Subspace Continuum

Subspace Continuum

For what it’s worth: I started playing around 2004 and have 30,000 hours usage, albiet the majority were AFK.

The one thing you’ll continuously hear is how great of a community SubSpace has but in all honesty, it’s pure cancer. I’ll tell you why.

A very small minority have been trying to keep this game alive and that small minority are often abused by the majority, which is easily 90% of players. The staff that run this game, and each zone, are volunteers. The problem is, everyone thinks those volunteers are paid to program bots, run events, leagues and listen to their constant abuse and bitchin'. They receive zero respect and it goes to show as here’s a little interesting fact: Active players who become staff end up leaving the game entirely because of the toxic community.

Real player with 2015.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Casual Games.

Elon Musk played this game to learn all he could about space physics. It’s never been proven fully but through painstaking research and logic I believe I have solved the puzzle. Let’s begin.

First we’ll start with Priit Kasesalu (PriitK). He is an Estonian programmer who along with Jaan Tallinn and co. developed Kazaa, Skype, and the Continuum client. One of these is not like the others. I’ll continue.

Jaan Tallinn has worked with PriitK on many projects since 1986. He has a degree in theoretical physics. Maebye you can see where I’m going with this.

Real player with 104.2 hrs in game

Subspace Continuum on Steam

Astonia Remastered

Astonia Remastered

Astonia 3.0 with a handful of wonderful twists. If you’re new to the game, take some time to explore this wonderful, truly old-school RPG that will allow you to become a master swordsman, all powerful Archmage, sword/spell hybrid class called Seyan, or all new to astonia itself try your hand with Rogues wielding either daggers or bows - and soon (hopefully) master martial arts with the Monk. Alongside all the classes there are several professions to master, allowing for serious customization of your characters abilities in PvE or PvP.

Real player with 101.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play RPG Games.

New players be advised, this game can be brutal to start if you have no information at all, your first character will most likely be messed up if don’t ask other players for help on how to play, the game has a lot of lore and secrets that take some time to know and master, community is nice and friendly and usually always helpfull. Be mindfull that this is an old game, retro looking as fk, and if you get triggered with input lag, well be prepared. Even so if you feel like trying it’s free and a lot of fun it has a tamagotchi feel to it because you take really good care of your characters and you get a fulfilling feel when you can kill higher lvl enemies, choose an assortment of different jobs that give you different capabilities on game and breeze through tight spots. There are live events almost every day and you can pvp as well.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

Astonia Remastered on Steam

RuneScape ®

RuneScape ®

14,480 hours as of writing this review. Proof

The game is definitely not the same as many people remember it. The game has evolved to be more up to date as compared to other MMO’s out there while keeping it’s charm. I’ve had many friends and memories on this game and for that i thank Jagex.

There is a bit of everything for everyone. lets start with skills.


There is a lot of skills to choose from and they are divided into 4 categories.

Real player with 3405.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play MMORPG Games.


I have been playing Runescape for a total of 10.000+ hours for the last 10 years. This game is really enjoyable and has so much to offer! Very different from other MMORPG games. Now lets get on with the review.


is a game made by the company Jagex. Runescape has been around since 2001. That version is now called Runescape Classic. That version is not available anymore. Runescape can be played in two versions, Runescape 3 and Old School Runescape. I will introduce OSRS in this review aswell. Both games have a very stable and high player base. This version of the game is Runescape 3. I personally play both games because they are very different from each other and offer different content such as bosses and raids. Both games are really enjoyable. This review is made about Runescape 3.

Real player with 3192.4 hrs in game

RuneScape ® on Steam

Marbles on Stream

Marbles on Stream

This game has truly changed my life. A game, an interactive and visual experience that you can enjoy with your viewers. You can use it to create SO MUCH for your stream. I consider it a sandbox for creativity. There is no wrong way to play it, some climb for leaderboards, some play for fun, some play to experience the art, some play for the interaction and so on and so on. It’s endless. The more time you give this game, the more you will learn and the more you can build from it. This is not a SOLO experience even though it can be.. make friends, become part of the community and learn how much actually goes on every season! There is so much to learn from this game and community, building great things takes time. People complain about monetization and they don’t even realize you can get everything for free. Play the game for FREE as a viewer or as a streamer and get involved. THEN you can decide if you want to spend money to support the games growth. You can even WIN.. FOR FREE.. exclusive prizes and in game currency with all the community events that go on every season. This is what I mean by getting involved. You can learn so much and gain so much if you just give things the time of day. Immediately jumping to hate will never help you grow. I’ll never understand so much complaining about free games. Great things do not happen over night, patience and positivity go a long way. The possibilities are endless, have some fun ya dingus.

Real player with 3081.9 hrs in game

Alright, here is your one stop shop review of this game. I have been playing this game since September 2018.


  1. One of the best communities on twitch.

This community is one of the most friendly and helpful communities there is. It is seen as taboo to promote yourself in certain streams in many communities, but if you go to certain streams, they encourage you do to so while you are streaming so they can race on your track. Back in the day a qualified marbles race would require 7 racers. This community would go out of its way to help each other out, and they continue to do that today even without needing 7 people anymore. The community genuinely is happy when you race in their streams, win in an event, or just come in and say hello. One of the most positive experiences that you will have. If you feel isolated, start rolling in a couple marbles streams and say hello, they will treat you just like family.

Real player with 2397.1 hrs in game

Marbles on Stream on Steam

Realm of the Mad God Exalt

Realm of the Mad God Exalt

I’ve been playing this game since it was on browser back in 2011, so I’d like to think I have some experience or at least enough time put in to give my opinion on the game, so here it is:

The game has come a long way, and I still remember having the time of my life back then - dying and learning from my mistakes, getting excited from T5 items, and being proud of myself for soloing snake pits. It was a simple time, but time moves on and to live in the past and say it was a better time is just false. A lot has changed from then, and most of it was for the better. Exalt is the most recent example of the game forever changing for the better, but I still have a few problems with the game. First, I feel the game is just one big grind. Don’t get me wrong though, I think the nature of white bags and the idea of perma-death is the games biggest strength, but I also feel the sense of teamwork and coordination is long gone. So many times do I see a server full/crowded, but the realms themselves are empty. Where are the people you ask? Sitting in nexus waiting for someone to throw money at the screen so they can pop a dungeon, just for everyone to sit in spawn room waiting for one person to rush to boss so that it can be steamrolled and the process can repeat. I have had multiple friends try the game out, and almost all of them have lost interest fairly quick, but my most recent friend said something that stayed with me when I asked for his opinion. He said that the game wasn’t bad, but it felt very brain-dead not giving him an objective other than shoot monster. This leads into my next point: The game is horrible for new players. The tutorial has be revised, but I feel it doesn’t do enough to give new players direction. Sure, you could say that the fun of the game is finding out for yourself, but after he asked when he should move on to the next area it was clear the game didn’t really set a scene for him. All he know at that point was he was a guy who shoots enemies to gain XP, and possible loot. He didn’t know where to go or how things worked, which is fine until I asked him if he was having fun and responded with: I wish there was more progression than kill enemies and move onto next area. Things just became more clear that he was lost when i had to explain to him how to teleport, something I dont believe the tutorial tells you about. Just like every other new player, he was also greeted with spam in the nexus about external websites and instant 8/8, which he didnt even know what the concept of potion maxing was at the time, because once again it isnt mentioned in the tutorial. Finally, my biggest problem with the game: pets. I was very excited when I found out pets were finally going to do something other than follow you around and look cute, and im not going to lie I was a huge fan when they first introduced pet abilities. This was, however, very shorted lived when I found out the grind nature of pets. First, you have to randomly be dropped an egg, use the egg in the pet yard, and hope it has heal and magic heal - the only 2 abilities that matter other than electric. That find an dandy until you realize you have to use fame to feed the pet, then you have yo use fame to upgrade the yard in order to further feed it, and then use fame to fuse the pet. But heres the catch: if you don’t feed the pet fully, or fuse properly you could screw up and get something useless to you. Pets are such a big part of the game, so big that there is literally a status effect that disables your pet. So the fact that they are locked behind so much grind (or a pay wall), baffles me. Gone are the days of being able to play realm without a pet, and if you do play without a pet you have to be in a big group to compensate for your lack of heal and magic heal. I don’t wish for the removal of pets, they are way to integrated into the game for removal. I do think they should be either nerfed, or easier to obtain. My big complaint with the game is that we focus so hard on end game stuff that the beginner stuff is lost. Maybe allow new players to start off with a half maxed common pet with heal and magic heal, or make it so players have to rely on team work over a Divine pet.

Real player with 2247.4 hrs in game

Ok after 10 years and thousands of hours of playing (imagine think i only played 2k hours), I would not recommend this pile of sh*t to anyone in its current state (which persist since years).

At this point i just want to quote an user of the rotmg-reddit since this is exactly my point of view and i would def write the exact same.


“I feel like noone really cares enough or talks about the actual state of rotmg game health in 2021. Sure you see people complain, but as players there’s so many unacceptable things which we just tolerate and let Deca get away with instead of pushing for them to fix it.

Real player with 2233.4 hrs in game

Realm of the Mad God Exalt on Steam




🧍 Audience 🧍

☑️ Beginner

☑️ Casual Gamer

☑️ Normal Gamer

☑️ Expert

☀️ Graphics ☀️

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☐ Good

☑️ Beautiful

🎵 Music 🎵

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☐ Good

☑️ Beautiful

💀 Difficulty 💀

☐ Easy

☑️ Average

☐ Hard

☐ Unfair

🐛 Bugs 🐛

☐ No Bugs

☑️ Few Bugs

☐ Lots of bugs

☐ Nothing encountered

✍ Story ✍

☐ There is None

☐ Bad

☑️ Good

☐ Fantastic

🏹 Gameplay 🏹

☐ Frustrating

☐ Boring

☑️ Fun

☑️ Competitive

⏰ Game time / Length ⏰

Real player with 3489.8 hrs in game

If you like classic MMOs, you should check out this game!

Its plays like a hybrid of Caves of Qud; Runescape and RPG-MO … with three major improvements:

1. Responsive Developers who are super passionate about the game, the players, and consistently deliver updates + new content. They draw inspiration from the player base and deliver content people want. You truly feel like you as a player are shaping the game and that the developers live up to their mission in building a game that they themselves love to play!

Real player with 1067.2 hrs in game

Damascus on Steam

Blood of Steel

Blood of Steel

This game was way better than I originally anticipated. A friend introduced this to me. At first, I wasn’t really pulled in by the visual design, but as I played it, I noticed I naturally got into it extremely fast. The game offers a wide variety of ways to get free skins and heroes through events they conduct. The game is updated and patched every week so there’s consistently new content being added either a new hero, event, and/or more.

Unranked matches can be quick to get into and are often fast so you can constantly get in and out of action. There are various game modes that have been added that are fun as well and can be rewarding to get free cosmetics, but some of them have time restraints that I would like to see removed to allow people to play them more often. Ranked matches can be difficult to get into depending on your rank, but can also be almost instant to get a match at times.

Real player with 933.4 hrs in game

So after a while of playing im gonna have to change my review.

Games still a pretty good game. BUT…..

Theres a lot of bots.

and i mean ALOT of bots.

the Que time to get into a ranked match, is over an HOUR.

The combat system is pretty garbage to learn and doesnt work for everyone

Sometimes you cant even use abilities or even left click attack.

All the events are based around a specific time frame.

Too much time-based responsibilities.

The community managers will ignore your messages.

Even if its in the serious benefit for them.

Real player with 603.6 hrs in game

Blood of Steel on Steam

Spiral Knights

Spiral Knights

I have a love hate relationship with this game, I love the artwork and content (even though some say it needs more and it does, it is slowly dying) I can 100% say there is no other game like this game and that is what makes it so special.


Missions give you access to gear and items needed to play the game, they start from the beginning armor to end game gear (nothing thats 100% wanted but it gives you access to play end game content).

There is an arcade side of the game, which was the original concept. 4 gates consisting of 29 floors, but only 24 floors that have monsters. The arcade gates change every 7 days and its random, so every arcade run you do will be different from the last.

Real player with 6287.6 hrs in game

This is one of the games I played with a great community. Its unique concept is like none others. I’d definitely recommend this game. It has its “dying phase” but I’m really hoping that the Game Devs are still planning to update and put more content to the game. I’d purchase things that this game offer if it gets updated. ( SHOUT OUT: Paging Grey Havens, Please proceed to the Game Dev room now… )

I know. It’s boring if you’re playing it alone. Make some friends, talk to strangers, don’t be aloof. It’s very addictive when you have people to share your moments with.

Real player with 1911.4 hrs in game

Spiral Knights on Steam

PlanetSide 2

PlanetSide 2

Great game that a player can get a lot of ‘free’ fun fragging out of.

To a new player this game can be a bit daunting and farming certs (at first) comes slow and turns many away.

To gain certs faster (at first) you need to be an engi/med, stack your ability to gain more certs by spending certs in things that help others, forget weapons at first, if you work on your repair tool, ammo giving, health/shield giving, remote repping/ammo in a sundi while acting as a passive mobile medic for people close to your vehicle etc. Maybe spend a few certs on a scope if you find time to use it.

Real player with 6823.0 hrs in game

After the amount of hours I have spent in the game, I feel legit to give an honest review about it. I had FPS experience before I started to play PS2, mostly just casual gaming with various titles from the genre. Sadly I got spoiled too much of the scale that it is difficult to go back on those. The only reason I will play other FPS games too is to have more competitive and very controlled environment to try out own reaction times and skills in well known titles.

If you are expecting very polished and smooth experience with always balanced and fun fights, then PS2 might not be for you. There has been ups and downs during the game’s life time, but dev team has done their best to keep the players satisfied.

Real player with 5484.3 hrs in game

PlanetSide 2 on Steam

Puzzle Pirates: Dark Seas

Puzzle Pirates: Dark Seas

I have played Puzzle Pirates for over 10 years now. If you like puzzles, interacting with others to do missions, build crews to take over islands, this is a great game to play. However, that only lasts for a short period of time. Eventually, you will find this game to be stagnant. The game developers/ocean masters “encourages” you to make suggestions on how to make the game better. But, the majority of the time, your answer falls on deaf ears. You are allowed to create forum posts to give suggestions but then you, out of the blue, you will find that some developer or Om has locked your thread when it is gaining momentum because someone suggested the same thing 13 years ago and nothing was done about it.

Real player with 3029.1 hrs in game

Dear potential new pirates,

While there are definite advantages to leaving the old money pirates on the fairly dead oceans of the original game, there are many more dark disadvantages. Old money, including botters, have migrated, and more or less rebuilt their incredible wealth. Now, while that’s a good example of how far you could’ve gone, if you had joined in beta, it’s nigh on impossible to achieve the same benefits without putting a lot of real world cash into the game. There’s nothing wrong with that, the so called “CC Warriors” keep the game alive and more or less fund the fun for all, but if you’re not blessed with endless credit, or high paying jobs, that’s clearly not going to be an option. Unless you get really lucky on a gold box and pull a rare familiar, or spend all of your days running pillages, you’re just not going to enjoy the same riches, and thus will live out your days envious of those with everything.

Real player with 3021.0 hrs in game

Puzzle Pirates: Dark Seas on Steam