VE FPSO TOUR in VR is a VR experience. It worked ok on my system, looked ok, played ok, sounded ok, was understandable. You have to touch your keyboard twice to start this program even from VR menu.This is a Standing experience, you will be moved by rails to where you need to be. There is some interactive items (2). I guess this is for business use or a Tech Demo.

Warning: Could cause Motion Sickness with it’s movement system. I have a HTC Vive and RTX 2070 Super and this experience Lagged real bad in the movement through the ship FPSO Environment tour, when you turn your head to look around. Devs need to rethink this program somewhat.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Software Training Games.

Some kinda nautical engineering training VR thing. Quite graphically competent, if you into environments, check it out. Do you want to experience life as an offshore worker? You know you do.

! Ships aren’t interesting to me, I’d like a VR training experience relating to VCR repair, please and thank you.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

VE FPSO TOUR in VR on Steam

Spellbound Spire

Spellbound Spire

Can’t beat free. Must try if you have the space for it.

There needs to be an MMO that uses this sort of non-euclidean design. That would be something else. Should experiment more with different patterns on the floor, spirals, wavier paths, you know? so you could have different environments that have different feels, and you would know which one you were in just by how the “terrain” changes (terrain meaning, how you’re traversing around you play-space) there’s a whole world of potential for new and interesting level design and it really would be a WILD multiplayer experience… not THIS game specifically, just the concept. you see someone on the other side of a fence, strike up a convo, but they’re miles away in the game world. Again, this game is single player, I’m not talking about Spellbound Spire, I’m just raving about how cool it’s core concept is.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Exploration Games.

Disclaimer: Got a free key pre-release. I am not affiliated with the developer in any way. I will also keep the review spoiler-free.

for tl;dr - scroll down

Spellbound Spire reminds me a bit of Anti-Chamber. The game uses clever Teleportation and Projection to trick you into thinking you are in an impossible (non-euclidean) space. There is no combat. Just puzzles and alot of thinking outside the box while being trapped inside an ever-changing box.

You only have playspace locomotion. The whole game plays within a 3 by 3 metre space. No Teleportation (besides the obvious coded ones), no smooth locomotion. Just your feet to carry you through the game. I like that! To prevent players from running against walls all the time, the game lets you configure the size of your playspace. That doesn’t change anything in the game environment itself. Instead, if you change your playspace to 2 by 2 metre, you will be transported 3m ingame for every 2m you move physically. I hope that explaination makes sense. I played in 2,5 by 2,5 metre mode and it wasn’t nauseating. I can imagine that, especially with new VR players in small playspaces, this could cause issues because of the dissonance of physical and virtual movement.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Spellbound Spire on Steam

Virtual Exhibition

Virtual Exhibition

I like the intention behind this, allowing artists to make a virtual exhibit to display their art to the world. And while this could easily be a cashgrab, its a nifty little free to play game. Really cool.I would like a graphics option to disable specifically the motion blur. I don’t like it very much as a personal preference so that would be awesome. Also I want to pick up the red egg, that would be dope.Cheers.EDIT: Not only can you pick up the egg , but there is much to uncover. CHECK THIS OUT!!

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Indie Games.

Excellent concept, well executed.

I enjoyed wandering around, taking my time to study each image on display. Felt as though I were in an actual gallery, but without worrying that I was looking too long or standing in someone’s way (plus, no social distancing!). Both a relaxing and inspiring experience.

Looking forward to hopefully seeing more works on show in a future update. I’m excited to see where this development goes.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Virtual Exhibition on Steam

Banyu Lintar Angin - Little Storm -

Banyu Lintar Angin - Little Storm -

It was hard for me to write a review about this not even 3 minute lasting “game”.

This because, Banyu Lintar Angin is not really a game, it’s not a visual novel either, it’s actually a slide show of hand drawn illustrations.

It’s showing the lives of 3 siblings that are living together in Indonesia.

The hand drawn illustrations are absolutely stunning, adorable and cute!

The music is really catchy and fitting too.

But in all honesty, I don’t see why this has to be on steam…

I was expecting so much more than just a slide show of drawings.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game


☐ You forget what reality is

☑ Beautiful (it’s picture’s so)

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe


☐ Very good

☐ Good

☑ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Starring at walls is better

☐ Just don‘t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ Earrape


☑ Kids

☑ Teens

☑ Adults

☑ Human

☑ Lizards

—{PC Requirements}—

☑ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boiiiiii

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Banyu Lintar Angin - Little Storm - on Steam

Shrinking Pains

Shrinking Pains

Shrinking Pains is a visual novel type game that tackles the difficult subject of anorexia.

It is a fairly original idea for a game, as the concept of mental health is usually very unexplored. It does have somewhat of a replay value, just to change the sex of your partner and the different outcome of the story.

The graphics are unique but feel like an unpolished sketch page from a Tumblr blog post. The music is original, but the sound effects are jarringly sandwiched in. The controls are not very pleasant and there is no option to turn back to a previous page if your mouse accidentally double-clicks which was frustrating, as I was forced to play until the end of the game and then restart to see what text I was missing. This makes the gameplay unpleasant. The story feels rather unrealistic to the real life. The text options that are given, are extremely limited. There are two endings to the story,

! one in which you die at your own bedside and one in which you get rushed to hospital.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

This is a powerful, honest, and gut-wrenching narrative on eating disorders. The developers address the reality that you can’t simply recover or “get better” for someone else, and that it’s far more complex than meets the eye. The game speaks of the anxiety of being in the kitchen for hours and hours. The “I’m fine” repeated over and over. The disordered and obsessive thinking surrounding food, no matter what kind of food it is. The ability to control it, yet feeling out of control at the same time. I liked the inclusions of characters who are mostly worried, but also show their frustration in not being able to directly help. Eating disorders are often secretive and thrive in isolation; they can make a person feel helpless. I feel that even though this was a super short visual novel, the developers understood the severity of one’s mind when an eating disorder takes over every thought and aspect of one’s day. For a free game, it’s worth clicking through. We need more narratives that express the realities of eating disorders, that they are mental illnesses that aren’t solely about weight and food (weight and food are often symptoms, but eating disorders are far more intricate and can be derived from trauma or be used as a coping mechanism).

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Shrinking Pains on Steam

The Good Time Garden

The Good Time Garden

this might not be suitable for persons who have suffered from sexual trauma as there are a couple of lines in the game that could be triggering but aside from that this is surprisingly a really good game! it is very short and to the point with its message and theme but that is probably for the best

also, you will be in our hearts forever dude with a hole in his chest. you’ll be missed

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

It’s good to be wet.


There’s not much I can say about this without spoiling what’s here. Let’s just say there are games and then there are artistic experiments masquerading as games. This is an art project with game elements.

What you see on the store page is what you get: A throbbing pink squishy world full of naked creatures in a short surreal experience. Feel free to interpret it as innocently or as perverse as you prefer.

It’s about 15 to 20 minutes of exploring that climaxes into an abstract metaphor for… whatever you need it to be. Along the path is just a relaxing music track and some silly creatures to meet in this casual maze of squishy pink.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

The Good Time Garden on Steam

Meditation VR

Meditation VR

I don’t have VR, so I was uncertain if this product would work for me. I tried it and it works fine without VR. The controls are a little different, The black screen with the VR instructions can be passed by pressing Enter on your keyboard. To get the image to be full screen you need to press F11. The ESC key will close the program. Screenshots are the usual F12.

I don’t know what the movement limitations are with VR, but you can move around without any problem when you are not in VR, The sound is also fine.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Great Relaxation App

Extremely beautiful environment with lots of little details that ramp up the realism. It’s a simple experience, sitting in a chair on a tropical beach. Nonetheless, it’s very well-done. If you enjoy casual VR experiences, it’s worth the download. The guided meditation at the beginning is pleasant, but it would be nice to have options to turn off voice and music, leaving only the nature sounds (update- I just noticed that the audio options have separate volume controls for voice, music, and sound effects- I may have just missed it before). The developer is very responsive to messages in the discussion forum and put out a patch within a couple days for a crash I was experiencing.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Meditation VR on Steam

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

Free for everyone at the time of review.

Hardware: Win 10x64, 3570k mildly OC, GTX 1070, 16 GB, SSD.

Super laggy on my system; took me a full 30 minutes to complete a game advertised as 5-10 minutes. I see the system specs state “Windows 7”; I’m guessing this is either a Win 10 issue (some games lag badly in 8 / 10 that run fine in 7) or possibly the 10xx series video card.

I recommend taking a very brief glance at the videos before playing to see how fast the game is supposed to move. If the game is going to lag for you, it will start at the opening credits, which take so long to change screens (tapping an arrow key helps) that it feels like the game is locked up. Don’t press ESC; that instantly closes the game.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

‘The hardest tumble a man can make is to fall over his own bluff’' - Ambrose Bierce

James Cox has adapted, as part of his ‘100 games in 5 years’ project, the timeless classic short story titled An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge written by Ambrose Bierce in 1890. It has seen many variations since its inception ranging from short story to full novel inspirations, radio screenplays including a Twilight Zone broadcast, TV drama/movies and even music videos including Bon Jovi’s song Dyin' ain’t much of a livin'.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge on Steam

Griptape Backbone

Griptape Backbone

According to all known laws

of aviation,

there is no way a bee

should be able to fly.

Its wings are too small to get

its fat little body off the ground.

The bee, of course, flies anyway

because bees don't care

what humans think is impossible.

Yellow, black. Yellow, black.

Yellow, black. Yellow, black.

Ooh, black and yellow!

Let's shake it up a little.

Barry! Breakfast is ready!


Hang on a second.


- Barry?

- Adam?

- Oan you believe this is happening?

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

level design: 11/10

music: phire/10

controls: 5/10

felt like driving a container ship on lean.

Steve ol' boy, love your style. came here after playing awkward demension redux. it’s never about the actual gameplay it’s about the art and the feels. games need more phylisophical pointlessness nowadays.

only thing i didnt like were the controls. turning was more of a suggestion rather than an actual control, which made it tough to do the line rides you want. and the gravity is awkward. the wall-riding code made your freefall gravitate toward whatever angle surface you were close to, which would cause mid-air seizures sometimes. but none of these made it unplayable.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Griptape Backbone on Steam

Island Explorer VR

Island Explorer VR

You are on a Willy from ww2, with the first ever H-shift gear system for vr, on a really good looking relaxing island.

Runs pretty well, and is really relaxing.

No Nazis jumping on you, no zombies, no random Russians screaming cyka blyat and starting shooting at you.

Just you, the Willy, and the air in hair.

Is the H-shift easy to use? Yes, but it takes a little to get used to it of course.

Would take it if costed money? Yes

Did I spent a month making two balls at the dev just to fix his errors? Yes

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

I came here from Armoured front and I have to say that if this game is anything like armoured front then I will be happy. The controls are relatively smooth with few (but some that I will cover later) rough edges. The mechanics behind entering and exiting the vehicles is satisfactory, but the where the game shines most is how the vehicles feel to operate. There is a satisfying process behind starting the jeep, each push of the button is satisfying and the smooth but immersive way the gears shift is also very satisfying. The game overall is really relaxing with simple music in the background and some nice ambience and that combined with the operation of the jeep feels really nice. However, this game isn’t completely perfect, my main gripe with the game is that when you perform a sharp turn or accelerate rapidly, the car’s cabin moves underneath you making the controls difficult to reach and the immersion being broken. I understand that this may be used to minimise motion sickness, but it literally and figuratively disconnects you from the vehicle, immersion-wise and in game.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Island Explorer VR on Steam