

It doesn’t get any better than this.

Each map is unique in its setting and objective concept (the cyberpunk theme of the game is greatly enhanced by excellent skybox’s and background noise that draws you into the level). They require good team co-ordination in order to win. Especially since aspects of the objectives take place in 2 parallel worlds that affect each other in real time [Meatspace - physical world: similar to most fps with a cyperpunk theme (weapons like laser rifle, tesla rifle, ion cannon), 3 class types (v.balanced) and deus ex like implants, inc increased speed, thermal vision, medic, stealth(invisi). Cyberspace - think system shock 1 or tripping on acid: req decking implant; deckers speed thru cyberspace hacking objectives, adding security and fighting off enemy deckers in low grav/high speed combat using in essence quake railgun, lightening gun and rocket launcher.]

Real player with 1765.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Mod Games.

What started out as an old half life 2 mod is now an independent game with a dedicated community and recently updated to 1.5.2! Dystopia gives some quake-style play with objectives and and alternate cyber space realm where players fight in quasi gravity for control over nodes. Cyberspace nodes can be secondary objectives to open up new paths around choke points or seal off defender’s quick access to the objective. They can also switch turrets to shoot the other team! Other times an objective requires getting a player with a deck implant in the middle of enemy territory and hacking an objective.

Real player with 811.5 hrs in game

Dystopia on Steam



Please, for the love of god, PLEASE.

Continue developing this game.

At least the absolute bare minimum would be incredible: a few different vehicles with different uses. Touring, with a seamless and unobstructed cockpit for sightseeing, racing, with increased speed and maneuverability, etc, etc. Some map expansion maybe.

Anything. I’ll take anything. I’m a sci-fi fanatic with severe depression, and I had no idea how incredible this game was gonna be. I shed some tears. Truly felt like I was flying through a futuristic city; the immersion is just immeasurable.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Casual Games.

A Must-Try Tech Demo for VR

The Oculus Store version was already one of the first experiences I’d let folks try out when demoing my Rift (with one caveat: it’s NOT for people who get VR sickness). Piloting a flying car around the rainy future city is incredibly immersive and atmospheric. Now it’s been updated with a lick of polish - vertical flight controls, some extra neon signs and holographic sculptures, plus a handful of detailed landing pads to find (and upgrade your boost meter) to give the experience some hint of a goal. Not that it’s necessary - this is clearly in the “tech demo” realm rather than anything resembling a full game, but it’s a pleasure just to tool around checking out every corner of the little city in your flying car.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Aircar on Steam



Cyberdrome Is a fun little student game, With decent mechanics, and an exhilarating combat system, it’s great for small bursts of play, and for optimizing paths for a high score.

The 3 maps each have their strengths and weaknesses, Zen being a good map to begin on, though carrying combos can feel difficult, with how spaced out the enemies are. Dumpling street Is near flawless for this style of play, and really lets you get a feel for the mechanics. Acid is well designed,and difficult to get a good score on, as carrying the combo gets really difficult.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Indie Games.

This may be a short experience from a student group so it does lacks a little bit of polish in some areas, but the core game play is really solid. It feels like they took the combat and aesthetic of the recent Shadow Warrior games and smashed it together with the design Philosophy of the Doom reboot. This creates a tight, fast paced arena shooter type game focused on movement and constant aggression. Except you have a sword instead of a gun and you can dash 25 feet forward or in to the air for crazy kills. Add in the ability to slow down time and a double jump with waves of increasingly tough robots and combo multipliers and you have a game. It may not be long or deep but it is pure arcade brilliance, if you like super fast paced combat where aggression wins the day rather then cowering behind cover then this is for you. Also leader boards :)

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Cyberdrome on Steam

Master of Wills

Master of Wills

Honestly, there is no better card game in the world. Once the community finds out about this game, it will be a hit. It’s different, its strategic, it has depth on top of depth and it truly takes things to another level. Also the MOW Team (and the dedicated people in the community helping out) have been at this for 4 years so you know they are dedicated to continuing the development and have already accomplished so much. Kudos to all involved!

Real player with 378.1 hrs in game

Such a simple concept and easy to learn. Yet the strategy is ever evolving, as it is not just a game against the deck and cards, but a mind game against your opponent. Plays can be as simple as moving cards, slightly more involved with faction plays, and advanced plays required multiple rounds to set up and execute. The art is fantastic and the team is responsive to feedback. A great game with plenty of options to advance for players of all types.

Real player with 312.3 hrs in game

Master of Wills on Steam

A Bewitching Revolution

A Bewitching Revolution

The epitome of simple and minimalist visuals coupled with a direct dialogue that forms the story. That story though, is quite short, just keep that in mind and consider the message more than the length of the game play. The game play itself is fun and, in keeping with the visuals, simple. It might seem cliché, but the feel of the game is akin to Minecraft, but simpler.

p.s.: If you feel a sense of wanting for more after finishing the game, take the game into reality. Because, games are an escape from the work you do. Volunteer in your community, organize at work, make the future you want to live in.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

This is a game that is less like a game. It’s not a story either. It’s more like an atmospheric theatre where the player interacts with the city.

Honestly, while some of the interpretations of communism and socialism seem too surrealistic to me, the whole concept is a nice thing. Being free to play is also a part that serves the theme I suppose.

As for the gameplay, the minimalist graphics made me a bit confused at first, but after an hour (when I finished the game) I got used to it. Still, I would advice contours be added (or an option to turn contours on).

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

A Bewitching Revolution on Steam

Deus Ex: Breach™

Deus Ex: Breach™

I wasn’t sure about Breach, but to my surprise it turned out to be an incredibly fun and challenging arcade game which is also free!

The following review contains some tips to beat Breach without any problems.


  1. Fun puzzles with Deus-Ex vibe

  2. No microtransactions necessary, I’ve completed all levels without needing them! Besides, the microtransactions can hardly help you as most of them seem to be purely cosmetic, and all the weapons or ammo you may need (actually, more than you’ll need) can be obtained with in-game credits or as rewards.

Real player with 59.1 hrs in game

Note: Most of my Breach play time was spent using the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided client, thus the meagre play time for this standalone F2P version.

Overview / Pros

Fun little high speed FPS with lots of different ways to beat levels. A wide variety of different types of guns arranged in four distinct tiers (from low to high: C, B, A, and S) that use up to three ammo variants (normal, armor piercing, and EMP), as well as guns that use special stun, lag (slows down enemies), and control ammo. Each weapon can be equipped with up to three weapon abilities which you can swap out at will, making it easy to adjust to each level. If you want 100%, you have to beat each level a different way depending on which of the three level scores (high score, speedrun, or all data collected) you go after.

Real player with 56.6 hrs in game

Deus Ex: Breach™ on Steam

Invisible Apartment

Invisible Apartment

EDIT (PLEASE READ): The developer responded to a thread about my complaints: http://steamcommunity.com/app/351790/discussions/0/617329505862063026/

Indeed, this is just a taste of what is to come, a small piece of a larger arc. He had a little mistake of not specifying this, so hopefully he’ll change the store description and maybe fix it up a bit. Click the thread link for a more in-depth explanation from the Developer. Hope you all enjoy this game, but realize there is more to come! This is merely a demo of sorts to keep you interested. I still highly reccomend this title!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

I was interested to play this game after noticing the newest game to the series just came out. So i thought before i spend money on it, i’ll play the first game so i know what is going on and with all the positive reviews, i thought this was going to be a good series i could fall inlove with. And it just so happens to be free. But even if its a free game to play, it doesn’t make it a good game. As you can see, this is a visual novel which has choices you can make. But the choices in this game are dead end choices where you must pick the right one to continue onward. That was a huge disappointment to me because i kept picking the ones that got me caught. Linear novels with no tweaks for pick your own path really bother me because i felt duped in a way. And for whatever reason the “quicksave” button would not let me save at my current point. So i had to start from the very beginning which was frustrating till i found out if you go into the menu and hit “Save” it will work. When you make a visual novel, you want the reader to fall inlove with the plot, the characters and to pull them in. But i was somewhat lost by this novel. When you first start, the game puts you right in the middle of something that you won’t understand and does not explain very well later on. And right off the bat you can tell this game felt rushed a bit or was mainly just a project to see if someone could actually make a visual novel. However, even if the art style and charming music were a nice touch which are positive things to note, the scene’s did not flow well at all and made you felt like the developers didn’t care if the dialog flew from one end of the town to a apartment or a rooftop without warning. I just couldn’t understand it. The writing isn’t good either but i kept playing it because i really want in my heart to like this so i can try out the 2nd game. So i pushed on, in hopes it would get better. But after reading more of the story, the main character Bunny started to make me mad. It was hard to tell that she was talking to the AI “Mask” and not at the other character she was interacting with in the physical world. But it wasn’t just that, it was her personality as well. She seemed to act like a child, not a skilled hacker. I just resented the character even further than i did in the beginning. And also what i noticed is how this novel lacks any descriptive details about the places bunny travels too. Shes in a park Well what did the park look like? shes in a hospital Well, can we get some more details please instead of bunny constantly talking? I love visual novels so much when the story comes to life, but i cannot recommend this to any of my friends and advise you to look elsewhere. But hey at least this game was free so no one had to waste anything but their time.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Invisible Apartment on Steam

Neon District: Season One

Neon District: Season One

Neon District is the cyberpunk role-playing adventure and flagship franchise developed by Blockade Games. Leveraging the latest in decentralized technologies, players battle to progress through a sci-fi dystopia and earn in-game items.

Neon District: Season One features a full single-player campaign filled with crime syndicates, oracles, cogs, genetic mods, winding plots, and a morally-questionable cast of characters. Play through scores of missions and complete contracts to survive, and you’ll find yourself falling deeper into the dark, seedy reality underlying the powers-that-be within Unity.

Neon District: Season One on Steam

Roller Riot

Roller Riot

This game is absolutely worth your time.

The pastel colors and soft, techno music gives it a surprisingly unique feel and design, and the simply gameplay helps make it a great timewaster or an enjoyable relaxing game.

Each enemy has a specific design and associated color, which means that even when you’re swarmed by enemies (and you WILL be swarmed), you won’t lose track of how many hits a certain baddie will need before he goes down. Get a high enough combo by hitting enough baddies without missing and you get to Frenzy, and that’s when the fun begins!

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

I absolutely LOVE this game! I got it thinking it was one of those “Play it once and never again” games, because I liked the art style. But now I think about this game alot, I always wanna beat my best score! I may not have alot of hours on this game, but I just got it so I kind of can’t have more at the moment.

I love how this game is compatible with keyboard AND mouse, and how there’s a learning curve to new enemies and projectiles, combos and frenzy. Have I mentioned the art style? It’s all SO CUTE, despite the story collectibles being… Well, I’ll let you see for yourself. I definitely recommend!

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Roller Riot on Steam

Beneath a Steel Sky

Beneath a Steel Sky

83 / 100

I remember all those years ago as a kid playing up to Disk #7 on my Amiga version, before hitting a dreaded bad disk preventing my savegame from loading! I could not escape Union City. Beaten.. It may have taken me the better part of two decades, but I can now finally cross it off my point-n-click bucket list. Although showing its age, with a poor UI & clunky controls, it is a great story with some quirky characters, challenging puzzles & strong ending. Most deserving of its all-time classic status. Now I feel worthy to tackle the long awaited sequel & see where Foster’s adventure takes him next.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Playing this game yet again while writing this review. I don’t know how many times I repeated this journey which was always a Groundhog Day I never regret repeating. It never got old even after a few decades. Why?: My initial love for the game started with its brilliant soundtrack and continued with how well the game made with its great gameplay mechanics (what you have to do is very clear and you don’t have to pixel hunt), puzzles (no moon logic puzzle), unique adventure (a lot of different locations, people and events to encounter), story (the game has a great sense of mystery and twist), sense of humor (it’s the reason of why I like dark humor) and goddammit Joey (you silly funny annoying lovely robot). I don’t remember if this game were the first adventure game I played (was this game or King’s Quest) but I remember clearly that this game was the reason of why I started to love adventure games (on the contrary of King’s Quest which was the reason of why I became bald when I was still a little child) and dreamed to develop my own adventure game someday. Yeah, this game means that much for me but of course words can’t fully convey what I feel for this game but still, yeah, you got the idea.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Beneath a Steel Sky on Steam