FBI Agent Simulator

FBI Agent Simulator


Enter the city of sin and corruption and find your way around it. Stroll down the grey streets, trying not to get lost in this this sad, concrete town, and be prepared to be called into the field office. Murders, thefts, kidnapping, drug businesses, mafia and organized crime – all of these cases are your daily bread, but it’s high time they were no more.

Are you ready to face the ugly truth and deal with the consequences?


What kind of agent do you want to be? In this game you will be able to choose your approach and follow your instincts. Should you put the arm on the suspect or pretend to befriend him? Or maybe let him loose, only to follow him and make an ambush? It’s up to you, but remember – time is of the essence and the lives of the people hang entirely on your success… or failure.

So, are you going to be a good cop, or a bad cop after all?


As soon as you receive the call – pack all the high-tech stuff and examine the crime scene. Who could do it better than an FBI agent, right? Especially since you are well-prepared and own a bag full of specialized tools that will allow you to look for the finger prints, test the blood samples, hack into the devices or instantly look through the police records. Gather all the evidence from the crime scene and take them to the lab!


After running through the evidence, you have to try to find a pattern. Maybe it’s about the look of the victims? Or the location of the crime scenes? Or the suspect’s background? The reason behind the murder is different each time and solving the puzzle requires both analytical thinking and perceptivity. Use the old-school, cork board mind map and look for the similarities. The more evidence you have, the easier the task will be!


If you have enough data, it’s time to narrow down the list of the suspects and set up some interviews. Prepare yourself and don’t lose your nerve. The culprit may want to put you off your stroke! Decide on the right approach and choose the dialogue options that will allow you to find out more about the crime and define whether the person sitting across the table is guilty or not. You may use the polygraph to help you out!


Having found the culprit? Great! All you have to do now is to arrest them and put them behind bars. Let’s just hope that you have done everything right! It would be such a shame to frame someone… However, even if you manage to choose the right person, you cannot rest on your laurels. As soon as one criminal lands in jail, the other one just starts doing atrocious things. The job of the FBI agent is never done… So you’d better brace yourself and brew some coffee!


Try to prevent the crimes from happening by using the information provided by the counterintelligence and infiltrators, but be prepared for the worse. And when it happens - solve the puzzle and find the criminal by connecting all the dots. Interview, accuse and put them in jail to make sure, that they never hurt anyone again.

Read More: Best FPS Immersive Sim Games.

FBI Agent Simulator on Steam

PAYDAY™ The Heist

PAYDAY™ The Heist

I have Payday the Heist and Payday 2 and after almost 5500+ gameplay hours still loving the simplicity of Payday the Heist. If i have to compare part 2 with part 1 then Payday 2 is more a CARRYBAG SIMULATOR wich is litterly a cashcow with everymonth new DLC. Overkill is so ORIGINAL that they even copied the Wolf Pack DLC from Payday the Heist to Payday 2.

What i also dislike from Payday 2 is that you have to choose what armor and what gun you gonna use depending on your playstyle (Loud or Stealth). And giving point to Skilltrees to your character. In Payday the Heist beside a silenced handgun doesn’t it matter what armor you take or gun compared to danger meter. There is no Stealth or Loud meter in Payday the Heist. That is the main reason why i like the simplicity from part 1. Not much weapons, but good and challenging enough.

Real player with 6386.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Co-op Games.

Started to play this game without too much expectations when the game was free for a day, since it has only a limited number of maps. I certainly didn’t expect that this game would be fun even after 1k or even 2k hours. Admittedly this game has lots of flaws, but in part that’s what makes it such a great game. The random elements in the game, spawns, enemy pathing and to a lesser extend the objectives, make the game unpredictable and failure is always around the corner. Unlike some Co-op PvE games out there, you actually have to play tactical and watch your HP (using “shoot and cover”) to complete the heists on the higher difficulties (and for beginners even on the lower ones). Failing to do so will get you punished (although you can get away with it to some extend when playing with a VERY good team) and in all likeliness gets your character killed.

Real player with 5340.9 hrs in game

PAYDAY™ The Heist on Steam

Rear of Business

Rear of Business

Far too early access, there’s nothing to do other than walk or run around lol

currently bad fps, can walk through props/objects. can also walk through walls/windows in many buildings.

not sure why you have weapons there’s nothing to shoot. i started with some grenades but not really sure why lol.

I’d be interested to see if the devs actually do anything with this game or if it’s just a failed project.

Unfortunately i’ll be after a refund..

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Simulation Games.

Rear of Business on Steam



Payday 2 is one of the best games I’ve ever played. If the idea of sneaking through a heist and cleaning the place out without anyone knowing you were there appeals to you, then you will likely enjoy this game. If the idea of mercilessly slaughtering any guard or cop that stands between you and your payday, with anything from a comically large spoon to the unrelenting force of a minigun appeals to you, then you will likely enjoy this game. There are a great selection of heists, with often multiple methods to complete the various objectives. This game isn’t just a co-op game and can be just as fun playing solo. For how cheap this game is, I would definitely recommend trying it.

Real player with 990.1 hrs in game

New players may find the different “profiles” and “skill sets,” two different menus to mix-and-match, to be a tad confusing. Otherwise, it is simply a fun game that can get addictive. Game-play aspects can be simple enough to understand, aim and shoot cops while stealing money, while creating builds, and understanding the less-intuitive mechanics like “dodge,” help to also make the game complex. With the continued support by the developers, and funny vr heisters waving their arms everywhere, this game is worth getting.

Real player with 894.1 hrs in game

PAYDAY 2 on Steam

Open Mod

Open Mod

Open Mod is a free-to-play, tactical first person shooter that, for the time being, revolves around the bank robbery game mode. Being a team of two, we focused our attention on the game mechanics and customizability, having as a main goal providing our players the opportunity to personalize their experience on as many levels as possible.

The gameplay consists of, as expected, a bank robbery, where one team must rob the bank and escape with the money through certain routes, while the military must eliminate them before they do so.

Open Mod on Steam

Agent 64: Spies Never Die

Agent 64: Spies Never Die

A retro FPS inspired by classic 90s console shooters. Explore new locales, accomplish varied objectives and fight against state-of-the-art 1997 enemy AI. A work of love by a dedicated fan.

The Agency is sending you on missions all around the world, in order to save it!

Each story mission is a self contained environment where you have to accomplish varied objectives, such as hacking terminals, steal secret plans, free civilian hostages and much more. All the while fighting armed guards in epic shootouts.

Be Agent number 64, the most elite operative the world has ever seen!

Agent 64: Spies Never Die on Steam

Panther VR

Panther VR


You see the trailers? Well what you see isn’t quite what you get (besides maybe a few things like the stutter before the guard gets hit by the wrench in the second trailer). Alright that might be a little too harsh, but I feel like I ended up unintentionally being lead to believe many things by the trailers, like the AI wouldn’t be as rough and somewhat brainless as it is right now.

I’m not even sure if some of the things shown in the trailer are in the game yet, like the explosive detonator and what looks to be bullet time, but judging by the lack of their presence in the tutorial, I don’t think they are. A screenshot also shows the character holding his hand over a guard’s mouth who looks to still be alive but I don’t think that’s in the game, duel wielding pistols show in a screenshot but I don’t think that’s in the game (unless maybe you can grab weapons off of bodies and if not, that should be a thing), and the GIF in the “about this game” section on the Steam page has a part where they look to be holding a weapon with 2 hands, which I don’t think is possible either (really needs to be added because it makes aiming feel uncomfortable or at least for me personally Edit: It is a thing for the AR, just the area where you grab the ammo extends way past where it should be).

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Honestly this game is very fun. Their road map justifies most of the issues being stated in the reviews. I love a stealth game just as much as anyone else but I want to see this game in it’s final form! This is an early access title and I’m sure the devs are working hard to please as many people with their product.

Pros :

Very easy controls

Fun stealth gameplay

Old Splinter Cell / Metal Gear Vibes


Cons :

Constant music in heist

Buggy and forced options command (have to point and touch your watch in game)

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Panther VR on Steam

Perfect Heist

Perfect Heist

There is nothing perfect about this game. My friends have played this for 5 hours and even with house rules, Its still bad. Here’s why.

The game works like Gmod Guess who but the hiders (robbers) have objectives. Now this might sound interesting but there is no way real way to blend in with the AI.

There is no real way to keep your cover as a robber, unless the cops are idiots. AI dont carry bags. AI dont Sprint or Crouch. AI DONT WALK OUTSIDE THE STAIRS OF THE BANK. Even if you manage to evade the cops and hide as an employee, there are cop class abilities that give you away. If you want to get the amount of money that the game REQUIRES you to steal, you have to go for the vaults. And if you thought it was impossible to evade the cops before, think again. You can either drill into to the vault or blow open the door with a bomb bag. The drill is loud and NOBODY goes back to that room and again, AI don’t carry bags.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game


[ ] Kids

[x] Everyone

[x] Casual players

[ ] Pro players


[ ] Potato

[ ] Really bad

[ ] Bad

[x] Ok

[] Good

[ ] Beautiful

[ ] Masterpiece


[x] Full price

[ ] Wait for sale

[ ] Average

[ ] Refund it if you can

[ ] Don’t do it


[ ] 90' PC

[x] Minimum

[ ] Medium

[ ] Fast

[ ] High end

[ ] NASA computer


[ ] You just need 2 arms

[ ] Ez

[x] Normal

[ ] Easy to learn / Hard to master

[ ] Hard (first few hours)

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Perfect Heist on Steam



Boundary is a multiplayer tactical space-based shooter that puts players in the role of a heavily armed astronaut, called an Astroperator, engaging in fierce team vs team zero gravity firefights and executing low-gravity operations on orbiting space installations against other enemy Astroperators and other entities.

Powered by your EMU suit, you can now navigate the harsh atmosphere of space and orbiting installations in order to engage enemy combatants in a 3-dimensional battlefield where threats come at you from all angles. This is astronaut combat more akin to dogfighting where your angle of attack and position can make all the difference.

Personalize your protective space suit and your arsenal of modified weaponry. Be a keen-eyed sharpshooter executing long range kills from afar or get in close and personal as an Assaulter, taking the fight forward. Modify and upgrade your chosen primary weapon from a wide selection of stocks, grips, scopes, barrels, and ammo types to coordinate with your play style and create a weapon and class appearance unique to you.

Heavily inspired by real life industrial technology and space exploration, Boundary features a varied selection of multiplayer maps including a wreck strewn debris field, Solar Farm and so on. These maps provide Astroperators with a range of diverse and challenging combat environments.

Weapon customization, multiple combat classes to choose from, including combat medics, snipers, support, and utilizing special devices like the grappling hook to help navigate complex map design will make your combat more unpredictable and challenging. Gain the tactical advantage and employ cunning strategies in multiplayer combat to gain the winning edge.

Boundary on Steam

Wild Gun

Wild Gun

this is the best vr cowboy shooting, just need some update,like what to do with the money after you win ,and also some gun upgrades

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

I recommend this, but with a caveat. There’s a lot that needs work here and it is laughable rough at times. From the whole sections where you are walking your horse sideways to the boss fight in the middle that is so unbalanced that you die within seconds no matter what you do (Sunset Tracking).

When this works, it is fun.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Wild Gun on Steam