This Strange Realm Of Mine

This Strange Realm Of Mine

This Strange Realm of Mine:

Ever wonder what would happen after your last intake of oxygen? Well, it is obvious - you’ll die! Your body will either rot six feet under or will be badly overcooked. But what about your spirit? Will it float in the atmosphere, in space, or be sucked somewhere hot and fiery? Wherever you end up, it’ll be a place where you can reflect on your life. This is the Strange Realm of Mine.

This Strange Realm of Mine is a combination of First Person Shooter, Puzzles and Horror, with a touch of poetry.

*– [Real player with 6.1 hrs in game](*




Read More: Best FPS Story Rich Games.

--- This Strange Realm Of Mine is a strange game indeed. Fundamentally, it is a game about philosophy and the nature of existence, and a sizable portion of the game is spent explaining its philosophical perspective to the player. The game touches upon some other themes, however, such as mental health, freedom of choice, and friendship. The game presents some interesting perspectives and questions that are worth considering, although its matter-of-fact philosophical statements about life and the universe can sometimes come across as preachy and a little pretentious, especially when the dialogue options give you no choice but to agree with them. Not all the text suffers from this problem, however. There are some likable characters and interesting poetry throughout the game, and the aspects of the game that are not (over) explained give the experience a nice dreamlike feel. *– [Real player with 4.3 hrs in game](* --- ![Agoraphobia "Knock Knock"]( "") ## Agoraphobia "Knock Knock" At first, this game had me struggling but its so rewarding when you make it out of a room or onto the next chapter! I created a walk through for this game so if you are struggling with a chapter, check it out! []( Overall, I give this game a 9/10!! Fantastic game, great art, great scenes, scary and tough to beat (in my opinion)…I highly recommend it! *– [Real player with 7.3 hrs in game](* ---

Read More: Best FPS Gore Games.

--- I really enjoyed this game. At first I thoughht that it was broken or had bad bugs but it just turns out that I wasn't completing all the task that I needed to go to the next chapter. Controls: (10/10) Very Simple Graphics: (7/10) I really liked to 80's look on some of the chapters an d the rest of the graphics were pretty good but the characters and the monster could have used a little more work. Gameplay:(7/10) Walking simulator, Puzzles minimal hints and CRAZY jump scares…my butt clinched tight enough to pick up my gaming chair and a farted a few times but Shhhh that's between us ;) *– [Real player with 4.0 hrs in game](* --- ![best game eu]( "") ## best game eu Call of Duty’s return to World War II is surprisingly a fast-paced rendition on the classic setting. It provides for a good campaign, a great new mode in multiplayer among other good changes, and a creepier, dense version of Nazi Zombies. However, each core part of Call of Duty: WW2 is marred by inconsistencies and minor flaws that hold it back from being a landmark in the series. Still, it’s a solid Call of Duty game and I’ve enjoyed the many hours I’ve already poured into it. Campaign While my personal custom is to skip a Call of Duty campaign and jump straight into the multiplayer, this year I was happy to start Call of Duty: WW2 with this very personal-feeling but typical war story. The campaign, which follows Private “Red” Daniels through pivotal moments like D-Day (of course) and the liberation of Paris, is a good primer for what’s to come. It shows how well Call of Duty’s combat adjusts back into a historical setting for the first time since 2008’s World at War, and, more importantly, tells a good story with some fun action movie-style spectacle. *– [Real player with 4.2 hrs in game](* ---

Read More: Best FPS Casual Games.

--- a zaqt43g wkm#og br nAHTJO[EOrwkp"mgrlwNHK:TEJO{RBKP : /wkm#og br *– [Real player with 1.7 hrs in game](* --- ![Cruelty Squad]( "") ## Cruelty Squad Cruelty Squad is a game that assaults all of your senses until you gain the skill and knowledge needed to assault the game back. Once you have ground the game into the dirt for what it did to you and there is nothing left to accomplish, it asks you if you are proud of yourself. The words make you feel like you winced, but outwardly you have shown no reaction. You continue to punish the game. You just keep playing. You have enough money but you keep harvesting organs. You have beaten every level over and over again but you keep replaying them. You've gotten S ranks in each level but you just keep going for shorter times. *– [Real player with 114.3 hrs in game](* The art style is like being born again. Merely the appearance of everything is so unfamiliar, yet the form has a purpose. What is at first is an assault on the senses becomes this journey to have a precision beyond that of machine, to retire at 30, to be a home owner. But now that you've reached your destination, there's a distinct emptiness. What more is there left to do? You're a high net worth individual now, and you can't truly take that journey for the first time again. If you throw away everything, you'll just navigate effortlessly back to where you were. Simply put, there's no more destination to venture to, there's no journey to be had, you're at the end of what this planet has to offer and what a society of miserable chunks of meat has to offer. What do you do at the end? Desperately try to relive any past experiences, no matter how boring they've become? Or maybe keep doing the same routine every day in hopes that something new will cross your path? What purpose does man serve when they've done everything? *– [Real player with 41.1 hrs in game](* --- ![Domination]( "") ## Domination This is going to be an updated review after the initial release of the game. The initial release, was a bit of a disaster. It had some game breaking bugs, some downright hilarious bugs including the ability to walk through locked doors, and an ending that came out of nowhere. Having spoken to the developer and having had the game updated, it's now a lot better. It's still fairly buggy; there's a lot of issues that make it a little frustrating. When you take damage, the screen takes on a permanent red blood spatter filter that makes it tough to see anything. It's extremely difficult to tell how close you are to death. And any weapon that isn't the shotgun is extremely awkward to use. *– [Real player with 2.0 hrs in game](* Wow, what a disappointment, from the constant annoying shaking to the jumping through walls and then the abrupt ending in a game that can easily be finished in 20 mins. this is an unfinished demo at best. let's get real here guys. you're only hurting the project by releasing this at that price when like i said "it's an unfinished demo at best" the game ends at the first Boss fight. This could have been an Ok indi game, so what's really going on here ? *– [Real player with 0.6 hrs in game](* --- ![GET EVEN]( "") ## GET EVEN Disclosure: I maintain the Walking Simulator group. I played about 75% of them, and I consider myself a bit of an expert in the genre since I fell in love with "Dear Esther" 13 years ago. With 35+ h of gameplay behind me, this is probably the most in-depth review you'll read. **Summary:** With almost 20 hours of exploration (i played 35, going through multiple'branches'), multiple ending and endless twists and turns, decision trees that impact the storyline while staying 'true' to the walking simulator genre, well, "Get Even" colored me bloody impressed! It even allows for perfectly good action/gunplay! I must admit this title totally took me by surprise. *– [Real player with 35.8 hrs in game](* After playing a fair amount, I managed to complete the game and gather most of the collectibles in the game (a few are hidden so well apparently, I failed to find them even after replaying them multiple times). As for myself, I have waited quite some time for a game with this kind of theme. This review stays as spoiler free as possible, telling only things that are either given by trailers already, or necessary to get an overall grip over the story line. ### Overview Get Even is a First Person Shooter with simple stealth mechanics. There is a strong focus on a mysterious, thrilling story line which develops into a more and more emotional trip as you progress further into the game. Although the game states being "psychological horror" and a few situations clearly gave me a little jump, you don't need to prepare yourself for a scary game. *– [Real player with 23.6 hrs in game](* --- ![Gulman 5]( "") ## Gulman 5 uh good russia game yeah *– [Real player with 378.8 hrs in game](* ### Gulman 5 Join gulman in his gulventure in this revolutionary shooter. Gulman must save the artifacts of the world as he kills terrorists and solves mind boggling puzzles. (example of hard puzzle: ) The Artificial Intelligience is immensly smart, able to put up a fight against any player while their amazing voice acting will make you think its a real combat scenario. The intense fights should remind you of classic shooters such as Masked forces, Arma and Doom. The amazing graphics look like photos rather than a simple "video game" like the competitors. *– [Real player with 4.8 hrs in game](* --- ![From The Grave]( "") ## From The Grave a simple zombie "wave-survival" game made in Unity. it's simple nature makes it enjoyable, but it stagnates pretty quickly. the zombies ramp up in numbers, but not actual difficulty; and getting hit by them is actually pretty difficult. the audio processing and zombie models give me heavy old-arcade style zombie game vibes. like, house of the dead type the graphics and lighting look great tho, except for the zombie models *– [Real player with 6.6 hrs in game](* this is such a fun free call of duty zombies ripoff not trying to say this is like most ripoffs beacuase it isn't most call of duty ripoffs suck this one is great tho *– [Real player with 2.6 hrs in game](* --- ![Gulman 4: Still alive]( "") ## Gulman 4: Still alive Imagine if the cool edgy main character who was kicking ass, like B.J Blazkowicz, Serious Sam Stone, DOOMGUY, Master Chief, or Duke Nukem was hit by some wizard out of nowhere and transformed into a horrible gay looking russian guy called Gulman who crashes on a jungle for no shit reason and whose mission was to get some stupid ass magic orbs which surprisingly you are in the right area to find them and to defeat some edgy antagonist throughout the whole game. Why do I own this game, well here is the story how it all started…... *– [Real player with 128.1 hrs in game](* Gulman 5 is 100x times better than this, this feels waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long. Most of the levels look the same and it's just like you're spending countless hours in a very low quality and no budget russian eurojank purgatory, with the same background ambience sounds from beginning to end with no music. It was NOT cool to not tell the player that he needs to shoot the glowy pillars to stop the big demon boss from regaining all his health (I spent ages killing him over and over until I realised those pillars even existed) and it was NOT cool to have a lava maze with eight statue slots but you actually just need seven statues to continue and you have to leave a certain spot free (I spent ages searching for the non existant 8th statue) *– [Real player with 11.2 hrs in game](* --- ![Alpha Zylon]( "") ## Alpha Zylon 5min of gameplay (i have a full commentary free run of all 3 levels on my channel) the level select screen was black for me but i saw a vid of it so i knew where to click. if you get this L1 is on the top part, L2 is in the middle, & L3 is on the lower part. ~ABOUT THIS GAME~ Game type-3d sidescroller/FPS * 3 levels with 2 boards each (6 in all) * The 2nd parts are fps but only the 3rd level give you an area you can move around in. ~MY OPINION~ This game isn't something you would call good in any way but it does have more than a few lol moments. The game isn't all that long ether but level 2 can be difficult and i have to admit part 2 of the 3rd board was the most enjoyable part of the game. *– [Real player with 3.7 hrs in game](* This was hilariously bizarre in the best possible way. This game is the exact opposite of what Spec Ops: The Line was trying to do, and the results are just fantastic. Here are a few sample activities you will experience while playing Alpha Zylon: - being chased by a Hummer only for it to blow up after you run for so long - attacking hostages to free them from captivity - witness the death of your commanding officer, only to see him perfectly fine 2 episodes later - blow up a bridge in a desolate Brazilian village for no reason *– [Real player with 2.2 hrs in game](* ---