Aim Lab

Aim Lab

While I love playing competitive first-person shooters like R6, getting good at them takes a lot of time and effort. When I’m serious about clawing my way into the next rank bracket, I can spend just as much time training as I do actually playing the game.

In the past, I’ve been spoilt for choice when searching for training exercises for R6. The Steam Workshop is brimming with prefire courses on the most popular maps, exercises that teach you about specific weapon recoil, and basic reflex and aim training. These tools, meticulously crafted and shared by the Steam Workshop community, have been incredibly useful for focusing on improving specific skills. However, they heavily rely on already knowing which areas we want to target in our training sessions. If, like me, you’re a bit unsure what your weaknesses are, I recommend trying out Aim Lab.

Real player with 290.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Indie Games.

I spend roughly 5 hours a week using this, I would recommend putting on some good music and trying it out even for half an hour a day. It is pretty customizable, has plenty of modes, is constantly being worked on and the discord server is full of great people with specific channels dedicated to help you. If you have any problems you can simply report them with the in game bug reporter. It provides a detailed run down of all of the stats at the end round screen, what you are bad at what you’re good at, precision, accuracy .etc. There is an AI learning feature that takes information from your past rounds and applies it to the next, changing the size, speed and location of the orbs, I haven’t used it very much because I tend to just use the same six tasks but I can see it being very helpful for kicking bad aiming habits. All that and it’s free, pretty much a definite must have if you think you need to improve your aim. I personally have improved over the past few months of use and would highly recommend it if you’re not willing to spend money on Kovaak’s or another trainer, this basically has all the needed functions and more if you consider AI training.

Real player with 278.3 hrs in game

Aim Lab on Steam



This game is seriously something special. There’s really nothing quite like it on the market. Combining the classically brilliant arena shooter style like Halo or Quake, and shuffling in the portal concept, opens up the play possibility to a limitless realm. The skill ceiling is non-existent.

The developers are very reachable and transparent about the game and its upcoming changes, being active on a daily basis in the community discord as well as playing the game itself very frequently. The community of players, streamers, and coaches is one of the best groups of gamers I’ve ever met.

Real player with 1847.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Arena Shooter Games.

Old review from too long ago I’ll keep below, but new review here:

3 words: Best Game Ever.

This has honestly been the only game that I’ve truly enjoyed and have never stopped enjoying. Splitgate ruined other games for me because of how perfect it is in my eyes. Whenever I’d take a short break or play other games with friends, I wouldn’t be able to keep my mind off of Splitgate. It has a small but extremely nice and tightly knit community that will support you and one of the best dev teams I’ve ever seen. They actively play the game, CardinalSoldier, the CEO of 1047 games, competes in top level pro play, something I’ve never seen with other games. They also actively listen to the entire playerbase and allow you to voice your concerns. They are also extremely hard working and put in an immense amount of effort to make the game as enjoyable as possible for everyone. While the playerbase is currently small, I have no doubt that it will grow in the near future, especially with things like a console port coming soon, along with cross-platform. The game is also free to play which means there is no consequences to at least trying it out, so I recommend that anyone who enjoys a shooter game try it out.

Real player with 1317.8 hrs in game

Splitgate on Steam

Fistful of Frags

Fistful of Frags

NEW UPDATE: See below

Yes, I still play this game on occasion. I left a review because the developer of this game was trying to quell dissent like a tinpot dictator in the FoF forums.

Update: On March 30th, Rebel_Y attempted to censor this review by flagging it as “Abusive”.

After evaluation by a Steam moderator, this review was deemed compliant with current guidelines.

No content was found abusive.

I have never seen a single developer, in the face of overwhelming consensus, go to such lengths in order to suppress a thoughtful, measured evaluation of their game just because it espouses a point of view with which they happen to disagree.

Real player with 2603.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Western Games.

Why you should play this game,

(You may think that i only have 57 hours, but i have multiple sub-accounts)

Simple answer is, it’s the best cowboy game ever made

1.It’s in source engine, believe it or not, source engine is probably the best engine for crappy computers and have great performance

2.Free to play, No leveling system, no level rewards, no micro transactions, You get everything when you install the game

3. Scoring system, The harder it is to kill someone, the more score you get. For example. Kicking a person off the cliff rewards you 15 Points, killing someone with a one hit kill and overpowered revolver gives you 4 points

Real player with 207.3 hrs in game

Fistful of Frags on Steam



This is a very fun game with an active developer. I like the low poly artstyle, the UI is fully fleshed out, gamemodes are intuitive and the map geometry and loadout combinations create a lot of depth. It’s entirely possible to play as the tank class and use teleportation to get high up on top of buildings, looking over the whole map and taking potshots at people.

The biggest problems right now is the small playerbase…playing with AI isn’t very fun. But that’s easy to change, we just need more players.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

i first saw this game on the steam store and downloaded the game and i did not know what to expect until i played the game and i fell in love with it i thought it was gonna have a story bc it said hero shooter but i was wrong i was amazed how good the game run there was no lag and the controls were smooth and its not hard to unlock stuff and i was i excited bc this game wasn’t finished yet it was just in earlyaccess and a love this game and recommend it but theres one issue and thats with the drone for some odd reason you can fly up with the drone but you cant fly down and thats my only complaint just go play this game its free and thats my review

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Combots on Steam

Pixel Strike 3D

Pixel Strike 3D

To give some background, I was a 37 year old homeless person with a crippling addiction to heroin, when a young, rich couple decided to take me into rehab. I was flattered with the offer, never having felt the touch of a human in ages that didn’t regard me as lower than scum. I was quickly taken into a nice rehab facility with tons of welcoming faces. Fast forward 2 months and no problems where being solved with me. I got the most terrible shakes whenever i spent 6 hours without a fix. The very same couple that offered me the treatment, decided that I was in fact, a lost cause. They booted me out of rehab faster than I could blink. Everything looked bleak. When I remembered something my counselor told me in rehab, which was, “Knowledge is power.” Then it hit me. I then ventured forward 2 miles to get to my towns library. I remembered that we had a field trip from the rehab center to that same library so I carried my card on me at all times. I then proceeded to go in and look in the historical fiction section. I proceeded to check out my book, but on my way out I couldn’t help but glance over in curiosity at the kids playing on the public computers. And there it was, Pixel Strike 3D. I asked the child if i could try the game out, and to my surprise, he allowed me to proceed without batting an eye. I sat down and proceeded to get at it. I remember going at it and not 5 seconds later I achieved the most beautiful high that I have ever experienced in my life. None of the years of hard drug abuse could even stand in the same room as one round of Pixel Strike 3D. I finished the round, and I quickly had an epiphany. I ran back to my old job as a high end contractor and begged the supervisor for my job back, and she decided to give me a chance. No later than 2 months, I already had my life back on track, getting back together with my wife, seeing and taking care of my 3 children, a fully payed mortgage, and a six figure income. I owe my whole life to Pixel Strike 3D, and everything that has come of it.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Gimme, Gimme, Chicken Tendies.

Be they chrispy, or from Wendy’s.

Spend my hard-earned good boy points,

On kidsmeal ball pit burger joints!

Mommy lifts me to the car,

To find me tendies, near and far!

Enjoy my tasty tendie treats,

In comfy big-boy booster seats.

Mcdonald’s, Hardees, Popeyes, Canes,

But of my tendies, none remains.

She tries to make me take a nappy,

But sleeping doesn’t make me happy!

Tendies are the only food,

that puts me in the napping mood.


Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Pixel Strike 3D on Steam




☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☑ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it



☐ Very good

☐ Good

☑ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☑ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf


☑ Kids

☑ Teens

☐ Adults

☐ All

—{PC Requirements}—

☑ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


☐ Just press ‘W’

Real player with 80.6 hrs in game

To simply characterize this game as “good” or “bad” is an understatement.

Unlike other games, where they have a specific position in the spectrum between being good and bad, this game is kind of an anomaly. Just how we can’t specify the position of an electron, there is not a fixed point in the good-bad spectrum that is perfect for Blockpost.

The game is so bad, that it makes it a perfect game. It clearly is a cheap attempt to make money by combining successful games, like Minecraft, CS:GO, and Battlefield. But that’s what makes this game perfect. It gives you several degrees of freedom, that other games don’t. Minecraft, for example, has the creative part, but no guns. CS:GO has guns, but no creativity. Battlefield has building destruction and guns, but you can’t build new fortifications or tunnels. Blockpost has it all. A variety of arms, good maps, and the creativity, where you can build tunnels to flank the enemy, or fortify positions to defend them. I dare say, that the planning and team-work required to play this game is the same level that games like Arma and Squad require.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game




Great game! And if you were wondering, this is NOT a pay 2 win game! There is a shop in the main menu, but the only things you can buy are badges and skins which are only cosmetic features for your soldier. They do not help you gain an unfair advantage unlike most free 2 play FPS games. Every gun you cam get is earned through getting kills, which award you with in-game cash to buy better guns. My tip to get more kills in this game is to: 1. By a SPAS-12 shotgun at the very start of the match - 2. Kill enough dudes until you can afford the AK-47 - 3. After you buy the AK, kill more dudes until you can afford the maximum 100 point body armor. 4. Now that you have the basic needs, you can continue killing until you can afford an AWP or LMG - 5. Repeat same steps in next match. This tactic works best for me and it’s helped me improve my game a lot (With this strategy, I get over a 2 KD average each match). Another piece of advice is to just hip fire, don’t bother aiming down the sights unless you are holding down a choke point or using a sniper rifle. Spraying and praying will kill people ALOT better/faster than ADSing. Trust me. Oh. Also, if you meet some good/skilled players along the way, ask them to friend request you. If you have a massive team of good players, you will just rekt the shit out of ALL the noobs that try to fight back. Overall, this game is really worth a try. Like most reviews I’ve seen, this game is like a CS and CoD hybrid. So, is you’re a fan of either these games, chances are, this game will be a ton of fun for you. But, if you don’t like it, just delete it and no harm is done. Besides, the game is only like 200 MB, so it doesn’t take up much space anyway. That’s about it for what I have to say. Have fun!

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

I remember when I first installed this game. I was pretty excited when looking at the video and photo gameplay footage. So I thought, “why not, it’s free.” And i proceeded to install. My first few hours were dedicated to figuring out how to play and such, ! quite enjoyed it and said to myself “Hey, that’s pretty good.” Up until the point when it became an addiction…

I remember coming home from school and being all excited to play Warmode. It was rather nice. Was. I soon realised the amount of russians, hackers, and straight up idiots there were on the servers. Instantly I regretted my decision of playing this game. But I continued. I needed those new skins and weapons. But suddenly, one day, the servers crashed.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

WARMODE on Steam



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)











( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Real player with 1000.1 hrs in game

before you read the review,be sure that i “might” have cursed a “little bit” in this review


This is Batla,a game,which at first looks completly stupid and then when you get into the main menu,turns out to be that stupid.

Now,what kind of game is this?

When you get into a game,it a game,where you start with a weapon and you can find different weapon,nothing wrong with that

BUT some of the weapons are really unbalanced,for example the shotgun,the sniper and the weapon that shoots these projectiles that have the color of you or your team when you are playing tdm

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

Batla on Steam

Line of Sight

Line of Sight

Line of Sight is a very solid shooter. Of course the most main reason why one should or should not play is solely based on the whether it’s pay to win or not. Props to developers for continually updating/adjusting the game. You guys are doing great. Back to the main “issue” everyone is talking about. Is this game pay to win? No. There is no exclusive gun with god stats that are able to take down even the most skilled player. I just proved it by achieving a profile KD/A of 3.10. I have never spent a dime on this game yet I was able to go a KD/A of 3.0 or above (no I’m not hacking). The people who call this game pay to win are the ones who are so bad at the game, they needed something to blame for their lack to skill. Although this isn’t pay to win doesn’t mean this game has flaws…because it does. The number one flaw that I noticed is how expensive the permanent guns are, granted you aren’t required to buy a gun permanent, but for the ones who want to keep a gun that they like, I do believe it is way too expensive for an average casual player.. Another flaw are the laser and flashlight attatchments. They give too much of an advantage against players because of it’s blinding capability. Yes, there are attatchments that will literally blind your enemies. Last flaw is the unbalanced matchmaking. There are high KD/A’s going against low KD/A’s in casual matches, sure it’s not ranked but this is still an issue and very unfair. Other than that the game is solid and I do recommend you try it. In conclusion, the flaws are highly expensive guns, unbalanced matchmaking, and overpowered attatchments. I hope in time that these issues will be adjusted but if you folks are thinking about trying the game…GO AHEAD! It’s ♥♥♥♥ing free, if you don’t like it then just uninstall. You got nothing to lose!

Real player with 251.2 hrs in game

Hit 100 hours so here’s my review, awesome game. Fun community, competitive play when you want it but a good time when you need it.

I’d like to address some of the comments you see frequently in the review section.

Pay To Play (P2P) or Free To Play (F2P)?

This game is not P2P.

This game is not P2P.

This game is not P2P.

This game is not P2P.

This game is not P2P.

This game is not P2P. If you look at the hours reviewers have logged you’ll notice that the only people yelling “it’s pay to play” have less than 5 hours in the game. I’ve gotten absolutely destroyed by a novice with a training M4 and I’ve done absolute work on Lvl 50 players with custom skins and 100$ worth of add-ons. Here’s some advice: when you first start the game pick either the M4 or the G36 and mod it out completely with the initial money the game provides. Don’t worry about characters, just use your first bit of money to mod one of these guns. I’ve used the exact same G36 I had when I was Lvl 1. And look, jesus, the developers have to make money so obviously skins and things are going to cost. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Don’t buy the premium or starter package unless you have money to burn. You can do great in the game with just the basic packages.

Real player with 185.2 hrs in game

Line of Sight on Steam



Oh Warface, now this is a topic I do not enoy. I have been a long player to Warface, longer than the 500 hours on my account. I used to love this game just because it was free to play and I could play it with all my friends. I enjoyed the hell outta it. I thought it was such a fun game and so much better with friends. But that’s about it, if you don’t have friends this game is god awful. This game’s community is honestly cancer where majority of it comes from like Russia or Spanish speaking countries. It has an insane amount of hackers and this new Fair fight system has helped that, but trust me it doesn’t help much. This Fair Fight system can get you removed/banned for just being good. Also, this being a free to play game is actually free. But have fun buying anything new or better with the way the game is set up. First of all you have to buy all your money with Cash, and suprise getting cash in this game takes forever. Think of it like this, a good item goes for like 15,000, you make about 200, for a 10 minute game. On top of that there is this repair system for your items, which suprise, requires you to pay money to fix your items, which can be quite costly when you finally saved up for that Warlord item that costs a ton to repair. So after repairs you make like what, 70-100 cash? It’s stupid. AND on top of that, to buy an item, like a gun, it costs an absurd amount, ranging around 40,000. And if you don’t have that kind of money, you can “rent” the weapon for a day for like what, 2000-3000 cash? For a single day, which isn’t exactly a lot and costs a ton. Also they have this way of getting items called Random Boxes, just look up a video of a Warface youtuber opening this dumb things. They blow like 100,000 Cash and not even get the good weapon outta the box. And take a guess how much some of them spent for that video unless they’re sponsored. I’ll tell ya right now, it’s around that $100 range. I’m not even done yet, remember how I said that fairfight thing that bans cheaters. Well guess what it’s awful, when it first came out it was amazing, but now it just doesn’t seem to work. My friend, who in my opinion is retarded for putting like $4000 FREAKING DOLLARS into the game, has been banned from TWO different accounts. I do not know why he still plays the account after all the crap he’s gone through, but the devs don’t even care. He emailed them that he got banned for no reason and they just reply, “Fairfight says otherwise.” He has put so much money into this game and so much time, nearly triple mine and still goes through this games crap. The reason I quit is because I got hacked and guess what, they’re doing nothing about it. I don’t have that kind of money to waste on a stupid game like he does, but when I lose nearly 1,000 hours of work which I repeat was all played freely, I give up on this stupid game and this stupid company. That’s all I have to say and please for your well-being stay away from this awful game and even worse community.

Real player with 520.1 hrs in game


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☐ Good

☑ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe


☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☑ Mehh

☐ Starring at walls is better

☐ Just don‘t


☐ Very good

☐ Good

☑ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ Earrape


☑ Easy

☐ Significant brain usage

☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☐ Difficult

☐ Dark Souls


☐ Nothing to grind

☐ Only if u care about achievements

☐ Isnt necessary to progress

Real player with 233.1 hrs in game

Warface on Steam