Miracle Calamity Homeostasis

Miracle Calamity Homeostasis


Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Foreign Story Rich Games.

Нет, это не обзор на этот шедевр 2015 года! Это обзор возможно на шедевр 2019 года, дез стрендинг! Вау жэсть Кадзима Гений скажите? А что если все эти мемы оказались правдивы? В плане сюжета пока убедиться не могу, так как игру до конца не прошёл, да и не скоро пройду) я люблю там дополнительные заказы брать, нагружать так свой рюкзачок после школки, ууу ее). Но в плане геймплея, музыки, это игра гения без шуток, там кайфовать от простого передвижение по траве, я ни в какой игре такого не получал. просто ТОП! сиросли! Сначала собираешь шмот, вешаешь грузы туды сюды, прокладываешь маршрут на карте, берёшь с собой спрей, гранаты, крюки, лестницы и так далее. Вот проходишь мимо невидимых тварей, оринтируясь только на датчик на спине(:hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts: как эта хрень называется) потом закидываешь всех гранатами, прошёл уже дохрена такой, видишь последний спуск с ГОРЫ и вот цель достигнута, и начинает играть музыка из трейлера! И тогда я просто охерел, от графона, от атмосферы, от музыки… Плюс уже судя по началу и завязке игра поднимает очень большую тему, которые другие AAA проекты и в жизни бы не воплотили, тему одиночества, раздробленности общества, тему воссоединение. Пока что 8 из 10(Минус 2 балла за плагиат Rain World(((), рофл ну рял

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Miracle Calamity Homeostasis on Steam

Island World

Island World

Why is this 30 bucks. i mean what did i just play!?!?!?!

Gameplay - 0/10

Graphics - 0/10

Story - none at all - 0/10

Difficulty - if you count getting a gun with only 30 ammo and no way to get anymore I guess I could give it an 5/10, but there are only like 10 zombies anyway so 0/10

i give it a 10/10

Genuinely though, don’t buy

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Foreign Casual Games.

I was probably the first and last person to ever play this “game”, but if for whatever reason someone considers buying this, I suggest you try going to www.inbox.lv and playing some of those quality gaming there. (Y8 works too). If you’re expecting good voice acting, gameplay, graphics, difficulty, story, map design, physics or anything else, you won’t find it here. Bye bye!

Overall 10/10 tho.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Island World on Steam

The Lost Valley

The Lost Valley

Obviously this sucks.

Even the Dev couldn’t get past the very firt area in the trailer.

No idea where the Super MArio crap came from but everything is bad.


Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Foreign Casual Games.

Absolute piece of shit. Unplayable.

You will be instantly killed by pinpoint-accurate enemies who can see you before you can see them. They appear to have infinite ammo. For whatever reason, there are Mario coins everywhere that say “health” when you pick them up, but do not give you health. It is literally impossible to make it out of the beginning area. It takes a couple of minutes to load the first time.

Even the “About” page is blank when you click on it.

This is a fake-ass, lazy asset flip. There’s no way that it should be sold in the Steam Store at ALL, let alone for forty dollars. That’s pure insanity. I’d feel ripped off if someone paid me to play this crap game (and I did get it for free).

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

The Lost Valley on Steam

Yellow Brick Road

Yellow Brick Road


The map seen is well done. But it’s a tutorial map found exactly “as is” that this lazy developer just used without changing at all. It’s found in the GameGuru tutorial map folder with the exact same name as this game “Yellow Brick Road”. sighs.. this developer can’t even be bothered to make up his own name for this game.

I show how the developer just STOLE the tutorial map included with GameGuru for this game (and I mess around with GameGuru for the first time ever) in this livestream:

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

pretty sure he meant 45 cents not bucks but even then still over priced

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Yellow Brick Road on Steam

Park Walk

Park Walk

I would highly recommend this game to vegetarians only.

Once you’ve released all beasts from their miserable life in the Park, all there’s left is plants, for eternity…

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Park Walk on Steam

The Last Place

The Last Place

The Last Place is a charming asset flip where you start on a smallish map, unarmed, surrounded by copy+paste asset store monsters, and you have to go find a gun and shoot them, I guess. There’s no actual defined plot or goal, it’s best described as a survival shooter, except the enemies are just standing around until you trigger aggro on them.

Believe it or not, I’ve played even worse asset flips than this, but this is still pretty bad. I do like the comedy $45 USD price tag, though. That’s more than the developer probably spent on the asset store. What should I recommend to gamers… almost any AAA game on Steam? Or this crappy asset flip? Decisions, decisions.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

The Last Place on Steam




Real player with 1.5 hrs in game


An RPG Maker game developed by ryouko and published by JustE Publishing, which feels

! (probably is) unfinished.

Story summary

Straight to the point: Isekai.

I don’t know why she got thrown in another world in the first place because the prologue isn’t machine translated.

But it seems like the protagonist’s objective is to get a key, defeat the witch/boss and return home to her world.



No music apart from the main menu and battles.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

バインドを解除する(unbind) on Steam

Nightmare Simulator 2 Rebirth

Nightmare Simulator 2 Rebirth

Camera sway and motion blur made me feel sick.

The map is basically empty with a few poorly written notes scattered around.

The zombies are insanely boring to fight.

There is just nothing to like here at all.


Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Nightmare Simulator 2 Rebirth on Steam

Russian Mailman Simulator

Russian Mailman Simulator

love it. radiation. vodka. guns. what could be better

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

best game ever 10/10. must win game of the year

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Russian Mailman Simulator on Steam

Unforgiving - A Northern Hymn

Unforgiving - A Northern Hymn

Okay, so it’d be easy enough to describe this as a “budget” version of Outlast 2 meets Through the Woods. It would be also be appallingly LAZY to do so. This game is deserving of a much more thorough appraisal than that. So let’s get down to it, shall we?

It’s usually a good sign when I’m saying to myself, “Hey, this looks pretty good, actually” by the five-minute mark. Better still when I’m saying, “Hey, this looks like it’s gonna be REALLY good, actually” by the ten-minute mark. Luckily, this game didn’t disappoint me, and only got better from there on in.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

“The abyss awaits. Through the midst…In the deep, where they watch. There you find the other side…” – Tormented Tree, Unforgiving - A Northern Hymn

Developed and published by Angry Demon Studio, Unforgiving, is a First-Person, Horror-Adventure title, steeped in Scandinavian folklore, unfolds the dark journey of Linn, the game’s protagonist.


Those familiar with this particular genre will know more or less what to expect. Unforgiving doesn’t go out of its way to surprise the player from a raw mechanics perspective. That said, the mechanics that are present are well designed and fittingly placed.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Unforgiving - A Northern Hymn on Steam