Day 16:

My food supply is running low and I am beginning to wonder if it’s time to finally remove the VR headset that has become practically glued to my face from intensive use. But alas, how can I remove this wonderful device when it is providing me with such a graceful sight? I have watched the same dance over 10,000 times, however, I cannot bring myself to pull my lingering gaze away from it. It has ingrained itself into the deepest depths of my mind.

! When will this madness end…

Real player with 1604.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Cute Games.
















Real player with 83.2 hrs in game


Without Within

Without Within

It’s definitely worth the few megabytes and minutes to read this short story. Yet after I finished it for a while, I found myself thinking back to it. A lot of people say the story is too simple, but given time to think, I found the very simplicity and openness of the story to be what makes it so great. There are a lot of good stories but conciseness is a virtue. The choices in this story may just say something meaningful about life.

The first time I read it, I also thought the story was too simple and all too familiar myself. A lot of Chinese student videos and soap operas like to visit the theme of the street vending dreamer. The “bad endings” are not fleshed out. The “good ending” might not make sense at first.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Visual Novel Games.

A very short Visual Novel about an ambitious girl called Vinty who has a dream to realize – to become a rich and famous public figure specialized in art calligraphy!

Game’s premise:

You play as Vinty, a young lady bearing a dream since she was a child – to become a calligraphy artist. While living in a very tiny and deteriorated apartment barely affording to pay her rent, the heroine keeps fantasizing about being rich, to the point this fantasy sometimes gets a hold of her reality thinking of herself as superior while trying to sell her works – that appear to not even reach an average level of decency in calligraphy field.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Without Within on Steam

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem

Carper Diem were to start, well Id like to preface this by saying that like with all of my reviews I waited till I had spent a great deal of time with the subject matter.

The story is a bittersweet journey in the shoes of the main character, Jung, where you will spend your time going out on a date with a girl named Ai. You have a day to enjoy your date and see the world from Jung’s point-of-view.

Length wise it is not the longest VN I have come across, Id hazard a guess to say it is in fact one of the shortest Ive read, but it doesn’t need to be any longer, it tells its story well in the period of time needed, some maybe disappointed at its short length but overall I didn’t have a problem with it, although yes it would have been nice if it had gone longer.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Free to Play Visual Novel Games.

As a life-long player of choose-your-own-adventure gamebooks, I enjoyed this. I’m new to the visual novel sub-genre, so I figured I’d try a brief one to see how I liked it, as a test of the concept. Carpe Diem starts in medias res, and so some of one’s energy as a player is taken up with just figuring out what’s going on and who’s who. Part of that is figuring out who YOU are, as the story is told in first person: unusual in a video game. The game does give you some hints, and I was pleasantly surprised to find psychology references show up in a free video game.

! The main character is Jung, named after Carl Jung, early psychologist who developed the concept of the unconscious. The main character’s interest is in Ai, which is clever in that it is both pronounced “I” as in self (the ego) and literally the letters A.I. for artificial intelligence. It’s a little on the nose, but it works well with the in medias res approach.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Carpe Diem on Steam

BLEACH Brave Souls

BLEACH Brave Souls

As a disclaimer, this review is only really going to help people who’ve already played the game on mobile or emulator as it’s about the port itself, not the game so if you’re looking to play for the first time, seek another review! :)

Overall the Steam release of Brave Souls is a very good port and feels great to play but as I’ll highlight below, it’s not without it’s fair share of flaws:

The Pros:

-Unlocked framerate, looks great at 144fps and plays extremely fluidly

-Will run on pretty much anything with it originally being a mobile game

Real player with 2436.3 hrs in game

1. The best gatcha game out there.

2. The banner system will get you whatever character you like.

3. The amount of pearls this game will give you for free is at another lever. I player 1500 hours( 100% free) and I got like 20.000+ pearls.

  • 150 pearls = 10 summons(There are banners that will start the 10 summons at 50 pearls and to 200, 250) There are 1st step is 50 pearls, 2nd step is 150, 3rd step is 200. 4th step is 250 and 5th step is 250 with a guarantee 5*

  • And do not forget at every 5 step you will get a guarantee 5* character

Real player with 2101.0 hrs in game

BLEACH Brave Souls on Steam



I loved this game, but hope that this review will prevent even a single person from expeirencing what I went though.

To sum up my experience

That is EME’s support team lead trying to delete my account after I screamed not to.(I didnt know it was the support team lead until he deleted my account)

Over a month later I stand with a deleted account after battling to have all of my personal information removed from their records.

Real player with 2996.0 hrs in game

So I have 1000+hrs now, here is what I’ve learnt from the time I’ve played. I recommend this ONLY IF YOU’RE OKAY WITH A LOT OF GRINDING AND REPETITION.

Let me ask you this question. In Battlefield 4, there are servers usually called “Operation Metro/Operation Locker 24/7”. These servers run those maps only. These maps are 100% Close Quarters, explosive spamming, meat grinders that usually lack rules and are great for two things only and that is getting stupid amounts of kills to master weapons and easy exp with little effort while foregoing the BF experience of driving vehicles and blowing shit up for a more CoD-like experience of pure basic bitch infantry CQC madness. You don’t need a brain to play on these servers, all you need is guns, explosives, ammo, and nothing else. How long do you think you can play on these servers for? Doesn’t matter if you’re losing or winning. How many hours do you honestly think you can spend on one of these servers? Doing the exact same thing over and over again, potentially experience the same result of losing over and over again.

Real player with 1984.0 hrs in game

Closers on Steam

Time Leap Paradise SUPER LIVE!

Time Leap Paradise SUPER LIVE!

This 3D simulation concert and PC benchmarking tool features 1 anime girl and 2 girls as backup dancers singing and dancing with a choice of 2 Japanese songs with vocals and lyrics in the free to play base game. With the Encore Pack DLC, it features up to 5 anime girls with further customization options to feature any of them in a solo concert or group dance concert of 3 characters, 10 additional songs and additional costumes and headgear with fanservice. The frames per second(FPS) counter and score given to your computer will be shown while playing and at the end of each concert performance.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Time Leap Paradise SUPER LIVE! is a simple in which you pick a character and back-up dancers, their outfits, the music and backgrounds and then leave them to dance.


-Cute characters and dances on offer.

-It’s free


-No real point to it, gets boring rather fast as there is no objective in mind and a limited set of characters, songs, etc without buying the rather costly DLC.

Overall, if want to watch an anime character dance for free, go for it. Otherwise rather save yourself the download.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Time Leap Paradise SUPER LIVE! on Steam

Super Mecha Champions

Super Mecha Champions

The Mecha BR game to play with your friends.


You will be matched against bots till you reach silver or above. The three bronze levels at the start are short but annoying.

I’ve been playing this game since about release for mobile (2019). Many things have changed for better and worse throughout the course of its lifespan. I personally don’t care for the account transfer of mobile to pc, so my review is not based on any decision Netease or the devs decided to take on previous PC accounts transfer or mobile to pc.

Real player with 1131.0 hrs in game

1st of all, The game is FAR from perfect, but it’s still one of the few games I play over more popular ones like Apex Legends or Warzone; though it’s probably mostly coz I’m a weeb.

What makes the game stand out are the mechs, each having unique designs and playing differently from each other.

No, you do not create your own mech; each mech is already designed, and has their own pilot, though you can choose any mech as any pilot and it won’t have any bonus outside of the pilot’s passive skills, which just so happen to fit their respective mech.

Real player with 269.3 hrs in game

Super Mecha Champions on Steam



I played on Gameforge version before this one, I even tried some privacy server (Burning) and tried the Japan version too, I must have like 3000/4000 hours at least on Soulworker, and close to 1000 here, so time to review the game shall we ?

Is this game good and worth it ? Yes and no.

Good it is indeed, there is a great universe with good and enjoyable characters (playable or npcs), you will certainly enjoy this, especially if you are a “otaku” or a anime girl/boy if I can say it like that. The world is doomed, young people (many girls btw, even a loli) appears to be the only who are able to save it before it’s too late, take your weapon, take your gear, level up into dungeons alone and raids later with people, it’s your destiny awaiting for you !

Real player with 1557.5 hrs in game

It’s a typical cashgrab dps game.

(There’s a full breakdown of just how much predatory rng crap is in the game somewhere in the comments if you want)

The combat tickles the “ooh! shiny!” part of your brain and the story can be engaging at times but that’s about it, it’s a fun one-and-done single player experience.

Right out the gate the same will spam your suspiciously limited unlockable inventory with a half a dozen tiered crafting materials, most of which you will never need but will trigger fomo something gruesome.

Real player with 866.8 hrs in game

Soulworker on Steam

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis


After thousands of hours playing on JP since 2014 as a Solo Player, and already a thousands hours on NA (sadly once again as a Solo Player), I have come to give you this advice that you will desperately need:

Don’t feed your MAG till you do research

Don’t go to block 69 if you’re streaming Block 69 has been removed. RIP hentai lovers. (I think they are migrating to block 34 because you know…rule 34…)

Real player with 5841.5 hrs in game

The Review has been edited to an extent, I am only playing the game at this rate to collect game-time because this is the game with my highest playtime on steam. I have not done any content for weeks infact. I am even slowly losing interest in this aspect.

Edit 5: I am tired.

SEGA sent mmoloda C&D to tell them to take down all pictures they had that was taken INGAME, with INGAME fashion and INGAME poses.

Y-yeah, sell us fashion that you end up wanting us to take down, more $90 scratch rewards please!!!!

Real player with 3787.5 hrs in game

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis on Steam



Either you love it OR you hate it. A BIT cliche of an opener, I know, but if you don’t come into this game and it’s community with a specific mindset you’re simply not going to like it. I’ve been playing this game since it launched on steam, and before the Steam version I played the PC US version which launched in December 2013. I’ve always had a soft spot for Onigiri, as it is one of the VERY FEW surviving Anime MMORPGs! However, this game is by no means perfect. And I’ll be putting all nostalgic bias aside in this review.

Real player with 2515.6 hrs in game

The game is overly complicated with no explanations. You will spend a lot of time on wiki. There is a problem with DC’s, I mean you will get DCed probably within 10 mins of playing and it will continue through playing. The weapon system sucks u need items for every aspect of crafting… even repairs. That means if you don’t have them…. your weapon gets wrecked if fail, your 1st weapon smelt can fail which is dumb as all hell. Did I miss anything… oh right the language isn’t fully translated on some NPC’s which makes quests difficult…and also means they pretty much said screw it and stopped trying to make the game better. Bad feeling about this game like it might be dying due to the fact the creators gave up? RNG and bad weapon system with huge DC’s is it worth the nonsense? Break my weapons, waste my time…to bad for you clowns.

Real player with 189.9 hrs in game

Onigiri on Steam