Geometric Sniper

Geometric Sniper

Find the Object, Hidden Object Sniper game.

Intriguing and Simple Pencil line Artwork.

Repeat and Replay till you memorize the timing of target’s appearance, route and where to shoot to higher score.

Some frustration over rinse, repeat and waiting.


' Accuracy ' on target aiming and breathe taking while taking shots,

headshot and chestshot are blind,

the game insisted shooting the nose and cheek for near maximal score.

Calculation of leaderboard highscores as the top ladders somehow seems to exceed the 12 mission limits of 2K each, yet dozens of the top are above 24k ~ 25 K,

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Hidden Object Games.

I was surprised when I first played Geometric Sniper. I wasn’t expecting a super interesting story but it’s much more than an indie 2D game with a cute art style. I love a good story when I play games and in this one, it even had plot twists and cliffhangers. I loved it! It also goes really deep with themes like depression and philosophical questions.

The gameplay is also TIGHT, it’s addicting and after finishing the campaign I went straight for the other game modes. The need of thinking twice before pulling the trigger it’s the icing on the cake because it really makes you feel like a sniper. You need to be sure that the person on your aim is your target because if it’s not then you will lose points for killing an innocent person. The game is about patience and agility, your targets are never standing still and you need to find them fast before something bad happens.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Geometric Sniper on Steam

Geometric Sniper - Blood in Paris

Geometric Sniper - Blood in Paris

The game isn’t bad but the features are rough. Hiding lasts like 2 seconds - the game fails to tell that you need to time the hiding with the enemy shot.

Also, the game keeps crashing after 20 minutes of gameplay. This is very annoying,

Good idea poor execution.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Sniper Games.

I recommend it because I like the geometric sniper concept from the first game and the game is an improvment on that.

But, message to the devs: your game is crashing a lot. At least on my PC.

I had probably 10 crashes in 5 hours.

That’s not really a deal breaker because this game does not require more than 5 minutes of your time but still … it crashes a lot.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Geometric Sniper - Blood in Paris on Steam



Still a work in progress, but seriously a well thought out game. Would have never have guessed it was made by just one person.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Arena Shooter Games.

A game full of potential, very fun to play with friends!

It’s definitely more productive to settle our dramas in this game instead of fighting IRL

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Soran on Steam



KINGDOM of the DEAD is a pen and ink drawn horror FPS videogame where you play as Agent Chamberlain, professor turned Army General, now working for the secret government program known as GATEKEEPER, whose main purpose is to defeat Death and his armies.


• Close the Gates of Death, exploring 8 remote locations along the US East Coast

• Unique black & white, hand-drawn visuals

• 8 weapons, 22+ enemies and old school bosses

• Replayability like in the ’90s, with different goals at each difficulty level

• Cheat codes and customizable color palette

• Endless mode

Scour a world shrouded in shadows

Send the creepy creatures of the army of Death back to hell

Push on with your adventure, fighting the horrifying huge bosses you’ll meet on your path

KINGDOM of the DEAD on Steam

Hedon Bloodrite

Hedon Bloodrite

Hedon is a fantastically fun game that really seems to understand the things that made its inspirations great. The combat, map design, and general mechanics are excellent and come together in a way that’s rare even in some of the classics, and it avoids nearly all of the pitfalls that often plague FPS games.

In general, I’d say it reminded me most of Hexen or Hexen 2, but with better weapon variety and without having to travel through hub maps back and forth to shuffle items around or find out what a switch did. All the maps in Hedon are self-contained and there are enough signs, notes, and other environmental cues to help you navigate without needing any overt direction from the UI. The automap automatically marks locked doors with the symbol for the key you need to open them, and you can even place your own marks manually for other important locations you want to remember. There were a few points where the game’s pace slowed down a little too much or I was at a loss for where to go next, but never long enough to really bother me or spoil the fun. There’s a decent amount of platforming but it is mostly generous enough that I never felt like it was asking too much of me, and the game refrains from putting nasty ambushes in conjunction with limited mobility.

Real player with 54.8 hrs in game

Hedon is an old school FPS game that tries to emulate the good ol' days of shooters, way before regenerating health and multiplayer only games, with 2D sprites mixed with 3D objects. This game tries to go for a balance between combat, exploration (Sometimes it gets a bit linear), and narrative, and I find that it works out pretty well. There’s a lot of fast paced combat and a variety of weapons to keep the slaughtering fresh.


The gameplay is what you’d expect from a game like this. Lots of action, a wide array of weapons that all feel satisfying to use and some have different fire modes, and on the higher difficulties, waves and waves of enemies eager to tear you a new one. I admit I started playing this game expecting something way more linear and combat focused, like Painkiller or maybe Doom 2016, but I was surprised when I found out that there’s a lot of exploration and reading in this game. Some parts were a bit frustrating since some key items are quite easy to miss, sometimes I would miss an absolutely vital item because I’m blind, and sometimes I would pick it up without realizing, and I would spend a while running around in circles trying to find out what I missed. Some areas are particularily frustrating because of this, like that one point where you are stuck in a pitch black cave and you gotta move around trying to find your way out. The level that made me feel like this the most was the second one, I felt like it was way too big and open, and I still can’t remember the exact way after a few playthroughs, so I often end up skipping it. The later levels in the game start to pick up the pace in my opinion, and they start to get more into linear combat. The weapons all feel amazing to use, and there’s a second game mode called Bearzerk, where all of your guns are gone, but you get a few new melee weapons to make up for this. The game will also spawn dozens and dozens of enemies, and you are stuck trying to run at mach speed dodging projectiles and closing the gap so you can destroy them. It’s pretty fun. The game can be finished in about 4 hours, but I spent way more because I kept getting lost, at least the game gives you a map.

Real player with 43.4 hrs in game

Hedon Bloodrite on Steam



Got this game because I love devil daggers. The soundtrack is awesome and the gameplay has a really unique twist.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Overall, I feel the potential and the charm of this game are buried too deeply beneath absolutely horrible visual clarity and the frustration of, for a lack of better words, total bullshit deaths completely outside of player control.

Shillelagh is held back by issues that are few in number but quite significant in effect. My biggest frustration currently is that it seems everything in the game has collision and can push you around. The trees popping up, the spirits you launch at enemies, the little floating stone fragments that appear when enemies burst through the rock, and probably more. On the handful of runs I’ve tried, an enemy has killed me only once. Every other run I’ve had end did so due to a tree bursting up beneath me unexpectedly and shoving me off the arena with no chance for me to react, or a single, tiny out of place floating stone bumping me into a pit. I don’t feel like I died because I made a mistake - I died because of something stupid I have absolutely no ability to influence and no possible method of reacting to. It feels like shit and it’s rapidly killing my ability to enjoy the game even this early on.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Shillelagh on Steam



Buff is a fast-paced action shooter where you can use the enemies and the environments alike to navigate levels at high speeds, kill enemies, and rack up score multipliers.

The levels can be jumped, skated, and bounced all over… The enemies can be killed, knocked-back, or surfed on… Everything is a tool, and everything can be used to do something awesome.

(Join our Discord server to follow the development of Buff! Click on ‘Visit The Website’ on the right side of the store page to join!)

BUFF on Steam

Us Against Aliens

Us Against Aliens

Игра хороша своим геймплеем, имеется некое напряжение при игре, умные ИИ, хорошая разработка, проще говоря. Советую поиграть, имеется мультиплеер!

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Us Against Aliens on Steam

Choo-Choo Charles

Choo-Choo Charles

Charles is a bloodthirsty train, and you need to destroy him.

These winding tracks are treacherous, so you’ll need to plan each mission. Be careful when clearing your path on foot, or switching the tracks direction, because Charles might be waiting for you.

Upgrade you train to fit your needs.

Go looting or complete missions to find “Scraps”, which can be used to turn your train, into a death machine on wheels.

Get help from the townspeople.

Help out the settlers in return for high powered weapons, and other items vital to Charles' destruction.

Fight Charles to the death.

Prove yourself a worthy train killer, by gaining enough strength, firepower, and skill to take down the mechanical terror once and for all.

In Choo-Choo Charles you’re given the task of eradicating a monster known by the locals as “Charles”. Nobody knows where he came from, but they know why; to eat the flesh of puny humans. You have a small yellow train, with a map, mounted machine gun, and an exquisite collection of bobble-heads on the dashboard. You’ll use this train to get from place to place, while you complete missions for the townspeople, or loot scraps from around the island. Over time you’ll use your scraps to upgrade your train’s speed, armor, and damage. You’ll grow your arsenal, and (hopefully) become an unstoppable force, ready to take on the great and mighty Charles.

Choo-Choo Charles on Steam

Help Yourself

Help Yourself

Help Yourself is a puzzle shooter where you must work together with yourself - be your own best teammate! Every action you perform in a time loop is precisely replicated by a clone of you in the next loop. You have to cleverly plan ahead and cooperate with your clones across multiple timelines.


  • Fresh cloning and time loop mechanics that push the boundaries of what is possible in VR!

  • Unique blend of digital and analogue art styles.

  • Create your own unique levels in the Level Editor and play creative levels from other people!

  • Perfect for VR beginners and experienced users - easy to pick up, but challenging to master.

  • Experience a variety of levels with one surprising twist after another.

  • Comfortable movement.

Help Yourself on Steam