In [ECHOSTASIS], you take control of the lead engineer at ENIGMA RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT. While testing a new device that can generate personalized realities known as [ECHOES], a cyber-attack is launched on [ENIGMA] HQ.

Read More: Best FPS Cyberpunk Games.


Gachi Finder 3000

Gachi Finder 3000

The game’s real enjoyable, great graphics and good gameplay. Game itself has a decent skill curve which players can master with enough hours put in. Definitely would recommend the game to all FPS fans out there as well as newcomers.

Real player with 2038.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Casual Games.

An absolute delight.

A must buy.

One of the best game I’ve ever played.

You need to own it.

You need to own it.

You need to own it.






Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Gachi Finder 3000 on Steam

Metal Gunner

Metal Gunner

OK., First, played with Quest 2 Virtual desktop. This is a game that scratches that single player Mech itch.

I love it! Quick strait forward and above all fun, Tons of fun.

I can not believe so few reviews.

That’s why I am doing one. Oh, and head tracking aim. I love it. You will too.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Arcade Games.

Great game wish there were more like it.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Metal Gunner on Steam

RoboWorlD tactics

RoboWorlD tactics

For two bucks I got almost 10 hours out of it. How could I give it anything other than a thumbs up?

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game


Follows in the fine tradition of classic obscure Russian genre-bender games, like the Parkan series. Where the concept is fantastic, but the execution falls just short of true greatness. Leaving you to ponder what could have been…

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

RoboWorlD tactics on Steam



Babylon is to be destroyed

Ilum is an open-world game that includes elements of exploration, action and city destruction. Taking place in ancient Babylon and the surrounding region, including cities like Borsippa, Sippar, Kutha and Kish, among others. The year is 539 BC, the time when the Babylonian empire feel to the Persians and its Jewish captives released from servitude after 70 years. As prophesied, Babylon is to be destroyed. Ilum accurately depicts archaeological findings and cuneiform inscriptions from buildings such as the Tower of Babel, Hanging Gardens and Nebuchadnezzar’s palaces. Voice-acted in Akkadian language in a Biblical and Babylonian mythological background.

Key Features

  • All Buildings Furnished - Every single house, building, palace, temple and ziggurat in the game contain characters, furniture and you can get inside. They are thousands!

  • All Objects Destructible - All objects in the game are independent from each other and can be destroyed for releasing points. From a small water cup on a table inside a house to the biggest temple standing in the city!

  • All characters playable - There are thousands of characters walking around the streets of the cities and inside the houses, from 20 different social classes. You can control any of them if you manage to convert them!

  • 100 quests - These are linear quests that unlocks the game progress. Reach the indicated checkpoints and accomplish the quest to be able to proceed further in the game. As you travel, you will be exploring the beautiful scenery in a 224 km2 map!

  • 20 idol gods bosses - Each character in the game has a patron idol god that you can battle with. If you destroy it, the character is then “converted” and you can play as him!

  • Learn Cuneiform Writing - Collect syllables and get the actual correspondent phonetic values exactly as they were in ancient times. If you have a good memory you can start writing in cuneiform. Its a lot of fun!

  • Ancient Music - Soundtrack includes Hurrian Hymn No. 6, the oldest playable musical score in History!

  • Change between 5 weather modes at any time - Weather modes will completely change game visuals, add special effects and affect objects look and feel. The weather modes are: Normal, Water, Air, Earth and Fire. Just have faith and you can change it!

  • Archaeologically accurate buildings - A lot of time was spent to match the actual foundations and visuals from buildings, palaces and temples, exactly as they were found in past archaeological works. When no evidence exists, an approximation was made according to existing patterns. See yourself what the ancients have seen thousands of years ago!

Ilum on Steam

Bean Battles

Bean Battles

My In depth review and analysis of Bean Battles.

How would i describe Bean Battles?

I would describe Bean Battles simply as a master piece, this game is far far ahead of its time and i foresee the game becoming more popular than fortnite.

What is Bean Battles?

Bean Battles is a game that follows the trends of the battle royale genre, an unoriginal idea executed in a way that is so unique, it beats out any up and coming battle royale game (such as Minecraft Hunger Games) It puts up to 16 people in a battle royale scenario but is far different from any current battle royale. In a typical battle royale game the aim of the game is to survive and be the last one standing, this often leads players to play incredibly passive and finish games with few kills. Bean Battles changes this by introducing a scoring system, each player is rewarded for their winning and becoming the last player standing but also rewards for kills, two kills is better than one round win, this makes the player play smart, but also agressively to beat thier opponents.

Real player with 62.9 hrs in game

Once in a lifetime you’ll come across a game that truly captures the history and cultural distinctions of the modern world the way a person can subjectively perceive it through our guided field of perspective. I have to admit, I had my doubts when I first learned of the game. After all, Bean Battles? Will this game even be good? How ignorant was I to even have these thoughts. Little did I know I was about to indulge in what may have been the best 1 hour and 21 minutes of my life. The game started out strong. The maps enticed the audience with a captivating enigma. I was so taken aback from the next-generation animation that I almost didn’t even realize the underlying symbolism in the ongoing games. It wasn’t until my twenty sixth game where I finally got my bearings together and was able to focus on the gripping and labyrinthine stratagem. The underlying analogy for 19th century distopianism and the evangelical deviation of typical orthodoxy was enlightening to say the least. Just when I thought the game could not get any better, the increasing conflict before the climax began. I could not believe the complexity of game as the bean protagonist. My bean struggled with the everyday endeavors for a quintessential bean such as the consistent up- hill altercation of the fight against misogyny and the fiscal synergy of opposing interplanetary dynamisms. There I was, gripping to my chair as the conflict of the game began. I was so enticed by the game that I felt as if I was both practically and relatively apart of the game. This is a special kind of high that not even the strongest of drugs can give you. Was I part of the game? Am I inside the game right now? This game will leave you questioning existential nihilism and the objective skepticism of our perceived valuation of anthropological existence. At this point in the game, I was fully intoxicated by the avant-garde animated art style. That’s when the game finally aggrandized and I was completely stupefied. You could have lived a thousand years of isolation trying to predict the plot twist and you would never even scratch the surface of what actually transpires in the game. I was so bewildered that I actually had to stop playing the game so that my existential crisis didn’t dive too deep inside of myself. Even restarting the game was surreal. It’s almost as if life restarted with the game. I felt as though I had actually become a cinematic tangent quantum. The effects are still wearing off and I haven’t been able to play the game in several days.

Real player with 48.4 hrs in game

Bean Battles on Steam