Bright Memory

Bright Memory

💬 Note:

🔵 Bright Memory was made by a solo developer in his spare time

🔵 This game only contains Episode 1 of the games original vision

📢 Everybody who bought this game will get a full length remake called Bright Memory: Infinite on release

☁️ Performance:

Plays well on GeForce Now

🌕 Pros

📀 Female Protagonist

📀 Fast paced fluid action gameplay

📀 Fusion of fps and blade action combat

📀 Active/passive skills to unlock

📀 Good visuals

📀 Good music/audio

🌑 Cons

💿 Very linear levels

💿 Short game

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Souls-like Games.

dmc meets mgr meets dooms it has both hack and slash and shooters elements. I give it solid 6/7 out of 10. The combat is alright at times but slightly jank at times but hopefully when the game is fully released today the combat is more polished. Another bonus you can wear a school uniform.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Bright Memory on Steam



Humanity has outgrown its cradle. The progress of technology has created prosperity, but has brought along with it overpopulation. There’s an uncountable number of worlds ready to be terraformed. But the only way to reach these planets, and save humanity, is to harness the power of the Sun and crack open the space-between-spaces. The Flux Gate technology indulges humanity’s lust for cosmic expansion… but at what cost?

In Supplice, you are a young engineer sent off to terraform an extremely distant world. Disaster falls upon the colony after an anomaly envelopes the Flux Gate facility, flooding the world with strange trans-dimensional horrors. You quickly find yourself to be the lone survivor of the brutal invasion. It’s too late to save the colony, but you vow to take vengeance on the trans-dimensional aggressor who turned your new home into a violent bloodbath. You are alone and outnumbered, but you are not outgunned. And it’s time to return the favor.

  • A full-length campaign filled with locales ranging from lush forested colonies, industrial superstructures, derelict space stations, dark laboratories, and biotechnological nightmare worlds.

  • An original story told through gameplay, environmental set-pieces, intermission animations, and secrets.

  • Classic and colorful spritework painting the entire experience.

  • A legion of biomechanical beasts, grotesque creatures, and ethereal nightmares that you’ll have to contend with.

  • A devastating arsenal of beautifully animated weapons.

  • Tons of items, power-ups, and gadgets to aid you in combat.

  • An original soundtrack crafted by James Paddock (Jimmy), with a special arranged version produced by Sarah Mancuso (esselfortium).

Supplice is brought to you by a team of Doom mod scene veterans and renowned FPS creators:

  • Brett ‘Mechadon’ Harrell - lead designer, lead level designer (Doom mapping legend, project founder)

  • James ‘Jimmy’ Paddock - lead composer (known from his midi soundtracks to Sigil, Prodeus)

  • Aleksander ‘Cage’ Kowalczyk - lead artist, project coordinator (art lead for Ion Fury)

  • Jackson ‘Bouncy’ Marriott - sound designer (Doom mod scene vet)

  • Maciej ‘PillowBlaster’ Banowski - gameplay designer, scripts (author of acclaimed Doom mods such as Russian Overkill, The Guncaster)

  • Sarah ‘Esselfortium’ Mancuso - music producer (Doom mapping legend known for Back To Saturn X)

Survive, adapt, and strike back!

Read More: Best FPS Retro Games.

Supplice on Steam



From a casual standpoint this game is great. For the price it has so much content. You can play through the game several times and the massive amount of random weapons keeps the game fresh. There are cool hidden places to explore that you will find on subsequent runs that yield different weapons. Some weapons don’t feel great but the dev patches so often and guns are constantly being made smoother. My big complaint with combat is that I cannot see my reticle easily. I don’t know if this is a resolution scaling issue because I play on 2k or not. MOST IMPORTANTLY OF ALL the game is getting so much free content. New weapons, abilities, and areas have been patched in since I first started playing. A WHOLE NEW EXPANSION will be FREE at the end of the month that nearly doubles the games length. Now for those of you wondering how I have so many hours in this game, I speedrun it and boy is it amazing for that. The modern movement in a classic style shooter plus the perfect amount of breakable stuff makes it the most fun speedrun I’ve ever done. This game has something for everyone. If you struggle with the tutorialisation please don’t just quit, give it an effort. The tutorial is much improved. It’s $6 just try it gamers. NOTE: I was given a copy for free about a month early to help with some QA since I expressed interest, but I promise this does not vastly change my opinion nor was I paid for anything.

Real player with 49.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Looter Shooter Games.

The effort made and put into Apastron (especially from a one man developer) is pretty admirable. Here you have what amounts to the first episode (about 2 to 2-1/2 hours of game) of a unique world peopled by an oppressive corporation and the resistance that would oppose them.

While the game has its ‘open’ moments, the structure is indeed Episode 1: Level 1 in structure and it does proceed normally, that is to say, completely linearly. There is a bit of down time between missions but that is mostly used exploring the small hub town and speaking to the denizens about their day-to-day and their individual goings-on and to collect some currency and spend it at the weapon-shop.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Apastron on Steam

Ion Fury

Ion Fury

I’ve never had any particular nostalgia for BUILD engine shooters cause I pretty much missed all of them during my childhood, so I went in without wearing nostalgia googles (well, almost). Yet, Ion Maiden (shh, don’t tell scumbag lawyers) absolutely blew me away from the first few levels.

-Solid gameplay with some of the punchiest guns I ever used in a FPS (save for Doom gameplay wads). The game lets you use its entire arsenal pretty much from the get-go and develop your own playstyle. Every gun has its place, even the default pistol which is traditionally discarded the second a shotgun shows up. That demonstrates nicely that the devs not only took the elements of classic shooters, but also improved on them.

Real player with 146.3 hrs in game

This is a heavily shortened version of my full review. Check it out at

STORY: 8/10

Ion Fury is actually a prequel of sorts to a previous 3D Realms game titled “Bombshell”. It features Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison who herself is based on a cut character from Duke Nukem Forever, who originally was going to be a sidekick of Duke. Ion Fury follows Shelly’s exploits as a GDF police chief in Neo DC, tracking down the leader of a cybernetic cult that has risen on the streets, which are flooded with augmented punks that seem eager to die for their new leader. As it turns out, the leader is Professor Jadus Heskel, a scientist hellbent on world domination. It is up to Shelly to track him down and end his reign. Yeah the game is certainly not heavy on story, but much like its fathers, it doesn’t really need one. So let’s move on to talking about the gameplay.

Real player with 140.0 hrs in game

Ion Fury on Steam

The Spy Who Shrunk Me

The Spy Who Shrunk Me

Last level is a great example “How to make cool game and destroy it with final level”.

Optimization sucks and even though my PC can run game correctly with (at least) stable 30 fps, there are lots of frame drops which is annoying (unless you like playing with 10 fps).

How about setting, maybe that will change something and will make the game run properly.

NOPE. Settings is imo one of the devs joke, cause it doesn’t change anything (despite the fog from tutorial seen just after start and never again). Game looks exactly the same, no matter which variant you’ve chosen.

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

UPDATE: After getting past a couple B.S. parts (due to bugs) I’ve changed my mind about the game.

This game isn’t ready for prime time just yet, but it’s still pretty fun.

The good:

1. The shrink ray mechanic is fun! This might be a good cheap game when it’s done and all the problems are ironed out.

2. The artwork and music are good

3. Good voice acting

4. Good humor

The bad:

1. Shrink ray projectiles sometimes will literally go THROUGH the broad side of an enemy’s chest and “miss”. This is made worse by the fact that the reload time for the shrink ray is so long. If your shot goes through an alerted agent, you’re as good as dead. You can’t afford to miss any shots, even once.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

The Spy Who Shrunk Me on Steam

The Stalin Subway: Red Veil

The Stalin Subway: Red Veil

This game is kind of a guilty pleasure for me. I just completed it on normal difficulty and I honestly can’t believe that it got released with all the problems the game mechanics have. Everything you can possibly imagine that could be wrong with a first person shooter is done in this game. There is a rail section where you are in the back seat of a vehicle being shot at with no way to dodge or duck. If you start the mission with anything below 100% health, (meaning you have to complete the previous mission with 100% health) than you might as well reload an older save file and start from a previous mission. There is a sewer level where the water rises, but if you stay underwater too long, you lose health. The problem is that the damage taken for lack of oxygen while being under water is accumulative, meaning that if you begin losing health after being underwater for 10 seconds, and you emerge for air after 9 seconds, going back under the water (which is required) will start to hurt you after being submerged for only 1 second. The game finally concludes with what I can only describe as one of the worst escort missions in FPS history. The only good thing I can think to say is that there were no timed missions.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

Stalin Subway: Red Veil is actually a blasphemous thing called a “standalone DLC”, for the game Stalin Subway (aka “Metro-2”). The base Stalin Subway game was short, and this Red Veil is about 0.3 in length and in 0.1 in the amount of content. However, it was made in such a terrible way that you might need even more time to beat it than the base game, thanks to constant unfair moments of respawning enemies right on your back. And if you’ll manage this, in the last levels, you’ll have a companion, who is weak as a reed, and now the respawning enemies will be hunting him instead of you! It goes by the trigger: you need to pull the switch somewhere, to proceed forward, and your “companion” is always somewhere far behind. So you’re pulling the switch… and now you have to run as a devil back to your liability because the enemies already respawned right next to him, and tearing him into pieces with automatic fire.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

The Stalin Subway: Red Veil on Steam

Rule No. 1

Rule No. 1

Real fun game, appropriately price, with a cool OST that you can change on the fly, loads of guns, and a fun main character with many awesome (and some really silly) one liners. Rule No. 1 is still in Early Access but haven’t really run into any bugs myself. The pixel art is a nice throwback to classical games, with many nods to games like Blood and Shadow Warrior in the one liners, and many movie quips. The first game mode is wave based, and you begin fighting explodey shapes that get progressively harder, and more enemy variants appear the further you get, until it turns into an absolute cluster of stuff flying all over the place. The devs are also great, as they seem to keep working hard on it, and are very responsive to the communities feedback to make the best possible game out of their concept. They recently added another game-mode for shooting some hoops xD, which I didn’t expect but it works really well, and is a quick way to grind some exp. I can’t wait to see what other game modes they’ll be adding to this, and hope to see some kind of campaign someday even if it’s in a different game altogether hint hint. The character is fun enough that I’d like to see her in some kind of campaign of sorts in a similar vein to some of the games she gives nods to. I’m really glad I bought Rule No. 1 on a whim because it’s definitely been worth a shot, and it’s only going to get better!

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

For $2.99, you get:

  • The chance to take out your frustrations on innocent geometric shapes and pixel enemies;

  • An inventory full of guns to explode said enemies (pistols, shotguns, rifles, LMGs, musical grenade launchers, and more);

  • Twitchy controls, double-jumping, and air-dashing;

  • Slow-motion on killing sprees;

  • Runs that descend into high-octane bullet hells;

  • A bopping soundtrack to blow things up to (you can toggle between genres with a hotkey);

  • Multiple game modes, like actual basketball!

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Rule No. 1 on Steam

Bright Memory: Infinite

Bright Memory: Infinite

Let me start off by saying I was enjoying this at first. The combat is fun and chaining combos together doesn’t get old. I was about an hour deep and thinking I’d probably recommend this despite some flaws due to the reasonably low price. I started to think about how to word that and make it clear that this is a budget shooter and don’t expect much beyond that.

But then the paint chips away and the problems start adding up and I’m sitting here wondering why am I trying to make excuses for what is a flawed game? There’s at least two massive problems that I just can’t forgive:

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

⚖️ Grade = B. Worth a buy, if you enjoy short & exciting gameplay. However, if you’re looking for more option to play, it doesn’t have


✔️ Amazing graphic

✔️ Instant switching gun & sword while attacking

✔️ Long range melee attack

✔️ Exciting damaging

✔️ Rainstorm battlefield

❌ No 3rd person camera

❌ Score Attack for replay value

❌ More save slot


Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Bright Memory: Infinite on Steam

Old Town Stories

Old Town Stories

This is a realy good game i extermly recommend playing this but there are somethings i would suggest to be changed in the campaine i think it would be better if you got to know the end boss guy more because you dont realy know him also the tractor beam it a little glitchy bacause when you use it somethins the gun doesent go into your hand

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Great game!

even tho its kinda short, it´s a lot of fun and the mechanics are awesome.

I honestly have only one small problem with it, and that’s that the “tractor beam” sometimes doesn’t work right on the first try.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Old Town Stories on Steam

Project Absentia

Project Absentia

Who Wants Some Wing?

From the creator of Daytime Drama and Scoot Hard DX comes the most violent yet cartoony shooter you’ll ever play.

You play as Abby - an angel with an attitude and a mysterious past.

After you and your friends are taken away to the dreadful Orkan Corporation that has taken over Heaven, you decide to do the only thing you’d rightfully do - kick ass!

Abby must go through the Orkan Corporation and kick ass and take names to get her friends back!

However, not is all as it seems, as Abby soon will uncover a conspiracy that goes deeper than Heaven itself. She then will have to travel through all the dimensions of the universe to get answers.

Buckle Up For One Hell Of An Adventure!

#### Neat Features

  • High Verticality! Jump and glide around to get at your enemies.

  • Full voice acting for the characters!

  • High-res vector artwork for the enemies for that 2000s Newgrounds asthetic!

  • You’ll find plenty of Low-Poly 3D models on your quest, which can range from helpful pickups to interactive objects.

  • Build engine comes to GZDoom with levels based on real locations, attention to detail. Props, posters and huge set pieces!

  • Wield rocket launchers of all sorts. Use the Hailer to freeze your enemies. Shock enemies and suck enemies together with the Plasma Rifle. Atomize your foes with the Rainbowitzer, and shred your enemies with the Tornadozer. And these are just the weapons in the first episode! There’s more weapons as time goes on!

  • Blow stuff up! Shatter toilets! Use vending machines! Destroy vases, flags and parts of the level itself!

  • Destroy your enemies with blood and guts flying around like confetti. Blow off their heads with well placed machine gun fire. Destroy their corpses!

  • Three Episodes in the final version! Dozens of levels ranging from dark factories, large cityscapes, hellish carnivals, dark factories and castles, and a chaotic realm with such sights to show you. Heaven, Hell, and The Elder Realms are your backdrop as you blow everything to pieces.

  • A neat story with really cool characters, all of different walks of life… but all friggin' insane.

  • Powered by ZScript for some neat effects not possible in DECORATE+ACS alone. This ain’t your kid sister’s GZDoom based game.

  • An original soundtrack by Metal Neon, that blends various 90s styles into a cohesive experience.

  • Turn off in-game or cutscene subtitles. Turn off Abby’s one-liners. Scale the UI up or down. Turn down the gore puddles… or turn them up. Fine tune the game to your liking with a plethora of in-game options.

Project Absentia on Steam