SCP: Breakout

SCP: Breakout

In SCP: Breakout, 4 survivors spawn as lowly D-Class that have been granted their one chance to escape. They are pitted against a horrifying SCP and must team up together and overcome challenges to escape while taking on the facility at its worst. In the midst of a catastrophic containment breach, will you survive?

Predator or Prey?

Choose to play as D-Class trying to escape from their nightmare or play as one of many SCP’s with unique abilities, movement styles and upgrades.

Turn on generators, swipe keycards, access computer terminals and more to help unlock parts of the facility while watching out for others. Or hunt down every last survivor of the breach, Lure out prey or take on all survivors at once. Will you play smart or dangerous?

Upgrade Paths and customisation

Both SCP’s and humans have upgrade paths and customisation options, you can choose many trees paths and builds to aid your play style, you may want to be a fast technician who can move quickly from one place to another using your skills in technology to fix power boxes or crack computers and open doors. Or will you opt to be psychotic, getting up close and personal with SCP’s to help take the focus off of your team and allow them to get to work? Having great team chemistry is the goal to making it out alive!

The ability to customise your character with various clothing items, hats, trinkets and more can help you with realism and make the game feel more personal or to you, it also might make the game feel more crazy. The choice is up to you.

Read More: Best FPS PvP Games.

SCP: Breakout on Steam

Space Trader: Merchant Marine

Space Trader: Merchant Marine

Space Trader Merchant Marine is that strange situation where two very different genres have been combined together in the hope of hitting that once in a lifetime combination that everybody agrees is pure genius, like Vampires and Teenagers, or Ninjas and Cheerleaders. Space Trader doesn’t quite hit that special recipe however.

Space Trader is a combination of a numbers trading simulator and a first person shooter and by far and large the biggest problem is that playing the game you have trouble telling which of these two aspects feel the most tacked on.

Real player with 82.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS 3D Games.

Space Trader Merchant Marine was released in Oct 23, 2008. It boasts a score of 89% from a review by GameFocus saying, ““One of the best indie games of 2008. An innovative and addictive experience. Addictive, very fun and innovative are the best words to describe the game and the bottom line is this is a welcome addition to any gamer’s library so buy this game and enjoy it.”

This is very akin to the how ‘reviews’ reflected Bubsy 3D on its own packaging, to those that remember.

The game is broken down into four different areas, exploration, trading, time management, and fighting/bounty hunting.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Space Trader: Merchant Marine on Steam



After the huge success of my favorite game Bigger Guns, I decided it was worth taking a look at the new game of the creators of this addictive shooter. After the first hours of playing, I can rightfully say that the game has potential and personally I am not disappointed. My heart was drawn to the map called “the rock”, which will become a cult classic among esports maps in the future.

As you would expect from this ambitious studio, they classically left us with a lot of content to start with and a title for hours of fun. Future patches will surely have more content to fill the next hundreds of hours of fun in this next-gen shooter.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best FPS Third-Person Shooter Games.

it exist and you can shoot shoot

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

141 on Steam

Box Party

Box Party

You’re invited to the biggest party of the year!

_But the food has gone bad, and they’re threatening to crash the party, forever!

It’s up to you to stop them before it’s too late!_


  • In Box Party, you will be fighting against various food-themed foes across multiple mostly-linear party-themed levels.

  • There are no health pickups anywhere in Box Party. Instead, you recover health by defeating foods and obtaining their loot.

  • The enemies' loot will vary based on your player class, how much health you’ve lost, and even which weapon you’re using!

  • Run out of ammo in a heated fight? Don’t worry, defeated enemies will drop some for you when you need it the most!


  • Party out in 3 different levels!

  • Fight your way through 8 different enemies and 3 different bosses!

  • Acquire your arsenal of 4 party-themed weapons!

  • Make small talk with the other party-goers!

  • Customize your look with 15+ unlockable hats!

  • Go for the highest score on the leaderboards! (local scores only)

  • Choose between 3 different characters!

  • Did I mention there’s mod support?

Will you become the Ultimate Party Star?

Box Party on Steam



Fight for your side, fight for your future, fight for your life.

BRINK is a brilliant game launched in 2011 when the market was saturated with shooters from every major and minor developer offering very little over their predecessors than a graphics ‘upgrade’, unfortunately this meant BRINK was and still is overlooked by many.

What set BRINK apart from other shooters, and still does is a fluid movement mechanic [S.M.A.R.T], its equal rarely seen in games even now in 2020.

Combine this with the great mix of classes, guns and the objective based maps playable form both sides, it’s a wonder BRINK never took over a larger portion of the market, and unfortunately means it’s been left to quietly sit in the background, a gem of the past, buried beneath the yearly copy and paste FPS games from big publishers promising the world.

Real player with 482.5 hrs in game

Well, Game went Dead quite fast, and Promised more than it could hold, but it is a solid game, not good, but not terribly bad.

there are 4 classes, and while everyone has it own set of skills, you can play like you want, you can be a skinny soldier who runs aross the map like the TF2 scout giving ammo to everyone, a heavy spy with a minigun who disguises himself as an enemy, or just a averagely bulid medic with a shotgun, and you got quite a nice collection of cloths, so you can make your own unique character, may it be a street-cop, an engineer, or a heavy SWAT-Like Unit,and color the uniform how you want, as i said, your own unique character,

Real player with 85.8 hrs in game

BRINK on Steam

Polygon Wizards

Polygon Wizards

Fight your friends in a magic battle simulator with an element of your choice. Do a 1v1 duel against your friend or someone random in an arena. Fight to death in a free for all in a tropical island paradise. Customize your avatar with various cool wizard hats to flex. This is my first game.

Polygon Wizards on Steam

Predator: Hunting Grounds

Predator: Hunting Grounds

You can have some great fun but game has share of issues. I played a lot and had fun, but don’t imagine that I will be playing it again anytime soon.

Real player with 180.7 hrs in game

Pros: - respect to source material, soundtrack from orignal movie used along with many other features;

  • good customization options;

  • predator designs mostly interesting;

  • predator weapons are very versatile, so you may vary gameplay on the go

Cons: - too much waiting in the lobbies, even though PS players could chip in;

  • gameplay seem to be unbalanced, predator, especially new paid DLC ones are ridiculously OP;

  • game is very demanding graphically, FPS drops to 30-40 even at my relatively high end machine

Real player with 80.8 hrs in game

Predator: Hunting Grounds on Steam

Finders Reapers

Finders Reapers

Total surprise hit out of nowhere

Yesterday morning i’d never even heard of this game. Today, i’m addicted and considering seeking professional help

Real player with 21.6 hrs in game

You know what? This is actually pretty awesome.

Thought I’d take a gamble on it since it’s cheap and it hasn’t disappointed.

I’ve never played anything like it.

You collect for items to get cash while spending cash as ammo! Crazy!

Not a finished game by any means, but it’s early access so fair enough.

Rough and ready (as they state) but I’d highly recommend it.

Hyped for the updates - interested to see where this goes.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Finders Reapers on Steam

M.A.S.S. Builder

M.A.S.S. Builder

Summary: MASS Builder is a fairly fun game that could keep you busy for a few hours if you have little interest in mecha/robot customization, but many more hours if you like creating custom designs and trying them out. While its customization is deep, it isn’t…broad, and a general lack of content keeps this from being a hard recommend in general. That said, it actually gets the basics done with a lot of quality and polish and is by no means bad…just very narrow in its scope. It has a lot of potential and I’m excited to see new features added to the game.

Real player with 62.6 hrs in game

Mass Builder is a customizable mecha game with great customization, but some of the worst gameplay I have ever had to slog through. The fact that the game is unfinished as of this review doesn’t excuse the game’s issues though. Let’s start with the pros, because there are some elements that are done well:


  • Great character art. I won’t go into detail, but whoever did the 2d character sprites during story segments should be commended for a job well done.

  • Great customization for mechas. The parts all look great, and there’s obvious influence from several anime designs in certain parts. Colour switching is a bit awkward, but it’s functional.

Real player with 61.2 hrs in game

M.A.S.S. Builder on Steam



odd purchase I don’t even remember buying but when it runs a bit better it could be [fun?] assuming its not dead in the water

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Naki on Steam