

Warfork does everything right in the world of AFPS. It’s fast paced, well balanced weapons, clean look, runs great on pretty much any PC capable of playing games, almost no load time between matches, tons of maps, tons of game modes… The only thing missing is a bigger player base, but you can always make your own bot match if no one is playing.

If you were ever a fan of Quake 3/Quake Live, Reflex, or Warsow (the game Warfork is forked from), you will feel right at home with Warfork. The main differences with Warfork/Warsow from the others is (In deathmatch) you start with a gunblade that has infinite ammo that you can also do small rocket jumps with, or just run up to people to shred them with it. Also there is a wall jump/dash button in Warfork/Warsow that really makes you fly around the maps once you get the hang of it. Of course there is still strafe jumping/bunny hopping like the other games, and also there is CPMA kind of movement. This game really is everything the AFPS crowd always talks about wanting, minus the gore and system crushing graphics. Personally I find Warfork more fun than any of the other AFPS games out there.

Real player with 1445.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play FPS Games.

Warfork.. here we go again.

I’m known under the nickname “schlafen.” since 2017 and I’ve been playing Warsow for more than 10 years, and now seeing it coming to Steam with active development after all these years is like a little dream coming true.

If you played Quake before, you’re most likely familiar with what’s going on already beside the advanced movement capabilities.

If you’re a newcomer to the AFPS genre, then you’ll probably have a hard time with Warfork! But thanks to the Steam release, many new players picked up the game, so now is probably the best time to start playing for you!

Real player with 614.1 hrs in game

Warfork on Steam



This game is seriously something special. There’s really nothing quite like it on the market. Combining the classically brilliant arena shooter style like Halo or Quake, and shuffling in the portal concept, opens up the play possibility to a limitless realm. The skill ceiling is non-existent.

The developers are very reachable and transparent about the game and its upcoming changes, being active on a daily basis in the community discord as well as playing the game itself very frequently. The community of players, streamers, and coaches is one of the best groups of gamers I’ve ever met.

Real player with 1847.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play FPS Games.

Old review from too long ago I’ll keep below, but new review here:

3 words: Best Game Ever.

This has honestly been the only game that I’ve truly enjoyed and have never stopped enjoying. Splitgate ruined other games for me because of how perfect it is in my eyes. Whenever I’d take a short break or play other games with friends, I wouldn’t be able to keep my mind off of Splitgate. It has a small but extremely nice and tightly knit community that will support you and one of the best dev teams I’ve ever seen. They actively play the game, CardinalSoldier, the CEO of 1047 games, competes in top level pro play, something I’ve never seen with other games. They also actively listen to the entire playerbase and allow you to voice your concerns. They are also extremely hard working and put in an immense amount of effort to make the game as enjoyable as possible for everyone. While the playerbase is currently small, I have no doubt that it will grow in the near future, especially with things like a console port coming soon, along with cross-platform. The game is also free to play which means there is no consequences to at least trying it out, so I recommend that anyone who enjoys a shooter game try it out.

Real player with 1317.8 hrs in game

Splitgate on Steam




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☐ Everyone

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☑ Teens and adults

☐ Adults only

PC Requirements

☐ Potato (+2)

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☐ NASA (-2)


Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Time Travel Games.

An extremely unique game with a concept I’m surprised I haven’t run into before. The game itself is very fun in general with decent graphics, fun game play, and pretty cool character movements. I’m quite curious to see what will become of this game and especially how they will handle multiplayer.

I however do have an issue with the game. Every once in a while when you respawn your character stays on the ground. You can still move around but its impossible to do anything productive. Here’s what I mean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ojQhbwSuKg

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game


Fadeout: Underground

Fadeout: Underground

A Diamond in the Rough

If you long for the days of old classic shooting and movement, Fadeout delivers with great potential for more. The game emphasizes movement and combat with technical skill you hardly find in modern shooters. Movement consists of basic roll-jumping and rocket jumping to more complex wall bounces and surfing with each character having their own mechanics. Weapons and health are collected on the ground emphasizing good map knowledge and rotation skills. It’s a hero shooter with the heart of Quake.

Real player with 208.1 hrs in game

The game’s in Early Access, it’s in testing and I’ve even helped playtest it so expect this review to change. Hell, comment on it if I forget to update it when the game’s released. The game is receiving updates regularly, with major improvements to gameplay, updates to maps and graphics.

Fadeout is incredibly fun with full teams. Movement is fun and satisfying; you can dodge-roll, and jumping out of this roll has you keep momentum mid-air allowing all characters to move fairly fast. The weapons feel good to use. I wasn’t sure at first if I’d like the mechanic of picking up weapons off the ground, but part of why it works is each character has enough uniqueness that they remain distinct in spite of the weapons they grab. In fact, a lot of them have weapons so tailored to their style that you will typically want to keep that weapon and pick up extra ones depending on your strategy.

Real player with 169.7 hrs in game

Fadeout: Underground on Steam

OMFG: One Million Fatal Guns

OMFG: One Million Fatal Guns

It really is a lot of fun! My favorite part would definitely be the movement mechanics, and any gun with “Party-Time” (because I like confetti) or “Recoiling” because it gives me the ability to fly, which is pretty awesome and pretty hilarious.

The only thing that really throws me off is that it makes my computer heat up like crazy, even more than Destiny 2 does… and I can’t figure out why. I tried avoiding any weapon with the adjective “Spider Queen’s” which certainly helped, but did not solve the problem at all. For reference: I have an Omen laptop, and I use a cooling stand with one big fan in it. I know that laptops are notorious for overheating, but something about OMFG makes my laptop get really hot in the space of half an hour. This doesn’t detract too much from the experience, though.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

(EDIT) read post below for last review. also hi from the current 1st place spot BLU (weird flex i know)

i enjoyed this game for what it tried to do and what it did. i though the whole “every gun is unique” thing would be a thing in here but soon found out that no. not every gun is “unique” i don’t understand the point of auto pickup in the game if you can find something that’s fun to use and can one shot and not a $&#&#$^ revolver for the love of god please can i get something that does damage.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

OMFG: One Million Fatal Guns on Steam

Bigger Guns

Bigger Guns




Painfully Average~~

☑☑☑ Garbage ☑☑☑

Steam needs to remove dead games from store…

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

It’s very good very, yes good. Positively.


Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Bigger Guns on Steam

Quake Champions

Quake Champions

This is Quake brought to a new era! Quake Champions is simply the fastest, most rewarding and fun FPS available. You can dabble in other games, but at the end of the day once you’ve completed the single player campaign in a day or two or even spent a while in the multiplayer, Quake is the one game you keep returning to. Nothing beats careering around the map, boosting yourself along or up in the air by throwing a rocket under your own feet or against a wall, flipping around and taking out an opponent with a well-placed rail, or frying them with your lightning gun if they’re still close enough.

Real player with 5548.5 hrs in game

From the company who brought you the Golden Horse Armor DLC that started the (unwanted) DLC and microtransaction craze, and more recently, the epic (disappointment) game Fallout 76, comes the Quake III / Quake Arena / Quake Live reboot, Quake Champions!

Are you a veteran Quake III player who wants to feel like a boss? This game is for you! Are you a noob who wants to get pwned and be a constant punching bag for a group of elite players? This game is for you! Are you a regular player who wants to spend countless hours attempting to learn all the tricks and tips and attempt to reach godly Rapha levels of expertise (but likely never get there)? This game is for you!

Real player with 1442.8 hrs in game

Quake Champions on Steam



it’s game made of unity free assets and it’s not good

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game


Bugged shovelware.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

SBX 5K on Steam



A modern successor to Unreal Tournament 2004 / UT3. TOXIKK delivers that adrenaline pumping arena shooter gameplay you remember with beautiful graphics, familiar weapon and level design, and butter smooth performance.

I’ve played Quake Champions and I think the character abilities change the core mechanics too much, so it didn’t scratch the Arena itch I needed. TOXIKK on the other hand feels just like an Unreal Tournament game.

Unfortunately there aren’t many people playing this game, and unless you’re on during peak hours, you’ll be playing a lot of autofilled matches with bots. Personally I didn’t mind this, because I’m nostalgic for bot matches in UT and Quake 3, but mostly I don’t mind it because I suck and the bots make me feel like I’m way better at the game than I actually am.

Real player with 148.1 hrs in game

First of all: Toxikk is in an early state currently. The first Early Access build has been released about a day ago and the developers included one single map only - on purpose. This is because they focus on basic gameplay and weapon balancing at the moment, which will be done based on community feedback. However, new content will be released every 2-4 weeks. Reakktor have posted a detailed release plan on the official forums, which can be found here:


Real player with 59.1 hrs in game

TOXIKK™ on Steam

Ascent Free-Roaming VR Experience

Ascent Free-Roaming VR Experience

Not bad.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Not bad.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Ascent Free-Roaming VR Experience on Steam