

Spellsworn is an amazing warlock arena game that takes a well beloved mod and turns it into a spellcasting competitive game with a high skill ceiling.


In Spellsworn players choose different spells (max 8) at the start of each round cosisting of melee, offensive, defensive spells, utility and mobility and there are over 28 spells for players to create their own combos and playstyles.

The game is 100% skill based and the defensive system works by either using a defensive spell, or casting a projectile to cancel out the other one.

Real player with 179.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Indie Games.

Review effect as at 14/03/2018:

-similar to Warlock (no, you don’t have to get w3 or dota 2)

-1 default mode, Rounds (FFA/TEAM available), adjustable rounds, gold/round & starting gold. 2-8 players.

-gud graphics & keybinds options (actually playable with 2GB RAM kek)

-population : ~100(highly recommended with friends, discord event? psssh)

-Discord, in-game chat, Server lobby, steam invitation connect.

-Account Levels with cosmetic feature and probably more hidden features

-Account stats record

Real player with 60.4 hrs in game

Spellsworn on Steam




I have been playing since the earliest days of the Pre-Alpha and am probably one of the first players to ever enter. Now to be fair I am not the most active, but combining all platforms together I have somewhere above 1500h playtime since 2018.


I love this game and that holds true even though this is a negative review. However, I can no longer recommend this game for the following reasons:

1. Spellbreak For Dummies

The game has been “streamlined” from its original complexity in the pre-alpha. From what used to be many different classes and access to every gauntlet at all times (even duplicate gauntlets could be carried), you now get 6 classes and a total of 12 talents. In a lobby you have access to 1 class and 3 talents, which cost talent points to use. You can carry a main gauntlet and an offhand, the exception being the Spellslinger Talent which allows you to carry extra gauntlets and runes in your inventory at the cost of slots for heals.

Real player with 424.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Battle Royale Games.

While I absolutely love Spellbreak’s combat system, it has a lot of missed potential with blaring issues that either never get fixed or take forever to get addressed.

I have been playing the game since it launched back in September with 500+ hours on the Switch version and 150+ on the Steam version.

There are several issues with the game that is easiest just to list out:

1: Bots. Almost every match done in the Battle Royale mode will have some amount of bots in it generated by the game. The game at no point mentions these bots exist within the game nor does the game identify which characters are bots and which are real players. I went my first 10 hours not even noticing that a lot of what I was facing were bots. At low level play it gives a false sense of accomplishment, and at high level play they are just free loot that pretends to fight back.

Real player with 176.8 hrs in game

Spellbreak on Steam



Thirdmage is pretty rough, but I can see it being decent with friends. I have seen a few of these action based magic pvp games pop up lately, but I haven’t seen one that feels very finished. Maybe Thirdmage will find its niche? Who knows.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Beat 'em up Games.

Played this game with a couple of friends, super fun!!! A bit buggy but with some minor fixes this game has great potential! Grab your friends and enjoy battling each other!!!

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Thirdmage on Steam



i wouldn’t recommend this game at the time of writing this

the voice acting is pretty bad tho i do give props to it being done by 1 maybe 2 people, they do try to give a different voice but they they sound off.

the art style is really good and does fit well with the area

some of the puzzles are pretty good tho others seem that you have to die once or twice to get what you’re supposed to do.

the bosses are can be easy but most of them do quite alot of damage with some attacks being too easy and some being too unexpected.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

A game with interesting mechanics, blocking time is innovative and well implemented. But also because of its strange nature it is very unstable and difficult to control, not to mention the glitches you encounter.

The whole game has graphics that I liked a lot, you notice the great work in taking care of the environments, the lights and everything else.

The problem is that most of the work has been given to the graphics rather than to the design, which is unclear at certain points and excessively difficult in others, not to mention the numerous bugs that forced me to challenge the final boss 6 times before succeeding to overcome it.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Malediction on Steam

Idle Wizard

Idle Wizard

_So far, therefore, as the public profession of magic has been one of the roads by which the ablest men have passed to supreme power, it has contributed to emancipate mankind from the thraldom of tradition and to elevate them into a larger, freer life, with a broader outlook on the world.

This is no small service rendered to humanity.

And when we remember further that in another direction magic has paved the way for science, we are forced to admit that if the black art has done much evil, it has also been the source of much good; that if it is the child of error, it has yet been the mother of freedom and truth._

Real player with 9187.0 hrs in game

The game is pretty good as far as Idle games go. There is a good amount of love in the details, atmosphere and artwork.

Its major downside is it’s documentation. Frequently tooltipps of spells will give incomplete or misleading information and one has to keep the wiki page open at all time, if one wants to proceed past certain threshholds.

Unfortunately the discord server is in private hands. While it appears the discord is officially supported, it’s nigh impossible to get feedback through the owner and admins of the server, who have no understanding of common problems that basic users may encounter.

Real player with 5647.0 hrs in game

Idle Wizard on Steam

Isekai Eternal Alpha

Isekai Eternal Alpha

The game is very enjoyable. Admittedly, it takes a lot of inspiration from League of Legends and DOTA 2, but that isn’t actually a bad thing. This makes the game very easy to pick up if you have experience with the previously stated 2, and easily allows you to move between them. Isekai Eternal feels a lot like legacy League of Legends, which is at least for me a massive plus. The visuals aren’t amazing, but that is to be expected from a game this young, and doesn’t affect gameplay. The Unity engine makes the game very stabile. The game setup is kinda wonky, but keeps it simple to set up matches for you and your friends. Would be nice to have a match maker, though. Gold generation needs to be pulled back a tad to slow down gameplay and the controls are pretty much impossible without quick cast (which does NOT carry over between matches.) Jungling feels too easy at the moment, but once again THE GAME IS VERY YOUNG. The game quality will increase with time, and it is very fun, unlike the awful communities and power creeped League of Legends and DOTA 2.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Champions look good and the map seems unique. If the lore is well relevant to the concept of the game it’d be a plus like I see there are about ten champions and it’d be good if each champion respectively has their own story and details. Given that a MOBA is super hard to be made and the dev team seems small, I think it’s a pretty fun game to play

Want to play 5v5 match some time tho!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Isekai Eternal Alpha on Steam

Tap Adventure: Time Travel

Tap Adventure: Time Travel

Pretty fun! If you’re addicted to clickers (which I am) and time wasters (which I am) this is another good addition. Repetitive backgrounds (of course) but a lot more diverse than others, and the fantasy & guild heroes theme is actually utulized unlike most clicker games! Very Free, just expect to leave it running a LONG LONG Time. If that’s not your thing? This is not your game. If you’re looking for a total time soak with easy to play in the background of work? PERFECT!

Edit 7/13: Updating to add a ton of TL;DR basic tips

Real player with 9596.0 hrs in game

The first thing you may notice about Tap Adventure: Time Travel is the graphics. Whether it’s the character design or the different environments that you end up going to, everything is all very well drawn. It’s genuinely pleasing to look at, especially for a clicker game. Unfortunately, I think this is the only strong point about this game.

Things start out as any other clicker game; you’ll be able to hire a few mercenaries and get through a few hundred levels before you’ll have to time loop. You will have to repeat this process hundreds of times of course, getting a little further each time. You’ll earn more gold, runestones, keys, and manacoins, unlock more artifacts and heroes, and so on and so forth. It’s a typical clicker game.

Real player with 3066.4 hrs in game

Tap Adventure: Time Travel on Steam



After careful consideration, and 1500 hours so far into this game, I feel that I am more than prepared to write a review. I AM NOT A PAID ADVERTISEMENT, I JUST LOVE THE GAME


  • If you played this as a kid, it is the exact same. It has some expansions, and added gameplay, but overall it is still the same base game that I played as a kid.

  • The game gives plenty of content and you could be stuck playing it for hours.

  • Compared to most games the community here is pretty chill.

  • There are many side attractions from the base gameplay (pets, houses, fishing, etc.) that are pretty fun if you get into them.

Real player with 2452.8 hrs in game

Before my review i would like to explain some things…

This game is P2P, If you buy monthly subs you will get all access to areas. This is the only payment you have to do here. Like big games such as Ultima Online, WoW etc. This is also have subs.

This game isnt P2W. In PvP Arena items are only get by arena points which you will only get from making PvP.

In PvE, your crowns will just waste. Because there is some item schedule as far as i remember like;

at 60 you will get your class set from Waterworks

Real player with 401.3 hrs in game

Wizard101 on Steam



First, I want to say I loved Funorb & Arcanists. This is how I found this game. It’s a crime people don’t make these kind of games & everything is FPS or RPG. There is definitely a NEED for this genre to explode. It requires strategy, aiming, real time thinking, & planning. Setting up your book will give you an advantage, but you’ll lose something every time you add a spell. There is no perfect combination, & each map will play to your strengths or weaknesses. Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way. How does this game stack up with Arcanists - because it IS the elephant in the room?

Real player with 180.5 hrs in game

If you played Arcanists back in the day, you won’t be disappointed with Wizards. It’s exactly like Arcanists, and I’m really glad we have this amazing gem of a game playable again.

Honestly, being able to unlock spells without having to do the grind of ranked matches is really great. I can just play with friends, mess around, and unlock the spells. Solid thumbs up from me!

Real player with 135.0 hrs in game

Wizards on Steam

Grimoire: Manastorm

Grimoire: Manastorm

It is a very fun competitive and cooperative pvp/moba/CTF type game,havent played much now but for most of the time during the testings,there were somehow more playres then,today,there are almost no players so you can barely get into matches but it has a fun solo mode. the game lets you choose your class,each one being a different element;

ice-control damage type that will slow the movement of everything in radius,its attack is semi automatic and chargeable secondary attack,high damage and great utility.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Ignore most of the reviews here with little to no play time. It is a free to play PRE ALPHA and has somethings that need to be improved on. There are a few minor bugs i have found nothing game breaking. The game is not amazingly optimized which can be fixed and worked on. I am trying to review the content in the game and not things that can and will most likely be fixed if the devs continue to work on it. There are six characters which are fairly easy to unlock only taking about an hour or 2 of straight playing. Each character has 2 other abilities they can purchase to replace the base spells you get. Combat wise there is a good bit of depth and enough to enjoy the game for at least a few hours if you can get past not having over 100 fps constantly. You can experiment with every character and make some unique play styles. The game is pretty fast paced. I have not run into any character or skills that are extremely op or broken. So not only is the action fast it also is rewarding when you get a hit because it isn’t the easiest thing to hit another player, especially if they’re good and move around as much as possible. You have nothing to lose by at least trying it out. Keep in mind it is pre alpha and can have many more things added to it and improved on. I can not say this enough, I recommend the game even if you have the slightiest bit of curiosity because it is free to play. I gave it a fair chance and don’t regret it,

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Grimoire: Manastorm on Steam