Building 847

Building 847

A short but thoroughly enjoyable indie storytelling experience!

I wasn’t sure I’d get through it in one sitting, but I found the ambiance very compelling and surprisingly tasteful in all its lighting and sound effects, so I couldn’t stop until the end. Overall, the writing does a great job at introducing what ended up being a rather intriguing story, so it was easy to follow along even without any voice acting.

Very promising. Looking forward for future titles from these devs!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Atmospheric Games.

The ambience of this game is through the roof!

Sound quality is good, it really sells you the mystery and the thriller inducing chills imo.

Now i will be describing some of the good and some of the problems and i don’t want to spoil things so play the game 1st then read the next part.

! Some pros:

! * I already told this but the ambience this game delivers is really good from the sound quality and overall gloomy and dark atmosphere really gives this game a boost.* I love detective/mystery games and if there’s a slight thriller/horror vibe to it i love it even more (e.g of games i love detective wise (sam and max, monkey island, the sinking city, wolf among us, the long reach, the last door series, disco elisium etc)).

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Building 847 on Steam



very unique indie game, worth the money

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Action-Adventure Games.

A game like nothing before

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Godslayer|one on Steam

FBI Agent Simulator

FBI Agent Simulator


Enter the city of sin and corruption and find your way around it. Stroll down the grey streets, trying not to get lost in this this sad, concrete town, and be prepared to be called into the field office. Murders, thefts, kidnapping, drug businesses, mafia and organized crime – all of these cases are your daily bread, but it’s high time they were no more.

Are you ready to face the ugly truth and deal with the consequences?


What kind of agent do you want to be? In this game you will be able to choose your approach and follow your instincts. Should you put the arm on the suspect or pretend to befriend him? Or maybe let him loose, only to follow him and make an ambush? It’s up to you, but remember – time is of the essence and the lives of the people hang entirely on your success… or failure.

So, are you going to be a good cop, or a bad cop after all?


As soon as you receive the call – pack all the high-tech stuff and examine the crime scene. Who could do it better than an FBI agent, right? Especially since you are well-prepared and own a bag full of specialized tools that will allow you to look for the finger prints, test the blood samples, hack into the devices or instantly look through the police records. Gather all the evidence from the crime scene and take them to the lab!


After running through the evidence, you have to try to find a pattern. Maybe it’s about the look of the victims? Or the location of the crime scenes? Or the suspect’s background? The reason behind the murder is different each time and solving the puzzle requires both analytical thinking and perceptivity. Use the old-school, cork board mind map and look for the similarities. The more evidence you have, the easier the task will be!


If you have enough data, it’s time to narrow down the list of the suspects and set up some interviews. Prepare yourself and don’t lose your nerve. The culprit may want to put you off your stroke! Decide on the right approach and choose the dialogue options that will allow you to find out more about the crime and define whether the person sitting across the table is guilty or not. You may use the polygraph to help you out!


Having found the culprit? Great! All you have to do now is to arrest them and put them behind bars. Let’s just hope that you have done everything right! It would be such a shame to frame someone… However, even if you manage to choose the right person, you cannot rest on your laurels. As soon as one criminal lands in jail, the other one just starts doing atrocious things. The job of the FBI agent is never done… So you’d better brace yourself and brew some coffee!


Try to prevent the crimes from happening by using the information provided by the counterintelligence and infiltrators, but be prepared for the worse. And when it happens - solve the puzzle and find the criminal by connecting all the dots. Interview, accuse and put them in jail to make sure, that they never hurt anyone again.

Read More: Best FPS Heist Games.

FBI Agent Simulator on Steam

Your Fear

Your Fear


Dear Reader,

I welcome you happily to Your Fear’s official Steam page!

What is this game is about?

Your Fear invites the player deep into a haunting story of hidden mystery and bitter despair.

The game consists of 19 levels, each level is uniquely designed with its own puzzles and hazards to overcome and to test the nerves of even the most jaded player.

One wrong move taken in haste is all takes for you too to get torn to pieces!

Why should I play this?

This game offers you..

  • ..a powerful story.

  • ..exciting puzzles.

  • ..last but not least a great atmosphere provided by:

    • Great but still playable on many machines graphics.

    • Great soundtrack and cool sound effects!

    • Challenging bossfights!

…are you ready to face Your Fear? :)

Thank you for reading my description of this game and I wish you to have a great experience!


Your Fear on Steam

New England Detective: Breakfast in Boston

New England Detective: Breakfast in Boston

This is a nice experience. The story, characters, dialogue, it’s all very smart, more than you could expect at first glance, I really encourage everyone to give this a try. No details are overlooked, when new developments happen in the story they take the time to address them and ponder their significance, A smart game.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

If you don’t pay too much and don’t expect too much it is a close decision. This is a 5 out of 10 so a tie goes to the runner like in baseball. Too many stereotypes and too little plot. The author does create interest at some points but then it sort of is wasted. One reviewer online trashed it for being unrealistic as he knew something about real police work. I also know something about “real” police work and the thing that struck me as wrong was that the police did not treat him as an enemy. I have hired a number of private investigators and the only ones that the police tolerated were retired police (from that department) that took up private investigation work. But this is not a documentary and we should allow some artistic license to the author. There is no romance or love in this just a tiny bit of sex. This is not a real mystery just a read along and see what happens. You get to make a FEW choices like whether or not to eat peanuts at the bar. Seriously!

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

New England Detective: Breakfast in Boston on Steam



Yes! Another solid example of what I love about indie horror! So Harthorn is a solid game about a security guard that’s sent to investigate a break in at the high school. What was a run of the mill break in turned out to be a disturbance in the force. This game has you solving some super simple puzzles as well as some mild stealth sections. Neither are too aggressive to be frustrating and not simple enough to be pointless. Overall, this game is a solid spoop with a decent enough story.


  • Graphically, the lighting looks great! Textures are pretty solid minus some trees, but I think I might be the only person who gets nit picky about it. I like my textures okay? The darkness is balanced well to the point where your vision is kind of obscured by the darkness, but not like some horror games where you can only see as far as your nose.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Wow! This game is a lot of fun.

The AI is glitchy(I’ll talk about that in a second) and it’s a little short as it can be completed in just over an hour, but overall a very enjoyable experience.

I loved the idea of being a security guard in a creepy old high school during holiday break. The atmosphere was very unsettling but welcoming at the same time. The story was fleshed out well enough, I kinda feel like there could have been some more meat to it though. Maybe more diaries/articles? Or maybe more urban legends shared by the nice lady in your ear? While eerie, I felt like it could be more unsettling.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Harthorn on Steam



If there ever was a game to excite the heart and give you constant twists and turns this is it. I have studied this game for over 20 minutes and have mastered the horrors of Accident House. I really can’t state the euphoric high that comes with mastering this game I look forward to speedrunning it at AGDQ in the future. I achieved 100% achievements and let me you tell you this gem is worth every penny.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

As to be expected with an early access game, its a bit broken. Hallways and rooms are too small to dodge monsters. Turning off your flashlight to hide is only useful up to the second key, after that you they can and will find you. Health doesn’t regenerate so you have to rely on checkpoints because unless you are lucky, you will eventually get hit one too many times. One positive thing I can say is the first jump scare did in fact genuinely scare me, which is very hard to do. The dark atmosphere and gliding/slow motions had me distracted JUST enough. It has potential, but needs some tender love and care to be something more. At its current state, its just more frustrating than scary.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

AccidentHouse on Steam

The Caregiver | 終焉介護

The Caregiver | 終焉介護

As a fan of Chillas games, this is possibly the first negative review I’ve given of his/hers games.


  • Bigger maps than usual (or so it feels).

  • Superb atmosphere as usual.

  • Sprint ability!

  • Collectibles.

  • Good story.

  • Good sound design.


  • Objectives are a bit unclear. Like, after cleaning up urine one would assume next step is to put the cloth used in the washing machine, but I guess in Asian countries you just throw things in a plastic bag and keep it around your house…?

  • AI enemy very fast finding and attacking you when needing to perform actions. You need to run around and close doors behind you all over the house for at least half of the clocks in order to try and make it in time before being killed.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #81 [/url] -- [i]New review every Sunday[/i]

The Caregiver (TCG) is the most recent j-horror experience to come out from Chilla’s Art (CA)- who doesn’t even need an introduction at this point! It’s no secret, I’m a huge fan of theirs; I actually want to review all of their games but it’s easier said than done because you must have nerves of steel and not prone to mini-heart attacks. If you love Japanese horror movies, and want to be a glorified “extra” then play any one!! My first ever was when I worked in The Convenience Store (TCS) , but that’s because I was shopping for more than I bargained for.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

The Caregiver | 終焉介護 on Steam

The Hell Hives

The Hell Hives

Highly recommend ! Yes, its buggy in some areas and the third level is a little laggy sometimes, that doesnt set me off from not loving the game, for 5 bucks, it’s a pretty cool concept game with a unique art style and the research lab is my favorite level ! Just love those graphics, amazing, you dont see ridiculous stuff like that very often, and this game is awesome for 5 dollars ! Hopefully, Adam will add more levels and stabilize the game in the future. That new survival mode he’s talking about sounds awesome ! Should make a research lab map/level survival mode with co op or online co op play, would be awesome !!!

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Great game - a lot of game - well worth £3.99! Developer seems pretty proactive re. bugs/fixes and listening to feedback.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

The Hell Hives on Steam

Escape From Violet Institute

Escape From Violet Institute

I really, really want to like this game. The 2d portion shows a lot of potential, and the shift from perspective inside the game proper is well done and keeps you interested in whats going on.

The game suffers from overly confusing sections during the 3d portion, I in particular had to speak with the dev twice due to getting stuck behind a plant and the game needing to have its collision changed, and another when a scripted event did not properly trigger to kill my character.

Please dev, if you are reading this if you could post a text or video walkthrough or hint guide or some such it would make it much easier, and less likely for someone to get frustrated and quit because they couldnt figure out what to do.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

Brilliant game! Very engaging with a tense atmosphere.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Escape From Violet Institute on Steam