

A hidden Gem,

As it would seem I’ve spent quite some time racing around Blueshift, hitting top speeds of well over +1000khm blasting through the maps and rocket jumping around. It’s been a great game to play when you just want to listen to tunes and feel like a bird.

Why so much time? Well from the first moment I played Blueshift felt a sensation I was actually flying, that mixed with some certain drugs my experience was taken to higher levels, ka ka ka. But no seriously, put some good tunes on, get some drugs, and figure out how to get out of the map. You’ll spend a lot more time appreciating the game.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Casual Games.

I think this is great flight simulation game for kids and adults to play if their bored or just want to feel like an eagle or Iron Man (doesn’t have rocket gauntlets). It’s really, really fun to mess around with.

The only thing I would like for the upcoming future and development for this game, is the size of the different worlds. Mars is HUGE! But I would like every world to be just as expanded and have more freedom of flight.

Also, this game could use some updates. Not that it’s bad, but it’s been more than 5 months now. This game just needs more attention than it should have right now.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Blueshift on Steam

World of Warplanes

World of Warplanes

When I first looked at this game when it came out it didnt capture my imagination but I downloaded it as it came to Steam and wow, Im just loving it. So there are a few bots in every game so what, thats better than having a bunch of school boys who cant strategize nor understand team work on your side, besides - I play armoured warfare and worl of warships against AI preferable most of the time anyway. Give it a bash, the game is captivating and awesome and the level up is dynamic and balanced in my opinion. Dont compare it to War Thunder, they are not comparable games, if you prefer a simulation, go for WT but there are times I just want a good honest shoot em up where I can form a flight with mates and enjoy a solid battle with great graphics and a fun play style with lots motivation to keep going because the tiers represent desirable advancement. Great Game. BUT DONT BUY - Seeing tta I loved it, I spent money on it and then discovered the unruly & whimful actions in the management of this game by devs who are putting absolutely no thought into it. There are just so many issues that will really drive you carzy with the game after you are used to it, I have to hit a thumbs down. If you really like it and still want to play, go for it but PLEEEZE F2P with this one, they do not deserve to earn from this unitll they become a bit more responsive to genuine issues and unitll they sort out systems that pertain to ingame purchases.

Real player with 280.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Massively Multiplayer Games.

While the core mechanics aren’t terrible, WarGaming has a bad reputation as a developer for a reason. They’re highly focused on forcing you to follow their exact method of gameplay, and will punish you for deviating in the slightest.


– The matches are pretty quick, so if you only have a few minutes here and there, you can still participate fully in most of the game. Good for people with real world schedules and casual gamers.

– Not as grindy as other WG products. You get rewards fairly frequently. Weekly chests and reasonably frequent events mean that you can get Premium status, gold, premium planes, and other rewards without having to sell your soul to the game.

Real player with 225.0 hrs in game

World of Warplanes on Steam

Warplanes: WW2 Dogfight

Warplanes: WW2 Dogfight

Attualmente sto giocando questo titolo nella modalità semplificata, e devo dire che lo trovo molto divertente. Certo, non c’è da aspettarsi un simulatore di volo realistico, ma per essere un arcade, e per di più gratuito, merita veramente di essere giocato. Certo, le missioni sono piuttosto ripetitive, e gli scenari di gioco non troppo vari, ma la possibilità di ottenere in poco tempo tanti aerei, potenziabili nelle caratteristiche, equipaggiabili con diversi set up di bombe, razzi, siluri, addirittura personalizzabili nei colori, adesivi eccetera, e la possibilità di poter decidere per ogni missione quali e quanti aerei utilizzare, assicurano molte ore di divertimento.

Real player with 268.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play World War II Games.

Well, it’s an arcade warplane shooter, this is not a sim. So there’s no fancy acrobatics or deep tectical or strategic way to play this. In addition to the aerial combat, You get to fly planes from the US, Germany, UK, USSR and Japan, and are somewhat historically correct. There is a simple system of economy, and you have to buy more planes, upgrade them, train airmen, which will come in handy when you deploy multiple planes in missions. There are also some base building fun which you can select.

Real player with 114.5 hrs in game

Warplanes: WW2 Dogfight on Steam

DCS World Steam Edition

DCS World Steam Edition

I wish steam had a third recommendation option: “Kinda, but…”

This game, and it’s very much a game, is awesome. I’ve had over a thousand (and likely to grow) hours of fun, with some frustrations in-between. Thing is, at its core, DCS is a giant steaming piece of garbage. Nearly everything with the exception of the aircraft themselves is some flavour of “unfinished,” “half-baked,” and “broken.”

A note on the pricing: I’ve spend more money on DCS than on any other game. Though not as much as it might seem, if you do it smart you can get all important modules for 250 dollars. And it isn’t like you’ll be buying modules more than one at a time, you can get literally hundreds, even thousands of hours of gameplay from just one. I recommend you always buy on sales and choose your modules wisely. Do not buy flaming cliffs, or any of the flaming cliff aircraft, those are extremely outdated and “simplified” (though as you would quickly learn, the shortcut “shift+rctr+home” is much harder to remember than the location of the switch labelled “right engine start”, so “simplified” might not be the best word to use here).

Real player with 1560.4 hrs in game

This game is fantastic, and I’m talking about the 100% free Su-25t simulator you get by downloading this program right here, DCS, for FREE.

The Su-25t isn’t just one plane to fly in a game like War Thunder, it’s a complete old-school single player simulator. You get ten or so training missions covering every important function of the aircraft.

You get another ten or so individual mission scenarios, + again that number of quick missions and on top of all this you get a full campaign.

Along with that full campaign you can also find additional campaigns online, really high quality player made campaigns.

Real player with 1143.4 hrs in game

DCS World Steam Edition on Steam

Aces High III

Aces High III

As much as I love this game and have put many hours into it (mostly the non-steam version) i just cannot justify the monthly fee’s and would not recommend the title for others unless they are into hardcore flight sims, have plenty of excess income, and are willing to invest in VR and flight-sim equipment.

My personal experience with the game is largely positive, i really enjoy pretty much all aspects of the game from high-altitude bombing runs to using rocket strikes to disable naval carriers. The world is open, the teams are mostly friendly, and things feel more or less balanced ( a few questionable planes [jets] aside and a single negative interaction with the support staff which was likely a fluke ). Anyone can hop into a fighter and take down a wing of bombers as they enter friendly radar range, which is great!

Real player with 52.9 hrs in game

Read my full review here:


Synopsis: Despite having some good gameplay mechanics that set it apart from other flight sims of its type, I cannot recommend this game. In fact, I strongly discourage anyone from trying it, unless they fit a very narrow column of criteria. I’ll do my best to be objective and unbiased and explain why.

My qualifications: I’m one of the top-ranked fighter pilots in this game. I have just shy of 5,000 hours in this game over the last 4 years. I’m a extremely competitive power-gamer and this genre is my niche. I’ve been ranked #1 numerous times in the monthly leaderboard rankings and have consistently beaten the pilots considered to be good in structured 1v1 “duels.” For transparency, I’ve played but not pursued the ground game very far - that’s for a specific reason (which I’ll explain later on). I can speak to the flight model and air-to-air gameplay at a level most players can’t. I also have similar experience in other sims and can compare the high-end gameplay in Aces High against high-end gameplay in other games across the genre.

Real player with 52.5 hrs in game

Aces High III on Steam

Fly of butterfly

Fly of butterfly




Painfully Average~~

☑☑☑ Garbage ☑☑☑

Sometimes i think, hmmm who the fk works in steam and allow this trash on? xD

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

⣾⡇⣿⣿⡇⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣄⢻⣦⡀⠁⢸⡌⠻⣿⣿⣿⡽⣿⣿ play it

⡇⣿⠹⣿⡇⡟⠛⣉⠁⠉⠉⠻⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⣄⡉⠂⠈⠙⢿⣿⣝⣿ It’s good








Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Fly of butterfly on Steam

Rise of Flight United

Rise of Flight United

now when i got this game i didn’t understand why it had mixed reviews, i watch videos on youtube and the flight simulator community eats this game up like a fresch cherry pie, they seem to love the hell out of it and talk so highly out of it, so when i saw the mixed reviews i was kind of suprised, and didn’t undersand and now I do… now before i get too that lets get too the Pros of the game.


the pros of this game are simple, if you are a avid flight simulator player like myself you will enjoy the higher graphics the game has to offer, clean, smooth, the game has VERY nice graphics and seem to be somewhat realistic in appearence on the aircraft, the cockpits also are nicely detailed with working gauges, instroments and controls, and just like any other flight simulator getting kill after kill is addicting. damage effects are pretty spectacular too watch, peaces of wing come off, fires spread rather than just rapidly burst, props break, holes develope on the aircraft pretty much where you hit your target, very very nice… skins for the aircraft are also relatively easy too mod aside from the fact you have to have a higher setting for your editor so your skins don’t look all pixely.

Real player with 640.1 hrs in game

Rise of Flight is a World War 1 flight sim that is a game made for flight sim enthusiast’s, thus the game tenders to a small audience and genre. The game upon start-up is a tad confusing for someone who has never really had a flight sim, but being a normal gamer I ventured into the unknown playing a quick match. After taking awhile to find the “Start Mission” button I was off.

The game is visually stunning, even for me with a relatively old gaming rig. The detail to the airplane is stunning and really helps capture the feel of playing in one of these vintage aircraft, from the seat to the gunsight everything seems authentic and comes alive as you fly around and if you have any interest in airplanes this game takes you right in.

Real player with 182.3 hrs in game

Rise of Flight United on Steam

Warplanes: WW1 Sky Aces

Warplanes: WW1 Sky Aces

Funny enough and strangely as this sounds coming from a geriatric gamer from the 1970’s, this game is actually quite enjoyable and relaxing to play. It reminds me of fond memories of the original “Red Baron” DOS game for a PC way back then. I played many hours on that game and loved it, by today’s standards it would probably suck badly from a graphic point of view.

This is not either a world beating flight simulator or another dull dumb arcade kiddies run around, but they have managed to get something right here. The plane models are awesome and the game play brings back all those memories of the original PC game “Red Baron”

Real player with 22.1 hrs in game

If you like a not too complicated and straight forward World War 1 Flight combat Game that allows for fast action and thinking skills and doesn’t overemphasize too much mouse click coordination, this is the game you might wish to consider. The game offers different nations, planes, and types of combat missions. There is a learning curve of course in the maintenance screens, but this is a good part of the overall strategy. No joystick needed as minimal keystrokes do the job to control the plane and you can customize to make it more challenging. For a free to play game, the graphics and options to customize and modify are really broad and the overall look and feel is great and lots of respect goes out to the game designers in crafting a simplified and enjoyable experience. Aces, get your goggles on and enjoy the dog fighting and strategic thrill of yesteryear in the 1914-1918 Era of air combat !

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Warplanes: WW1 Sky Aces on Steam



Please, for the love of god, PLEASE.

Continue developing this game.

At least the absolute bare minimum would be incredible: a few different vehicles with different uses. Touring, with a seamless and unobstructed cockpit for sightseeing, racing, with increased speed and maneuverability, etc, etc. Some map expansion maybe.

Anything. I’ll take anything. I’m a sci-fi fanatic with severe depression, and I had no idea how incredible this game was gonna be. I shed some tears. Truly felt like I was flying through a futuristic city; the immersion is just immeasurable.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

A Must-Try Tech Demo for VR

The Oculus Store version was already one of the first experiences I’d let folks try out when demoing my Rift (with one caveat: it’s NOT for people who get VR sickness). Piloting a flying car around the rainy future city is incredibly immersive and atmospheric. Now it’s been updated with a lick of polish - vertical flight controls, some extra neon signs and holographic sculptures, plus a handful of detailed landing pads to find (and upgrade your boost meter) to give the experience some hint of a goal. Not that it’s necessary - this is clearly in the “tech demo” realm rather than anything resembling a full game, but it’s a pleasure just to tool around checking out every corner of the little city in your flying car.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Aircar on Steam



The game has nice aesthetics and simple controls. It is a simple yet satisfying indie game to occupy your time for a short while. As expected, the game can be a bit repetitive. However, it also has some notable pain points that must be addressed before I would recommend it. First, enemy planes and missiles can spawn anywhere. Anywhere at all. Including right in front of your ship. A good portion of your games will be lost because enemies can spawn right on top of you, and there’s nothing you can do about it. This unfortunately turns this from a game of skill to a game of luck. Second, the hit boxes on the enemy planes are terrible. Even if there is visibly enough room, the game will often still trigger a collision.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

This game is fine, but very simple, and could use a lot. like, if when you get a kill, you get a point and if you get enough you can change the color of your trail or plane, and maybe get upgrades that change out speed for a better turning radius. thats another thing, sometimes shit pops up in front of you and you dont have time to turn. also, maybe an online multiplayer? just some ideas for the future. the game is fun though.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game