E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

Cybernetic Meme Machine

Ok, this game is a one for the history books. A full fledged Meta-meme game at this point. So I’m starting with :

Troubleshooting: I didn’t had any problems when I played the game under Windows, several years back. Nor, any problems with the compatibility tool Proton 6.3-8, these days. Under Manjaro (it is an Arch distro btw), I didn’t need any additional launch options, either.

Artificial Ingredients: The game has achievements. And a bit annoying one, too. Beside the story, the class and the weapon related one, there are a lot of random achievements. And I’m still grinding these random achievements up to this day. Maybe, that’s why I stop buying games with achievements.

Real player with 109.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Cyberpunk Games.

One of the most esoteric and dense games out there. But one of the most fun due to just how much you can do, and how you can complete the game in any way you want. The community (or the only people that even play this anymore) is pretty based too tbh

Real player with 66.0 hrs in game

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy on Steam

Zero Page

Zero Page

Zero Page is a single-player survival horror puzzle game that dares you to survive the horror of solving puzzles by yourself in space. If that wasn’t horrifying enough, you’re also going to have to solve them on a deserted spaceship using the only piece of equipment that still works: a personal computer from 1981. But with a little bit of BASIC and a lot of high-stakes debugging, you might just live long enough to find out why you’re alone, why you’re in space, why you’re on a dying ship circling an unknown planet, and why that ship wants to kill you.

Back to BASIC

Find out if you’re smart enough to not die in space, armed only with a machine that struggles to count higher than 256 — a highly accurate recreation of a classic 1980s personal computer, complete with floppy discs and a joystick.

A Game About Thinking (The Thinking Man’s Shooting)

Put that laser gun back in your space pants. You’re going to have to program your way out of this problem, by writing code that actually physically changes your environment.

Also a Game About Action (The Action Man’s Thinking)

You won’t just be sitting at an old computer — well, you will, but not fictionally. In addition to programming, you’ll also get your hands dirty resurrecting an ancient spacecraft — patching critical holes, pressing important buttons, and bringing systems back online so they can start keeping you alive again.

Read More: Best FPS Puzzle Games.

Zero Page on Steam

The Creation of a Self

The Creation of a Self

A love letter to 80s and 90s retro computing. A game that intersects poetry, programming, computers, love, death, freedom and living. Create a new self, program its memories, and destroy memory monsters created from those memories.


  • a glitched out computer interface sprinkled with the latest retro inspired visuals

  • 2D/Puzzle/FPS game elements: from a runner, a terminal and desktop with puzzles, to FPS levels where you destroy 9 different memory monsters

  • 100s of poems as memories, ready to program a new self

Read More: Best FPS Platformer Games.

The Creation of a Self on Steam

Deus Ex: Breach™

Deus Ex: Breach™

I wasn’t sure about Breach, but to my surprise it turned out to be an incredibly fun and challenging arcade game which is also free!

The following review contains some tips to beat Breach without any problems.


  1. Fun puzzles with Deus-Ex vibe

  2. No microtransactions necessary, I’ve completed all levels without needing them! Besides, the microtransactions can hardly help you as most of them seem to be purely cosmetic, and all the weapons or ammo you may need (actually, more than you’ll need) can be obtained with in-game credits or as rewards.

Real player with 59.1 hrs in game

Note: Most of my Breach play time was spent using the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided client, thus the meagre play time for this standalone F2P version.

Overview / Pros

Fun little high speed FPS with lots of different ways to beat levels. A wide variety of different types of guns arranged in four distinct tiers (from low to high: C, B, A, and S) that use up to three ammo variants (normal, armor piercing, and EMP), as well as guns that use special stun, lag (slows down enemies), and control ammo. Each weapon can be equipped with up to three weapon abilities which you can swap out at will, making it easy to adjust to each level. If you want 100%, you have to beat each level a different way depending on which of the three level scores (high score, speedrun, or all data collected) you go after.

Real player with 56.6 hrs in game

Deus Ex: Breach™ on Steam

Black Ice

Black Ice

Black Ice definately isn’t a perfect game, but it is a fun one that is constantly getting better - a great example of an early access game done well. The developer listens to the feedback of their players and actively work to implement new features and changes to both fix bugs and add more content to the game and improve what is already there.

Now as for the actual game.

The gameplay is not anything super out of the box strange - the idea being that you have various weapons and abilities you can use to defeat enemies to level up and get more loot. Where it differs from other games of similar style is exactly that - the game’s style. It is themed quite heavily around being inside the internet, being able to walk to different servers and hack them to spawn the waves of enemies.

Real player with 77.2 hrs in game

I’m going to be brief with my review, with the intention of adding on to it later.

I have had this on my watch list for years but finally decided to grab it recently (I currently have 29 hours in it). I was drawn to the idea of a retro-cyberpunk themed action RPG that also manages to not be gory or filled with adult content. It’s a welcome change from what’s popular these days. On top of that it also tests your twitch reflexes… a really rare combination. I must say, I got a WAY better game than I was expecting! Not only is the game fantastic, the developer is extremely dedicated, informative and helpful. I mentioned some bugs on the Discord chat, and within a few days he not only released a patch that fixed ALL of them: he even mentioned me in the Discord chat about the patch, remembering that I’d experienced some of these issues. This is a Class-A dev here folks. This is extremely refreshing compared to the dumping ground of abandoned “Early Access” titles on Steam.

Real player with 60.4 hrs in game

Black Ice on Steam



It doesn’t get any better than this.

Each map is unique in its setting and objective concept (the cyberpunk theme of the game is greatly enhanced by excellent skybox’s and background noise that draws you into the level). They require good team co-ordination in order to win. Especially since aspects of the objectives take place in 2 parallel worlds that affect each other in real time [Meatspace - physical world: similar to most fps with a cyperpunk theme (weapons like laser rifle, tesla rifle, ion cannon), 3 class types (v.balanced) and deus ex like implants, inc increased speed, thermal vision, medic, stealth(invisi). Cyberspace - think system shock 1 or tripping on acid: req decking implant; deckers speed thru cyberspace hacking objectives, adding security and fighting off enemy deckers in low grav/high speed combat using in essence quake railgun, lightening gun and rocket launcher.]

Real player with 1765.2 hrs in game

What started out as an old half life 2 mod is now an independent game with a dedicated community and recently updated to 1.5.2! Dystopia gives some quake-style play with objectives and and alternate cyber space realm where players fight in quasi gravity for control over nodes. Cyberspace nodes can be secondary objectives to open up new paths around choke points or seal off defender’s quick access to the objective. They can also switch turrets to shoot the other team! Other times an objective requires getting a player with a deck implant in the middle of enemy territory and hacking an objective.

Real player with 811.5 hrs in game

Dystopia on Steam




Seekers is a multiplayer survival horror game where any moment could be your last. You take the role of a Seeker, a unit sent in before anyone else with a focus on reconnaissance missions. An Insect-like alien species has been spotted in a smaller farmland community surrounded by dense forest and wheat fields. The local population has perished due to the infestation. While the area has been closed off from the rest of the world there are tasks that need to be completed within the boundaries to contain the spread and save lives; though many will be lost in the process.

What Can You Expect?

  • A challenge to complete your objective and return to extraction with most of your team alive

  • Realistic damage system where one bullet in you could mean death if untreated

  • Amputation that effects gameplay if you are stung by a Stalker’s stinger

  • Side effects that come from lack of medical care and pain

  • A companion app that has updated information and interacts with your character in real time.

  • Careful where you step, if you can hear them, they can hear you…

  • Your flashlight is your friend unless something else sees it.

In reality if you are badly injured you will not get the same life saving care on the field as you would at a hospital; so we have incorporated this into the game. If you are shot the time you have left to live will be short, your life may be prolonged with field treatment but you may experience pain and still die. However you will live for much longer than without treatment and can be fully healed when your team extracts.

The Seekers Companion App

is required to play the game to its fullest. The app is available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Using the app makes it quick easy to

  • See your teams objective and learn how to complete it

  • See the status of your characters health situation and where they are hurt

  • See how much ammo your character is holding and how much is in your clip

  • Make requests to amputate your fellow teammates and heal your wounds

  • View the map along with the location of your teammates and yourself

  • Manage the amount of batteries you have and their consumption

  • Use special equipment that you bring into each match

Seekers on Steam



‘Takes out number 50. Multiplies it to 2500. Places Y Vector. Applies force. Jumps on jump pad. Meets God.’

The story is simply your ability to move forward in a giant abstract arena where you’re required to constantly programme red cuboids to do your bidding. This testing zone is made challenging through both the introduction of various programming commands as well as the taking away of them. While the first quarter of the 3 hr game will be just you simply moving, stretching and rotating the direction of various red platforms, the latter two thirds will require you to learn some more slightly complicated commands like trying to find the specific identification number of a cube etc.

Real player with 16.5 hrs in game

I first played Glitchspace several years ago, when it was in a rather early stage of development. I quite liked it, especially the ways in which I could break the game to do as I wanted. It had a short set of levels, and a nice enough sandbox. At the time, I would have recommended the game.

However, playing it now it has been fully released, I found myself more infuriated than anything else. The biggest frustration for me was the way in which it handled the puzzles. At set points, the game just takes away certain abilities to try and force you to solve a puzzle in a certain way. Not a bad idea in principle, but because of the bizarre difficulty curve it made some of the later puzzles really confusing. I ultimately resorted to a walkthrough, which was disappointing because it turned out it was the final puzzle in the game that I got finally stuck on.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Glitchspace on Steam

Call of Duty®: Ghosts

Call of Duty®: Ghosts

Worth a buy, for who wants a Wasteland Call of Duty & deep ghost story. However, if you’re not sure, please continue reading to find your answer.


Please calculate your “YES” score to identify the value to buy (or replay value):

If your answer is unsure, kindly consider it as “NO”


  • Do you like to play diverse coop mode?* Do you like to play the campaign in a wasteland, space, underwater and etc?* Do you like deep and complex storyline about ghost squad?_

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Call of Duty has been one of, if not the most well known franchise in gaming this past generation and last. The franchise has been in decline quality wise after the release of Modern Warfare - excluding maybe Black Ops 2 - which leads to the release of one of the weakest entries (Both Single Player and Multi Player) in the franchise yet. From the get go, you’ll notice this game was built by Infinity Ward on the grounds of pure arrogance. This game is the very definition of “Bare minimum”.

Call of Duty: Ghosts stars a few protagonists, main one being Logan Walker - and the world they live in after a devastating Orbital Strike after a space station was hijacked. The story follows a special assault squad that go by the name of “Ghosts” and the brother’s entry to said Squad as they fight to take control of the US again.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Call of Duty®: Ghosts on Steam



Whilst some of the latter puzzles required some head scratching, none seemed impossible as a large part of the level usually is the execution.

Speedrunning in the game is incentivised by a scoreboard and a special speedrun mode. The controls are responsive enough that you are mainly just limited by your own skill and knowledge.

For me the gameplay consisted of 2 parts:

1. Playing the game, getting used to the fast movement and controls;

2. Mastering the levels, figuring out new, faster strategies.

Real player with 22.3 hrs in game

At $10, I expected more levels. It’s not long enough to justify that price tag, even with speed running/ replaying. The core game itself is a really nice portal inspired first person puzzle game. The controls have their own fluidity and the game is pretty polished.

But in reality, the dev needs to make 2x the levels to justify $10

As it sits, the game is maybe worth $3, but it’s more like a demo of what it could be.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

HA/CK on Steam