Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition

Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition

one of the best games ever made. while other games may earn that title by being completely unique, masterfully designed, or progressive for video games as a medium, unreal tournament earns it by being a metric sh*t ton of fun. ut99 doesn’t care about perfectly fine tuning and balancing everything for competitive play, or having a complex story, or even just making sense in general. all it cares about is letting you play whatever you want and do whatever you want within the confines of the game engine.

Real player with 179.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Arena Shooter Games.

This is my


Nothing else even comes close.

Absolutely gorgeous aesthetic, brilliant weapon design, fast-paced and satisfying action.

The BOTS in this game are GENUINELY INTELLIGENT! And you can let their difficulty AUTO-ADJUST to fit EXACTLY at your skill level! Bots should be standard in FPS imo. ESPECIALLY MULTIPLAYER! The player should NEVER be slave to what others want to play. No players, no game in multiplayer gaming. This is why I can still play Unreal Tournament when and how I want FOREVER! And I have done exactly that so far.

Real player with 163.2 hrs in game

Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition on Steam

Ultimate Doom

Ultimate Doom

Doom the game, that like the main character, is just too angry to die, living on in a constant stream of re-releases, wrapping those age old wads in newer shinier packaging now with controller support and customization.

The original Doom team started before Id even existed working on making Super Mario Bros 3 work on a PC. The controls were impressive for the game, so mirroring them with the graphics onto a PC was quite the feat. Footage was uploaded by John Romero to celebrate Commander Keens 25th anniversary. From the description Romero says, Nintendo was impressed with the team developing the working clone for PC. Nintendo as history notes didnt want any of their proprietary games running on non Nintendo hardware. So the bad news is no Super Mario for PC and the better news is that we got Commander Keen out of it which then led to the creation of Id the creators of…. DOOM (insert dramatic explosion)

Real player with 54.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS 1990's Games.

A classic fps with endless ways of playing it

Real player with 38.2 hrs in game

Ultimate Doom on Steam



A very solid port and remaster. I personally prefer playing the game as it was originally meant to be played on Quakespasm, but this is the most easily accessible version of the game and it comes with a lot of awesome goodies. Machine Games & Nightdive are doing god’s work by not only maintaining this build, but adding on to it over time. Quake is one of those classics that just can’t be beat, and it’s fantastic to know it’s only getting more accessible.

Real player with 61.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS 1990's Games.

An excellent port and remaster of the original Quake bundled with online multiplayer and brand new expansions (Dimension of the Past is the biggest highlight). The dark fantasy setting and visceral / brooding ambiance makes Quake feel very unique from contemporary First Person Shooters even two decades after it’s release. Even at full price there’s hours upon hours of content to enjoy, couldn’t recommend this enough.

Real player with 39.8 hrs in game

QUAKE on Steam

Blood: Fresh Supply™

Blood: Fresh Supply™

Of the holy trinity of Build Engine games BLOOD is arguably the best one!

TL;DR: BLOOD is fast, intricatly designed, extremely fun to play, and also really hard. The Level Design is great and the maps flow into each other seamlessly. The Enemy Design is perfect, each enemy type is distinguishable and requires a different approach, which leads to an infinite amount of possible and engaging encounters. I recommend this game to anyone with an ounce of appreciation for FPS games.

BLOOD is my favourite FPS game of the 90s and one of my favourite video games in general. It may not be as influential as Doom or Quake, but it has a special place in my heart due to its charm.

Real player with 52.2 hrs in game

I genuinely enjoyed this 90s shooter more than i enjoyed Doom Eternal this year. ‘Nuff said.

Real player with 46.0 hrs in game

Blood: Fresh Supply™ on Steam

Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders

Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders

When I first played shareware version couple of decades ago I simply thought of it as yet another Doom clone the market was spewing out at the time. Played a few levels and didn’t think much of it except it being inferior to Doom. So I quit shortly thereafter as was the case with half a dozen other clones and thought nothing of it for a long time. Then couple of years ago I saw a LP on YT of a guy raging like a madman because the was getting killed in epically hilarious ways. Thought to myself to give it another shot with a different set of eyes this time.

Real player with 51.2 hrs in game

Ever wanted to play a game set in one of the Frank Frazzeta paintings? Then look no further than Heretic. Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders is the first game in the Heretic & Hexen series, and along with ID software games, have been the main force of evolution in the first era of first person shooters. Each game from Heretic & Hexen series have introduced a design concept that all other FPS games have followed ever since. Heretic SotSR remains the most accessible and action-packed title in the series, set in a dark fantasy universe with 54 complex levels which will guarantee you 20 hours and more of pure hectic and frenetic fun.

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders on Steam

Wolfenstein 3D

Wolfenstein 3D

Note: I strongly encourage following this guide to setup the ECWolf source port, which allows for full resolution support, including widescreen, automapping, and normal strafing controls. Additional mods can be introduced at that point, if desired.

An OG FPS classic, players should be warned that playing the vanilla game without a source port in the modern era is a harrowing experience with wonky controls and increasingly labyrinthine levels which are brutal to navigate due to there being no in game map. Basically, the vanilla experience has not aged well. However, if you run this with a source port like ECWolf you can enjoy it in all its glory and fully appreciate how much of a masterpiece of the genre it truly is.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

I did not expect to love Wolfenstein 3D. I expected a game with nightmarish mazes full of hitscan enemies. And I was right. However, I was wrong when I thought that I would not like playing through it. It took me many hours of playing the game to actually understand why I enjoy it and don’t find it grossly outdated, despite its age.

Wolfenstein 3D game loop is straightforward: find the exit from a maze, find keys to access it, shoot anyone standing on your way. Manage your health and ammo to stay alive and be able to fight. After you have completed the first level, you have seen the whole game. There are six chapters, each containing nine levels and one secret level. In the end of every chapter, there is a boss.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

Wolfenstein 3D on Steam



What I liked:

  • Amazing modding community

  • Fast paced, pick up and play with secrets for those that search

  • Gameplay that may seem simple, but offer great challenge and variety that feels badass too

What You Need to Know:

  • Like Doom, this game needs to be modded to play for anyone that is used to mouse and keyboard controls. Otherwise aiming with keyboard and no looking around will turn you off from the game.

  • With mods like project brutality,brutal doom, doom 64, brutal “insert old fps game” mods are all really great and offer tons of variety and fun, along with tons of maps and you can never run short of mods to play

Real player with 80.5 hrs in game

Should YOU play DooM 2?

First off you’re expected to be a 90s guy.

-You’re expected to be a filthy masochist. You’re punished for things that aren’t really your fault.

-You’re expected to not have learned controls of such a game. VERY SIMPLE CONTROLS

-You’re expected to be playing your first fps game ever and be amazed by everything.

-You’re expected to like the 90s aesthetic, so American exaggerations over realism.

-You’re expected to replay this. The second play through is more fun than the first.

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

DOOM II on Steam

Shadow Warrior Classic (1997)

Shadow Warrior Classic (1997)

if youre new into this click F5 and thank me later..

now this game if getting used to it aged really well.

like the graphics actually doesnt hurt your eyes…

shooting is on point, and the weapon choise is just awesome.

Ive played it twice on I have no fear I think and who want some wang..

which is bearly easy and medium I think… and no pain no gain is hard?… I have no idea, the only thing Im sure of ive finished the game on the second hardest difficulty WHO WANTS SOME WANG

and its a really, really good challenge… I wont say its really hard especially if you put auto aim..

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Shadow Warrior Classic is the original game which drew people into the crazy world of Lo Wang, the protaganist and comedic mass-murdering machine of this series.


-Gameplay is fun and exciting. Plays a lot like Duke Nukem 3D, which is not a bad thing. You have access to a reasonable variety of weapons to slice and murder your way through the game.

-Graphics is exactly what you’d expect from a 1997 game, but is great to experience if you enjoy retrogaming.

-It’s hard, like really hard. And will definitely keep you on your toes throughout your play of it.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Shadow Warrior Classic (1997) on Steam



A review for this game is long overdue… I’ll try to keep it short and sweet.

Quake II is without a doubt one of the greatest FPS games ever created. It was ahead of its time in so many ways when it was released in 1997 and almost 20 years later it’s still a great looking game and fun as hell to play.

This game, along with duke3d, was basically my teenage years (I know, I know, biased review, eh?). Between 1998-2001 I’d say I spent 80% of my gaming time on Quake 2. I was there for the q2_test.exe release, before the deathmatch maps (Q2DM1-8) were released, before player models had viewable weapons (this was created by the modding community), and when LMCTF (the original/first CTF game mode also created by the community) was released. Quake 2 was THE game and you couldn’t escape it; it was everywhere and for good reason too!

Real player with 461.6 hrs in game

Warning: This review will contain d**k sucking and circlejerking. Proceed with caution

Quake 2 is my favorite shooter. I love (almost) everything about it. From the opening level to the final boss there is always something that I appreciate and love every time I play.

Progression is something that is important to me, a feeling of a changing world as your move through the game. Quake 2 is easily in a whole different world with this. Every “Unit” of the game is spearated into a hub world and connecting levels that you go through to complete a variety of objectives. As you continue through the hub world and complete the various objectives, the hub level changes. The best example is in the power plant Unit at the the half way point of the game. As you turn off the coolant for the reactor and turn on the pumps for the toxic waste the actual Reactor Factory you go through falls apart as you run quickly to the exit. It is honestly one of the most sastifying feelings knowing that you are literally changing the world as you go through it. The hub structure of the game does more than just provide a look into your progression, it also serves to make the world feel huge and expansive. From the mission briefing screen before you are put into the Unit until the exit button at the end of the unit it all feels like one huge level. Sure, there are loading screens throughout it but they are so small and come at predictable and understandable times that it makes everything feel seamless.

Real player with 74.4 hrs in game

QUAKE II on Steam

Unreal Gold

Unreal Gold



Unreal Gold is the definitive first-person shooter and sadly overlooked by other lesser FPS games of 1998 as well as other genre defining classics. This game stands heads and shoulders above all other shooters with a believeable and intriguing world, easily some of the best design in gaming history, incredible sound design with a killer soundtrack and some seriously fantastic visuals that more than hold up 20 years later.

Real player with 137.1 hrs in game



As Prisoner #849 of the Vortex Rikers ship, your shuttle makes an emergency crash landing on a mysterious planet of Napali, from there on you must then escape the damaged shuttle with all your crew dead and venture off to find your escape route out from the planet fighting hordes of interesting, aggressive, funny, but horrific creatures such as the Brutes, Mantas, Gasbags, enormous giant Titans, and Alien Mercanaries. But most importantly the deadly ferocious Skaarge: a capital alien race seeking complete control over Napali’s resources and claiming it for their own ideal purpose as their planet with its innocent 4-armed inhabitants called the Nali, using them as slaves for their corrupted tasks. The Nali fear the skaarge and the terrors of Napali but they seek and pray for their savior where ever they may be to save them from their control from the skaarge and the threats of Napali to bring them hope and haven to their race, who is you (duh). As an ally to the Nali people they’ll aid you in any way possible providing ammo, items, secret routes, and sanity from whatever that was left that they had in their home planet that is now the Hell’s Sanctuary. Progressing through the vast beautiful world of Napali you’ll encounter many fascinating yet horrific locations such as ancient sky temples, abandoned vandalized villages, other crashed humanoid piloted ships, and finally finding the Skaarge Mothership in order to find and destroy the “Source” and ending the Skaarge race once and for all making your escape from Napali with a low fueled but reliable escape pod and float seemingly in space hoping for someone to rescue you to safety..

Real player with 88.8 hrs in game

Unreal Gold on Steam