Conc Jump

Conc Jump

The joys of source engine movement mechanics now in unity! This game shows the best parts of the iconic Team Fortress Classic. It includes conc, quad rocket jumping, bhop, and even steals some of the sounds! The real selling points of this game though have to be the wacky moving shadow of the player model and the powerful explosion particle effect from the rocket.

Really the only thing holding this game back is the devastating bug of achievements not unlocking. After a taxing 3 hours to beat all the levels none of the achievements unlocked. Additionally, quite a few levels have cheats, but I like to think of them as speedrun strats.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Difficult Games.

Conc jump is a wonderful skill based source mechanic video game. I played this game with legendary source mechanic players such as Zike1017, and Newjuls, and we all came to the conclusion that this game is the paramount source movement mechanic trainer.

Despite the stolen tfc assets, and the numerous ways to cheat levels, this game truly delivers. I mean come on, look at that explosion animation! dont forget the fortnite shadow that tracks in real time! never before will you have fun locking your fps to 90 while bhopping, concing, and quad rocket jumping! The game even uses the time old SuperChuck™ strat of using different levels over again for different mechanics! very innovative! Make sure to not rocket jump too high though, or you may just fall out of the map and have your game crash…

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Conc Jump on Steam

All Day Dying: Redux Edition

All Day Dying: Redux Edition

Tony Hawk’s Pro Shooter.

If that description is enough to get you excited, then you might as well drop the 10 bucks to play it because you’re not going to see anything else like this anywhere else except 2005’s Total Overdose.

The main idea of the game is basically Pro Skater’s career mode: a series of maps that each contain six objectives for the player to beat in 2 minutes or less. These objectives are divided into three “high score” and three “contextual” objectives, the latter of which range from beating the level using a single weapon to finding and completing an off-the-path extra area like a shooting range or a platforming section. Though you can complete multiple objectives in a single run, it’s often not possible to clear all of them in one go, either because the act of completing one requires not doing another or because completing one would require an extremely sub-optimal playthrough of the map, like sprinting past all of the enemies to get to a contextual objective that takes a lot of time to complete. This means that fully completing a map requires replaying it as many times as necessary to get all of the objectives and build enough familiarity to clear it with a high score. There are multiple difficulties, but they only affect the margin of error the player has - faster combo timers, lower health, higher enemy accuracy - and there’s not really much reason to play on a higher difficulty beyond achievements and personal satisfaction.

Real player with 62.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Violent Games.

Too much RNG for a trial game. The time limits are so tight that a single bad shotgun spread roll or an enemy pathing the long way to find you means your run is over. It gets worse later on when projectile enemies are introduced. They have perfect accuracy and fire at set intervals no matter what animation they are in, making you completely at the mercy of what spin jukes the AI decides to do. On linear levels this isn’t as much of a problem since the AI tends to make the same or similar decisions every time. Arena style levels are insufferable as the time limit offers no room for error and enemies are just inconsistent enough to make a quarter of the runs unwinnable from the outset. Tentative recommendation if the developer changed weapon spread such that it was deterministic. A square or round pellet formation on the shotgun or something

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

All Day Dying: Redux Edition on Steam

Cyber Hook

Cyber Hook

Edit 2: Last review was at 160ish hours…I am now at 280. This game is just amazing, and the community in the Discord just brings it all together. The devs are super active and there is a major update coming very soon! It’s going to make this already amazing game even better.

Edit: Uhhhhhhhh yeah it’s a really good game guys. I’ve only put a small amount of time in it since my original review…Which was about 16 hours in.

Such a smooth platformer. Simple to learn but hard to master type game. If you liked games like Cluster Truck, Mirrors edge or any other 3D platformer, you’ll love this. It really itches that scratch for a fast paced platformer.

Real player with 650.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Parkour Games.


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☒ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it



☐ Very good

☒ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☒ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf


☐ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☒ All

—{PC Requirements}—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☒ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


☐ Just press ‘W’

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Cyber Hook on Steam




Real player with 21.3 hrs in game


Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Snowballer on Steam

Severed Steel

Severed Steel

This is an awesome experience. It’s been a long time since an action game has given me the kind of rush that this one does. The great action-movie mechanics, the incredible soundtrack and the wonderful stylised art all come together to make an experience straight out of kickass action films. If you want to squeeze every last drop out of this game I HIGHLY recommend playing this on Severed Steel difficulty from the start. It’ll frustrate you at first, it’ll take a while to get the hang of it, but when it finally clicks and you start pulling off and chaining together ridiculously cool combat stunts, that’s when the “wow” factor and adrenaline rush kick in hard. Playing on any of the lower difficulties (especially Cold Steel) will drastically dull the experience, and you’ll finish the game in two to three hours with absolutely no challenge and very little thrill. Then for replayability, run the challenges at similar difficulty levels and try to beat your own score. Then there are the modifiers for even more fun. It’s not as easy as it sounds. This is NOT your standard first person shooter. Don’t bother with cover and don’t try to snipe from a distance. Charge in like Doom Guy and kick off some stunts, dodge and weave, and destroy your enemies in a beautiful dance of ninja acrobatics and explosive Gun Fu. Flow like water, and kill them all!

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Did you ever wonder what if Max Payne was a woman who lost her arm and she was taking acid instead of painkillers?

Severed Steel is exactly that.

It’s a high-octane movement shooter that rewards the player for perfoming stunts like diving, sliding and wallrunning with invincibility and infinite slow-mo. Don’t expect tactiful gunfighs like in F.E.A.R. where you use slow-mo mostly when you feel overwhelmed, here you throw yourself at your enemies to live. You can’t sidestep individual bullets like in Max Payne or Super Hot, you have rely on stunts to dodge. Healing is done by killing people, so it’s like Doom but without the middle-man.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Severed Steel on Steam

Lovely Planet

Lovely Planet

So nearing the amount of in game time that equates to 10 actual rotations of the Earth (228.6 hours at the time of this review), I feel as though I have a proper understanding of this game, and my input will be valued.

Short version: This game is superb. You’d have to be an absolute fool to neglect this purchase.

Long version: My roommate suggested me this game after learning that I was looking for games to speedrun. I purchased it, fired it up, and not a moment later, fell in love with it. That kind of love you feel that just warms your whole body. My initial reaction was, “Wow, this soundtrack is incredible! And these graphics! It’s so simple, yet so capturing and quirky!”

Real player with 256.1 hrs in game

The world is kind of a heavy place lately, and it’s become hard to escape and find that moment of peace we all could really use. Everywhere we look for entertainment or relaxation reminds us of the discord and disorder seen more and more through images of violence and confrontation. Where do you turn when you want to get away from the realities of the world we’re being reminded of every day?

Of course everyone enjoys the challenge and hyperactive action of first person shooters but as some of us grow older we tire of their melodramatic, heavy handed, and needlessly intense nature. Could it be possible to have that same action in a more refined, artistic, and abstract style? Lovely Planet is exactly the kind of shooter to bring us this sort of peace so needed in an entertainment industry fueled by glorified aggression.

Real player with 29.3 hrs in game

Lovely Planet on Steam



I got this game almost right as it came out because it looks liked a good mirror edge replacement.

What i got was a very difficult game that i’m surprised no one was playing. steam has reported at most 14 people have played at once as of (10/26/2019), this makes me sad because it’s a amazing game for what it is


A great selection of maps to try and beat, then find the hidden items, and then to try to get the fastest speed.

Great,simple,intuitive mechanics. at first they seem slippery but after a hour they make the game feel fast and fluid. hell the wall jumping just feels great to dude.

Real player with 49.9 hrs in game

This is a great little game. The music is great, the gameplay is slick and smooth, and wonderfully engaging and rewarding. Leaderboards and multiplayer for those interested. I’m not really a speedrunner type of gamer but this game is designed solely for it and it shines because of it.

There’s also a few platforming puzzles/challenges on some levels to get red orbs. I think what really made this game click for me was that using the freecam to spy one of the harder looking orbs, I saw the area the developer wanted us to take but couldn’t make the heads and tails of approaching or tackling it. Instead I just decided to run straight through and figurtively saw the path unravel before it, between walls and jumps and using the mechanics seamlessly. It was immensely satisfying picking out a relatively efficient, logical path from seemingly nothing instead of having it laid out in front of you.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Celaria on Steam



After seeing someone else’s review on here actually get answered by one of the developers and realizing my feedback might help improve the game, I decided to leave my honest review of the game instead of my usual, “pretty epic”. I love this game first of all, and try to play it daily. To me, its an excellent game with its fair share of bugs and faults. Its an excellent workout game, and (at least for me) I didn’t even realize I was working out until after my first session after downloading lasting 2 hours and OH MAN my arms hurt, I couldn’t even lift them very high. To me, this is one of a VR games most positive attributes, the ability to get me to exercise and not realize it. Another positive aspect of it is it is SO FUN for about the first 3-4 hours. Don’t get me wrong, its still fun after that, but it loses the rush of having to adapt to the map to keep going. After the first three hours or so, you lose the feeling of having to adapt and just learn and memorize the map. Its gets to be like oh I just have to get through this this part. Granted, the more the play, the farther you get, and the more new map you discover, but its having to play a portion I’ve already played 100 times to get to the hard part where its most fun is disappointing to me. I think the game needs more randomly generated parts to accommodate the rush of having to adapt and improvise to succeed. I also think the campaign sounds very promising and am immensely looking forward to that. I also like the arena and timed modes, though I do feel like the game needs to expand a little broader. For example, maybe some modes where you only wall walk on buildings and its like a city setting or something like that. I just think like modes that focus on particular ways of getting around, like a level where you have to only or mainly swing on the ziplines or ceiling things (don’t know what they are called). I did really like ziplining and using the ceiling things when they appeared in game and think its a nice quick break from running. Or just something that expands the range of stuff to do, like adding a new transportation way? (I would really like that, like places where you can double jump or maybe a one time use a game thing where you can climb a wall to escape death) But either way, I think the added stuff should not just focus around whats already there, although should definitely incorporate it. In terms of the existing things and not what could be added, I think there are definitely bugs that need to be fixed. Often times I go to pull my gun and it dosen’t work and its in general very inconsistent. The wall walking also seems to sometimes not work and it can get pretty annoying. I also love and I mean love the slow motion. Its a great mechanic and a wonderful part of the game adding to the badass feel you can get when grappling and shooting an enemy at the same time. I also do NOT think there needs to be feet or something to show you where you will land. The game is harder without it, but it just takes some time and you’ll get it every time. The game could also use some more items instead of just meds, you could have something that ups your speed or jump ability or something like that. I also think the game would benefit massively from straying away from the go in a straight line type of game, and have the map turn right and left or maybe even have you turn around or changing up the level of ground throughout the game, having you fall downwards and continue there, then having you swing back upwards. I think they could a lot with this, having you go upwards into the clouds or down into the underground, or even having mutiple paths you can take, but still keeping the general you have to go this way and not jsut be a giant map. I also think they could switch up the enemy type, like in the underground having to fight goblins or something that fits the theme, and in the clouds, cloud people or something like that. I can only IMAGINE the fun of this game when turning back and forth, fighting a giant boss battle while traveling up, down, left, right, etc. I think the game would TAKE OFF and be one of the best games of all time. But, I’m having way too much fun with this, so to sum it all up, fun game with some faults and a LOT of potential. (please use some of my stuff)

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

I will start this off by saying this game is really amazing and fun… when it works.

With that out of the way lets get to the pros and cons of this product.

Cons first

1. The price Tag.

This game as it stands right now is not worth the $20. Yes i understand its an early access title but hear me out. They have so much more to do to this game. I would have liked to have seen tiered price jumps with later updates. Early access (Day 1 update 1 $10). Back half of First Phase (Major update 1 $15) Phase two (2nd Major update $20). Final game ($25-$30). I’ve seen multiple people refund the game due to just the price and not the game play.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

STRIDE on Steam

Logistic Expert

Logistic Expert

It’s a nice simulator but it’s still feel like an unfinished product. The train worked fine but after unlocking the other ones it gets quite buggy. It can be a chill game while listening to something else and play this but I will only recommend it if it’s working without bugs.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

The game has stopped for me, no new objectives come up and there’s nothing to do. Useless waste of time.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Logistic Expert on Steam



not a bad game for just screwing off

it has some difficulty so you wont beat it to quickly

and it is fun

like the water squirters in the fair

just a little pii pii in a big world

are you yellow punk


Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

(Got this game for free courtesy of the developer’s submission to OMEGA Trade - G. Thanks!)

Using your Pii makes you say Whee!!!

Well, not that much enthusiasm,but since this game is no longer in EA, I thought I’d finally review this one. In beta builds, PiiSim was a mess. Aiming was a pain, destroying was a pain, and gauging anything was a pain. Fortunately, fixes have been made to the final product to make it a more enjoyable casual experience where each session lasts about 15-20 minutes at most.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

PiiSim on Steam