Aquanox Deep Descent

Aquanox Deep Descent

Aquanox Deep Descent is the attempt to revive an older franchise. It began with a game named Archimedean Dynasty, released in 1996. 2 Sequels followed, under the new brand name of Aquanox.

All of those games were quite similar to the “three degrees of freedom” space simulation games that came up roughtly at the same time, but tried to put themselves apart by not going up, but rather down. All three might be considered aaa titles considering the amount of work and effort, as well as content they provided at the time. Even though their success probably fell short of that.

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Flight Games.


Aquanox Deep Descent (ADD) is a semi-open world shooter set underwater, after the world endured the “Last Day” - an apocalyptic event where most of humanity perished and the rest was forced into oceanic depths. Players impersonate Kaelen, one of the chosen few to be preserved in stasis for centuries, now woken up by unclear circumstances. After a dangerous escape, he and his companions - left without most memories - decide to embark on a quest to find the answers about their past, forging alliances and facing many dangers along the way.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Aquanox Deep Descent on Steam



**This is an excerpt of my much more detailed review and analysis, that you can find here (EN & DE) and also as Video below.

| Visit and maybe follow my curator page, to get more detailed reviews |

Explanation upfront:

This game is hard to judge, it has a lot of ups and downs, but I think the thumbs up is a little bigger, so I gave it a recommendation. But please read the Review, and maybe look for a lower price.**

Real player with 23.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS PvE Games.

Hybridising genres excites me. Taking even the basic gameplay loops of two long-established genres and mashing them up can at least make something somewhat interesting – at least for a little while. Disintegration treads this long neglected (and possibly a little treacherous) path by incorporating RTS-style unit management into a (somewhat) fast-paced first-person.

Set in the distant (but not too distant) future, Disintegration is about a world where humans can choose to have their grey matter ‘integrated’ into a robot armature, allowing a temporary new life as inorganic robo-beings - Only it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, as it appears a group of integrated/robotic deadshits known as the Rayonne have decided that full-scale robotification should be essential and irreversible across the entire human race, squarely working to stomp out any pockets of resistance (Human and Integrated alike).

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Disintegration on Steam

Minigun VS Swarms of the Zombie Apocalypse Simulator

Minigun VS Swarms of the Zombie Apocalypse Simulator

10k+ zombies on the same screen, faced with the scene of the doomsday, the raging tide of corpses, your Minigun is thirsty, yes! Hold on for 5 minutes if you think you are tough!

(Note: The game has only completed prototype verification, and the gameplay is still under design. The following description may differ from the final version.)

This game is a tower defense shooting game, massive zombies zombies try to overrun your base.

You play as a group of soldiers. You can switch between vehicles and defensive towers, your weapons are “toy guns” at the beginning, there will be supplies appear in the map area according to your killing score, pick up the supplies with your vehicles.

You can use the supplies to upgrade your vehicles and towers, or build fences. Upgrade your “toy guns” to “killing machines”, teach them a lesson before they overrun your base!

Zombies will come in different types and have different abilities, what prevents them from waiting to be killed, just like some other zombie games you know, maybe your are the one be beaten to the ground!

With some trendy “Black Technologies” of the Unity Engine and some smart tricks used by the developer, it will be very easy for your potato computer to render 10k+ zombies while maintaining a smooth shooting experience!

If you are not sure whether your potato computer can run this game, just download and run the demo first, turn off all the effects, and pay attention to the temperature of your CPU and GPU !!!

In addition, make sure that your computer has enough memory before starting the game, otherwise the game may crash!

Read More: Best FPS Simulation Games.

Minigun VS Swarms of the Zombie Apocalypse Simulator on Steam



“When things go wrong, don’t go with them.”

~Elvis Presley

First of all, this game is not nearly as bad as you may have probably heard or expected by looking at “mixed reviews” status in Steam. Personally? I’ve enjoyed my time here quite a lot. It’s just… OK, it won’t be so easy to explain. See, the biggest problem with RAGE 2 is that it is… RAGE 2. I mean, Avalanche Studios? The guys did a pretty nice job here. The core mechanics is very solid, leveling system is kinda great (seriously, I totally enjoyed it), gameplay is very fast-paced, like in all those modern incarnations of the old titles like DOOM, Shadow Warrior and the others, while Apex Engine provides surprisingly solid FPS on highest settings in 4K. Even on pretty old hardware. When I’ve started playing through the tutorial mission? I was like “Wait just a minute, why everybody hates this game so much?!” Then I played a bit more and was like “Ah, OK, I see it now…”. See, even though core mechanics is very nice, the idea of wasting it on resurrecting RAGE? It was terrible.

Real player with 133.6 hrs in game

I would not recommend Rage 2 to a fan of the series. I would not recommend Rage 2 to a newcomer to the series. It is a painfully mediocre game crippled by the fact it is open world.

If you want a game for world exploration and discovery, go play Fallout New Vegas. If you want a game with epic guns and action, go play Doom. This blends the two genres and makes them both worse.


I believe if Rage 2 was designed to be linear, or at most a wide corridor, we could have had an exceptional game on our hands with more fleshed out mechanics. The thing is…. That would have made it similar to Id Software’s other title: Doom. Now it’s conspiracy theory time here but perhaps there was pressure on the Rage 2 team to force the open world genre (which was on-trend at the time) as to not create competition between the 2 titles.

Real player with 63.9 hrs in game

RAGE 2 on Steam

Train Chase

Train Chase

A nice basic game. Stand, shoot, dodge and survive. climb the leaderboard and show off to your friends how awesome you are.

i like the different gun options, and the way the game gets a little harder every 20 levels. If you games like superhot, Space pirate trainer give this game a go.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Its a ok game and its not done so I would like to see this change with more updates. So the game is where your on a train and you grab a gun and shoot the bad guys or robots and the more waves you go the more harder it gets and sometimes i’m on my floor laying down while shooting the robots. The game is like Space Pirate Trainer and Super Hot so the game can be fun if you make it fun and find creative ways to take down the robots. This is a good game for the price its not bad and I really like this game and I hope more guns, robots, and areas are made so it can be better

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Train Chase on Steam



UPDATED Review 4/10/2021: Wow! This is a ton of fun. I had some prior grievances with some of the choices made with gameplay that were making the game very hard to enjoy for me. I voiced my concerns in my review, and the devs (small, indie dev team) responded very quickly to address some of those concerns. The devs are very receptive to feedback and appreciate hearing from their community, and it seems like they care about their product after seeing the most recent updates.

The gameplay is a lot of fun! It’s a bit of a combo of Crazy Taxi, Quarantine, and Carmageddon with slight influences from other media as well. If you’ve played Quarantine, you’ll notice the inspiration, but trust me, the devs are working hard to make this their own game! You will find yourself driving around a crazy, chaotic, and relatively apocalyptic city with bad guys and pedestrians on the road, turrets, other cabs/vehicles, and more. You are picking up fares, some of which need to go somewhere, others want you to kill someone or blow up a vehicle, and others want you to blow up a building (similar to dropping someone off at a destination, except with more explosions!). There may be more fare types in later districts that I haven’t gotten to yet, but I am satisfied with the fare types that are already in the game.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Cool indie game! Some stuff heavily resembles Quarantine or Road Warrior, but there are some major differences. Even despite the fact that the game has some bugs, the devs update it all time - a lot of stuff was fixed in recent patches.

Pros and cons below.


  • positive vibe;

  • unique atmosphere somewhat reminds the old Quarantine classic;

  • nice effects and gore system;

  • excellent music!

  • driving model is not that bad at all,

  • cool weapons!


  • some missions look bland and could be a bit better;

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

CyberTaxi on Steam

Empires Mod

Empires Mod

Best FPS game I have played. Dynamic gameplay, huge player limit and skilled community make up for a constant hail of bullets and neverending fun as a simple soldier, who needs to teamwork if he wants to live another minute. The strategic aspect is not my favourite (I’m really bad at strategy games) but gives you a lot of fun too when your forces listen to you and you guide them to victory.

Devs are close to the people, the community is loving albeit harsh at times, the more professional part of the community is like a big family (there is hate but they still love each other).

Real player with 3453.5 hrs in game

If you wanna get yelled at for not understanding the game from the first minute you play this.

If you wanna get abused by old farts for not reviving them.

If you have a fetish for verbal abuse.

If you like getting your ass kicked the first 72 hours you play this game.

If you dont mind getting overwhelmed by the complexity of this game.

If you have nothing better to do on saturday evenings.

This is your game.

A blend of RTS/FPS/Shittalking/flaming/abuse.

The most noob unfriendly community you will ever meet.

Real player with 2083.3 hrs in game

Empires Mod on Steam

MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

As somebody who played Mechwarrior 2/2:GBL/2:Mercs, 3/3:PM, 4/4:BK/4:Mercs, Mechcommanders 1 and 2, and was involved in the Mechwarrior community for years back in the golden era…. This is an acceptable giant stompy combat game.

Take command of your own mercenary company in the 31st century. Choose where to go and which contracts to accept, while being careful who you offend or favor since your reputation has a big influence on your contract benefits. Prepare for each mission by outfitting yourself and up-to three team mates from your pool of owned mechs and customize their weapons and upgrades. During battle, choose the right weapon for the right target at the right range while managing your heat output and your remaining ammo. Stay moving to avoid taking focused return fire. Follow your waypoints and complete each simple objective (generally some variation on “kill or destroy this”… battlemechs are not subtle) until you’re given the go-ahead to leave the area. Between missions, weigh your contract pay and battlefield salvage against your repair costs, crew salaries and travel expenses. Shop for new gear. And try to make enough C-bills to retire on a quiet private world some day.

Real player with 300.9 hrs in game

A long-overdue single-player game for the MechWarrior franchise, MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries shakes up the game’s usual format with predominantly randomly generated missions, although there are certain hand-crafted questlines here and there. After the tutorial quest chain (which you can skip if you have the DLC, but more on that later) you are sent off to look for a few choice contracts in the nearest warzone and strike it rich with the modest stable of mechs you have on hand. Or die trying. Wouldn’t be getting that much hazard pay for nothing, right?

Real player with 135.8 hrs in game

MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries on Steam

Battle Command

Battle Command

Before 1990, if you wanted to control an assault tank you either had to sign up to Her Majesty’s Armed Forces, or settle for the basic side-on or top-down computer graphics of the day.

Then there was Battle Command.

The game sees you take command of a futuristic assault tank, dropped by Helicarrier right into the middle of the action on the battlefield. While many other 3D efforts of the time resulted in confusing wireframes or framerates measured in spf instead of fps, Battle Command’s fully-filled polygons were a breath of fresh air… until that air was filled with the acrid smoke from the burning wrecks of enemy buildings and vehicles!

With multiple camera views allowing the player to sit in the belly of the beast or to see the action from a third-person perspective – a real innovation at the time – this much-loved ‘command’ game focused more on outright fighting that the strategic elements of similar titles. Yet it was not all simply ready-aim-fire; the player still has to equip the most suitable ammunition to satisfactorily complete each one of the exciting and varied missions.

According to the original box art:

_Set in the near future of an alternative reality, Battle Command is an arcade/strategy game in which the player controls a single ‘Mauler’ Assault Tank in one of sixteen scenarios in the ultra-war, fought between two dominant races in the New World. The latest phase of this north/south war has been going on for over ten years with a stalemate eventually developing – a stand-off between armies massed over a long dug-in battle front.

Such are the defensive capabilities of each side, full scale assaults are suicidal, so any offensive moves are, by necessity, small behind-the-lines actions performed by elite troops in specially designed vehicles. The Mauler is the latest such machine – capable of being lifted in and out of hostile territory by fast stealth choppers and armed with the most advanced weaponry the northern sides can devise.

First into Battle…

…Last to Leave!_

Battle Command on Steam

Heroic Armored Company

Heroic Armored Company

Very good game but short…(more coming soon)

Need to be optimized but It’s hard and fun to play.

I hope they will continu to work on.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Having played Hero Armored Company for about 10 hours now, already some things can be said about this tank sim. Let me begin with the most important thing: I like it! This game has the potential to become a great tank simulator.

Does it have problems? Yes. Does it need improvement? Absolutely! But that doesn’t wipe out the fact that this is the most fun tank sim I’ve played since World Of Tanks (and I’ve played a LOT of WoT!!!) - and for me at some points it even superseeds it!


For now only part of the single player content is available with a Story Mode (with at this moment 8 missions) - an aspect I definately miss in WoT! Single Player Mission Mode and Multiplayer Mode will become available at a later stage. So far I have been grinding myself though the Story Mode.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Heroic Armored Company on Steam