Champions Online

Champions Online

Champions Online… where to begin with this one? Probably with a bit of history, for your personal culture. On the 28th September 2006, Microsoft Game Studios and Cryptic Studios announced a brand new multiplayer game for the Xbox 360 known as Marvel Universe Online. The only thing we can all Google about this project is a short teaser with an epic music that shows actually nothing revelant about the game itself but it was here… until the 11th February 2008 when Marvel decided to cancel everything without explaination.

Real player with 12169.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Superhero Games.

Just in case, I started to play when it turned into Free-to-Play. I don’t have the experiences with anything before that time either. This is my self explanations and the whole experiences I got during the time I played this game. (Yes, over 5k hours)

When I started out, the game got recently into free-to-play. From me, it was great! I got into the game, got a hard time to choose my very first archetype (Free build for Free players) and the customization of my very first character, which I finally made a kinda “Lizardman fighter tank” looking for the Tank build (The Behemoth). Back in time, we had 2 primary stats for our character builds. When I played it out, Free Players, on PvP, could do at least to go Toe-to-toe with the subscribed players, which they are Freeform build (making their own powers,etc.) As for the crafting, I do remember the old system, where you needed to gather materials to craft your equipments. It was grindy, but in the end, it worthed it. And if you wanted to continue to do your researches for the crafting, you needed to go to a special location for each branch you wanted to do!

Real player with 5775.3 hrs in game

Champions Online on Steam



whoever says this is P2W can go fuck themselves back to ESO if you want a pay gay game go back to fortnie nobody and NOBODY wants to hear it, in fact this isn’t pay to win It’s GAIN to win have any of you ever heard of somthing called a market? fr the last 3 insults towards this game are redirected towards themselves ALSO if any of you so much as once TRYS to defend ESO, let me put it in terms we both understand, As a completionist and 400 hours invested into ESO i’m pretty sure i have a say in this, it’s a fucking money well “hey if you wan’t ESO you can have it but pay 50 dollars and then a monthly 6 for eso plus " how is that fucking lenient and the crown store doesn’t help in the slightest can i tell you what my fkn wallet looked like after hunting apexes? for real that’s ESO Now hypothetically speaking IF your insults escalate any further as if you’d room to talk heres a tip, now listen closely okay? i want YOU to go to your local pharmacy and pick up something called viagra, and while you’re at it by all means pickup cyanide too, now what you wanna do is first of all down the viagra, secondly wait 5 min and make sure your PEEPEE is high up okay? okay. now after that cup your hands and rub it as fast as possible THEN last step take the cyanide tablet so no one has to see you again. PROBLEM SOLVED!

Real player with 937.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Anime Games.

This in an update to my previous review. In my previous review I did not recommend this game, due to the devs being greedy, since they locked half of the beta classes behind a paywall. They have recently made the game game, they are also currently working on fixing the rebirth system. Since by definition it is currently pay2win. Now we are still waiting to see how easy it will be to earn rebirths for new players and my review will change accordingly (ie If they make them free but they become an impossibly long grind to get a single rebirth).

Real player with 287.1 hrs in game

KurtzPel on Steam

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

Having played this game for nearly 1000 hours now, here’s what I can say.

The good :

  • An incredible amount of content. Even if you’re not planning to subscribe, you still get access to 8 class stories, who take anywhere from 15 to 100 hours each depending on how fast you go through them and if you do side missions. Then there’s the usual MMORPG content, 4 man dungeons (called flashpoints), 16 man raids (operations) and world bosses all with different difficulty levels.

  • Quality of writing / storytelling. The story in this game is amazing and stands far above any other MMO I’ve played. It’s essentially high quality Bioware single player writing, but in an MMO. Some class stories stand out, like the Bond-esque Agent story, or the classic overpowered sith story of the warrior. Whoever you are, you’ll find a story that suits your style.

Real player with 1620.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play MMORPG Games.

Here are 5 reasons why it is worth playing SWTOR in 2021!

1. Story Content

The best story content in the game are the 8 class stories from the original vanilla content. There is nothing like putting yourself in the shoes of a Sith or a Jedi or an Imperial Agent or a Smuggler.

If you haven’t played some of them or haven’t played them with a different gender or dark/light side combination or you haven’t tried to romance a particular companion, you should try (you can even now skip planetary arcs, as levels are irrelevant in single player content)

Real player with 650.0 hrs in game

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ on Steam

APB Reloaded

APB Reloaded

English :

The most effective/accurate word to define this game is just : “Aids”.

-Very shitty optimization : Even high-end pcs can’t run this game at a constant 120 fps atleast.

-Low skill capped gameplay and mechanics : Even though they are great, you can just go easy on everyone just by pulling out a simple oca and litteraly rape them by adding CJ3 on it.

-Really low population : This game isn’t really well known which leads to a mostly retarded community. (Around ~1k players in the Eu servers and near ~500 in NA servers)

Real player with 5365.0 hrs in game

Great game when it comes to showing off your creative side, whether it be designing your own car or just your characters look. this game has no competition when it comes to character and vehicle design, i havent played in a few months but i know there are probably still a lot of hackers who use aimbot, etc. the gun play and firefights always felt nice when you got into a legit mission with others who are playing fair, the community isnt the greatest, so i wouldnt waste your time with clans unless you knew someone going into the game or just started up playing with friends, but it is no doubt a fun game to pass the time. the ranking up and contact progression is very slow if you dont have a premium account (very P2W) when it comes to progression and earning in game currency, but on the bright side you can get most of the good weapons from contacts without buying them through armas marketplace, btw armas sells a bunch of crap weapons, dont waste your money unless youre just going for the look of somthing, i would recommend this game purely because ive played it since RTW and it was my first steam game, it is very fun and i would give it a shot, good luck!

Real player with 1969.3 hrs in game

APB Reloaded on Steam

Bloody Efforts

Bloody Efforts

Imagine your own mighty Heroes and make them REAL in Bloody Efforts.


_There were two Ancient Gods - Known and his older brother Unknown. The elder God created a whole world with mighty Elements and the younger one gave this world a life with all forms we know. Unfortunately, there was a conflict between the brothers, which turned into the battle. Clash of the Gods disturbed the world balance and brought many cataclysms upon all the races. The Elements began to fight each other and what is worse, a new ominous being appeared – the Hollow.

Until then, only a fraction of humanity managed to survive. Probably everyone would have been dead a long time ago, but something unexpected happened to the races. A new kind of people appeared, called Apostles. They are significantly different – stronger, faster, but the most remarkable is their ability to subdue power of the Elements. Some of the Apostles fight to restore order and peace once again. Others cooperate in achieving common goals. There are individuals who want to find remnants of the Gods or even get along with the Hollow, devoting their souls in exchange for new horrific powers. And who will you choose to be?_

Game features:

  • Free to Play

  • 2D GaaS Multiplayer Fighting Game

  • Wild fantasy world inspired by oriental culture

  • Quick and dynamic Combats + calm and mindful preparation of Heroes

    and Bands between Matches

  • Many various Team and Solo Modes (competitive as well as chill & fun)

  • Account level-based progression with lots of unlockable Content

  • Soldat + Little Fighter 2 + Soul Calibur + Super Smash Bros + MOBA + our vision = Bloody Efforts

More than just a Fighting Game:

Limitless Customization and Challenges

Comprehensive Fighter Builder allows to create awesome unique Heroes (both appearance and playstyle) or imitate already existing pop-culture characters and play them in Bloody Efforts. Playing another match may bring a completely fresh playstyle and tactics from new opponents.

Switch Fighters during the Game

Player needs to strategically choose their Band of 6 Apostles before the Match. Apostles are not equally matched and fit various roles (Warriors, Shooters, Tanks, Mages, Supporters, Assassins etc.). They get serious advantages or suffer disadvantages in different battle scenarios.

Killing is not everything (MOBA-like)

3-phased Modes with various Objectives make an opportunity to think tactically about the next move. Defending the base, setting the trap or outsmarting in Apostle choices can be the key to victory.

Bloody Efforts on Steam

League of Maidens®

League of Maidens®

I picked up this game on a lark; I first learned about it a couple days before the open alpha release, and then downloaded and tried it out because my sense of irony couldn’t let me do otherwise. When I first got to the character creator, I was actually pleasantly surprised - it’s got a lot of dials and knobs you can turn, and you have the freedom to express yourself. Then, when I got past that to the actual game, I was somewhat put off; there were mobile game menus everywhere, and it just screamed MTX cash grab. I pushed onwards anyway, and as I actually played the game, it became clear that a lot of the surface level issues are easily explained away as just amateurish UX design - it is an open alpha, after all.

Real player with 573.9 hrs in game

The game is currently in Open Alpha, but the game isn’t necessarily the reason you should stay away right now. TL;DR at bottom.

This review is a culmination of my personal experiences and opinions.


The game is considered a “single-player game with some multiplayer elements.” This pretty much just includes a chat, leader boards, a sort of global control map the two factions fight over, and a “world boss threat bar” which fills based on mobs killed by players across the server. The game is very much designed for an mmo style system but due to it being single player, the game has basically one or two different skill builds that actually work. Expect every class, which there are five, to pretty much play the same. The game features currently a short quest line with no paywalls to get through the story/progress. The end game however is just a gameplay loop of farming in game dungeons called “strong holds” which is basically just a series of rooms filled with enemies, and both world bosses and strong hold bosses for various cosmetics and items to craft an end game item called the “gauntlet.” Other than grinding this game offers afk fishing to earn a little income but isn’t necessarily worth it as you get more gold just grinding the strongholds with their increase-able difficulty system. The real end game is just grinding a currency called “shards” earned by killing mobs to buy hats/gun skins/emotes/capes/chokers (cosmetics) and what is called “ascension” gear which is basically just the highest tier of gear which special sub stats designed to boost skills with the classes in mind. Other gear can be upgraded to the same tier as ascension gear but comes with randomized sub stats. This system is flawed for multiple reasons as the sub stats on ascension gear is designed with an mmo play style of roles in mind despite this being a single player game. This is made even worse when you consider the fact each piece is 120k shards which takes lots of grinding to come by, making ascension gear useless except for two classes. There really isn’t much to do at all endgame besides making new characters and getting them upgraded/customizing them. You also have to pay for any sort of storage for excess crafting items or various other in game items and to be able to swap them between characters. This means that if you don’t have the storage you have to individually grind out materials needed for upgrading abilities on each character. You need A LOT of later game materials to fully upgrade abilities and some of them hardly drop at all.

Real player with 281.0 hrs in game

League of Maidens® on Steam

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis


After thousands of hours playing on JP since 2014 as a Solo Player, and already a thousands hours on NA (sadly once again as a Solo Player), I have come to give you this advice that you will desperately need:

Don’t feed your MAG till you do research

Don’t go to block 69 if you’re streaming Block 69 has been removed. RIP hentai lovers. (I think they are migrating to block 34 because you know…rule 34…)

Real player with 5841.5 hrs in game

The Review has been edited to an extent, I am only playing the game at this rate to collect game-time because this is the game with my highest playtime on steam. I have not done any content for weeks infact. I am even slowly losing interest in this aspect.

Edit 5: I am tired.

SEGA sent mmoloda C&D to tell them to take down all pictures they had that was taken INGAME, with INGAME fashion and INGAME poses.

Y-yeah, sell us fashion that you end up wanting us to take down, more $90 scratch rewards please!!!!

Real player with 3787.5 hrs in game

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis on Steam

Saints Row IV: Inauguration Station

Saints Row IV: Inauguration Station

There’s not much to say: It’s not really a demo, it’s a character creator for SR IV.

While it works the very same as the in-game thing does, this is actually everything - IAD, tattoo shop and all available clothing - in one place. So you see, it’s pretty useful if you don’t feel like running around the city looking for shops and cache.

Apart from being able to use pretty much every piece of clothing in the game (even some you can’t buy in-game at all - Presidential top) and saving cache, the huge advantage here is you can create your character(s) in advance, so you don’t have to bother when you start playing (in co-op it gets long and boring when one of you is trying to get their character right). I myself recreated (more like downloaded and edited) my favorite models from SR III, so now they are ready for more adventures.

Real player with 27.7 hrs in game

it seems weird for me to write a review for what should be a demo, but I have to admit that I have put almost as many hours into this as I have the actual Saints Row IV game. The reason for this is because I like making VGCW characters in saints row, because I am a huge nerd. That being said, what the fuck, game? Why are there clothing options in the Inauguration Station that aren’t in the full game? Why are you so bad at this Voliton? I made a kick-ass Bowser, but you guys took out the apocolypse armor so now he looks like some fat yellow doofus.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

Saints Row IV: Inauguration Station on Steam



This game is extremely good, but the business model is extremely disappointing. The problem is that the server increases in difficulty every 2 months (55 days per invasion season). What this means is that while you may make effort to raise your character’s rank/level, the monsters you will be fighting against get raised by 10 ranks every season.

This means that if you do not raise your character’s rank, eventually the monsters will out-level you and you will struggle to be able to beat them. Name any other mmo or rpg where the world around you gets constantly more difficult; effectively making your character get weaker over time. This is a situation the player can find themselves in if they ever choose to take a break from the game, after playing it seriously every day for a year, for example. Yes, eventually you will be too weak to fight anything and make any progress, if you dare to take a break from the game.

Real player with 2112.7 hrs in game

Review were re-written according to current game state:

OK, let me get this straight. This is a good and fun to play game… for a while. Then you start noticing artificial progress stoppers and limits. I’ve started playing it about a year ago for the first time and when I finished main quest line I end up with all green (lowest quality) items which can not be upgraded and no way to progress since nobody wanted to take me for a ride into dungeons which were all at least half a hundred ranks above me. And without such a ride there were (and, actually, still no) way to progress any further. Since then the game changed quite a lot in the way it handles item stats and your damage output, but at least online improved as it seems. I did manage to find myself a good pantheon (guild) and people often start free rides into low-mid level dungeons available nowadays. It’s quite easy to break past low-rank limbo now. So, if you starting from scratch, just make sure you get past the main quest line and become a junior god. Theoretically, your level should be decent enough to be carried through mid-level dungeons and start replacing your gear with blue and purple items and upgrading them. Also, beside dungeons there is PVP in which you can participate during so-called happy hours during which no matter win you or loose you’ll get a box with good gear or temporary legendary weapon or artifact. So, look into this as well even though PVP here is completely imbalanced and pure cancer. I’d recommend to avoid 5v5 matches as plage since they provide the same prize as 3v3, but usually take 15-30 minutes to finish because it’s MOBA-alike mode. Do them only if they pop-up in your directives and provide a good prize there. And yes, do the directives. They give items which will help you get quite a lot of might from your capital buildings (very good for Stronghold, Tower of Knowledge and better than nothing for Cathedral).

Real player with 447.8 hrs in game

Skyforge on Steam

Xecryst Remains

Xecryst Remains

Keeping in mind that this is an early access game, I went in with pretty low expectations. So this game completely encapsulated me. While it may not initially seem like there is a lot of content, you’ll quickly find exactly how deep the rabbit hole goes, with the ability to upgrade your characters after ending a match, carrying items between games, and a plethora of items and upgrades to use while playing. It very quickly becomes a surprisingly expansive game, compared to it’s initial appearance, and mind you, I only finished round 1 at the time of this review. The combat system feels fluid, and the the game runs very well on my low-mid end computer, even on the highest settings, and man oh man, are there a lot of settings to give the game a completely personalized feel.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

I’m impressed.

The game is very early of course, and there’s not a whole lot to do, but the developer takes criticism and fixes problems actively.

You can never tell how long a person will work on something before getting bored, but so far the fixes and additions are frequent.

So far the FPS has improved, many crashes have been fixed, and random content updates are being pushed out frequently.


-Basic mob defense game with good customization.

-Decent controls with ability to remap

-Decent graphics but nothing special

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Xecryst Remains on Steam