Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

My hours. help.

I wrote something for real!

These hours are legit, I played this game a lot in the past to avoid some tragic stuff in real life. I was young and didn’t really have my gaming consoles anymore because of my brothers and I had a really bad pc, which i still own. TF2 was one of the games i could play pretty well on this pc but with horrid graphics, but it was one of the more fun games I installed. I met some real cool and nice people on this game as well as people who i plan to keep by my side. The community back then was more humble compared to nowadays. You have competitive gamers who spam their bind keys with unfunny/gross jokes and very obnoxious people who are either yelling at you or telling you to do specific things to win the game. When really, it doesn’t even matter if you win or lose. However, you also have those people who are really awesome and you may meet some nice friends along the way! Although you never know what kinda person you’re going to meet on this game. In my honest opinion, if you want to have a game to just waste time on (and money) or just mess around with people you know (which is what I do now), this is perfect. Esspecially the mann vs. machine co-op. I mainly play that now. Although to me, the game lost its touch, update wise, and I moved onto other games.

Real player with 13198.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play FPS Games.

This game carries such an emotional valence for me that I hardly even know where to begin. Let me tell you about the match I just played. Then try this game.

Two teams spawned in locker rooms, with an assortment of specialized classes ranging from gunmen to support to explosive experts. With a feeling of determination all set out to prove themselves in the battlefield. In the fierce thunderdome of ctf_turbine, bullets ricocheted and jars of pee rained. As a soldier myself, I was able to rocket jump around the map and deliver swift explosive death to nearly any class. I just had to remember to watch my back for spies and be wary of enemies with medics. The battle flowed back and forth with both teams taking turns occupying the thunderdome of a mid that is ctf_turbine, neither willing to give up. This continued for half an hour.

Real player with 9128.2 hrs in game

Team Fortress 2 on Steam



I still have to give this a (weaker) Not Recommended. THE CARD SYSTEM DESCRIBED BELOW IS GONE, and the current system is better than ever, which is great. Gameplay currently lacks variety (all gamemodes boil down to 5v5 team deathmatch on similar maps), which made the gameplay get old quick for me, and unfortunately Hi-Rez is still doing some shady things (e.g., “forgetting” to mention in advance that they would change the price of voicepacks from being obtainable with the free currency, to exclusively bought with the premium currency). Daily quests are the main thing keeping me logging in.

Real player with 3971.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play FPS Games.

I’ve made it past the 1200 hours mark and I think Im qualified enough to leave a decent review.

Paladins is a great game with a small and growing community. This game is not perfect, don’t expect it to be especially because it’s still in “BETA”. People Like to compare it to the big O, sure there are some similarities but this game is a completely different experience. It has more MOBA elements to it; loadouts, mounts and the credit system are what makes this game versatile and more complex. It has a great selection of “Champions” and i’m sure you’ll find someone that’ll match your playstyle.

Real player with 3845.5 hrs in game

Paladins® on Steam

Dirty Bomb®

Dirty Bomb®

Dirty Bomb is a fast paced shooter with parkour elements and great gunplay with large, multiple objective maps.

For each match you build a squad of 3 mercenaries (“mercs”) you can switch to with each respawn cycles. This gives you a lot of variety in how you approach certain situations and which role to take in the team. Although each merc can perform any action the game requires, different mercs excel at certain tasks: medics can revive downed players quickly, engineers can repair, plant and defuse faster and combat mercs have “bigger” guns and more health. However, every merc is fully capable of winning a fire fight, so there’s no need for medics to camp it out in the back.

Real player with 2985.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play FPS Games.

Update: They don’t. Stay clear of these reprehensible developers at all costs. They are run by extremely condescending and egotistical degenerates that:

talk down to to paying customers and lie to their audience to cover up incompetent game design and complete lack of a roadmap;

add characters to the game to its detriment so they can crutch on them in public lobbies;

ignore player feedback while not having any personal ingame experience;

remove dissenting PTS voices;

skip the QA process resulting in entirely nonfunctional updates;

Real player with 2947.3 hrs in game

Dirty Bomb® on Steam

Modern Combat Versus

Modern Combat Versus

update 2020

Modern Combat Versus isnt a amazing game its not a horrible game

Here’s Why !?!

ill start with the things that are good n work my way down

(a) very good community not very many toxic players

(b)the agents are amazing everyone of them has a decent ability some are little underpowerd yes but work as a unit and all powers will unite


© the gear system makes for a playable build w/ every agent

(d) ITS NOT PAY TO WIN ….my 3 freinds HAVE HOPPED ON and ALL 3 have agreeed the grind isnt horrible like some games ( examples ) heros n gens / planetside

Real player with 387.5 hrs in game


☐ Masterpiece

☑ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Will do

☐ Bad

☐ Awful

☐ Paint.exe


☑ Try not to get addicted

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Bad

☐ Just dont


☐ Eargasm

☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ Earrape


☐ Kids

☐ Teens (Target audience)

☐ Adults (Target audience)

☑ Everyone

—{PC Requirements}—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☑ Minimum

☑ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


Real player with 226.7 hrs in game

Modern Combat Versus on Steam



This is a very fun game with an active developer. I like the low poly artstyle, the UI is fully fleshed out, gamemodes are intuitive and the map geometry and loadout combinations create a lot of depth. It’s entirely possible to play as the tank class and use teleportation to get high up on top of buildings, looking over the whole map and taking potshots at people.

The biggest problems right now is the small playerbase…playing with AI isn’t very fun. But that’s easy to change, we just need more players.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

i first saw this game on the steam store and downloaded the game and i did not know what to expect until i played the game and i fell in love with it i thought it was gonna have a story bc it said hero shooter but i was wrong i was amazed how good the game run there was no lag and the controls were smooth and its not hard to unlock stuff and i was i excited bc this game wasn’t finished yet it was just in earlyaccess and a love this game and recommend it but theres one issue and thats with the drone for some odd reason you can fly up with the drone but you cant fly down and thats my only complaint just go play this game its free and thats my review

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Combots on Steam

Drifters Loot the Galaxy

Drifters Loot the Galaxy

TLDR: Pure fun. I had over 200 hours into the beta and I was able to be a part of the evolution of the game up to this point. Having dogfights in a shooter are some of the greatest video gaming moments I’ve personally experienced. This game really has no comparison. It borrows from the team based elements of Team Fortress and the movement of Global Agenda adding grappling to the mix to make it even more intense. There is a MOBA-esque leveling style and in-game upgrades you can choose. The end result is a clean, structured chaos that allows for big plays even while solo. There are also ZERO pay to win mechanics. I highly recommend trying it out.

Real player with 264.2 hrs in game

This game is the best, the gameplay is amazing, the air animations are so fluent, and it really feels like your’e there with you’re character. Teamwork is a key essence of this game, and it is very satisfying when you pull of a brilliant play with you’re teamates. Voice chat has not been added yet, but as long as you join their official discord its not really a problem. The community in this game is the most pure and wholesome community you’ve ever seen. I promise you if you join the discord, you’ll be welcomed with open arms. At this state in the game, the devs hear you’re voice, and listen to you’re feedback, you’re opinion matters in this game, and criticism is welcomed. Just give it a try, you won’t regret it.

Real player with 90.8 hrs in game

Drifters Loot the Galaxy on Steam

Quake Champions

Quake Champions

This is Quake brought to a new era! Quake Champions is simply the fastest, most rewarding and fun FPS available. You can dabble in other games, but at the end of the day once you’ve completed the single player campaign in a day or two or even spent a while in the multiplayer, Quake is the one game you keep returning to. Nothing beats careering around the map, boosting yourself along or up in the air by throwing a rocket under your own feet or against a wall, flipping around and taking out an opponent with a well-placed rail, or frying them with your lightning gun if they’re still close enough.

Real player with 5548.5 hrs in game

From the company who brought you the Golden Horse Armor DLC that started the (unwanted) DLC and microtransaction craze, and more recently, the epic (disappointment) game Fallout 76, comes the Quake III / Quake Arena / Quake Live reboot, Quake Champions!

Are you a veteran Quake III player who wants to feel like a boss? This game is for you! Are you a noob who wants to get pwned and be a constant punching bag for a group of elite players? This game is for you! Are you a regular player who wants to spend countless hours attempting to learn all the tricks and tips and attempt to reach godly Rapha levels of expertise (but likely never get there)? This game is for you!

Real player with 1442.8 hrs in game

Quake Champions on Steam

Apex Legends™

Apex Legends™

You open the game and finish your 3000 word essay that’s due tomorrow while it loads you into the main menu. You pray they fed the server hamsters today as you queue for a game. You pick Octane cause you like running around fast, not cause he’s on drugs. Your teammates pick Caustic and Wraith. It’s another TTV Wraith. The champion squad is a pred and 2 master players. The game begins and your caustic spends all game on his own trapping buildings, while you run around juiced up looking for loot and killing anyone in your way. You get jumped by a squad because footstep audio doesn’t exist and you couldn’t hear them coming. TTV Wraith goes down. You clutch a 1v3 because mastiff is balanced. Meanwhile, your Caustic is setting up traps outside the zone. You collect your Wraith’s banner and try to respawn them but they leave with 0.2s left on the timer. You’re in awe that this one stayed that long. Someone sees you next to the respawn beacon and kills you. They then immediately get 3rd partied while a far off 4th squad member misses all his kraber shots on them. The predator player shows up out of nowhere and wipes everyone in one sweep, dropping another 4k 20 bomb in the process. Your caustic dies to zone. You’re back in the main menu and a random level 500 is waiting there for you in your party. They complain about not having heirlooms despite playing since season 1 but the dude that started last week has 2. You queue for another game. You get disconnected because two server hamsters passed out from hunger. Code: leaf. You wait to load back into the main menu and queue once more, cause you know it’s worth going through it all again just to take another glance at Loba’s thick ass.

Real player with 1455.4 hrs in game

Easily one of the best games ruined by bad management and run by a very greedy, short sighted publisher.


  • Excellent Movement.

  • Satisfying gun play. Huge variety of guns of all types - Shotguns, SMGs, Pistols, Snipers, ARs. And they all are very good.

  • Map sizes are excellent, not too big and empty and not too small either. Games are quick and no down time in the middle portion.

  • New legends and weapons added every season.

  • Maps are changed/updated every season keeping things fresh.

  • Seasons are 3 months long offering plenty of time to complete battle pass.

Real player with 1270.7 hrs in game

Apex Legends™ on Steam



Okay, let’s start with a simple statement about Battleborn: Battleborn is a game rife with marketing issues and inconvenient circumstances that, at its core, is a very fun and entertaining game that has only increased my respect for Gearbox.

Battleborn is a hero shooter/MOBA, which differs from multiple similar games like Overwatch and Paladins because it has universal mechanics for characters that are used to fight, and unique mechanics designated to maybe one or two characters in the roster. You pick one character at the beginning of a match or mission, and then you are stuck playing them for the rest of the match. This leaves a lot more competitive potential to the game than its charisma and PvE system will let on, but we’ll touch on that later.

Real player with 1710.9 hrs in game

Mishandled, overlooked and abandoned.

Weird or sometimes even broken mechanics, items and character skills (and their helix powers).

Misdirected by Gearbox trying to make a competitive game while a better choice was to focus on casual market instead.

Before this game entered ‘free trial’ you had to buy it and grind for hours in order to unlock new characters and important gear while OW straight up gave you all available characters right at the start.

Optimizations for some maps/areas were crap.

Real player with 437.1 hrs in game

Battleborn on Steam



This game pains me with how it looks these days. I played for a while before the renaming happened, when it was still called Cuisine Royale with my husband, sister, and a few friends and I really liked it, we had a ton of fun. The game wasn’t perfect by any stretch, but much more playable than it is now.

Honestly, the update does have a few great things going for it. The Siberia Map is absolutely gorgeous and amazing to play in and the new weapons are fun. but still…I can’t recommend this game anymore and I find myself wanting to play it less and less.

Real player with 440.9 hrs in game


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☐ Good

☑ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe


☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Starring at walls is better

☐ Just don‘t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ Earrape


☐ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☑ Human

—{PC Requirements}—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☑ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boiiiiii

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


Real player with 274.6 hrs in game

CRSED: F.O.A.D. on Steam