A great retro shooter with all the elements of the classics; moody atmosphere, bleak color palette, disturbing enemies, a well rounded array of weaponry, WELL HIDDEN secrets, spooky music, hell yeah. I spent years playing quake and doom, as well as unreal. This game is highly reminiscent of the late nineties and is quite replayable as I need to find more secrets. Well worth 15 bucks.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Violent Games.

Lenin, comrade lenin. eternal lenin lived, lenin lives, lenin is to live forever.














Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

HROT on Steam



Christ! I’m not sure how to respond to this game. I’m iin my 30’s and i grew up on fps games. DUSK is possibly the best game I have ever played. I feel that the creator grew up playing, doom, quake, half-life and the like. The game is so perfectly created by someone who wished that he could create a shooter that took small parts from all of those games and put them together in a way that i would never expect. It is retro in a way that isnt jokey, but it incorporates all the best elements from every 90’s shooter. In conclusion, its not half-life, but it’s better than every other shooter that came before that. Honestly, one of the best shooters of all time.

Real player with 72.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Old School Games.

Fantastic shooter and had me gripped from start to finish. If you like the retro style then this game is for you. Loads of secrets similar to doom etc. Gameplay is smooth and fluid. Runs like a dream at 120fps+.Such a simple game to play, it’s a no nonsense shooter. Updated on a regular basis and great value for money. Loving it.

Highly recommended. A++

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

DUSK on Steam



I’ve played a lot of retro-style FPS this year as I’ve recently gotten really into the genre. In just this year I discovered all of New Blood and Doom Eternal dropped as well. Somehow, Prodeus manages to squeeze through the competition and quickly become one of my favorites.

Before I get into it: if you like classic-style FPS, Doom, Dusk, Halo, whatever.. then I’ll save you a minute:

just buy Prodeus and play it.

Prodeus is a retro-style FPS with rad sprites and a stylistically low-framerate protagonist. It plays like Doom meets Halo, with a touch of Metroid Prime here-and-there. You have maze-like maps, keycards for locked doors, monsters to kill, big guns to get. You know the drill.

Real player with 560.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Gore Games.

I don’t write many reviews, no really, check my account. But this is a game i feel like i have sunken enough hours in to really get a feel for how the game is and how everything as a whole surrounding this game is perfect.

I’ll start with how I backed this on Kickstarter because I thought it looked cool. I’m not absolutely huge on classic style FPS’s, i did play doom growing up, but it wasn’t exactly my entire life. I enjoyed it growing up and that’s about as far as that goes.

With that being said, I would just like to extend my absolute LOVE for this game in many different ways, inside and outside of the game.

Real player with 351.3 hrs in game

Prodeus on Steam



AMID EVIL at its core is a wonderfully rendered retro throwback FPS that beckons the nostalgic memories of games such as Heretic and Hexen and Quake with gorgeous environments, beautiful weapon feel and a majestic combat encounters.

However, I come to you today not focused on the weapons, the enemies or the aesthetics, but rather something truly gorgeous: the Difficulty Selection level.

Most games dare not be so bold with something so seemingly obtuse as a Difficulty Selection level where it is not as simple as clicking a rather comedic naming on a menu. AMID EVIL, in this regard, dares to be different. There have been other reviews left for this game with scathing remarks as to the “poor design” of the Difficulty Selection. I disagree wholeheartedly. For you see, the Difficulty Selection tutorializes the player of the movement mechanics and the weight of the Champion in such an elegant and silent way that most take for granted. To go for the Easy difficulty, it is straightforward and one could get by the challenge by only holding the “W” key on the Keyboard. This is Leon Zawada and Simon Rance’s brilliance coming into full display here. By having the Easy difficulty being so easy to access, it makes clear of the very nature of the room so as to not to cause further confusion with regards to the other options.

Real player with 35.7 hrs in game

Amid Evil is strange, half of the game is some of the best level design, music, atmosphere, and art direction Ive seen in a game. The other half is a boring bland repetitive slog. Its a coin flip for which episode is which, but imo the best Amid Evil gets is worth the worst it can be.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

AMID EVIL on Steam

Hedon Bloodrite

Hedon Bloodrite

Hedon is a fantastically fun game that really seems to understand the things that made its inspirations great. The combat, map design, and general mechanics are excellent and come together in a way that’s rare even in some of the classics, and it avoids nearly all of the pitfalls that often plague FPS games.

In general, I’d say it reminded me most of Hexen or Hexen 2, but with better weapon variety and without having to travel through hub maps back and forth to shuffle items around or find out what a switch did. All the maps in Hedon are self-contained and there are enough signs, notes, and other environmental cues to help you navigate without needing any overt direction from the UI. The automap automatically marks locked doors with the symbol for the key you need to open them, and you can even place your own marks manually for other important locations you want to remember. There were a few points where the game’s pace slowed down a little too much or I was at a loss for where to go next, but never long enough to really bother me or spoil the fun. There’s a decent amount of platforming but it is mostly generous enough that I never felt like it was asking too much of me, and the game refrains from putting nasty ambushes in conjunction with limited mobility.

Real player with 54.8 hrs in game

Hedon is an old school FPS game that tries to emulate the good ol' days of shooters, way before regenerating health and multiplayer only games, with 2D sprites mixed with 3D objects. This game tries to go for a balance between combat, exploration (Sometimes it gets a bit linear), and narrative, and I find that it works out pretty well. There’s a lot of fast paced combat and a variety of weapons to keep the slaughtering fresh.


The gameplay is what you’d expect from a game like this. Lots of action, a wide array of weapons that all feel satisfying to use and some have different fire modes, and on the higher difficulties, waves and waves of enemies eager to tear you a new one. I admit I started playing this game expecting something way more linear and combat focused, like Painkiller or maybe Doom 2016, but I was surprised when I found out that there’s a lot of exploration and reading in this game. Some parts were a bit frustrating since some key items are quite easy to miss, sometimes I would miss an absolutely vital item because I’m blind, and sometimes I would pick it up without realizing, and I would spend a while running around in circles trying to find out what I missed. Some areas are particularily frustrating because of this, like that one point where you are stuck in a pitch black cave and you gotta move around trying to find your way out. The level that made me feel like this the most was the second one, I felt like it was way too big and open, and I still can’t remember the exact way after a few playthroughs, so I often end up skipping it. The later levels in the game start to pick up the pace in my opinion, and they start to get more into linear combat. The weapons all feel amazing to use, and there’s a second game mode called Bearzerk, where all of your guns are gone, but you get a few new melee weapons to make up for this. The game will also spawn dozens and dozens of enemies, and you are stuck trying to run at mach speed dodging projectiles and closing the gap so you can destroy them. It’s pretty fun. The game can be finished in about 4 hours, but I spent way more because I kept getting lost, at least the game gives you a map.

Real player with 43.4 hrs in game

Hedon Bloodrite on Steam

Ion Fury

Ion Fury

I’ve never had any particular nostalgia for BUILD engine shooters cause I pretty much missed all of them during my childhood, so I went in without wearing nostalgia googles (well, almost). Yet, Ion Maiden (shh, don’t tell scumbag lawyers) absolutely blew me away from the first few levels.

-Solid gameplay with some of the punchiest guns I ever used in a FPS (save for Doom gameplay wads). The game lets you use its entire arsenal pretty much from the get-go and develop your own playstyle. Every gun has its place, even the default pistol which is traditionally discarded the second a shotgun shows up. That demonstrates nicely that the devs not only took the elements of classic shooters, but also improved on them.

Real player with 146.3 hrs in game

This is a heavily shortened version of my full review. Check it out at

STORY: 8/10

Ion Fury is actually a prequel of sorts to a previous 3D Realms game titled “Bombshell”. It features Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison who herself is based on a cut character from Duke Nukem Forever, who originally was going to be a sidekick of Duke. Ion Fury follows Shelly’s exploits as a GDF police chief in Neo DC, tracking down the leader of a cybernetic cult that has risen on the streets, which are flooded with augmented punks that seem eager to die for their new leader. As it turns out, the leader is Professor Jadus Heskel, a scientist hellbent on world domination. It is up to Shelly to track him down and end his reign. Yeah the game is certainly not heavy on story, but much like its fathers, it doesn’t really need one. So let’s move on to talking about the gameplay.

Real player with 140.0 hrs in game

Ion Fury on Steam

The Citadel

The Citadel


  • like the product description says: a love letter to 90’s fps like doom, wolfenstein 3d, etc. It scratches the nostalgia itch while also being it’s own game.

  • The level design rewards exploration. Sometimes there’s an ammo crate on a roof that you can see from the path the level has you take. Sometimes you think ‘‘what if I climb this?’’ or ‘‘are there any fake walls in this room?'’. I’ve poured over environments excitedly for ages trying to find the way to an are I’d seen from far away.

Real player with 25.5 hrs in game

What a bizarre experience this was.

The Citadel is a very bleak story of martyr, you’ve probably seen the artwork by now. It’s full of semi-sexual content which will probably be repulsive for many, but those that choose to endure it. There awaits a very fun game that will make you feel uncomfortable in the best way possible.

The story is rather vague and you need to put the dots together yourself, there’s total of two characters who have any dialogue with the protagonist through the entire story. Ending doesn’t help either, it’s rather open ended what actually happened there. But unlike similar stories that fail to give any sort of closure, here we can tell what could happen based on visual clues throughout the game.

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

The Citadel on Steam

Project Warlock

Project Warlock

Love letter to the oldschool

Project Warlock is an arcade shooter developed by Buckshot Software as a nostalgia-driven tribute to times when a story in FPS games rolled as a panel at the end of the chapter. While John Carmack’s infamous quote “story in a game, is like a story in a porn movie” has been challenged countless times since the 90s, it does capture the essence of the shooters from that time. Meticulous, maze-like levels, armoury’s worth of guns and secrets behind a fake wall – gameplay was everything. A simple credo Project Warlock at large adheres to, while also adding few ideas of its own. By all means, it is a modern retelling of the classics, rather than an attempt at copying one, and it shows.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Okay, I would love nothing more than to give this game a positive review, because with such a cheap asking price and so many good qualities, I can understand why it has decent reviews. But difficulty aside, this game is riddled with glitches. Which is sad, because so much holds back what otherwise would be a solid game.

So, lets start with the good aspects:

The music, atmosphere, level themes, and graphics are amazing.

The price is insanely cheap.

You can tell a lot of love went into making this game.

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

Project Warlock on Steam



Inspired by Quake, Hexen, Doom, Unreal and many other classics of the genre, ASKE brings back the fast-paced action and the feelings that you had back in the ’90s while shooting and slashing pixelated enemies in a wide collection of scenarios.

Far away, near death

Explore the unique locations of Aske, a hostile planet inhabited by a variety of bloody creatures such as the cleaver-armed Skeanners, the parasite-infected Headnails, the erratic Meatballs, among other living beings and environmental threats.

They shall pay with blood

A whole weapon loadout is at your disposal to make sure every corner is covered with the remains of your foes, turn the corpses of your enemies into gib pieces and delight yourself with a bloodbath while wielding melee weapons, firearms and even exotic tech weapons like the plasma gun.

The last echo from humanity

Get wrapped up in the industrial atmosphere of Romain Rope’s abstract compositions and feel the oppressing ambience of a long forgotten planet.

Trve retro experience

Enhance the nostalgia with retro mode, a carefully crafted optional setting that emulates the graphic limitations of game engines from the past era.

ASKE on Steam

God Damn The Garden

God Damn The Garden

GOD DAMN THE GARDEN challenges you to face the trial of Skeleton Bastard, which tests whether or not you’re worthy of becoming the next king of Badass Heaven.

In a vast underworld, find a way to escape from the mysterious depths of God Damns World by fighting your way past aggressive creatures.

Obtain ammunition from plants to grow yourself stronger, and find the ultimate weapon to help you ascend from the depths.


  • Fast-paced shooting action against cursed looking animals

  • Badass boss fights with cool original soundtrack

  • Really dumb dialogue

  • Explore the mysterious depths of God Damns World

  • Capybaras

  • Cool gore

God Damn The Garden on Steam