accurate and realistic, as well as the movement and combat rules. It´s a well thought strategy game.

Real player with 55.9 hrs in game

Command Ops 2 Core Game on Steam

DCS World Steam Edition

DCS World Steam Edition

I wish steam had a third recommendation option: “Kinda, but…”

This game, and it’s very much a game, is awesome. I’ve had over a thousand (and likely to grow) hours of fun, with some frustrations in-between. Thing is, at its core, DCS is a giant steaming piece of garbage. Nearly everything with the exception of the aircraft themselves is some flavour of “unfinished,” “half-baked,” and “broken.”

A note on the pricing: I’ve spend more money on DCS than on any other game. Though not as much as it might seem, if you do it smart you can get all important modules for 250 dollars. And it isn’t like you’ll be buying modules more than one at a time, you can get literally hundreds, even thousands of hours of gameplay from just one. I recommend you always buy on sales and choose your modules wisely. Do not buy flaming cliffs, or any of the flaming cliff aircraft, those are extremely outdated and “simplified” (though as you would quickly learn, the shortcut “shift+rctr+home” is much harder to remember than the location of the switch labelled “right engine start”, so “simplified” might not be the best word to use here).

Real player with 1560.4 hrs in game

This game is fantastic, and I’m talking about the 100% free Su-25t simulator you get by downloading this program right here, DCS, for FREE.

The Su-25t isn’t just one plane to fly in a game like War Thunder, it’s a complete old-school single player simulator. You get ten or so training missions covering every important function of the aircraft.

You get another ten or so individual mission scenarios, + again that number of quick missions and on top of all this you get a full campaign.

Along with that full campaign you can also find additional campaigns online, really high quality player made campaigns.

Real player with 1143.4 hrs in game

DCS World Steam Edition on Steam

KARDS - The WWII Card Game

KARDS - The WWII Card Game


“The one on one ccg that a indie developer got right…and a billion dollar company didn’t.."

What can I say?… As a disgruntled player from the swampy pits of the now dead artifact community, I was left a stray. The absolute failure of Artifact had left a bad taste in my mouth and I was desperately looking for something to fill the gap. By chance I took notice of this simple but yet finely tuned card game name…“Kards”..haha! At first I thought it would be nothing new. Another ccg until something else popped up, but after playing my tutorial match..I knew right away that this game was far leagues better. First off the playing field was straight forward. You have an HQ with 20hp and each player takes turns to diminish the other players base, but there is a simple addition that takes the strategy of playing up a notch…the frontline.

Real player with 1837.5 hrs in game

-In Kards you are asked simulate WW2 battles using CCG mechanics, with Kards representing typical units (Infantry, Tanks, Arty, Fighters, Bombers) as well as a wide variety of military style “Orders” and “Countermeasures”,

-The Kards artwork and historical write-ups are high quality so a fun diversion for WW2 nerds to view and read even before you begin playing,

-You may play as any of the “Big 5” nations of the war: Germany, Japan, UK, USA USSR, as well as 2 smaller allied factions: Italy and France, EDIT: Poland added June 2021.

Real player with 936.5 hrs in game

KARDS - The WWII Card Game on Steam