The Last Saviour

The Last Saviour

Very interesting idea and plot! I really liked the game, I recommend it!

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Hidden Object Games.

!@#$%^Z&*()_ The demon comes out way to often and theres not nearly enough ammo to kill it when it does.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

The Last Saviour on Steam

The Werewolf Hills

The Werewolf Hills

stay away - horrible performance / no optimisation !

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

I was appealed by the werewolf in the woods theme, don’t fall for the same trap. This game is bad. You’ll play for a couple of minutes, use all your ammo and then be killed by a monk with a gardening tool. Because when you run out of ammo, there is nothing left but to wait for death , even against human enemies.

It’s not even worth the couple of bucks I paid for it.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

The Werewolf Hills on Steam

The Wolf’s Den

The Wolf’s Den

The voice acting is a little rough in places, but overall it’s a fun way to eat up a few hours of your time. The Unity engine is reminiscent of a lot of mobile horror games I used to play 5 or 6 years ago, and that was pretty nostalgic for me. Either way, it seems like the dev is relatively new to game development and if that’s the case they’ve got a great start.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Mystery Games.

I really loved finding the cute octopus at the end. It’s so charming cute!!!!! 3 And the notes in every stage were very well written, I almost felt like I was reading a novel. The werewolf was indeed too spooky… (be careful for your heart attack lol). I was surprised how long the tunnel is!

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

The Wolf's Den on Steam



Legendary is that odd little game that stirred up so much disappointment and controversy with FPS fans upon it’s intial arrival, but nearly a decade later, is actually much better than a lot of what passes as a FPS game anymore. Granted, this title is still barely Triple-A status, but a far cry from the notorious reputation it garnered. Sadly, this title and the even-more maligned Turning Point: Fall of Liberty both made and broke it’s developer Spark Unlimited, which after two failed titles sank into oblivion afterward. This was the far better-looking and far better-playing of the two major-publisher offerings it had, and even though this game’s publisher (Gamecock) would also be bought then assimilated into the fold of some larger being, at least for a brief moment it showed that independant developers and publishers could still compete in the Triple-A gaming world. But enough about the back-history, onto the game.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Legendary is a cheap FPS that greatly exceeded my expectations. It’s not an amazing game, but it’s an enjoyable 5-6 hour experience that’ll cost you as little as 50 cents. This is probably the best game on steam for 50 cents (though I can’t say this for certain). Today, considering its pricetag, I’m actually rather perplexed as to why people are as harsh on this game as they are.

The core shooting and movement are fine, though there is some awkwardness. The sensitivity while you’re ADSing is a too high, making precision aiming oddly difficult at times. Jumping is the strangest I’ve ever seen in an FPS. It’s extremely wimpy most of the time, but it’s effectively a ludicrously fast long range horizontal dash if you jump while sprinting. This dash is very useful in combat, but I still find it to be an odd design choice. You’ve got a decent selection of weapons. Here’s a couple that stand out (for good or bad):

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Legendary on Steam



The games simple, clean and minimalist production quality are by far it’s greatest assets both visually and audibly, it’s gameplay mechanics however require some serious maintenance and overhaul work before I would even consider this game actually completable.

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Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

This game is early access as of right now, and has a way to go, but what is in place now is a TON of fun! My biggest gripe is only one friend can join, actually. The story is a great start, the enemies are really well done, and the wolves especially look good. I’m honestly really excited to see what is added later on!

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Huntfeast on Steam

Infinity Runner

Infinity Runner

I’m really quite fond of this.

There aren’t many games like this on the PC and it’s not ‘with good reason’ really, either. I could understand disdain for this if it were endless, or if there were exploitative microtransactions. This game has neither. It has a level structure, and it even has difficulty settings which affect the game in very interesting ways. Also: It’s a bloody werewolf on a spaceship, you miserable old sadsack. What more could you ask for?

To throw some more details into this ball of words than that – it’s similar to endless runners on the tablets, except not at all. The level structure and controls (which feel rad) make it feel very different, it’s more ‘inspired by.’ So the end result is a game that has more in common with SkyRoads and ’90s PC shareware games than it does Temple Runner. That’s not a bad thing, since Temple Runner and its ilk are ‘pay to keep going’ games. This is a ‘be good enough to keep going’ game. And if you’re simply awful at it, well there’s an easy mode for you, too (as I mentioned!).

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

4 out of 5 stars.

I don’t own an occulus rift, so I can’t rate it on that experience. I can however rate it on its gameplay.

I find Infinity runner is a game best entered with few expectations. It promises pretty much what you think it does. Its a first person action running simulator.

That said, its an on rails obstical course with an interesting twist. The werewolves in space theme allows you to turn into a hulking werewolf mid-run, and change many of the rules in your favor, as it should. The combat in the game (yes, it has combat) is in the form of QTEs depending on the position and number of enemies in a room. If you succeed the challenge, you are rewarded with a smash and kill style fight as your avatar kills everyone in the room and continues to run at break neck speeds.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Infinity Runner on Steam

Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf

Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf

This review contains very few spoilers… I think. :P

Already from the first minute or two of playing this game, there have been a couple of jumpscares. These jumpscares are quite cheap - not screamers, fortunately - but in a sense, these scares are pretty effective for an early development game designer.

The graphics of the game are not very appealing, they are very… well just not very good. I have a strong feeling that this game was made using the Unity 3D Engine, due to the scenery. The scenery is also very cheap, but once again - this is a good start for a beginning game designer.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

[Update: After having played more adventure games, i guess i could recommend it to those who look for another game of this genre… still with caution and the note that it offers too much combat action for it’s uncomfortable controls, movement and weapon reload time.

And if the dev hasn’t abandoned this game yet, i’d recommend to him to add achievements (there’s enough events and tasks for a dozen of them at least) and (optionally) trading cards. And maybe slightly improve the game’s ending. Was about to say “and combat”… but no, it’s rather a little psichological challenge as it is(not too hard once you know how to act) and makes a significant part of what makes sense in this game.]

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf on Steam



honestly a great concept. couple good jumpscares and keeps you at the edge of your seat most of the time. still a lot of work to be done as well obviously.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Its a fun game but it need more polishing. I really like the idea of hunting a monster with a friend but like i said it need polishing. It has alot of bug but still is fun to play. i really hope the dev will keep up with the game it has alot of petential.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

S.P.A.T. on Steam

Sinister Halloween

Sinister Halloween

I love Halloween and I loved Trick or Treating as a kid, getting that giant bag of candy. But if you think back, it was always a mixed bag of awesome stuff along with things that you’d always pass by as you went in for the good stuff; candy corn, small boxes of raisins, orange and black wrapped chunks of gravel that would break down into soggy cardboard.

I was looking forward to playing this Halloween themed game. Like those treats, however, it’s a bit of a mixed bag. Note: I’ve only played through the original levels at this point, I’ve not done any of the added DLC levels or the Asylum expansion yet.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

I love Halloween and this game captures the atmosphere beautifully. At times it has the feel of a haunted house at a fun fair and that’s meant in a positive way. The graphic quality won’t blow you away and that’s such an advantage. It’s raw and sucks you in. The sounds are really nice and the scares are great. Some are simple jumps scares you see coming like at a fun fair haunted house but it doesn’t kill the mood at all. For the price, this is a really nice bug free game with quite simple puzzles but tons of atmosphere and well polished. I’ve already bought the DLC before they realise how good this game is and up the price!! I was a bit slow to realise you press “R” to reload the shotgun. Each chapter only takes about 20 mins or so, so there is no game save but if you die you aren’t sent back far. And, you can chose whatever chapter you like from the main menu. I’m halfway through and loving it so much. Many thanks to the developers for a real gem.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Sinister Halloween on Steam

Monster Showdown

Monster Showdown

So played today for first time after a few updates. First this is NOT the game I purchased, AT ALL. I know it’s early access and I expect some changes in gameplay etc, but this is a completely different game, even a different genre. It went from a dungeon crawler to a serious sam/ COD clone, with no tutorial, no controller explanations and horrible interface. It took me forever to figure out how to reload, I still don’t know how to swap weapons. If you’re going to completely scrap a game and start over (name and all) then just abandon the project and make the new game on it’s own don’t fob it off on early access purchasers.

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

Review on Rift S

I enjoy this game a lot! I will write down my impression of all game modes.

What was good? What improvements do I like to see?


I really like the idea of being in Heaven/Sky and it is a great upgrade compared to the house. Of course, the best thing is that there is a dog called Brody and you can pet him!!! I wish you can throw a stick or play ball with him in a future update! (JK)

The only thing I don’t like is the placement of the training dummy and the weapons shop. Now you will have the go over the whole map if you want to change/test weapons. But overall I am quite happy with the Hub.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Monster Showdown on Steam