

2020 Update:

I posted this review in Jan 2017 after Nexon took a steaming dump on anyone who wants to make fan sites for this game. I am unhappy to report that absolutely nothing has changed.

I still play, though. When I first posted this, people ask why I play despite not recommending the game. That will be magnified now, I imagine. Another 3500 hours after this.

The game is good, but Nexon NA outweighs the good in this game. If you can play the game never having to deal with them, and have no intent to contribute to the community, it’s a good experience. However, interactions with Nexon NA support will always be a nightmare. They are incompetent and incapable of understanding this game. Bots do not get banned, but god forbid you make a fan site, the wrath of god is coming.

Real player with 8050.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Massively Multiplayer Games.

I have been waiting for the right time to leave my review and because of RECENT CONTROVERSIES, today is the day I do it.

The good:

  • Combat

    Easily the best out of every MMORPG, nothing comes close.

  • Graphics.

    Pretty good graphics considering its age. At one point, the lighting/reflections in this game was the best I’ve seen. In fact, it rivalled AAA titles back in ~2010 when DX11 was uncommon.

  • Music.

    Music is great, some of the best instrumentals I’ve heard. When I quit this game, I’ll be listening to the OST into the far future for sure.

Real player with 1102.1 hrs in game

Vindictus on Steam

Path of Exile

Path of Exile


This is a great game. Try it out, its free anyway.


Path of Exile is a ftp-Action_RPG game, released 2013 and being under continued development since then, having had multiple free expansions, leagues and content updates. It can be played solo or in a party with up to 5 other people on either soft- or hardcore.


-Free to Play, only cosmetical purchases

-dark & gritty style fitting the story and lore

-insanely deep and varied skill system

-smooth leveling experience

Real player with 3648.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Action RPG Games.

Path of Exile is an incredible game written by New Zealand developer Grinding Gear Games. The game puts you into the role of one of seven possible characters, each with their own story, that has been exiled from their homeland and is forced to try and survive in the harsh and unforgiving terrain of Wraeclast.

Graphics: 7/10

Graphically, the game isn’t absolutely spectacular. In fact, it’s dark, gritty and quite gruesome. It sets the mood extremely well and really gives the image of a dark, foreboding land where the people are oppressed and monsters and bandits are rampant. Some of the areas in the game can be quite disturbing and really set the mood of the game itself. Although, as stated, it is far from graphically superior, the graphics and the design work really mesh well with this game and set the tone the whole way through.

Real player with 2307.0 hrs in game

Path of Exile on Steam

Curse of Mermos

Curse of Mermos

Just a disclaimer before I start off, I did not play this game for 11 hours, I left it open by accident, but I did spend about 2 to 3 hours on this game and I am liked it although there are some things about it that piss me off.

So, basicly it has a strong resemblance to Spiral Knights, which is also a free to play game on steam, although this one is only a single player game,

The game puts you in the depth of probably a pyramid of some sorts, when you find yourself talking to a huge ghost of a mummy and helping it retreive 4 parts in order to bring it back to life (for some reason?), on your way you will fight some monsters, collect souls and artifacts, improved your character and in the end you will fight the big mummy you helped (again, for some reason…) bring back to life.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Indie Games.

Extremely fun! Puts many expensive and disappointing games of the same genre to shame. The visuals are very nicely done, they have a great look and create a good sense of atmosphere. I would use an Xbox 360 PC controller (really, let’s be honest here - these days, if you’re a PC gamer and DON’T have a controller, Xbox or other, you’re only hurting yourself!), the game is set up to use one and it works great. And as a nice bonus too, especially for a free game, the developers are amazing - I had an issue that prevented me from being able to play, reported it, less than an hour later it was fixed and I was having a blast. Now I call that BEYOND commendable! So all in all, I can’t recommend this game highly enough. At this price, if you don’t give it a try, you’re mental! ;)

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Curse of Mermos on Steam

MU Legend

MU Legend

Played this game for the past year since OBT. The game is a diamond in the rough. Has a lot of potential but Webzen Korea ruined global version. They have full control over game. Webzen global who hosts it has no permissions to do anything (basically middle man) anything they need to fix they have to go through korea even for the smallest of changes which causes problems take forever to be fixed. As more and more time goes by more p2w stuff gets added to cash shop and gap just gets bigger between f2p and wallet warriors (few exceptions for f2p who put hours upon hours a day). If you want to stay competitive you will have to buy costume/wings which give additional stats that our only temporary. So you will keep having to buy them each month if your not lucky to get one of the unlimited costume/wings from their rng lootboxes. So on top of costume/wings/pets/premium being competitive wont be cheap. But really not a point anymore because playerbase has dropped so much over the past month because the way the company handles game. The biggest thing that ruined game for me is company doesn’t care about their playerbase whatsever. They make polls (most recent one being do you want XP pills in shop) community said no, then two days later they put them in shop. Not first time they completely disregard commmunity. But $$ is the only thing important to webzen to anyone that has been playing for awhile now can see it they are just milking their players till this game comes to an end. Its sad because their is a lot of hidden potential in game that can be improved upon, but thats not companys priority. A lot of people I played with are only still playing till next big game comes out and use this as a “placeholder.” I tried to stick with the game, but can’t do it anymore. Most of my friends quit for one of many reasons. So leaving this review in hopes that I can save someone from making the same mistake I did by giving them my money to support a game they don’t even care about.

Real player with 435.8 hrs in game

So the game has mixed reviews. Everyone says “P2W” both in reviews and in-game. However at first glance I couldn’t see what all the fuss was about. Sure there were some convenient options and a small boost to stats. No biggie I thought. When you get to max level you start to realize how much you can buy your way into the game. How long and grindy everything is. You can basically spend the rest of your life in this game and never get the best gear. Personally I never liked the infinite grind concept.

Real player with 218.6 hrs in game

MU Legend on Steam

The Lost Mythologies

The Lost Mythologies

This is as already stated by the developers basicly some demonstration rather than a game.

Why Thumbs up? Well you got it for free and if you dont like it you didnt lose anything but a couple of minutes in the first place.

Is there another reason for thumbs up? Yes the game is fluent and it has some sweet graphics.

The environment so far is themed very very simple, few dark chambers, some Chinese styled roofs, mountains and trees, snow and a starlight sky. Very simple to plain enemies. Nice snow and lightning effects. So far the job is done. Read about some spawning bugs yet but I couldnt find any problems so far. Animations are cool but currently not too much in variation of course.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Given what this game is, a student project, it’s not bad. It should probably be listed as a demo, rather than a full game though.

Just going through one play through these are the things that stand out to me;

  • You fight the camera way too much when you try to run in a dirrection other than you’re looking if you’re not locked on an enemy.

  • Jumping seems to be a redundant mechanic for the most part. There isn’t really anything you need to jump to in this game and your attacks don’t interact well with jumping. In fact, it looks like you can only fast attack, heavy attacks don’t seem to do anything in the air.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

The Lost Mythologies on Steam

GunZ 2: The Second Duel

GunZ 2: The Second Duel

I Hope someone will buy this super game, cause 2 companies havent done anything to commercialize it, its a unique game where only personal skillz matter, no sort of random luck for newbs, this game got a lot of hidden techniques that help Experienced players to play more fluid (and this is the best game for fluidity), you can jump on walls, you can shot/noscope when rising a wall, you can flip enemy in air and than, in a super reflex move, shot them, this game its a perfect Esport game, cause you need a super concentration for sniping in movement, you need mouse MuscolarMemory so you can use your third eye to shot… its a First person shooter game but the point perfectly in the middle of the screen allow you to think in first person (i hate shoulder view), you can change from sword to gun in time 0 allowing you to fast think when you need to get back and shot and stop ‘meleegangbang’ its the best game for keep the mind always ON cause you want to do better in every game and a newb will be impressionated watching pro players playn, so they get curious to know new techniques (that youtube teaches)…. im really sad of no updates in this game, im a bit angry because i have used some money on it.. its just because i want to grow my equip for the future, because i know that this game will be eternal for his unique freemind movement system, you can really feel like your hand made a fusion with mouse, you fast think, it aim and shot….. I loved Quest Mode of Gunz 1 because you need to be really pro for make some of them and PRO dont mean GoodWeapon (biggerD**ck mentality of every game) PRO mean you need to block fast and shot faster…. its the only game in 2k years that allow you do things faster that you can think, this is THE game for a lot of players and if can i will buy this game with friends for make it bigger, make it complete, new weapons, new maps, parkour missions, berzerk mode. this is super better that the scripted S4L

Real player with 1877.4 hrs in game

short answer:dead game,garbage design,Pay-to-win, stay away.

long answer: Where do i even begin?

This game managed to anger everyone off, the old gunz 1 veterans, the newbies and the whales.

lets start with angering the veterans.

game has some stupid mechanics like nemesis system which is similar to the nemesis from tf2, but instead imagine if the revenge target had “wallhacks” and “100% critical hits” just because you’re his nemesis…

and this isnt only on casual, this is an actual mechanic of the game on every mode including ranked, and team deathmatch which makes no sense.

Real player with 793.2 hrs in game

GunZ 2: The Second Duel on Steam

Continent of the Ninth Seal

Continent of the Ninth Seal

I think it’s about time to write a review of C9 since I’ve been playing it for nearly 2 years.

What is C9?

C9, or Continent of the Ninth Seal is an MMORPG run by Webzen. C9 has a heavy focus on PVP, which features an innovative combo system and a gameplay which requires precision and timing.

PVE wise C9 has instance style dungeons that can be accessed from towns.

If you are looking for an action MMO, then C9 could be your perfect choice.

There are however some issues, which could ruin your overall experience:

Real player with 1666.4 hrs in game

Updated Sept. 4, 2016:

Now that the game fixes “some” bugs and those bots, “gold seller” had been removed from towns. I can say that this game is now playable. And they offer events for new players and returning players as well and I think it’s a good move from them to make this game to come back alive..

I now recommend this game especially to new players. Good work!

PS: I did not change my recommendation to “Yes” because it will reset the review.

Real player with 1221.7 hrs in game

Continent of the Ninth Seal on Steam

Dungeon Hunter 5

Dungeon Hunter 5

Steam version is made just to annoy you as much is possible… 80% of raids are glitched and cant be finished due bug. Solo missions have multiple bugs that prevent player from progres. Guild wars , Sanctum and most of Events are missing even they are mentioned in achievement system. Even when these things are repeatly reminded to game devs by comunity past years… Legendary boxes with fake drop percentages will give you 100x junk out of 100 boxes even they are being sold for 50 $ each…Legendary hunt , Arena , Unholy invasion are capable of not giving you reward at end of event. Free craftable rewards come really rarely and if they do its bug and cant even be progressed. Glitched dungeons with no enemy spawning making unable to gather some kind of resouces and progres in game. Same way glitched fusion booster dungeon making whole game pain as hell and definietly not joy to play. 99% times when i start game to do some progres i end up ragequitting due series of bugs and glitches that totaly destroying the game. I play this game on Windows store , IOS , Android and everywhere it runs fine , but steam version , just make it working or remove it because this is as said just to annoy everyone who give it try. 100% dislike.

Real player with 348.1 hrs in game

I’ve played the iOS version for about 3-4 years now. I have tried the Windows (non-Steam) version of the game and I didn’t care for it too much. Didn’t seem very stable, was always late to receive updates and some times the updates completely screwed up the game. This Steam version, however, is much more stable. I enjoy playing with an XBox controller through my PC and the game runs very smooth. If you’re looking for a windows version of the game, use the Steam client. That being said, this is Gameloft and you need to be prepared for a long grind or spending some money. They have some decent “daily” packages that won’t break the bank and offer some “jump start” packages at a decent price, as well. The game is enjoyable and I love the Guild Wars (find yourself a good active guild). My final comments are that I still enjoy the iOS version for its mobility and interface the best.

Real player with 53.1 hrs in game

Dungeon Hunter 5 on Steam



I loved this game, but hope that this review will prevent even a single person from expeirencing what I went though.

To sum up my experience

That is EME’s support team lead trying to delete my account after I screamed not to.(I didnt know it was the support team lead until he deleted my account)

Over a month later I stand with a deleted account after battling to have all of my personal information removed from their records.

Real player with 2996.0 hrs in game

So I have 1000+hrs now, here is what I’ve learnt from the time I’ve played. I recommend this ONLY IF YOU’RE OKAY WITH A LOT OF GRINDING AND REPETITION.

Let me ask you this question. In Battlefield 4, there are servers usually called “Operation Metro/Operation Locker 24/7”. These servers run those maps only. These maps are 100% Close Quarters, explosive spamming, meat grinders that usually lack rules and are great for two things only and that is getting stupid amounts of kills to master weapons and easy exp with little effort while foregoing the BF experience of driving vehicles and blowing shit up for a more CoD-like experience of pure basic bitch infantry CQC madness. You don’t need a brain to play on these servers, all you need is guns, explosives, ammo, and nothing else. How long do you think you can play on these servers for? Doesn’t matter if you’re losing or winning. How many hours do you honestly think you can spend on one of these servers? Doing the exact same thing over and over again, potentially experience the same result of losing over and over again.

Real player with 1984.0 hrs in game

Closers on Steam

Deadhaus Sonata

Deadhaus Sonata

Deadhaus Sonata is a Narrative Driven Action RPG where you play the Undead fighting the living. An unstoppable force from Deadhaus, you are a monster among men, dealing death and destruction on a massive scale. From the Creator of Legacy of Kain and Eternal Darkness.

Play the Dead - Play as Vampires, Ghouls, Revenants, Liches, Wights, Banshees, and Wraiths, Deadhaus Sonata focuses on asymmetric gameplay as you explore the grim world of Malorum.

Fast Paced Combat - Tear through hordes of enemies in visceral combat, through magick, melee, and terrifyingly gruesome attacks.

Endless loot - Collect unlimited amounts of distinct and unique weapons, armor, and artifacts. Use this loot to customize your character in a variety of ways and shape how your character fits into the complex political system of the realm.

Take Initiative - You make choices that have a lasting, maybe even permanent, affect on your character, and potentially on the world at large.

Community Driven Content - Create characters, levels, quests, and more using various creation tools that will be introduced into the Deadhaus world.

6 Player Co-op - Play with up to 6 people and assist each other in wreaking havoc on the living.

Deadhaus Sonata on Steam