DOOM (2016) is a first person shooter developed by Bethesda and ID Software, meant to pay homage to the original series of Doom games from the 90s, which it does so incredibly well.


The gameplay in this game is incredibly fluid, all the guns have impact too them. That with the amazing enemy variety and fantastic soundtract by Mick Gordon all together make the gameplay feel extremely fun! The atmosphere of both the UAC and Hell are spectacular.

The game introduces a new mechanic called “Glory Kills” basically demons that are staggered can be killed in spectacular fashion, that as well as the challenges, collectibles and secrets through out the levels will have you searching all over for the hidden levels from the original DOOM, this and the large amount of levels combined leads up to atleast 11-14 hours of gameplay. The levels in DOOM are great in the fact that most of them aren’t linear, unlike most FPS games.

Real player with 99.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Demons Games.

I’m Too Young To Die

Early concept arts from 2012 showed areas such as a museum, a library and the streets; all indicated this would be the remake of Hell On Earth. It all made sense considering Doom 3 was the remake of the very first episode. Then there was silence till 2015 when - during the summertime - Bethesda showcased the gameplay of the 4th episode. It was great: gory, fast-paced, had great graphics as well as numerous executions.

Hurt Me Plenty

Story-wise we are back where Doom 3 began. On Mars all hell breaks loose after an experiment conducted by UAC employees goes horribly wrong. But did it really go wrong or the aim was to unleash these foul beasts on mankind? It is our job to put a stop to all this and find all the answers. Interestingly, there is no “zero” level now which showed the base in its peaceful state back in Doom 3. We are thrown right in the middle of it; in fact, our protagonist wakes up from a long sleep only to find himself in shackles. He breaks free, kills a couple of zombies, picks up a pistol then his dark green marine armour soon after and proceeds to the nearest exit.

Real player with 70.0 hrs in game

DOOM on Steam

Brutal Fate

Brutal Fate

Brutal Fate is a fast-paced ultra-violent retro first-person shooter inspired by 80’s and 90’s sci-fi movies. As a marine from the Global Order Alliance sent to Callisto to take over the local corporate government, you find yourself surrounded by legions of demonic alien invaders and you must fight for your survival.

It blends the best features of classic shooters such as non-linear level design, a huge arsenal and large enemy variety with some modern aspects, making it a unique mix that does not try to hang on nostalgia, but be something of it’s own.

This game is a finely crafted first-person experience designed to be the most satisfying and detailed possible. Enemies that can be dismembered and exploded into pieces, destroyable environments including lamps, cars and even trees. All many details that makes you really feel like you are in a real living world.

Do you want to know more?

  • This game features a huge arsenal of weapons that may require the use of all your keyboard numbers to scroll through. We got battle rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers, smart missiles, laser rifles, you name it.

  • Immerse yourself in a 3 episode campaign, with branching patches, multiple endings, and a story full of twists.

  • Fight an entire circus of monstrosities, carnivorous demons, zombie-like cultists, shuffling supernatural incomprehensible abominations from beyond, and corporate henchmen that want to make sure you won’t leave this haunted colony alive after seeing everything you just did. Just like in classic fps style, each enemy type acts like a piece of chess made to compensate the weakness of another. Gib them into delicious meat pieces, burn them to ashes, almost every enemy features locational damage and dozens of death animations, including different deaths for different weapons used.

  • Explore huge non-linear levels, look for secrets to find special rare alternative ammo types for your weapons, health and armor upgrades, and much more. No “procedural generated levels”, no faux-retro arena level design, just handcrafted levels by someone with over 10 years of experience in classic game level design. Get the feeling of exploring believable highly interactive locations, fight enemies in many different scenarios, scripted or not, pick them alone or in small groups and sometimes try to come up with a strategy to fight up to 50 enemies at once.

  • Command your fellow marines out of this hell. Your character’s rank as a Staff Sergeant isn’t only for show. Find any survivors of this disastrous operation and they will follow you. They have an acceptable AI that will actually follow your commands, won’t block your movement, and will kill enemies for you. Magnificent, isn’t it?

  • Mod it until it breaks. Running on the highly reliable GZDoom engine, this game is extremely easy to be modified. You can make mods, add custom weapons, enemies, levels, and entire new user-made campaigns.


In the end of the 21th century, after a catastrophic nuclear war followed by a famine that wiped out half of Earth, the remaining governments united their military under the same banner in a vow to prevent another disaster, and so the Global Order Alliance was born.

Later the G.O.A. united with corporations in an effort to terraform and colonize other planets in the solar system, by using a method that allowed artificial black holes to be created at the center of the planets to imitate Earth’s gravity. 60 years later when the terraforming of Mars and Jupiter’s moons were completed and mass migration started, the corporations betrayed the Terran governments and decided to declare independency and not use their newfound resources to help Earth get back on it’s feet. Their moto was “We terraformed these planets and now everything on them belongs to us. If you want these resources, come and take it."

Betrayed and left for dead, the peoples from all around the world vowed to invade the colonies and take back what belongs to Earth. The armies of the G.O.A. which were once considered heroes and peacekeepers of mankind, became a violent, fanatic, imperialistic military legion. They launched military campaigns against Mars and Io that lasted for decades. Now the year is 2297 and the people of Callisto started rebelling against the corporate rule due to recent strange phenomena caused by the planet’s artificial black hole, all the interplanetary communications are shut down by the regime, and the G.O.A. sees this as a perfect opportunity to invade the planet and “liberate” it with the local population’s support. The corporate conglomerates warns that the situation in Callisto is “complicated” and warns Earth to stay away from it.

You are part of a special international battalion of the Space Division of the G.O.A. Marine Corps sent to intermediate the situation. After a four month journey, you arrive at the planet with orders to destroy the corporate government forces and secure their industrial facilities. Drone scans shows literally hundreds of thousands of dead bodies littering the streets, apparently they genocided the local populace which saves you from the work of having to watch your targets… Your orders are clear: Descend into the planet with companies of battle-hardened Marines, combat androids, tanks, mechs, gunships and orbital artillery, and eliminate any colonial military forces you may find. They are considered dangerous irregular war criminals and you have no legal requirement to grant them any human rights, engage on contact. All weapons are clear… Exterminate with extreme prejudice, just the way the Marines likes to operate.

The Marines quickly find out that something is wrong. The planet is dead. Non-combatants and colonial guard alike were slaughtered, women and children included. No signs that a war happened here, some bodies defiled in unspeakable macabre religious rituals.

You realize that what killed these people weren’t humans, it weren’t using guns, and it’s still here. An unfathomable evil from beyond lurks these dead streets, its hungry eyes are gazing upon you. Do you have what it takes to survive?

Read More: Best FPS 2.5D Games.

Brutal Fate on Steam

Blood: Fresh Supply™

Blood: Fresh Supply™

Of the holy trinity of Build Engine games BLOOD is arguably the best one!

TL;DR: BLOOD is fast, intricatly designed, extremely fun to play, and also really hard. The Level Design is great and the maps flow into each other seamlessly. The Enemy Design is perfect, each enemy type is distinguishable and requires a different approach, which leads to an infinite amount of possible and engaging encounters. I recommend this game to anyone with an ounce of appreciation for FPS games.

BLOOD is my favourite FPS game of the 90s and one of my favourite video games in general. It may not be as influential as Doom or Quake, but it has a special place in my heart due to its charm.

Real player with 52.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Classic Games.

I genuinely enjoyed this 90s shooter more than i enjoyed Doom Eternal this year. ‘Nuff said.

Real player with 46.0 hrs in game

Blood: Fresh Supply™ on Steam

Painkiller: Black Edition

Painkiller: Black Edition

Painkiller Leaderboard:

1.Painkiller : Black Edition (10/10)

  • The one who started the whole series, he is recognized for his old school fps and it is still fun to play it right now.

  • Pros: All.

  • Cons: null.

2.Painkiller : Hell & Damnation (9/10)

  • A remake to the original Painkiller made by Farm 51 including a variety of new features like : new weapons, new gamemodes, new level design, new levels etc.

  • Pros: New weapons, new gamemodes, new level design, new levels, new monsters, new mechanics etc.

Real player with 439.4 hrs in game

Painkiller is an PC designed Action FPS game where you take the role of Daniel, a person who goes to purgatory after an car accident. Daniel must fight his way if he wants to get to heaven since the hell’s warriors are attempting to take Daniel into hell. What you heard, is also what Painkiller is all about, killing.

You will be mauling down hordes of hundreds of different enemies in different location ranging from Icy Bridge to Abandoned Mansion with loonies in it to Trophical Palaces of Persian regions or midevil times Castles and soforth.. Modernday set Harbour Docks. Almost all of these maps feature completely new set of enemies, so there is quite alot of enemy variety.

Real player with 62.4 hrs in game

Painkiller: Black Edition on Steam

Serious Sam 3: BFE

Serious Sam 3: BFE

I think this game is very good. I know that he has returned to an old coat as Serious Sam First Encounter and Second Encounter. Serious Sam 2 game was a noob game I am glad that Serious Sam 3 is again similar to the first part. But let’s say straight errors, bugs, problems.

Errors,Bugs and Problems

1. Death Canyon on the map after spawn will you run to scrapjack use mutilator for him he pulls you and if it just so you will spawn spider flies a few feet into the air and you lose a lot of hp or you will die

Real player with 4011.8 hrs in game

“Over? Oh it’s not over until I teabag every last one of you alien mother f***ers” - Sam ‘Serious’ Stone, Serious Sam 3


The Serious Sam series has always been an antidote to the shooters which may or may not have a player character who kills off people who are different to them because they look different, sound different and speak different languages, in where you have a whole lot of aliens trying to trample and shoot you from all sides, just like the 4:17pm on December 24th. There weren’t any key card quests, no escort missions, and no real story which was involing in any way. The gameplay may turn off hardcore Serious Sam fans for the first few levels. Few enemies will attack you systematically while you kill them off in a straight line. After you reach the Shpynx however, it starts to hit the fans and the aliens who outnumber the amount of Steam gamers with light wallets will charge and generally blow you to pieces. Just like the good old days.

Real player with 99.4 hrs in game

Serious Sam 3: BFE on Steam

Shoot To Kill

Shoot To Kill

SHOOT TO KILL is a single player retro FPS inspired by the violence and pace of shooters of the past. Harkening back to the violence of F.E.A.R. and visceral gore systems of the Soldier of Fortune games, all taking place in a brutalist neo-futuristic setting.

Take on hordes of soldiers and experiments created by an authoritarian military group in the dystopian future of 2140. A new World War is beginning to unfold. It is now up to you and your skills as a combat expert to eradicate the authoritarian ANKERKORP, and save everyone you love.


  • Eviscerate enemies in beautiful slow motion, using dismemberment to stay alive.

  • Use movement abilities like dashing to zip away from bullets and attacks

  • Break down enemies into red meaty chunks using the detailed and disgusting gore system

  • Relive the feel of the classic early 2000’s shooters with a fast pace and violent action

Shoot To Kill on Steam

The Darkness II

The Darkness II

“I remember the night of my 21st birthday. That was the first time I died.”


🔸The Darkness II starts with a neatly summed up “Previously” cutscene picturing the very beginning of the Darkness and how it came into existence along. A quick recap of the events of the first game narrated by Johnny Powell— One of the important roles in the Darkness’s story. This provides a nice catch up to bring those who are new to the series up to speed.

🔸You play as Jackie Estacado, head of a mob family able to kill with no remorse, while still compassionate and selfless for his friends and “family”. But that’s not what that made Jackie special. He embraced a truly dark power that had him on a tight leash, using his feelings for his deceased beloved, Jenny, to torment and force him into choosing its way. Eventually, he learned to quiet it down for a couple of years.

Real player with 75.7 hrs in game

Darkness II is the FPS game with controversial visuals, action mechanics and story plot. Definitely not for “everyone’s tastes”. I remember playing it right after the release, and I remember that I was far from satisfied with it back then. So… I let the time wipe out part of my memory, to be able to play this game anew, to make myself a detached and detailed judgment about it. And here it goes.

_Hello, darkness, my old friend. I’ve come to talk with you again.

Because a vision softly creeping, Left its seeds while I was sleeping,_

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

The Darkness II on Steam

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition

Really great game. Good story, great humour, amazing graphics in some places, great gun play & I loved the voice acting. The score combos are fun & makes getting kills interesting, especially for environmental kills and the survival co-op was pretty fun as well. Having the Duke Nukem DLC made things pretty interesting as well as it makes all the main story voice lines for Grayson, Duke Nukem. It was funny as hell. Highly recommend checking this game out.

Real player with 61.5 hrs in game

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition

I like when games bought just because they were cheap turn out to be hidden gems. I also like first person shooters with unique mechanics (Bioshock, Rage, The Darkness 2, Borderlanands, KF2, Call of Juarez Gunslinger to name a few).

I got Bulletstorm for like a couple bucks on 90% sale but oh boy game gave me back amount of fun worth its full price!


  • Game is like Devil May Cry but with guns. What it means is that the game isn’t about just killing enemies but doing so with style . The core gameplay is all about doing Skillshots - various stylish kills using provided guns and/or environment (environment in this game is full of death traps for killing enemies). For example, you can ignite enemies using alt-fire of one of the guns and then finish them off with other gun untill they die from burning or you make stun a miniboss and kill him by swinging his head off and so on… Doing skillshots is a certain way to oneshot an enemy because even the weakiest enemies are bulletsponge if you try to blindfire them + skillshots award you with style points which are ingame currency for buying ammo and upgrades for your tools of madness.

Real player with 46.8 hrs in game

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition on Steam



Developed by Futurtech, Carnage Offering is a brutally enjoyable and intriguing surreal shooting experience. Diverse monsters, incredibly destructive and upgradeable weapons, fast-paced movement, and carefully tuned physics provide the arcade experience that forms the basis for intense first-person combat. The dark humor in the dialogues, the weapon management and the brutality of the fights make this game a new genre of FPS.


In 2527 in a dystopian world, Jake, an engineer and bounty hunter, travels to the far reaches of the universe through a wormhole. With the help of his friend Roy, Jake’s goal is to exterminate the replicator robots that threaten the Confederate planets.

Led by Roy, Jake has no choice but to accept the missions planned by the alliance and even do the dirty work.

Between missions, Jake comments on the orders in front of the holograms of his future enemies with disillusioned remarks.


Oh, by the way, did we tell you that there are weapons? Jake is not a fan of the small spoon. So players need to upgrade their equipment if they hope to defeat the entire menagerie they’re up against.

Players switch from pistols to Gatling guns and must adapt their equipment to the enemies of the moment.

There are 9 different weapons to unlock in this game:

Pistol, machine pistol, shotgun, magnum revolver, grenade launcher, assault rifle, double barrel shotgun, rocket launcher, Gatling gun.

The only way is to pay in dollars. To do this, you have to kill monsters and complete your bounty hunter missions.

You can also buy ammunition and sell it or find it on enemies.

Each weapon has specific upgrades that cost a lot of money.

For example: a fragmentation grenade for the grenade launcher, nuclear missiles for the rocket launcher or a laser gun for the Gatling gun.

You will discover that there is an audio and text description for each weapon. You will learn more about the manufacture and origin of these weapons.


Moving from a medieval city to a zombie-infested town, Jake travels to the far reaches of the universe to reach his goal.

All levels are completely different and take players on a journey for better or worse.


Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour

Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour

This port of Duke Nukem 3D is like rereleasing a classic movie like Casablanca on a 240p resolution. It ruins the smooth, crisp movement of Duke, makes a 25-year old game lag from vsync and ambient occlusion, and replaces the expansion packs from the Megaton Edition with a fourth episode. The best way to play this port is not to, but to install eDuke or BuildGDX and play Duke Nukem 3D that way. While you install them, be sure to install the expansion packs and play them on said ports.

Bring back the Megaton Edition.

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Protozoid fear is a real thing

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour on Steam