Out of Reach: Treasure Royale

Out of Reach: Treasure Royale

7.8 hours of gameplay, here’s my take:

Mechanically speaking for a BR, it works. There is minor input lag that has nothing to do with VSynch as I don’t use it, but it’s not game breaking. The combat needs a bit more polish as it can be a little rough. It definitely needs more human players, but the community is organizing lobbies so there is opportunity. The ship combat is pretty fun too.

The fact this isn’t a pure BR in the sense that you aren’t just killing makes it fun, and the ship combat gives it an extra dimension so it could appeal to people. The bots are extremely aggressive, I liken them to raider scavs in Escape from Tarkov for difficulty. The fact there are Ring of Elysium style bots helps you at least have games, and the low lobby time means you get into the game fairly quick.

Real player with 246.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Battle Royale Games.

Joining the official Discord helps a great deal.

To those that think this game is too difficult; at the time of this writing, I am on 59 victories out of 124 rounds played.

This is a Battle Royal with a Treasure chase, you can speed up the game by being the first to get all the treasures and get to the central altar.


  • Inventory weight can be a bit tricky if you don’t manage to find satchels.

  • Each game is rather quick, you either get all three treasures, loot for perfect gear or have some ship battles before doing the final fight.

Real player with 138.6 hrs in game

Out of Reach: Treasure Royale on Steam

Blazing Sails

Blazing Sails

Early acces? It’s already insanely playable, nothing seems to be really missing and no huge bugs.

It’s a 4man team battle royale, it seems to take a lot of inspiration if not downright most of it’s stuff from sea of thieves.

The rounds are 5 - 20 minutes, divided in mostly 2 parts:

Looting and fighting.

during the looting fase you might run into other people on land, so combat ensues.

When sailing to the next island you might run into another ship, ship to ship combat ensues.

The safe area, as with every BR gets smaller and smaller, forcing ships closer and closer, these fights can turn very hectic very quickly.

Real player with 256.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Early Access Games.


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☒ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it



☐ Very good

☒ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☒ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf


☐ Kids

☒ Teens

☒ Adults

☐ All

—{PC Requirements}—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☒ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


☐ Just press ‘W’

Real player with 119.5 hrs in game

Blazing Sails on Steam

What Lives Below

What Lives Below

Hunt massive sea monsters armed with just a harpoon and a simple fishing boat.

Play as a lone fisherman, who takes on the gods of the sea.

In this fast-paced intense boss-rush game, there are various huge creatures to take on. From an electric leviathan to an volcanic octopus, the odds are not in your favor.

Currently, the Game Features

  • 4 Leviathans to Be Hunted

  • Procedurally Animated Bosses

  • An infinite procedural ocean world to fight the monsters in

  • Interactive ocean simulation and boat physics

  • Harpoon throwing with bullet time

This game is still early in development. The full release will have more bosses and the game is subject to change across development.

Read More: Best FPS Lovecraftian Games.

What Lives Below on Steam




  • frequent updates, always something new (weapons, ships, gamemodes, maps, CANNONS… and AMMO FOR CANNONS)

  • fun gameplay

  • naval combat is well done

  • pvp combat is good, melee is smart, guns will often kill you instantly

  • attack/deffend fortresses (if you capture the enemy fortress you win, when you are defending and you know where all the guns are you may survive)

  • loadout selection, a lot of muskets (4), pistols (5), melee (6), special (4)

  • chat, voice chat (team, faction, global, proximity variants)

Real player with 387.3 hrs in game

“I will be damned if I go with another early access game, I will rather eat paper from this notebook”

Ok, now I am chewing on a paper but I’m still satisfied by this game! Yay!

Blackwake is interesting multiplayer naval FPS that lend you feeling of member of Navy or life of a pirate (arrr matey, sorry, i had to). The game basically provide ship and sea and you and your crew (that are players or you are part of the crew under captain) try to get opposition team down the tickets or run out of suplies.

Real player with 211.2 hrs in game

Blackwake on Steam

Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

The Good

Carrier Command Gaea Mission is a mix of RTS and first/3rd person action, which is a great combination that not many games have achieved, and something I would like to see more in games of both genres. The gameplay itself is very deep and rewarding, The 3D model of the carrier and its subsystems make sense - it is also not a micromanagement nightmare. There are a lot of optional weapons and tech systems for you to use to outfit your Mantas and your Walruses (the two vehicles you use to conquer islands).

Real player with 156.4 hrs in game

I gave this game a chance but it’s hard to pass over the low quality of its gaming experience.


  • GRAPHICS; for being a 2012 title the graphics are smooth and polished with nice water and light effects.

  • CONCEPT; if well developed, the idea of a reload of the 1988 game would have been a winning one. Conquering an archipelago of island relying on a carrier sending remotely controlled units is nice.

Even the limit of two types of units (air and land) is not perceived as a real limit thanks to the wide customizing options for weapons, armors and special abilities of each of the 8 units available.

Real player with 75.2 hrs in game

Carrier Command: Gaea Mission on Steam



This not complicated game does demand a steady hand with the mouse.

Precision, timing, and anticipation are fundamental here.

Wish it would be Gamepad/Controller compatible (Logitech F310/ X Box style).

Please let us mute or simply turn off the “nursery bedtime music”, before the air horns alarm triggers on.

Time of day options should also be considered someday.

This would permit lower brightness levels, thus less glare and saturation in Flyman view.

All this sitting “comfortably” on the missile.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Actually Very Addicting & Fun.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

FlyManMissile on Steam



This game is an absolute masterpiece. The graphics are so good I had an eyegasm just watching the trailer. This game play is like sex for your fingers. I cannot stress how amazing this game is, this game is easily game of the year without a second thought. The stowaway is one of the most innovative and original idea’s ever conceived by humans. I bought this game and it was so amazing that I had to buy it for my entire friends list as well. If you haven’t bought this game, make up for your sins buy purchasing it twice! Theres also lots of homie sex, dw we had socks on.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

So, let me start off this review by saying that this game is the literal work of Christ, it is an S tier game. Ever since 2020 has started, everything has been going downhill, nothing good was happening in the world. However, this all changed when this God-given game, Stowaway, came out. This game is very goofy and is really fun, so Ima try to get some goons to play this game together. When I first saw this game and my buddy showed it to me, I laughed at this game and didn’t think much of it. After playing the game for a bit, though, I realized that is game is so much more fun than I could ever have expected.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Stowaway on Steam

Holdfast: Nations At War

Holdfast: Nations At War


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Real player with 809.3 hrs in game

Absolutely fantastic game. Nothing beats the feeling of charging into battle with your brothers in arms while blasting jazz through the mic. 10/10.

Real player with 117.6 hrs in game

Holdfast: Nations At War on Steam

Azur Lane Crosswave

Azur Lane Crosswave

Finally I finished this game with 100% achievement, I reviewed this game based on what I experienced and felt, I don’t want any debate like “I don’t feel the way you feel when I play this game” one more thing, I’m not an expert in a review and therefore I know that my writing is far from perfect. So I started with gameplay.


Ahhh the gameplay, somehow I like or not but heres the thing, here you play 5 types of ships namely CL, CA, DD, CV, and BB with a total of 29 playable characters and 35 support characters. The basic battle is quite simple, you choose the character you want to play along with an additional 2 playable characters that you can switch during battle and 3 support characters, shoot enemy ships with predetermined skills and avoid attacks, oh yes on side note you don’t use ships the same as your enemy, I can’t say much about this. All types can do dashes except BB, your dash will be given a shield instead and also the speed of this BB run is very slow compared to others (yes I know this makes sense). Honestly I like the dash in this game but I expect the character to be able to jump too. There is an oddity that I found on DD / CA / CL gun, where you can shoot enemy aircraft with this gun even though you have AA as your gear, quite strange right? To shoot the aircraft, the distance is very far and you have to wait until the aircraft approaches even more so in a condition you have to shoot as many as 20 aircraft but the spawn is only 16 and this is enough to make me very angry, then there are other things like battles that have arena stage the small one with an invisible wall (uhh I’m quite annoyed with this, yeah I know it’s made like in the mobile game).

Real player with 5331.6 hrs in game

When you open Azur Lane for the first time on your phone, you are surprised with a loud AZUR LANE!

You wonder to yourself what is this game, and eventually you get addicted to it and have been sticking with the game for nearly two years by the time of this review.

That’s me, and this is just a review with their VN based 3D game Azur Lane: Crosswave!

Before I start, this game is much more enjoyable if you play the base game on your mobile device, I recommend to start there first before thinking about paying for this VN based game.

Real player with 60.1 hrs in game

Azur Lane Crosswave on Steam